Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 What has been created can never be greater than the creator. So, of course, that means the Creator is always greater than the creation. This would give the Creator inherent authority as "Lord of heaven and earth" and "Builder of all things". As something created, I shouldn't be questioning His work or second-guessing His reasons. Only He has the complete overview of what He is doing. Only He can make His creation "work right". Only He knows all the whys and how's and wherefores of my purpose in human history. Only He has the right to expect respect and obedience, reverential awe and honor, worship and adoration. When I create something, there is always something of myself in the finished work. As my Maker, when He created me, something of Himself was essentially built into me. I was made in His image, and He wouldn't make something like Himself that He didn't cherish! That gives me the utmost value and worth, for I am supremely loved! As the Master Architect, when He intricately designed me it was for a life built on a solid foundation, with important function. As the Potter, when He fashioned me it was with a plan and purpose for good. That gives me reason to live a useful, meaningful life that makes an impact for His kingdom! I am freed to willingly yield to His authority, to follow and obey His plan for me, and to expect good from Him. Quote
winevine03 Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Well the same as any owner over his possession I suppose. Or a parent over a child, but even more so than parental rights does our Creator, Maker, Potter have over what He has made. We didn't make our children, we are just graciously entrusted with them. But God as Creator, Maker, Potter has every right to do as ever He wills with us. But that doesn't make me feel like a puppet at the end of a string, Because my experience is that is not God. The bible backs up what experiences I have of His grace, and love, and patience, and desire to give me the desires of my heart. Yet, I must be willing to follow Jesus example, and be obedient to the commands in the bible, they are for my own good. I am but dust, I am only what I am in Jesus. I am nothing on my own. I know that, I have lived that most of my life, so that really agrees with my spirit. Quote
Elder9 Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 He has the right to do what ever He decides to do. Without argument from the clay. And He never or shall I say He reserves the right to do so without asking our permission. Its what called "sovereignty". It should cause us to humble ourselves realizing that we're created for His purpose and not ours. As parents many of us understand to some degree what the Father goes through as we watch our children do the exact opposite of what we desire for them. They want to live their lives as they want, not knowing what life is about or being trained to make wise or right decisions in life, they rebel "I'll do it my way". We've rebelled and told God though you've created us this is how we will live, regardless of your righteous laws. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? He is our creator and as such he has the right to do with us as he will to. He wants his best for us to come out. How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? It should make us feel good that he loved us and knew us enough that he wanted us to be his best creation. It should humble us and help us to want to please him. It should give us the desire to do his purpose and will for our lives. The one who gave it all for us. Thank you Jesus!! Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 21, 2006 Report Posted February 21, 2006 Our Maker has every inhererent right over all His creation. He is sovreign over everything. We are His and all we have is His. All that is absoluite....but He is a gracious God too. He has given us free will. He allows us freedom to make choices and to live freely. He gives us the choice of seeking Him and who He is and and what would be good for us to do. He is always so graciously found by all who do seek. That results in accepting from Him not only our freedom in good choices, but in His guiding and disciplining when we make not so good choices. We know that He knows all things and wants only for our our responce should be to try and live in His will. We should be in prayer, in the Word and in fellowship with Godly people to find out what His will is for us. He is always faithful to reveal...if we ask. Quote
Dolly Posted February 25, 2006 Report Posted February 25, 2006 If you make or create something, you own it, it is yours. God has the right to say what is good for me, or not good for me, He has the right to say what I should do or not do, He has the right to be respected and honored and praised. We as his children, have no right to question him. We should live our lives to honor, respect and praise our creator, He gave us the right to have a choice in the decisions that affect how we live our lives here and for eternity. Our self-image should be very good. Our Creator, is our Father, our Lord, our Savior. He wants and gives us only the things that are good for us, not that will harm us. He showers us with blessings and provisions. He loves us and cares for us and wants to be with us forever. How much more do we need to have great self-images. With such a loving and caring Creator and Father doing so much for us, we should have a sense of purpose to serve him only, do what ever he asks of us, go where he wants us to go. There should be no limitations on our part to please him. He gave so much for us through his Son Jesus. Our purpose for our lives should be his purpose for our lives. Quote
