Liza Posted April 14, 2003 Report Posted April 14, 2003 Anger is the right response to sin. I as a parent, get angry with my child for deliberate disobedience. We are told to be angry and not sin; not to let the sun go down on our wrath (Eph. 4:26). So obviously anger is a reponse to certain actions, and it requires expression. Our Father is the perfect example of how to express anger correctly - at the right time and to the right extent. His anger is never to destroy me, but to build me up and draw me closer to Him. Capricious or uncontrolled anger would result in hurting and possibly even destroying the person. It would not result in anything good. God's holy and loving (though this is sometimes difficult to accept) anger is concerned about drawing us into His Kingdom and building us up. Quote
DebChats Posted April 15, 2003 Report Posted April 15, 2003 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? God always uses anger in it's proper persepective. Anger is an appropiate response because God is righteous and sin is not. Anger also reveals God's mercy. The difference would be the outcome. Capricious or uncontrolled anger would result in fear or spread even more anger. Anger that brings about justice results in .. justice. Quote
Liberte Posted April 22, 2003 Report Posted April 22, 2003 Anger does not contravene or negate love. We can be angry at someone we love and still love them. If you love someone a lot and you hear or see them being hurt, you get angry, you want to do something about it. That is the natural reaction to someone hurting someone you love and sin hurts God and caused Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. Not feeling anger at the sin we see around us means we are complacent and calloused. Perhaps because we have seen too much of it, or perhaps we are not feeling God's hurt because God isn't really real to us. When God becomes real, then we begin to feel. We begin to see things the way He does and that is going to make us angry at sin. The Bible says Be angry and sin not. (Eph 4:26) In other words be careful when anger overtakes you that you do not succumb to certain sins by it. Do not let the anger eat at you and make you bitter. Forgive even as God would. We shouldn't strike out and cause pain or sorrow, especially do nothing that would cause another to stumble. In short, do nothing Jesus would not do, but he did overturn the moneychangers tables in the temple. Jesus knew what He was doing, Christians need to think before we act too. Next the Bible says don't let the sun go down on your wrath. If something can be said or done to end it without sinning, then with a little prayer do it, then forget it. If nothing can be done about it, realize the anger but don't dwell on it, say a prayer and let it go. Sometimes circumstances force us to live or work in the midst of sin. All we can do is let the perpetrators know that it bothers us and hope they will respect us enough to not do it in around us. Then live our lives in an as exemplary manner as we can, not participating in their sinful activities yet being kind and courteous. Witnessing when we can to them and pray that they will want what we have with Christ when they see how we love. sidenote: It can be hard to seperate the sinner from the sin and personal feelings of offense from God's. The sinner is aware that he is offensive, that is disrespect to the Christian as well as God. How do we deal with that? It is doubley hurtful, because the reason it offends the Christian is hopefully because the Christian is godly not self-righteous. I have to question myself when I feel anger for such things to make sure I am angry for the right reason and not for selfish reasons. It is a hard thing. Quote
Daniel R. Smith Posted April 29, 2003 Report Posted April 29, 2003 2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? I It may be one of the only times that it is appropriate. Sin is harmful, it separates us from God and destroys our lives, therefore it is only right to be angry at sin. I have no problem with God being angry over my sin. If His anger is just at the fact that I Quote
jjperra Posted June 27, 2003 Report Posted June 27, 2003 Sin is not only "against" God, but is also just "without" God. I don't know how many out there reading this have been married or in a relationship or even a serious friendship. One of the most powerful and hurtful weapons against another is the "cold shoulder" or ignoring the other person. One of the most hurtful pains in any relationship is just being forgotten. It doesn't even have to be on purpose. All of this creation, all of God's works, have been for us to walk hand in hand with Him. To have a close, personal, committed relationship with Him. Every time we sin against Him, or just forget to take Him with us, hurts. The difference between capricious anger and the anger that brings about justice is Agape Love. The love God has for us. It is not meant to get back at us... it is meant to get us back. My favorite parable of this is the story of the traffic court: The young girl was standing in traffic court for having been caught speeding. She was guilty. When the judge walked in it turned out to be the girl's father. His heart was breaking with what he was supposed to do. But, as an upright officer of the court he was obliged to declare her guilty and set her fine. She was shocked and in despair (you would be too if you have seen the fees for speeding least in California...) He then decalred the case closed. stepped down from the bench, took off his robes, pulled out his wallet and payed the penalty. He then openned his arms and took in his daughter to comfort and love her. Quote
