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The Lord has workers in s field who need to be fed from the tithes we give. Accepting God as our King we accept the responsibility of giving Him our tithes as allegiance to His Kingship and Lordship. As Christians today we still have to understand that God has His servants who need this tithes in order to support their families.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament?

Accepting God as King is following His law, giving to God of our tithes and offerings willingly, from our hearts.

How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

It is the same God we serve, and the same needs to be met in the church. Give to God's service, do it willingly.

  • 1 month later...
Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

Tithing is a command from the Lord, when the people in the Old Testament tithed, they showed their obedience to the Lord, they accepted Him as their King, and they supported His ministry. The same goes for us in the New Covenant. When we rob God of what belongs to Him, you will live under a curse. When I decided to put God first in everything, started tithing on a regular basis, my finances started turning around. God is a true and faithful God. He will not let you down. Prove Him, take Him at His word, receive the blessings He has for you by being obedient. If you are under the curse get out, do not let the devil lie to you any longer, pay your tithes no manner what the circumstance looks like, trust the Lord to meet you need as He says He will do. We are to tithe, give back what belongs to the Lord. You will be blessed.


Tithing in the Bible is much like taxes today. The money is used to run the government. Refusing to pay tithe to the king or taxes to the government can result is action being taken against the citizen.

A tithe to the Lord shows respect for his authority and provides money to operate the church and its ministries.


  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament?

It was accepted as God's due, by His followers...a command to be obeyed and was a symbol of His Sovereignty over all. They tithed from their produce, animals, possessions.

How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant?

It is the same...we bring money for the work of the Lord.

What place does tithing have for us?

The tithe is the minimal giving. Scripture refers to tithes and offerings. God gives us 100% of what we receive, and He asks for a tenth in return for the work of the Lord....to begrudge giving is a sign that we have a greed problem and our money owns us. It is disobedient and selfish to be stingy with God's bounty to us.


Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

It seems that tithing was done in kingdoms among kings and their people. God used the system of tithing to provide for those that ministered to Him and therefore could not spend their hours working outside the Temple. God says through Malachi that if a person does not tithe then he is robbing God of what is due to Him. The people had a written law that required them to tithe. I believe that some, at least, did this out of a heart of gratitude.

In the New Covenant, I believe that we are not bound to the law of tithing; however, we are to give to the Lord for the support of His servants. How much a Christian gives is dependent on his understanding and love of God, his appreciation of God, and his commitment to the Great Commision. I have not put that well.....but I mean it is now basically a heart matter. :blink:


Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

when the people called for a king GOd granted them as the y desired. As GOD set up a kin gHe also set up rules to follow as GOD does being a GOD of order. These rules included bringing 10% of first fruits to the king for payment. GOD had previously required the firstfruits be given to His house to provide for the servants called by GOD to do the work in His house.

Tithing is a priveledge for us to be able to give unto the house of GOD, and be able to see all that GOD does with the remaining 90% is a mighty blessing.

Jesus said we should give to ceasar what is ceasar's and give to GOD that which belongs to GOD.

Tithing of our first fruits doesn't only mean material things. When we awake each day we have been given 24 hrs to enjoy. How much of that belongs to GOD?

The people in the old testament gave 10% of animals, grain, harvest and payment after selling things.

We can't even decide if we should tithe, Then we argue over whether we should tithe on gross or net.

Have you been blessed with an inheritance? How much of that belongs to GOD. How fast did you ponder it because you didn't give Him His share. Not that GOD needs it it is just out of reverance and respect for Hima s oru GOD and King.

How are we to have churches, missions, Christ centered schools, pastors and teachers without any monetary contribution from the members.

I believe not only should we be giving our 10% but as GOD blesses us we should give above and beyond. GOD teaches that freely we have received and freely we should give. Give out of love for GOd and adoration to HIM not as duty or expantancy that He is going to return that which you give in greater amounts. The things GOD gives isn't always material things you can hold or gain a profit for.

As the widow gave a small might yet it was considered a greater gift thanall because she gave out of her need and not just something that would probably be wasted any way.

We should give out of love, respect obedience and adoration, give as GOD Himself directs you to give, Don't compare your gifdt to others just give and allow GOD to manage others gifts to Him.

  • 4 months later...

Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

It seems that a King could rightly take from an individual. It also stated that a tenth would go to him for his attendents and officials. So, to give God a tithe would indicate your acceptance of Him as King.

Under the New Covenant, He is still the King. I choose to accept that and willingly offer my tithe and offerings.

