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Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

A: faint, fainteth

B: weary

C: strength

If we do things ahead of God we will fail; but if we wait on God and go with God we will raise above all the problems in this world.


"Do you not know? Have you not heard?" is repeated from verse 21.

Tired, weary, and strength, are repeated within verses 28-31.

I am in complete awe. Of course I know, and of course I've heard, but this passage is so beautiful, it makes me feel as if I had never known it before, and like this is the first time I've heard. This passage begins with example after example of God's power, might, and unfathomable vastness. Sometimes, I think we picture God rather disproportionately with His creation, and this is an incredible reminder for us. --"with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens"-- Can you just imagine this? A distance so large, that we can't even live long enough to travel to the end of it, and He measures it with the width of His hand! Yet within this vastness, I see a meticulousness of everything He creates,giving preciseness to the weight and placement of everything He does. We see His unequalled wisdom and power, the insignificance of man, and how with a single breath, He can uproot the most powerful and send them to complete obliteration. He seems very fearful and relentlessly powerful, so much to make Israel (or even us today) ask, "Why are we hidden from You, and why do You disregard us?" We forget that in all of His creation, we are His most significant, beloved treasure. This in incredibly mind boggling to me.

1 Cor. 1:27-29 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.

Our God, even in all His unequalled glory, power, and wisdom, choses to be the God of the weak, tired, and weary, and He is exalted all the more. Time and time again throughout the Bible, God calls us to humility, and I believe this passage is a perfect example/perspective for that humility, as we are shown first God's power, and then the fact that He choses to invest that power in the weak. We must learn to leave room in our lives, or to live with a deficiency of strength, if you will, so there is a place for the strength and power of God within us.

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?


"Do you not know? Have you not heard?" (compare vs. 21) This indicates that we should listen very carefully to what comes.


A question asked twice usually means something like, "Pay extra attention now. This is important!!!" A bit like "Verily, verily, I say to you" or "I tell you the truth" which Jesus often used to get the attention of the listeners.

For us, his disciples, this basically means that we sit up and listen very carefully, because what follows needs to be remembered.

Then God goes on to explain his being Almighty in more detail. He is so powerful, He created everything that exists. So we can count on God in everything. He won't become weary or tired.

The Creator of the universe looks after us. So we can give ourselves over to him. Trust him with all our hearts, all our souls, all our minds and all our strength.

Isaiah 40:29-31 (Complete Jerusalem Bible)

He invigorates the exhausted, he gives strength to the powerless.

Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall;

but those who hope in Adonai will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles' wings; when they are running they won't grow weary, when they are walking they won't get tired.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

tired, weary and faint. We obtain our strength through God as did Moses when he raised His hands during battle. When ever we feel tired or defeated or weary we are to call on God Almighty and ask Him to strengthen us in our daily walk which is down by reading His word and the works of the Holy Spirit.

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

-Do you not know? Have you not heard? Power and strength.

It should be obvious to us as we observe our surroundings that God takes care of His people. He will never let us fall or become weary or faint. By repeating the first 2 phrases, we are being asked, "How could you possibly ignore what is going on around you? Don't you understand that God is in control? Haven't you known this from the beginning?" By repeating the words power and strength, we are reminded that God can sustain us for as long as necessary because of that strength. Even though we may give up, God never will.

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

"Yaweh" or Lord is repeated several times with a mention for El Olam--Everlasting God, and Bara, the Creator.

As stated in the lecture, bara means to "create, make, initiate something new, bring into existence." This creation word has the connotation of launching something new. As disciples of the El Olam, He commences new creative work in all of us and establishes his capabilities, abilities, and authority to maintain his creative work. Therefore, whatever we needs as His disciples He will be able to supply. Praise my Lord!