Caroline Posted September 1, 2003 Report Posted September 1, 2003 I guess it's okay to be angry if it's against sin. God is angry with sin and injustice. ARE WE SUPPOSE TO BE ANGRY WITH SIN OR ANGRY WITH THE ONE WHO TEMPTS US TO SIN. It seems to be the most difficult thing to do is to separate the sin from the sinner. It is not easy to find a balance in this. I believe that uncontrolled anger brings death and damages others. Uncontrolled anger breeds more uncontrolled anger. But an anger that come from seeing injustices, seeks to bring change to the good. This anger envokes a desire to see that justice comes forth from the injustices being performed. A good example of this was when the black people stood up against the injustices that were committed against them. I guess this would be a righteous anger. Thanks Caroline Quote
jonathan_apana Posted September 5, 2003 Report Posted September 5, 2003 well as for human nature if a person would defile another , the other would have uncontrolled anger towards that person and would like to retalliate by defying that person... and it would go back and forth building up to more aggressive anger. Thus blowing out of proportion. Now when we defy God's Word's and Ordinance's He too has anger but it is controlled so that when we ask Him to forgive us ,He will be merciful and would be a forgiving Father and also Justice would be served. Quote
Alicia Posted October 1, 2003 Report Posted October 1, 2003 Q2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? Because sin causes undo pain and suffering in us and those around us. Capricious and uncontrolled anger is taking the Lords righteous vengance and not trusting in Him to deal with it wisely. Anger that brings justice is following in the Lords will for following justice and not taking it into our own hands. Where emotions rule. Alicia Quote
HisSchechinahGlory Posted October 6, 2003 Report Posted October 6, 2003 Q2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? Stating that anger is an appropriate response to sin, goes against what I believe anger is and that is fear. God said "Fear Not". Anger is a reaction and although it may seem to be directed towards somebody else, usually it is not. The person getting angry is trying to be in control of what ever the situation is and taking it personal, maybe because they recognize that thing in their self and it discust's them. I asked God "how do I deal with people who get down right rude and nasty when I testify of Him"? He responded to my hearts call with "Love handle it with Love"!!! So I do not know that anger is appropriate period. I mean we do not have to agree or like with/what somebody else is/are saying or doing, but to respond out of anger, which is hate/fear brings it on our selves. Anger is a response I learned from people who can not control them selves and they lash out and are very hurtful. God placed in my heart "Love handle it with Love". God also said to be angry but to sin not. So I am presuming here that if at any point we come across something that anger's us that we recognize why it brought such a response and ask Gods' forgiveness for ourselves and to open the other person's heart to receive the Love in which we are to handle the situation with. Uncontrolled anger is mentally hurtful and kills. Justified anger is derived from the Truth and keeps us from being that which is not of the Truth. Quote
AmyJoRN Posted December 16, 2003 Report Posted December 16, 2003 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? I'm not quite sure if you are asking why anger is an appropriate response to sin by humankind or by God. Assuming that sins are actions that are defiance against God, I would hardly call a wrong done against myself as a sin, I am assuming you are asking if anger is an appropriate response from God. Again I feel by saying that God becomes angry we give Him a human quality which robs him of his divinity. Again we are trying to gain understanding. Yin and yang, for every action there is a reaction. Balance must be achieved. Wrongs must be made right. Being that sin is anything that separtes a person from God and balance must be achieved something has to be done to bring that person closer to God. Hence the Hebrew traditon of a forgiveness sacrifice (admitting guilt) then the burnt offering which consisted of burning a whole animal to ashes (signifying rededication to God) and then a fellowship offering which was eaten by the whole family. Now if you are asking if anger is an appropriate response by a human to a wrong done against a human I will say yes. Obviously anger is an inborn emotion therefore it is always an appropriate response however.....(this brings us to your next question) What is the difference between capricious anger and anger that brings about justice? Capricious anger has no motivation. It is a reaction rather than a response and it brings about no balance to the wrong. In fact it just motivates humans to commit other wrongs (physical violence, verbal sparring etc...). The opposite of that is anger which is a response instead of a reaction. This anger is carried out in a well thought out, truth based manner that brings about balance or justice. Quote
