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Modern city people may eat animals but not kille them. They are not like farmers where they had to kill animals nor grow food and then prepare them for their dinner. So taking the life of an animal can has a strong effect on city versus farming.

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  • 2 months later...

it excels in the natureof the victim.whereas the sacrifieces of judasims were irrational lambs,the sacrifice of christians is the lamb of god.

it excels in te efficacy of the work.whereas the sacrifices of judasims onlbrought sin to remebrance every year,the sacrifices of christianity took away sin by the sacrifice of himself'.

it excels in the scope of its operation.whereas the jewish sacrifices were intended for the benefit of one nation only,the sacrifices of christianty is intended for all nation;'it takes away the sin of the world.;

  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

That's because we're not into the process of raising and killing.

In the city you go to the shop, but meat - without having to think about the fact that once it was an animal.

My grandfather and two uncles had cows.

They try to ran over you, kick you, **** on you, dung is flying around, ... I just hate them.

But if I had to kill a sweet little lamb it would seem to be bloodthirsty and evil to me.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

It is the blood that repels. Thinking about the law of Moses, and the killing that took place, and the blood EVERYWHERE. The priest had blood smeared on the lobes of his ears, his big toe, the hem of his robes. Blood was applied to the horns of the altar, and even the "small" sacrifice of doves involved catching the blood in a basin. Blood has a distinct odor, is slippery and dangerous on the ground. There must have been a lot of noise and animal smells also.

But there is also a repulsion in the idea that an animal, which is incapable of sinning, must give its life so that a human being, sinful to the core, can have his or her sins forgiven. It isn't FAIR! An innocent life given for the life of a wretch?

City people don't see food animals anywhere. They have animals as pets, and as Pastor Ralph mentioned, meat eaters don't have to see what their life decisions mean to the animal world; when they have a bbq, they run to the market and grab a slab or two of meat that is chilled, sitting on a little styrofoam tray, and sealed up in plastic. There is no blood there. People in rural settings do witness the death of their meat. Well, not so much these days, but in generations past, if mom was planning chicken for dinner that night, all she needed was a hatchet and a place to pluck feathers.

Killing meat to eat is one thing; killing an animal to atone for my sins is different. Hm. But the passover lamb WAS eaten at a family feast, after being slaughtered in ritual sacrifice. hm.


<b>Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?</b>

I think it should be repulsive to all people, just as sin is repulsive to God. For God to get His point across, He instructed his people, who were slaves in Egypt, to take a young lamb into their home, and in so doing, it became as a pet to the family, an innocent animal that would be sacrificed so that they may be saved. The blood of the lamb would be put on the door post, so that death would pass over them.

<b>How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? </b>

I don’t see this as having anything to do with city or farming life; God demands the blood of an animal to be sacrificed, a substitute payment for sin, satisfaction of God's divine anger.

It isn’t until we come to the true understanding of the blood covering, that without the sacrifice of this perfect lamb, to be done exactly as God prescribed, would it be acceptable to Him; Without the sacrifice of an innocent animlal, there is no way for man to approach God, do we come to the reality of how repulsive sin is to God, for He is holy.

right on. I know you posted last year, but this answer hits it dead on. All the blood is repulsive, whether city living or rural. God made the law "full of blood" for a REASON: so that we humans can see just how ugly sin is. How burdensome it is, too, for a sinner to bring a calf or a lamb or a kid, or even two doves, and cut them open, drain the blood, present the slaughtered animal. Repulsive, and burdensome.


it excels in the natureof the victim.whereas the sacrifieces of judasims were irrational lambs,the sacrifice of christians is the lamb of god.

it excels in te efficacy of the work.whereas the sacrifices of judasims onlbrought sin to remebrance every year,the sacrifices of christianity took away sin by the sacrifice of himself'.

it excels in the scope of its operation.whereas the jewish sacrifices were intended for the benefit of one nation only,the sacrifices of christianty is intended for all nation;'it takes away the sin of the world.;

I like your clarification of the need for Israel to sacrifice an innocent animal, the covenant that God set up for Israel, for the atonement of their sin; it wasn't because of the blood of bulls and goats that brought atonement, atonement was given because of God's mercy - and - the need for God's Lamb to be slain was not just for Israel, that God's Law, His Torah, His teachings, be written on their heart, given through the Lamb, and by the filling of the Holy Spirit, but, also for the Gentile, that is Me, and for that I give "praise" to the God of Israel for sending His Son, for writing His Laws on my heart.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

It means taking the life of an animal an act of killing something doesn't come easy to most people. I think that it is something that is learned from youth. I have known people who are really into deer hunting and us the meat for food I on the other hand would find it very hard to kill a deer even for food.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

Animal sacrifice is repulsive to modern people because a lot of modern people are animal rights people and don't belive in the sacrificing of animals.

It has a lot to do with city verses farming life, because city people don't have to sacrifice an animal to make a living, but farming people do.


It seems so brutal to us city folks. Maybe someone who lived on a working farm could handle it better. Because of my love for animals, it would be devastating for me to have to live in that kind of environment now.


Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

I grew up on a farm in south Texas. I participated in what is called a "stock show" where you raise animals to sell for butcher. The idea of animal sacrifice was easy for me to understand over time. I had to raise a lamb or goat from birth til it was time to sell it for someone's meal. Pretty hard on a kid who spends 7 or 8 months caring for a baby animal and see it off to slaughter. I ask my mom once if it was OK for me to feel guilty for raising it, caring for it and then selling it for food to someone. She said its not OK to feel guilty because we are placed above the animals according to God. God placed animals like the sheep and goats on Earth for us to eat. Yes, a few times, my lamb or goat or rabbit ended up on my own dinner table because they didn't sell. It was either eat them or go hungry.

I now live in Houston. I went to college at UTMB. A lot of people I've talked to feel they are above people who live on farms and that somehow because they live in a major city, they have a higher intelligence and have become move evolved than people who practice the ways of farming. I do remind them with love their organic fresh produce doesn't magically appear at HEB. I think city way of life is mostly about people's needs and wants being met instantaneous. You don't have to go far it get anything you may want or need. They don't have to kill an animal they raised for food and have one less for breeding for more meals. They probably haven't ever had to worry about that. In the farming way of life you have to consider how many eggs you take from your chickens because you want your chickens to continue to make more chickens. You have to consider which goat you decide to eat because you need so many of your best bred ones to continue to make more well bred goats. Why are modern people repulsive by animal sacrifice? Because it has been perverted. To me, animal sacrifice is I get to eat because this animal gave its life. How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? In some respects a lot. From personal experiences on both sides, the farming way of life has a better respect for it.


Q3 Modern people are repulsive to animal sacrifice because they have been pampered.

Everything has been prepared neat and packed and easily available in supermarkets.

They feel that is a hideous job together with too much formalities and rituals which

especially the young people are not going to take after their ancestors.

City life is more of a hustle and bustle thing. So anything that is instant goes

well with them. Their lives are always busy and rushing and sometimes they don't even

have a proper meal for themselves and with family besides spending quality time with

their children.

Farming way of life is more healthy and natural. They toil their own produce and

everything comes from God with no artificial products added. They rear their own

animals for own consumption. The family shares out the work together. They

practically spend time together and have meals together. Their work might be

tough but the environment is healthier than in the city.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

I think the responses to the question have gone a little more into "city folk" bashing than I appreciate. I am from "the city." However, I do work very hard to put food on my table, and am not pampered or spoiled. I just have a different job than some who work on the farm. I might be willing to trade... :rolleyes:

The thing is, there is a great difference between animal sacrifice and killing animals for food. I think that most of us, city folk or not, can apprecite that slaughtering an animal for a meal is messy business; but it is for OUR personal satisfaction. It is to fill our mouth up with flavors that we enjoy and our bellies up with food. (Contrary to some beliefs, we don't have to eat meat. We can survive just fine on vegetables and grain. Meat is a special pleasure that God only allowed after the flood.)

However, the idea that that same, messy, sinky awfulness involved in slaughtering animals for food is REQUIRED for a sacrifice to CLEANSE a person from thier sin? How can it be? Cleansing should be clean, shouldn't it? We we think of clean we think of newly fallen snow and crisp white sheets that smell fresh; we don't think of dark red blood and the awful smell of death.

Farmers do have an advantage in this area over us city folk. They deal with animals as product on a daily basis. They see the goodness that comes out of the yuck (newborn animals, clean milk, fresh meat, etc.). We (city folk) see animals more as members of the family and pets. We give our dogs baths so they don't smell, and take them to the vets to have their babies and to be "put down" when necessary. Therefore it may be more difficult for us to imagine that cleansing can come from animal sacrifice.

In the end, we are all "pampered." Because of Jesus, none of us have to get our hands dirty to have our hearts cleansed. That just sends chills down my spine - oh how I love HIM!!


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

We have become so sterile concience that the thought of a blood sacrifice just flies in our faces. For me it brings about the image of ugly and nasty and yet that is what our sins are to God. I hadn't thought about that until just now. We have become a people that are used to paying to have our "chores" taken care off. We have removed ourselves so much from our farming roots that many of us, me included, don't understand the first thing about animals or the sacrifies that they make.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

Animal sacrifice is repulsive because alot of us see it as fetish and not acceptable to God, and the sight of blood is enough to put anyone off, how much more God. After Christ came the idea of sacrifing animmals stopped.

I belive not alot has to do with living in the city, even in rural areas people would really not use animals as sacrifice because people have come to know God, and those who still do this are defintely not Christians.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

Animal sacrifice is repulsive to most modern people because they are removed from the process of killing, butchering, and processing animal food products.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?

Believers understand that we are sinners and that the shed blood of Jesus has cleansed us from all sin, past, present and future, and we don't take that sacrifice for granted nor sin willingly to abuse the sacrifice. We understand that animal sacrifice was the preparation for the Israelites to recognize the ONE final sacrifice for the worlds sin...Jesus Christ.

