Pastor Ralph Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) Quote
steve.c Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 If we believe that truth and morality are relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? The character of God, as far as we can ever understand it, must transcend time, nationality, circumstances and represent an absolute standard of moral and ethical behaviour. It must be absolute and perfect for which there cannot, by definition, be degrees. As much as God is completely holy, completely sacred, completely sinless and completely good, his judgement must be completely fair, sound and correct. This must mean that God is completely consistent as He develops His message through the Scriptures. If we believed in a god who was different things to different people at different times, requiring different standards of behaviour, we would have a god which is contrary to the God who reveals Himself in the Bible and he would be a god which was a human construct following particular trends and fashions. This would undermine our religion entirely. We have God's word as it has been given to us in the Bible; what it says about Him; what we should believe; and how we should behave. It sets out for us one way for salvation, not many. That is through the mediation of His Son, Jesus Christ. "There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." [Ephesians 4:4-6] What God has said stands for all time and for all nations. Relativism undermines (and is intended to undermine) our faith and is incompatible with being a Christian. Quote
pickledilly Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Relative truth and shifting morality are the diametric opposites of the Righteous and Upright God. Our social "situational ethics" experiment and lack of absolute values have failed miserably - and predictably - and have left us on a very shaky and crumbling foundation where "nothing is right and nothing is wrong". There is nothing secure there to keep a society - or an individual - from collapsing and imploding on itself. But the Lord's Righteous and Upright character are not relative to anything, except who He is! God says He is right and there are things that are wrong. How can we know and understand Him in the midst of such a shifting environment? Simplistic, but true…He will be found, rock-solid and uncompromising, in His recorded Word. I am definitely not an "evangelist", but I think, for me personally, one of the best ways to "declare" God and His Son Jesus Christ in my world is to live true to the Word. People notice when you have something unshakeable and real, especially when they face circumstances that turn their lives upside-down and completely shake their footing. Do we want to know God? Religion is everywhere, and a lot of it embraces relativism and God isn't found there. Well, the key is Jesus the Christ. The Word says that the Father is seen in Jesus. And as I die to self to let Jesus live more fully in me, people will see Him through my life. If they see the character of Christ reflected in my thinking and speech and decisions and attitudes and behaviors and actions, they will see something real and solid and unalterably dependable - something righteous and upright. They will come to know God only through Jesus, who wants to show Himself through me. We can't compromise the truth of the Word. Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 This is a complex question. There is no Quote
June Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 By giving our lives to His ways and read & study the Bible . Follow it no matter what. Don't give in to the ways of the world. Meditate on God and all things that are right & just. Trust God to show you all things His Way. By living a life that is pure and righteous, people will see that you are different and question why. Then that opens the door to share Jesus and what He has done for you and makes them want what you have. Hopefully adding to God's Kingdom. Word of mouth and posters are great ways to communicate as well as newspapers or flyers. Quote
MannyVelarde Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) The fact that God is righteous and upright - attests to the fact that He will allow choices in the world to test our hearts - - the world today is completely corrupt - anything is OK society - - God will judge and Jesus will redeem the earth and His people at God's apointed time. Not a siimple question - but simply we just declare who God is - from His Word- we don't need to "dummy-up" the message - it has always been simple, we can resond to Him and serve His kingdom or we reject His message and live as the world lives - - the world fights against us - - it always has - - we must be steeped in His Word, prayed up and ready for the battle. We must stand firm on our faith - never waivering or compromising what God has ordained. I am tired of the church of today and it's entertainment venue to bring the church service down to a new low - - in some churches - - it is an hour before you hear about truth - God is love (and he is) and we won't condemn you we will love you just the way you are with no teaching to change. We forget the repent -- Stand firm for the fundamental teaching of The Word - God has given us that precious gift in written form so we won't doubt and be divided Quote