kitty Posted December 20, 2003 Report Posted December 20, 2003 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? anger is an emotion. When we get our feelings hurt, we become angry. Another way to say it is when our feelings get hurt, we feel we need to show how mad we are. What is the difference between uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? I feel that uncontrolled anger is anger that throws a temper tamdrum in front of someone( ex. family, friends, co-worker) anger that brings about justice is something to involve legal people (ex. cops, lawyers, courts, jail) when anger is uncontrolled, there may be damage done. When anger is brought to justice, a person feels like they can go on knowing that the law has done something. Quote
pablo pinel Posted December 21, 2003 Report Posted December 21, 2003 Anger is an appropiate response to sin in that one is responding to an act or nature that is totaly oppossed to God. The Lord our God being perfect, righteous, and truth cannot look upon sin. It is an abomination to Him. We who are saved from sin and eternal separation from God because of His grace and love, then can also show anger towards sin and the conditions that bring about sin. We are not being angry towards anyone particular person, because that person is also loved by God, but we are angry at the condition that is keeping that person away from God. If someone sins against us or does some harm, we naturally will show some type of anger, but our reaction show not be impulsive and vengefull. A woman learns of her boyfriend dating another woman so she confronts him and shoots him. Later the man dies. What has happened? The man may have died in sin, he is eternaly separated from God. The poor woman now, is faced with murder. I for some reason she would die, assuming she did not ask God for forgiveness through Jesus, she too would would be eternaly separated from God. That is what sin does. That is why we can be angery towards sin. Quote
trina green Posted February 9, 2004 Report Posted February 9, 2004 q2: Depending on the person, some feel guilt and shame and those are ugly feelings. We don't want to see the ugliness in our own hearts and we try to compromise or cover up the sin or even try to justify it in our own ways. Yet God brings about conviction in our hearts to deal with it and bring us to repentance. Sin is ugly, shameful, and hurtful to us and those around us. We can't stand the ugliness of our herts and don't want to believe that we could even be capable of such things. But our hearts are wicked and decietful above all things and he who says he has no sin is a liar. Sin is ugly and we can't stand the ugliness of our hearts that we become angry- especially when we are found out by others. B: Righteous anger vs. personal vengance anger: A righteous anger is when an injustice is done and innocent people are harmed for no apparent reason- just because or to be mean and spiteful. An anger that is vengeful is for self; because self has been harmed- thier feelings and emotions get the best of them along with pride and they want to take a mean and hurtful attitude and get revenge." Vengenance is mine thus sayth the LORD". We must be merciful just as our Father is merciful and forgive just as we've been forgiven. Quote
Christine L Posted February 23, 2004 Report Posted February 23, 2004 Anger is an approriate response to sin because sin is all that is AGAINST God. Amazingly and thankfully God forgives us everytime we step out in sin. Proverbs 29:11...We are cautioned to keep our anger under control. We SHOULD be angry at the sin that surrounds us but not act upon it in haste but with correct judgement. I am enjoying all of your comments and the opportunity to challenge each other...In his love Chris Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 4, 2004 Report Posted March 4, 2004 2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? In reading God Quote
cct1106 Posted March 22, 2004 Report Posted March 22, 2004 Because sin is nothing but evil. Jesus Christ absorded and died for our sins but people still commit to sinning and its like they have forgotten or don't care what Jesus did for us. Capricious or uncontrolled anger cause so much grief, harm and pain. It can also result in someone's death. It is basically out and out rage. Anger that brings about justice is the kind that's controlled. It is where you speak your disappovement or disappointment to try to come to a reasonable and understable solution of the problem or situation. Quote
Aaron Rawles Posted March 23, 2004 Report Posted March 23, 2004 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? God is holy and righteous and when we sin we break God's laws and it is offensive to him so it causes God to be angry at our sins. It's because of God's anger at sin that The Lamb of God who is sinless came to take mankind's sin upon himself and to suffer God's penalty for mankind's sin which is death and separation from God while he hung on the cross. What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? Capricious and uncontrolled anger tears down and is focused on the person not on the wrong that was done. The anger that brings justice builds up and is focused on the wrong that was done not on the person. Quote