  • 5 months later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

Tired and weary are repeated. I think that as humans we have a limited amount of strength and we often grow tired. We get weary with the tediousness and strain of life. It is truly refreshing to know that even when we are at our lowest we have a God who can lift us up on eagle wings and give us the strength and stamina to complete the journey.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

weary, strong, faint. We get our strength to continue living from Him, God our Creator. He is our supplier when we grow weary. We are not strong because of ourselves but it is through Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

The one word that stands out for me is "weary' which is used four times. It contrasts our strength vs. God's strength in that while we finite beings grow weary and weak in our old age, God'd strength never diminishes. If we will call upon Him, he can give us the strength we need. Our Creator is also our Re-Creator, giving life back into things that were once considered dead. This is the image that Jesus was trying to give Nicodemus when He told him in John 3 that "You must be born again."

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31.

Jehovah who is from everlasting to everlasting, the all knowing, comprehending God, never tires

or becomes weary, He will not faint. There is nothing our God cannot do, did He not create the Universe?

What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

We do tire and become weary, therefore for us to receive strength, we must understand who our

God is; He is not a feeble, weak God, He is all powerful and has strength to give to those who put

their trust in Him.

When we have and exercise "faith" in Jehovah, trusting in the fact

that He is the wings of our strength, we will run, and not be weary,

we will walk, and not faint! :huh:

  • 1 month later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

Have you not known? Have you not heard? Have you not been told? Have you not understood? Have you not are the words repeated. He is our strength, we can depend on Him, He will always be there for us, He will teach us to understand His ways and to follow Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31?

Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? (The Amplified version says at this point: These things ought to convince you of God's Omnipotence and of the folly of bowing down to idols) :(

What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

This chapter is pointing out to those (v27) who were saying that, in essence, God had forgotten them and they were invisible to Him and without help, so they'd turned to idols for assistance, that He is the Omnipotent Creator God, who raises one up and brings down another, Who created the stars and named each one. He is Sovereign over it ALL, and never tires and this is no searching His Wisdom and understanding.

These verses remind me that although I'm made of clay and I grow weary and faint, He does not. I can rely on His strength and renewal to empower me to carry on when I look to Him and wait for Him and Hope in Him. I shall mount up close to God, as eagles mount up to the sun. He will give my weary limbs, wings to fly!!! :lol:

  • 2 weeks later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

The repeated words are :weary, tired, and strength. The way these words are repeated are thus: WEARY---we can get WEARY, God does not get WEARY, with God's strength, we will not become WEARY in well-doing; TIRED--we can get tired, God cannot get tired; STRENGTH--God has strength, God will give us STRENGTH to do what He has asked us to do. This is so "strengthening" to me..to read this again and be assured in my faith that my Lord will give me the energy to do what He has asked me to do!!!

Application: Since God is Creator then He is mighty in strength in every way. Also, He is in charge of holding it all together (is said of Jesus that in all things He holds them together). So my Creator is soooo strong....but sometimes I get weak and even "stumble" and "fall"...but, when I turn to Him, He will give me His strength since I am His child. Praise God!!!

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

I see that faint weary and strength are all repeated in these verses.

as disciples we can gather that as we wait on The Lord He gives us the strength we need to go from moment to moment and day to day.when we get tired and weary His neverending, strength carries us to the next level. This passages implies that we will all grow tired and weary and be without strenght at some point in our lives. Yet as we trust in GOD and rely on Him to renew us He will make sure we make it through. Be strong and courageous in HIM.

  • 4 months later...

In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31.

tired and weary

What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

He is beyond what my finite mind can even fathom. Just when I feel I know Him, He reveals something of Himself that makes me stop in awe. I can't beleievt this is whom we get to serve.