JustJeff Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 The only possible way to know an upright and righteous God is by having him dwell in you, by His Holy Spirit. This, our guide, reveals God's character and nature to us, thus helping us to be conformed to HIs image by the renewing of our minds (heart and souls). We, as evangelists, must be true to our calling, as God will never put us in a situation beyond our abilities. In my case, I minister to the homeless and can never look upon myself as better than they, rather as the least. As the Lord was humbled to the obedience of the cross we too should be humble in the face of a wicked and adulterous generation. Our witness will be our declaration of our God. Quote
Teodora Posted February 15, 2006 Report Posted February 15, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) "We need substance in this relativistic world. We need TRUTH in the middle of all these lies" God really isn't whoever we want Him to be. God's character is no secret. He is what He claims to be. The Bible provides a very descriptive picture of God through the progressive revelation of His names and titles. Through the Word of God we obtain the full color picture of God - His glory and majesty. Denial of absolute Truth is denial of God the Righteous One. Those who set their own rules cannot and will not follow the One, Who is the Ethical Standard in and of himself. Righteousness is that attribute of God's nature that sets the eternal, perfect standard of what is right. Righteousness is a quality of rightness and justice. Because of sin man is corrupt and lacking in righteousness, also uncapable of making himself righteous, thus he creates his own theory and rules to justify his behavior. God's justice demands and requires penalties as a consequence of disobedience to the laws of God. We can declare God and his Son to a relativistic world by declarilng God's names and titles - they reveal completely and fully the character and the nature of God. By invoking God's names, we invoke His presence - to those who are hungry for Truth, He will reveal Himself. Quote
steve.c Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 How can we declare God and His Son, Jesus Christ, in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? The absolute truth of the Biblical message is the reason why I became a Christian born again in Christ Jesus and it is how I witness my faith. The truth of God's word persuaded me and I believe will persuade others: it was for all time; it was complete and perfect; and it is for all nations. There are not many ways to God but one way through Jesus as He is the mediator between God and man. Belief in Jesus means complete obedience to Him and His teaching. His teaching is not relative; it is timeless and as valid today as when He was here on earth. That is its beauty and attraction. Why would one devote ones life to anything which fell short of this perfection? I embrace my faith because I know it is true and its direction is sure. I obey Jesus as I know as a matter of certainty that this is what I should do. I want Him within me, controlling all. I want to radiate His love and I treasure His gospel. I do this in certain knowledge. The paradox is that total obedience to Him gives freedom. His Spirit yields the fruits of "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." [Gal. 5:22] Life as a Christian is more joyous, rewarding and fulfilling in this world and that it a small fraction of its promise. I don't think that anyone who has been baptised into the faith and is a diligent disciple ever regrets the decision - it is the best decision I or anyone else could make. We move from sin and death into life. Even if we are called upon to suffer, to take up our cross, it is a small price to pay and it should be paid willingly. Yes, "Here I am. Send me." Relativism, multiculturalism. secular materialism and all their liberal and beguiling off-shoots try to undermine the way God has mapped out for our salvation with siren calls and false promises; the most persuasive being that we should do what ever makes sense to us. There are no absolute values or truth. This is a temptation from the evil one, sugar-coated, seemingly attractive and relavent for today, unlike apparently Christianity, but deadly poisonous inside. As C. S. Lewis wrote, "The safest way to hell is a gradual one. The gentle slope, soft under foot, without sudden turnings, without sign posts." That is the underlying relativistic destination. In contrast, the promise Christians have been given is the only promise worth having. It is a loving promise I want to share., In short, evangelists should expound the good news as the Scriptures tell it. It is a marvellous loving, transforming and liberating message which stands by itself and is completely sustaining. It is for me. Quote
Triciahh Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 If we believe truth and morality are relative to anything other than God, then we simply have no understanding or knowledge of Him. As Christians, we have to proclaim and make known the truth, and the truth IS Christ Jesus. I believe the most effective way to this known is to live truth in our actions and not just our words. I live in one of the most racially polarized cities in the country, and this is nowhere more true than in our so called Christian churches. I Quote