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

Tithing in the old testament meant allegiance to the king and he would protect his people. This is the same today. We pledge our lives and souls to God, who is the King of all kings and He ensures that those who work in His house are assisted financially and that the work load can be taken off the pastor, in other words, he doesn't need to get another job to boost his income from the church. So under the new covenant, we must still give a tenth or more of what we earn. Tithing frees us from robbing God and from greed. Tithing also teaches us that even if we feel we can't afford to give, if we trust in God, He will make our ends meet. Tithing is about taking part of what we need or want and giving it to God so that He will in return, give to us blessings to restore uis in our lives and in our needs.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

If you pay tithes, you accept someone as your king.

Samuel warns the people here that they better not take a king for he will demand tithes.

Maleachi says that not paying tithes to Hashem is like stealing.

So, a king has the right of tithes.

We don't live under the law no more.

This means that we can't do anything to deserve eternal life.

Sola fide, sola gratia.

Jesus doesn't demand us to pay tithes.

He does command us to share whatever we have.

  • 4 months later...

Names of God: Lesson 6

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

1 Samuel 8:15(NLT):

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10.

How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being his or her King in the Old Testament?

How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant?

What place does tithing have for us?

By tithing the people acknowledged God as their King. They recognised that as King, He owned everything and also that He was the Giver of all possessions.

Under the New Covenant we are taught to give liberally as our Lord prospers us

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Windy

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

As Chrisians, we have free will, but we chose to have God as our King. As our King, we want to obey Him, we want to please God in all ways. To tithe, we show our love and respect for our King. Under the New Covenant, we are to give cheerfully and generously. God knows our heart's, He knows, if we are cheerfully givers. Our tithes, maintain God's house, our church building, support our pastor, and farther God's ministries. We are to help and support, God's servants, and our tithes provide that support. We have always, tithed, and God has always blessed us.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

In the OT the people were acquired to give one tenth of their belongings to the Lord- that way they would recognize Him as their King. This also provides for the priests. It was required by law and in Malachi God said that if they gave Him what is due to Him and not rob Him, He will bless them abundantly. In the NT we are not under the law but under grace. We belong to God and everything we have belongs to Him. We should give out of love and not obligation and not to get something back from God . We live in a loving relationship with our King - He is the ultimate provider. Our money will help to pay our pastors and further the kingdom of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

In both the Old and New Testament, submission to God as King is vital to the life of those who wish to be led by Him. Tithing is an act of obedience and worship as you acknowledge God as the provider of all you possess and ruler of your life.

  • 3 months later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

Tithing is a logical insurance for the continuation of the feasible maintenance and recognition of God and the work done in this name. The importance placed on tithing in the New Covenant is much the same although should one not have any material devices to offer....the value of the non-material is understood and of equal value.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

Tithing is a commandment of God given to support the work in His house - supporting Gods Ministers. As our King, and we as His subject need to give our tithe which is an evidence of being an obedient child and true supporter of His work. Abram obeyed this command and gave a tenth of his spoil to the King of Salem and was rewarded for his action. As someone living under New Covenant, if we give our tithe we will be supporting God's work and Ministers and our obedience shall surely bring us the reward according to Gods promise in Matt 6:20, Mal 3:10-12

  • 5 months later...

People who considered the king paid tithes because they were due him and to support his administration; those who didn’t pay didn’t consider any obligation to him. The tithes began during the time of Moses. Then the people were obedient in paying tithes as God told them to do. However, as time progressed, in the book of Malachi for instance, the people were not paying tithes as they should have been. This caused the Levites to start working for their living as well as neglect their responsibilities in caring for the temple. The people as well as the priest continued in sin and Malachi confronted them about their sins in an attempt to restore their relationship with God. He appealed to the people to pay their tithes and to stop cheating God.

Today is no different regarding both sin and tithing. Many Christians do not pay tithes, or don’t pay the entire 10% (pay what they want). Some say they can’t afford to, some think the church or pastor is just trying to get their money, and others just don’t pay. Yes, we rob in just as it states in Malachi 3:8-10. There is really no excuse but people have them. It’s also a trust matter as well. One has to trust that God will do what He said He will do. It’s takes a while for some people to get to the place where they pay tithes regardless of what they have or don’t have. It’s a growth process for some or a realization that we are actually cheating God. In either case one who considers God as their King eventually does the right thing. God is a good and patient God. He waits for us in ways we don’t even think or know about. At the same time He expects for us to grow up and do as He commands regarding HIS money (Psalm 24:1).

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

A thithe is 10% was expected to be given to the King as his due to support his administration, just as a thithe was given to Yahweh to support his ministers, priests, and Levites. Those who refuse to thithe "the whole thite" were considered as robbing God and those who do not have God as their King don't feel under any obligation to thithe but withholding God's tihte for themselves and robbing him.

  • 3 months later...

In the Old Testament, tribute, tithes and offerings are due to Kings. The tithe was then used to support the king's administration. Similary the tithe was also given to God to support those doing his work - ministers, priests and Levites. Therefore anyone who considered God as his King is expected to honor God sovereignty by tithing.