Werner Posted April 19, 2004 Report Posted April 19, 2004 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? God is holy and righteous. He is angy about sin. He is no tyrann who reacts capriciously driven by his impulses. The wrath of God is always focused on sin. 2) It's the kind of God's anger that brings about justice. Quote
heatherdills Posted April 28, 2004 Report Posted April 28, 2004 Anger is an appropriate response to sin because it is upsetting to God, therefore, upsetting to us. Uncontrooled anger is exactly that, uncontrolled. There are no limits to the actions taken. Anger that brings justice has boundaries and makes us want to improve ourselves and others. Quote
Rae Posted May 4, 2004 Report Posted May 4, 2004 Sin today angers God as it did in the garden. God was not angry at Adam and Eve he was angry at the sin they performed just as He gets at us when we sin. He did not remove them from the garden as a means of getting even with them He just did what He said He would do if they ate of the tree. Then as a loving and just God hen provided a sacrifice to cover the sin, buy bring a lamb. sheep or bull to sacrifice for their sin. When God realized that the blood of an animal could not cover their sin He sent his only pure and sinless Son Jesus to dies on the cross and once and forever cover our sins and give us eternal life with Him and Jesus. Quote
Helen Posted July 19, 2004 Report Posted July 19, 2004 Our God is a righteous God, and we are to "have the mind of Christ". Therefore we will be angry at sin. However, this does not mean going off the top about it, which achieves nothing and tells everyone that I am out of control - a most unattractive characteristic! Yet anger has achieved most of the victories against injustice, eg apartheid, Martin Luther King, slavery, poverty etc. So we are to respond to injustice by setting about changing the unjust system, with a good plan involving determined but harmless (loving) action on behalf of those victimised. Let us do it prayerfully though, and not get carried away with other than godly righteousness! Quote
Helen Posted July 28, 2004 Report Posted July 28, 2004 Anger is needed to identify and injustice (or sin). Anger is not to overtake us, but to initiate action to restore the situation between people. Uncontrolled anger puts the owner in bondage. It is a sin in itself because it produces no reconciliation. The angry person has achieved nothing, but himself is caught in a chain of resentment, bitterness, hate, and revenge, all of which are related to the sin of murder. Anger that brings about justice, once the job is complete, can be let go. It has no permanence, but brings about the restoration of relationship and peace. This is what God has done in Jesus Christ. Quote
mcintosg Posted September 6, 2004 Report Posted September 6, 2004 Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice. Anger is a part of human nature. It is how we control anger is what counts. Proverbs 25:28 says, " If you cannot control your anger, you are as helpless as a city without walls, open to attack. Quote
mayra Posted November 15, 2004 Report Posted November 15, 2004 Because it brakes the respectful, loving and caring relationship between 2 persons. Anger that is capricious is selfish. Anger that brings jutice is not selfish but focused on what is best for the whole. I think that anger that brings justice is like the father that punishes his children because He loves them so no matter how angry the father is, when the children need to be punished, the father will do it for their own good and that brings life. (Thank you Lord because even when we make you angry you love us enough to punish us and make us better persons) In God everything is out of Love Quote
rneely Posted December 28, 2004 Report Posted December 28, 2004 Q2. Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? Anger is an appropriate response to sin because sin is serious business. It offends God and causes separation from Him. He gave the ultimate sacrifice - Jesus, His Beloved Son because of His great love - and sin tells God "I really don't think that it's all that lighten up". That's cause for anger. Although we don't really say it...actions - sin - says it for us. Anger at sin is just and is in line with God's will. However, anger is not to be unrighteous anger. Jesus displayed righteous anger on occasion because people were taking advantage of others and profaning the things of God...making light of God's holiness. Anger at sin causes us to pray - to act - but to act the way God would have us to - by praying - by confronting in love...if we were passive God's people wouldn't pray and needless to say, many, many souls would be lost due to our passivity in the spirit. Capricious anger is a fleshly, carnal response...the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. We are to walk after the spirit so we won't fulfill the desires of our flesh......anger that brings about justice is controlled and submitted to the Holy Spirit Who can then direct and guide our responses so that the ultimate good can come from it. Quote
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