Elder9 Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 We can know and understand God through the various methods that He has chosen to reveal Himself to His creation. There is His Word, and His Spirit and the things that He has revealed of Himself through nature itself, the wonders of life in its various teeming specticals. But the one way that really staggers the imagination is through the revealation of His names. It defines Him by characterizing Him by His name, its the definition of those names that reveals more about this hidden essence of life than we had ever previously known. He becomes more alive and real through the revealation of His wonderful names. We declare to a relativistic world the humanity, humility and encomprehensible love of God through His Son's atoning sacrifice for a self seeking, prideful arrogant creation. We explain how a Awesome creator can be so moved by love for His creation that He would and has done everything to show His love and provision for them. Regardless of the price. He would and has given all/everything at His disposal to show mankind this great love for them. What is relative is that the greatest need in humankind has been met by the greatest love in existence. An effective approach is, that which has always worked from the beginning, greater love has no man than this that a man would lay down his life for a friend. And Christ has called us friends. There is no law against love, or said another way, there is nothing that can be done against love or deter it. Love, loves at all times, by this shall the world know that you are my disciples when you have /show love one to the other, in spite of past offenses. The effective approach, when all else failed, love lifted me. God's love outlasts even the energizer bunny. It just keeps on giving regardless of how we abuse it. Love will eventually win. I believe it was R.A. Torrey (or Dwight L. Moody) that wrote the book "love them in". Quote
Blessed Me Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? We must remember who the ruler of this world is, Satan. We live in this world, but we are not to be of this world. Let the mercy of God's holiness be seen to those around us. Put on the mind of Christ by feeding at His banqueting table daily - with Him. Stay in love with Him, take the warning that was given to the church in Ephesus. They could not endure evil men, they had persevance and endured, they did not fall in with the crowd, but - they left their first love. God said "Repent, or He will take their lampstand out of its place." Without this light, things will be less clear, the culture surrounding us may become foggy. The things we hated (the deeds of the Nicolaitians) will no longer seem so bad. The lampstand, Father God, the Son, the Holy Spirit , they are our life line to living in this world, it lights our way. Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) Boldness is the word that comes to my mind. The world is bold in the things they stand for, it is time we become bold for the God we serve. Quote
TennLady01 Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? In this country there are not many morals left that anyone holds too except for the Christians who live for Jesus. This however does not have anything to do with the Righteous and Upright God that we serve. What our country does or don't do has no effect on the facts that he is righteous and holy. He takes care of those that love him and live for him. He is our sure foundation our solid rock on which we stand. It seems those that do not serve God still notice that there are some around them that do live moral and upright to the best of their ability and they do trust us more and count on Christians to do what is right even if they don't. Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? Live what the word of God teaches us and then they will see that God is real and that he sent his son Jesus because they will see a difference in our lives. They will be able to see Jesus not us thank you Lord for making us to be like unto you. What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) I just simply tell them about all the good things that have happened in my life because I serve the Lord. They seem to ask me where the peace I seem to have comes from I tell them Jesus. They are always eager to learn about the things Jesus does for us and in us and they can see we are different than the world. I give Jesus all honor and glory for without him I can do nothing. Quote
sunilbernard Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) God is not relative. Period. If we compare black to white, we have something to relate to. But God. To whom can we relate Him? There is no question of relativity as far as God is concerned and His charateristics. He possesses characteristics like Righteousness and Holiness which are unique to Him. We cannot take those terms and use them in our everyday life as if they are coins in a market. If we do use them, then they must reflect the Author. His righteousness and Holiness must be found in us. As He commanded us, BE HOLY BECAUSE I AM HOLY, it is imperative that we follow His dictate. We dare not believe in todays theories and functions which say everything is relative. That's absolute non-sense. It is the idea of high society strata seeking to justify thier actions. God and His Son Jesus are absolutes. We have to firm and bull headed in this theory. There are no options. Take it or leave it. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Eastern philosophy says all religions, in their own ways, lead to heaven/moksha. Again utter non-sense. Effective approach is the simple and true approach. Face the facts. There are no two ways about it. Either you relate to Jesus or not. Otherwise all relativism will lead to relative destruction of the soul. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 27, 2006 Report Posted February 27, 2006 This question sums up why I am taking this course. Several years ago, God allowed me to see the post modern culture we are living in and how I had immersed myself in it at that time. Not only in the world, but I found that when I went to church it was even prevalent among Christians! This was my awakening and I saw that there was an epidemic going on that said " If I believe is truth." I set out on a quest and asked God (at the point of giving my life to Him) to help me find wisdom and truth and and my biggest cry to Him was..." WHAT IS TRUTH?" Seemed as though everyone had their own! God has been faithful and instilled in me a love for discovering the Word. The Word is truth...LIVING truth....but we have to know it before we can live it. I sought every teacher and Bible study I could get my hands on! I still do! I learned so many truths about what God requires of us and when I strove to do that in and of myself, I learned of His Holy Spirit who can be our helper and do that perfecting work in us. I discovered a loving Father who is strong and mighty who disciplines us in love and of a Savior Jesus, who died and bought me with His blood so no matter my human condition....I am saved from eternal destruction. Now I am learning of so many more facets of who He is! That's awesome! I'm learning to recognize when I 'invent" Him for my own purposes. I'm learning to lean on Him and His Word for more and more understanding of who He is...and to truly live a life in the Spirit...not the flesh. We have a mighty God...three in one...who is the lover of our souls. If we seek Him with all of our heart, soul and mind, He will be found. He promised. That's truth...He said so! When we find Him...we find not only truth and wisdom but everything to equip ourselves for living our lives. Living our lives in the Spirit is a witness for others and our example speaks volumes! It's all about Him. Knowing Him and living for Him. That's a lifetime journey! Quote
care2hope2 Posted February 28, 2006 Report Posted February 28, 2006 If truth and morality are relative to my culture- unless there is some rightness in that culture it may be very difficult to understand the righteous and upright God. What we have to do is to find in our culture of the culture we are working with the best morl and good things that there is in that curlture and then explain that the Righteous and Upright God is way better than these good things. We have to do it as a comparison and elevate the righteousness of God and uprightness of God to a level way surpassing what is good in that culture. I am not a present day evangelist but if I were working in my home town and with the children of this area... I would have a very difficult task. Especially since there is a division of moral's just in diffrent homes. To show this to the children in our chruch I would take for example how good and righteous someone in their family that they love is and say God is way way more loveing and good than that person. To a child that comes to our church on wed. night (kids club ) mostly children of families whom send them to summer bible school. and the families welcome a once a week re touch with our chruch to send the children wed. night. but not on sunday for they cannot see comeing themselves. It is harder. but can be done by finding someone in their lives who is moral and good ie: teacher , auent, grandma someone who does things right enough that they don't see alot of negative evil behavior in their lives and then say well God is even better way way better and kinder and good than this person. And I will have to admit that sometimes the families are so bad and no role models that it might be necessary to find some one in the news locally that has demonstrated goodness and moral character in helping others and then elevate the goodness and righteousness of God as way way better than this person. I would hate to have to do it but with some cultures or children you may have to make a comparison to sweets being good and God being way way better. And with a culture that is bad like canableism - or in a city where drug and alcoholic behavior is really rampant. The only way would be to find like a social worker or someone who comes into the area and does good like a doctor or person that drills a well for water what ever and tell them that God is way way better and careing and righteous or good than that person ..... like thousands and millions times better more righteous and moral than them. Quote
Dolly Posted March 3, 2006 Report Posted March 3, 2006 There is no way to know God if we don't believe as he believes. What the world believes is wrong, the bible says it is, we've seen ourselves fall on our face time and time again, because we believe as the world believes. Until we turn from the world and start looking to the only true source of truth and morality, we cannot know the Righteous and Upright God. The only way to declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world is to live the life God intended for us to live. If we put our faith and trust in God and truly turn to him for our needs, the world will see Jesus in us, and then maybe they will believe in the Holy One. You can talk all you want, but unless you walk the walk, people will never listen because they have to 'see' to believe. Quote