I expect to be stoned when I answer the second part of the question. Ps Ralph points in his article are all valid. Yes, we are to tithe to give to the Lord's work. However, how much of what we tithe do actually go to the Lord's work. My husband and I tithed until we got into debt because after paying the 10% we did not have enough. I have more to say on this issue but I am afraid I might overstep the boundaries governing this forum.

  • 1 year later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament?


Tithing was instituted by God so that the Levites, the tribe which served Him in His tabernacle, and later His temple, would be provided for since they were given no land allocation in the promised land. So if the people of Israel didn't tithe they were actually not only short-changing God, but their fellow Istaelites as well. Tithing was regarded by God as a measure of His people's faithfulness.




How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?


As Gentiles we're not obliged to tithe. We are told by the apostle Paul to make up our minds what we will give to God's work and to His appointed ministers and stick to it. Many Christians do tithe, and that's because they've decided to follow the Old Testament example. Every time the annual budget review is due at church, out come the sermons about giving. We've all heard them and I think we should all take more notice of what is being said. Our pastors rely on what goes into the collection plate each Sunday! A 10% tithe is a good place to start, following the time honored example in the Old Testament.

When I was married, it was to a hard stingy woman. She begrudged giving five bucks a week! I wanted to give 10%. One of the biggest arguments we ever had was when I forced the issue with her. After a two hour screaming match we agreed on a compromise. We settled on 5%. I pressed the point that we had to be faithful in giving that and to not shirk from it. We were living on my truck driver's wage, which wasn't all that much. She was a full time stay at home mum to our daughter until Jess turned 5. Money was tight but I stuck to my guns. You know, we never ran short. We even saved some each week, despite giving money every week to the church.

I stopped attending church in 2000 for various reasons, not the least of which was there was no one there remotely like me who could relate to me and I to them. At 43 I still had long hair and a beard, was still pumping heavy iron, and I was a pro musician playing music the wowsers didn't like. I was aggressively excluded from the youth programs despite my many offers to help with the music in case I became a negative influence on the youger generation. I don't drink, smoke, or use any narcotics, I'm a really clean living guy, but still I couldn't get the time of day from my own peers, to the extent that I felt I had no peers. With my not going to church my giving stopped as well.

When I left my marriage in 2007 and went out on my own the first thing I did was to start giving 10% or more of my income to God's work. I donated every week to a ministry I had a connection with. In the six years since my separation I've gone broke! In the book of Malachi in the chapter before the tithing chapter there is a chapter on divorce. God hates divorce. Now my ex was unfaithful and I had the loophole that I believed was God inspired in Corinthians but I've continually gone backwards for six years now. The promised blessing for faithful giving never came. I may be speaking prematurely, because for the first time in ages things are looking a bit more promising and I hope that's gonna be the case.

We're told to remind God of His promises and I've started doing that when I pray.

That's enough personal stuff for now . .

  • 1 year later...

In the Old Testament tithing was was an appreciation and acceptance that God is King . It also acknowledged that God is the Provider. It was an act of responsibility and a sign of gratitude to pay respect to the king who made provision for all things.

When Christians of the New Covenant tithe we are believing that God is our King and our Provider and he will supply all our needs. By tithing we are maintaining the ministry and supporting the vulnerable.

  • 1 year later...

Q1. Read 1 Samuel 8:15 and Malachi 3:8-10. How did tithing relate to a person's acceptance of God being their King in the Old Testament? How about for those of us who live under the New Covenant? What place does tithing have for us?

Tithing was demonstrated first in Genesis 14, during the period of Grace, before the Law was given and it became required. (Abram to Melchizedek)

Because God is King, the tithe is due to support His administration, as demonstrated in I Sam 8:15, and Malachi 3:8-10. To withhold the tithe was considered to be robbing or defrauding God.

In Luke 18:12 the Pharisee bragged arrogantly of tithing of everything he gained and also his devout fasting! The wrong reason for tithing (a work of the flesh and to be seen by men, or the effort to gain favor with God). Jesus spoke often about money and its' place in our lives, hearts and minds. (Do we own money or does money own us?) How willingly and generously we give reflects the spiritual condition of our hearts and minds. If we're stingy, it shows a lack of love for the Lord, and a lack of trust in His provision for us. I believe Abraham's tithe to Melchizedek for the generous favor of God in restoring his foes into Abram's hands is the "type" or picture of how we are to give....The widow in Mark 12:42 was praised by Jesus for giving a mite, all she had, from her poverty, whereas the Pharisees who gave more, gave stingily out of their prosperity, pridefully negating the purpose of the tithe....to reflect gratitude for God's generosity to us.

For us, the tithe is an act of obedience ...a "gut check" and a love offering to the One who gave His all for us to be reconciled to our Father.


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