He never tires or becomes weary, and He is never without knowledge of what is happening. He is el Roi, the God who sees.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

"tired, weary, faint" are repeated. We need to understand that God is with us in every emotion we go through. When we are on the mountain top of life, we may forget to praise Him. When we are in our personal valleys, we may forget to praise Him as well. Praise draws us closer to His heartbeat and we should remember to turn to Him in all the seasons of our lives

  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Names of God: Lesson 4

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31. What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

Isaiah 40:21-31(NLT); “21 Have you never heard or understood? Are you deaf to the words of God -- the words he gave before the world began? Are you so ignorant? 22 It is God who sits above the circle of the earth. The people below must seem to him like grasshoppers! He is the one who spreads out the heavens like a curtain and makes his tent from them. 23 He judges the great people of the world and brings them all to nothing. 24 They hardly get started, barely taking root, when he blows on them and their work withers. The wind carries them off like straw. 25 "To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?" asks the Holy One. 26 Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out one after another, calling each by its name. And he counts them to see that none are lost or have strayed away. 27 O Israel, how can you say the LORD does not see your troubles? How can you say God refuses to hear your case? 28 Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. 29 He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. 30 Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. 31 But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”

In verses 28-31 of Isaiah 40 the prophet repeats the words “faint” and “weary”, first as “He never grows faint or weary”, referring to the LORD’S unceasing and eternal power and strength, and in “They will run and not grown weary. They will walk and not faint”, where Isaiah tells us that the tired, the worn out and the weak are given strength by the LORD.

This passage enables us to comprehend the eternal might of the LORD as our Creator. Isaiah puts our relationship with the Father in perspective; people “seem to him like grasshoppers”. His judgment brings even the lives of the greatest of men to nothing. We learn that in comparison with the LORD'S eternity, our earthly life is so limited and temporal. No man can even measure His might and the “depths of his understanding”.

From this passage we might deduce that Our LORD is our strength. Without His strength there is no real strength atall. He is the Creator who gives strength, even to the tired, the worn out and the weak. Isaiah informs us proudly that those who wait on the LORD as His servants will “fly high on wings like eagles”, with more strength than even the most youthful of men, who without the strength of the LORD, will become exhausted and give up, whereas those who serve the LORD will continue in strength.

As the prophet states at the beginning of the passage, we must hear and we must understand the LORD’S might in order to know our own place in His creation. We are the created and He is the Creator. We are the clay and He is the Potter. This understanding is of profound importance in our relationship with our Father; to know our humble place as humans and to grow in our comprehension of the Father. As Isaiah proclaims, we can never fathom the depths and mystery of the Father, but we must keep seeking Him and we will surely be given the portion He intends for us.

  • 4 weeks later...

The words that are repeated in Isaiah 40:21-31 are: You not, not, tired, weary, strength, and they will.

The application that we can get from this passage concerning God as Creator, is that when we, as God

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31).

In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31.

What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

Repeated words are: grow tired; weary; strength. This passage teaches us about the greatness of God. All His works of creation are done without any help. God is majestic

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Windy

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

The words that are repeated are tired and weary. God created the earth and didn't grow weary. But his disciples grow tired and weary, because we are human. God will strenghten us. We will soar high on wings like eagles. We will run and not grow weary. We will walk and not faint. We are God's children and He watches over us, there is nothing that is out of His control. He is an awesome God, I'm so glad I belong to Him.

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. (Isaiah 40:21-31). In this passage on the "Creator of the ends of the earth," which words are repeated in verses 28-31? What application are we disciples to derive from this passage so that we might understand God's might as Creator?

God Almighty is the everlasting God, the Creator who does not become weary or tired. He is not like a man, His understanding is inscrutable. We are small and like grass, here today and gone tomorrow. God is everlasting- He can see my life going by in one second

Ps 139:17 How precious to me are your thoughts O God, How vast the sums of them. Were I to count them they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake I am still with your

God created everything, from the smallest atom to the biggest galaxy and He takes care of them all. And yet, His thoughts of me are more than the grains of sand- that would be more than all my thoughts combined in my lifetime. Just to think that God looks down from His throne to me, insignificant little sinful creature and instead of wiping me off the face of the earth, He has good and loving thoughts about me, He said that He will strengthen me like and eagle, that He will be with me always.He is never too tired to listen to me, He is my helper - He is the Mighty One of Israel - what enemy can stand before Him

How many time do I not give Him the love and adoration that He deserves

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