Embraced by the Father Posted March 10, 2006 Report Posted March 10, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) I don't think that we can come to a truthful understanding of a Righteous and Upright God if it is based on one's culture. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is not defined by one's culture or system of morality. For example, in China, the cultural belief that is based upon communism assumes that there is no God. A righteous and Upright God does not exist if one believes their cultural beliefs. The Christians in China refuse to go along with their cultural beliefs and they believe in a Righteous God. True, they are persecuted for that, but they put their cultural beliefs aside and put their trust in God who is Truth. We can declare the truth about God by challenging others in a "relative" culture to seek and discover who God is. I believe that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth of our Righteous God to those who earnestly seek after him. In our community, our evangelistic outreach is bawsed upon giving God's love to them. They see us offering them free meals and opening our facility for young people to come and play basketball. They ask "why" and we tell them it is because God loves them. We then can reach out to their brokenness with the love of the Lord. People in our community are trapped within traditionalism within the church. We are reaching out to them and showing them God's love which reaches beyond the cold of traditionalism. They see the real God who is Righteous and Holy. Quote
linda bass Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 God's righteousness and holiness has nothing to do with one's present culture or morality. God declares what is right and keeps to that standard Himself regardless of what the current culture is. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted March 15, 2006 Report Posted March 15, 2006 2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? We are not a moral nation any more. So would be hard to see absolute truths being followed here. We can only understand the righteous and upright God, if we return to reading his word and turn back to him. Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) We got to stop being afraid to share Jesus. We have to help them see the truth as the word of God puts it. We need to live it before them so that our actions match our words. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted March 16, 2006 Report Posted March 16, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? By reading His word, participating in Bible Studies and praying. The more we read and study and the more we pray, the more we will know and understand our God. Quote
ego Posted March 20, 2006 Report Posted March 20, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) When it comes to knowing and understanding the Righteous and Upright God, we should know that God is perfect. He is direct in his dealings and for us to really understand HIM better, we should fall back to the scripture which is our standard ( hide HIS words in our heart )meditate on HIS words and be doers of that word and above all, we should shy away from from worldly pleasures. We can declare God and His Son Jesus Christ in this relativistic world by obeying the word of God, wear it in our lives and perform our primary assignment in life which is the great commission-To go about and preach the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Relate with people based on the situation and mood you find them at that particular point in time. And make them to know that there are better ways of doing whatever they are doing and that is in Christ Jesus.Make them to know that if they should follow the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ, that it shall be well with them. Quote
Stan Posted March 21, 2006 Report Posted March 21, 2006 Q2. If we believe that truth and morality are all relative to one's culture, how can we know and understand the Righteous and Upright God? Extra credit for present-day evangelists: How can we declare God and his Son Jesus Christ in a relativistic world? What is an effective approach? (There is no simple answer here. What is an effective communication strategy in your community?) . We must have faith that God is who He says He is and that His word is a devine from Him. People are the same today as in the day of Elisha who when being threatened by Jezebel cried out to God that He was the only prophet left and God answere that Hed had 2000 who had not bowed to baal. God will a lways have people who will have the faith and persaverance to live their lives for Him. We need to always be ready to give a reason for joy in Christ. We must be willing to stand firm in our proclaiming of God word as true and Holy. We must be able to take the yoke that Jesus proclaimed when He told the desciples to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel. We must continue to speak God's word just like He gave it to the prophets and disciples any changes only add to the worlds view and give them more to use against the word of God.There can only be one truth and it must come from a Holy and righteous God In my Church our leader state in the mission statement that the word of God is living and active and that it is true and infallable. We try and teach our brothers and sisters how to live by the word and keep it in our lives for others to see. Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted March 24, 2006 Report Posted March 24, 2006 Our culture is our own morality beliefs in the world.The only way i believe,is speaking, and knowing the truth with our christian beliefs. God is Righteous, we have to be righteous with God at all times.We have to study his Word and understand His Word. We have to live in God's righteousness in order to have peace,joy,love patience,kindness.We know the world is corrupted,an we cannot live a righteous way that God's Son,Jesus Christ taught us, by following the world. Our fears and inadequacies need not to stop us from serving God.Good friendships are extremely valuable, especially in recovery. An important part of recovery involves our relationship with God and His Son "Jesus Christ" and with other people. Quote
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