Modern people, the unbelieving ones, have little context for either sin or for sacrifice for sin. They see themselves as "evolving", having outgrown the notion of sin, therefore no sacrifice of any kind is needed...they don't need God. The Government has become their god. They believe they are masters of their own "ships". In a word, it's ignorance or lack of knowledge, or rebellion and pride which keeps them from receiving the sacrifice God offered for sin. Some value animal life over human life and will not eat meat or wear leather shoes, but have had several abortions in their darkened thinking.

How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

The religion of the unbelieving left has "evolved" into believing even eating animals is morally wrong, let along killing one for a "useless" purpose such as sacrifice in the past. (They don't know scripture, where God told Peter to kill and eat of the animals He was shown on the rooftop) We buy meat in sanitary plastic wrap at the store and have little mental connection to the fact that this is an animal....it's just a roast or hamburger. Farmers are familiar with the fact that animals are for not only breeding but for consumption by humans, and they raise them for that purpose, with little emotional impact when they go to slaughter.

  • 3 months later...

I think animal sacrifice is repulsive to modern people because of the sanitized society we live in. As already stated, we go to the supermarket and pick up our already packaged meat, that doesn't look anything like an animal and take it home and eat it. I don't know about anyone else, but I avoid the "feet", "ears" and "knuckles" that have any resemblance to the real thing!

I'm a city girl born and bred, but now on a crop farm....no livestock. My husband has always been a farm boy. He looks at it totally different from me. He raised animals and butchered them all the time. He sees them as just animals....I tend to get attached to them and can't imagine eating anything I once cared for and would feel bad every day I fed them to accomplish that end! Sorry....I'm a cupcake when it comes to that. I realize the necessity but that's not my area of expertise. If faced with starvation for my family....I could kill and eat.....but not unless it was an absolute only solution.

I've thought about this though in reference to sacrifice and sin and I too think it profound that an innocent animal would be offered to slaughter in exchange for my wrongdoing. Just the thought of killing an animal that has no understanding, that trusted it's provider every day and was innocent of everything really makes`me reflect on Jesus as the Lamb of God and on God the Father who allowed Jesus to die for love of us! To be slaughtered and slain. His own Son. This makes`me reflect on "God our provider" even more deeply. So much of God I can't comprehend, but I am so glad for this question. It has opened my mind to really reflect more on how shallow we are when we talk about the Lamb of God and our thankfulness to God for what He has allowed because He wanted us. This just touches me to the core of my being.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?

How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

Modern people are generally repulsive to animal sacrifice, or simply, killing of animals. When we want food, we just go to the market or supermarket, buy whatever we need. The meat are already properly processed, cleaned, and packed nicely into take-away packages. We don't see the dripping of blood, or bloody vital parts (except for some food, such as liver, or fish) generally. Most of us do not need to prepare the food as well, such as buying the live fish and killing it ourselves, although it is common in my society ( but usually done by our mothers ).

We were brought up in a society that teaches us not to kill, to respect animal rights and be "civilised" people.

In our mentality, animal killing is not acceptable nor tolerable.

For someone who grows up in a farm, it is a different story. You rear animals for food. You have to depend on killing for your own food (maybe except for those big commercial farms, purely for export). It is a way of life, nothing special.

  • 1 month later...

Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

A city dweller doesn't see how his dinner has met its end. As such he would probably not want to watch an animal get slaughtered. It's not part of his world. It would be shocking. However, I can't see desert herdsman getting too upset by slitting an animal's throat. I can see them feeling the pain caused by sacrificing a healthy animal because it's a financial loss.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

i think it's repulsive in today's world because of animal rights and the sqeemishness of people to blood. I work as and inventory auditor and once a month we inventory the meat dept. and everytime it get's to me and might go a few days without eating red meat. Hence a lot of vegitarians, they just don't like the concept of eating something that has been alive. I do believe alot of it has to do with city life vs farm living. My mother would never eat chickens because of what she'd seen on a chicken farm. I try to think of it as Paul says in the bible about Jesus changed everything when he came, he made it ok to eat anything. He was the ultimate sacrifice.

  • 2 months later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people?

Animal sacrifice is repulsive to modern people because it is cruel and gruesome. Modern life has become so padded and sterile that it refuses to recognize some of the realities of life.

How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? The truth is that a city way of life is an easy life where we pay for others to do the "difficult" things. Farming way of life is much realistic in that it take some much effort to cultivate, and harvest and prepare what is needed to sustain life.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life?

Animal sacrifice is repulsive to modern people because they are not used to such killing of sacrificial animals. According to traditional or ancestral

norms the sacrificial animal must be killed according to the letter of the law. Who are you to change the rule? Changing the norms means bleaching the

ancestral norms and it invites curses upon generations. Thank God I have been redeemed from the curse of the law. Glory to God.

We need to understand the difference between city life and village life. There are things we have in cities which make life bearable as opposed to the

way of doing things. In the city we have modern gadgets of killing an animal but in the village it is different.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? Modern people have never seen an animal they did not have as a pet or someone they knew had as a pet. It is limited exposure that brings limited acceptance.

How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? All of it.


Q3. Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? We see live animals as pets and only the remnants of sacrificial killings in the grocery store. It is why a kid thinks money grows on trees or out of their parents purses; it is the only experience they have.

How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? All of it, :o

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