Embraced by the Father Posted March 3, 2006 Report Posted March 3, 2006 The Creator/Maker has sole rights over what He created. Because God is perfect, is love, is all-knowing, all wise, and etc., He will not abuse that right. He has fashioned and designed us and the universe in a way that is perfect and totally complete. Nothing has been left out! That affects me by causing to once again declare that He is Lord over my life because His ways are always perfect. I was fashioned in His image with perfection. So often the evil one tries to take me down and whisper in my ear how foolish I was or point out flaws in my personality. But I can hold my head up high and declare that the One who made me "makes no junk." I am the Delight of my Maker and He delights in me. Because He is my Creator and the One who designed me, He also gave me a purpose to live. He has put me here on earth at this appointed time and at this appointed place. He has a plan for my life and He designed me for a specific purpose! When I step outside of that purpose, my joy decreases. I then come back to Him in talk with Him about how to get back into His purpose and plan. I rejoice that He is always patient in taking my hand and guiding me in the right direction. Quote
care2hope2 Posted March 6, 2006 Report Posted March 6, 2006 Our creator has all inherent rights over what He creates. We must just live with what we are and work with what we are and were made to be. Our self image and sense of purpose must be centered in and derived from what we see our creator to be. And out of trust of the potter creator to reform us in areas Only He has controll over... He has all rights over us as he created us. our self image should be centered in being an reflected image of our Creator / Potter our urpose or sense of purpose should be centered in the Creator / potters purpose. Quote
linda bass Posted March 8, 2006 Report Posted March 8, 2006 When someone creates something, he has the right to do whatever he wants with it. He can use the vessel he created to place flowers in or use it as a garbage can. He can even destroy it if he desires. It is something created with his own hands. He can do with it whatever he pleases. We must remember that God is our Creator. He has the right to do with us what He pleases. We need to remember not only are we a creation of God,but what He used to create us-mere dust. Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted March 9, 2006 Report Posted March 9, 2006 The makers have the rights to build,create,love,hate, sell, buy,or do what he feels like to do. The maker can make himself or herself look good or bad to the public and to themselves. There is all kinds of makers. These makers also have a law to obey to do what is right. There is one maker who has even more rights than any other maker. That is GOD who created us from the beginning . GOD not only created us, He also created the heavens and earth. He also taught us love,smile,goodness,kindness an other loving things,and at times we try to tell him he has no rights. GOD himself have every rights to tell or show, and teach us all good. HE created us,and we should learn from him. Yet we have failed, HE came down to earth has a man and died on the cross to save us. When he created us,he was proud of what he made Although we have a sinful nature that came as a result of a FALL. There are excellence and dignity inherent inbeing humanthat should cause us to ponder our potential for good or bad. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 11, 2006 Report Posted March 11, 2006 Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? The Creator has the unquestionable right to do his will for his creation. He created it, so he can shape it in his likeness. How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? We should be humbled by the fact that He loves us enough to want the best for us. We need to be living our lives with our focus on Him. Quote
Stan Posted March 13, 2006 Report Posted March 13, 2006 Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? He has the inherent right to do with it as he wills.He can use it to do good or bad,in our case it is a loving God who created us to bring Him glory and honor and He evne promises to reward us if we do that. He made some for comon and some for noble purposes. It isp to us to allow God to use us as He has planned and in return be blessed. We should never be proud, but humble knowing that as the created we are given a place along side the eternal Father,Creator God if we submit to the calling He has for us. We shoulddo everything that He gives us to do as though it were the most important job there ever was. To serve is to show love. Like David said it's better to be a door keeper in the Kingdom of God for one day than never be there at all. Quote
ego Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? Our creator has unquestionable right over the created bcause He has the power to mold and form it as He likes for it to come out the best. And because God is perfect He brings out perfection in everything He does This should make us not to question Him as created beings. He knows why He has made each person the way we are, which means that there is a will and purpose for our lives as individuals and whatsoever the Lord has made is good, so we should know that He has brought out the best and nothing more than the best in us. Quote
baseballfan Posted March 26, 2006 Report Posted March 26, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? The Creator can do what He wants with His creation. Therefore, the basis of my self-image and my sense of purpose in life is what God has planned, and not how much I have accomplished by earthly standards. Quote
denisetowns Posted April 17, 2006 Report Posted April 17, 2006 The Potter, Creator,and the Maker have the right to do what is in making us, in every way it effect our live in what we do and how we live and conduct our lives to live the rightous way for the LORD. Quote
wingless1 Posted April 23, 2006 Report Posted April 23, 2006 The creator has full right over what He created. We are therefore perfect or deemed good in God's sight as He created us. We should take careful care of this body He has created The lord the rock of our salvation Lord great God great king our maker Quote
4sue Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 To determine how it will be used. We should put our plans, goals and decisions before God to determine His will for us. We should be filled with confidence and joy to do this. Quote
unclebob Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? They have the power and know how to mold, create, or make what they want, in whatever way they want. We have been created in the way the Lord wished us to be created. He has given us a path to follow for his reasons. Out purpose is to follow his direction in the way he wants us to. Quote
Beatriz Eugenia Posted July 20, 2006 Report Posted July 20, 2006 An inherent right that a creator has over what he has created is that of assigning it a purpose and a function. And God did so. In Colossians 1:16b we read, Quote
olori Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? He has the right to determine the use of the piece he has made. Whether it be a bowl, or a pitcher, an object to be looked upon and bring beauty. So our Creator makes us each individual with a specific purpose to His will. God makes no mistakes and what He creates has purpose and is fearfully and wonderfully made. Becasue of this we should be submissive and allow the Creator to have freedom to move in our lives. He is still molding and making us throughout our lives. If we submit to Him, when He is finished with the molding, the creating, we will be perfect. Though this will not happen till Christ returns, God is still working in us, so we must strive to the perfection of God, not man. We must seek His purpose in our lives and strive to do His awesome will. We are to know we are made in God's image and this makes us all beautiful. We should try to see each other as God, Himself sees each one of us. Quote
masika Posted August 14, 2006 Report Posted August 14, 2006 As a potter has the right to do on what he/she is making, that is what we are in the hand of our Creator God. God is our creator , we did not create ourselves . Many people live as though they are the creator and center of their own little world . This mind -set leads to pride , greed , idolatry , and if everything should be taken away , a loss of hope itself. But when we realize that God created us and gives us all we have , we will give to others as God gave us. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 23, 2006 Report Posted November 23, 2006 Q2. What inherent rights does a Potter, Creator, or Maker have over what he has created? The Potter, Creator, or Maker has ownership rights over what he has created. The created gets life from the creator and all rights that it has is endowed from the creator. It is the Potter, Creator, or Maker that gives original purpose to its creation. How should that effect our lives, our self-image, our sense of purpose? As created beings of Our Heavenly Father, our lives should be reflective of His purpose for creating us. Our lives will not be fulfilled until we are operating in the place that God has preordained for us. "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 Our ministry might appear to be successful but the eternal reward for which we will hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant...," comes after we have done His Will and not gone our own way. May we all be faithful in doing the will of Our Creator. Quote
raymond Posted November 26, 2006 Report Posted November 26, 2006 As our creator God has the right to shape us any which way He wants and to use our lives as He sees fit. But because He loves us so much, God allows us to make our own choices through the exercise of our free will. As creations, our attitude towards God should be one of prayerful worship and thanksgving for despite our sratus as mere creation of God He respects our free will and adopted us into His family. Quote
MarkH Posted December 25, 2006 Report Posted December 25, 2006 The Potter, Creator, or Maker has the right to create whatever he/she choices. He can give what is made the capabilities he wants it to have. He can make the item as large as he choices. After the making of the item, he will always own the acknowledgement of making the item; however the person who owns the item or the one who has the item in their possession choices how the item is used. The maker has no say in the matter after the item is made. We must understand whoever owns us or has possession of us has control of what we do. We have little say how our lives end if we make the wrong choice as to who owns us. The Bible says, Quote
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