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Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

In the New Testament, "Lord" is translated as "Yahweh", the name for God. So then, when a person does what Rom 10:9 says and believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Yahweh/Lord/God and that Yahweh raised Him from the dead, he shall be saved. Salvation can be available by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus because He was God. If Jesus was not God, then Jesus was not sinless. If He was not sinless, He could not have taken our sin on the cross, could not have been the Messiah and you are lost in your sin.

That is why "all roads" do not lead to God. Buddism, and any other religion except Christianity, do not have a Savior who was God so by no other name may men be saved from their sins. Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Many preachers and others in this day try to make the gospel "user friendly" by softening the message and leaving out God's holiness, our sinfulness, eternal death for the unbeliever, the need for repentance...they think that would be offensive and would cause people to reject the gospel. So they present "salvation" without those elements. (I know this since I have been to such churches). Salvation is not possible without an aknowlegement of our sin and desire for forgiveness and repentance.

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Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

By confessing Jesus is Lord places Him first and foremost in your life. It allows Him authority to rule over you to be your guide. GOD is a gentle man though He could make us follow and serve Him; He chooses to give us freedom to choose, When we confess His Lordship in our lives it give Him complete access to every area of our life as we yield it over to Him.

This confession gives acknowledgment of our submission to His authority.

This is necessary in order for GOD to take His rightful places in our lives. as supreme ruler, judge and King. without this confession we continue to live in accordance to our own self and don't submit or seek GOD for our daily needs. We don't walk in His plan for us.

  • 4 months later...

What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

It proclaims and acknowledges that Jesus is God Himself.

I don't know. God made the plan and for some reason He made it neccessary for us to proclaim or profess outloud what it is we have believed in our heart. I know Jesus is the only way. So. perhaps it's about professing Jesus for who He really is; who He claimed He was. And that He indeed was God. We can't profess a Jesus who is just a nice guy or a great prophet. We must confess and acknowledge Him as God.

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

The confession that Jesus is Lord means that I have taken Him into my life to be Lord of all, to be in control and to accept taht He is all and I am nothing without Him. It means that He has taken, and still is, the parts of me that do not bring glory to His Name and that He is changing me to be more like Him. It means that I owe my allegiance, my worship, praise and thanksgiving to Him alone.

It is necessary for salvation because i cannot have Him in my life if I do not first of all, confess my sins and that confession means that I have acknowleged that I am a sinner and that I need His \Kingship and rulership to steer me on the right path

  • 9 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Names of God: Lesson 6

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

Romans 10:9(NLT)

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...


What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"?

Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

We accept that Jesus is God, Lord of all. We cannot expect to be saved if we do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour. We have to believe and confess that He is not only our Saviour but He is also Lord of all.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Windy

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

Romans 10:9 If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Salvation is as close as your own lips and heart. It is not complicated, if we believe in our heart and say it with our own lips, that Jesus Christ is the risen Lord, we will be saved, it is just that simple.

Colossians 2: 11-12 When you came to Christ, you were "circumcised," but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision-the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with Him you were raised to new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead. It was made easy so we wouldn't have any trouble understanding.

  • 4 months later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

By confessing Jesus is Lord, we not only declare that He is God, but also that He is our Master and King and that He deserves honor and glory. He is the Lord of Host and the King of Glory. If we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead we will be saved. Salvation is not in good works, but only through Jesus. Only Jesus, God himself, could be the perfect sacrifice, and by confessing and believing that He is God, we will be born again. By being born again into the family of God, we are now subjects of His kingdom and must submit ourselves fully to His will.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

Because "Jesus is the Lord" is for each and every Roman to realize and recognize they and Jesus are part of the Lord....and to not feel alone and react to their feelings of loneliness, desperation within their ignorance, and sense of isolation rendering them incapable of perceiving Universal Love.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

When we confess Jesus is Lord we are saying that He is now our Master, Lord, owner, ruler, we are subject to Him ready to follow, listen to and obey Him. This is necessary for our salvation because the life we live is about Jesus Christ. We confess with our mouth whatever we believe in our heart, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh This simple confession is what is required from us to be saved for by it we are dropping all other things for Him asking Him to come and lord over our life

  • 5 months later...

Confessing that Jesus is Lord is imperative to one’s salvation. We must believe in our heart that Jesus is God’s Son and verbally proclaim that He was raised from the dead. It’s believing in the heart that makes us right with God, and one’s verbal confession that gets us saved. Of course these things are only the beginning of learning to live a Christian lifestyle.


Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

We are to submit to confession of our sins and confess that God is King for if we do we will have enternal life and only then do we one day meet the King.

  • 3 months later...

A Lord is someone who has complete authority over another person. When we confess that Jesus is Lord, we are confessing that He has complete control over our lives. However, he is not only Lord over those who has accepted him as their God, He is much much more than that. He is Lord over all. One day soon every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and declare his lordship.

It is one thing to believe in the heart that Jesus is Lord. When we confess with our mouth, we are not merely uttering the words but we are actually saying I have now decided to follow Jesus and will fully obey his commandmants.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?


We have to openly confess that Jesus is our Lord and not be ashamed to do so. Just keeping it to ourselves and believing in our hearts is not enough. That's why many denominations use the time honored "altar call" when preaching the Gospel. The act of coming to the front of the assembly when invited to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior by the evengelist is a public declaration that we've made that decision.

Responding to an altar call isn't a prerequisite for salvation, but telling people you're a Christian and a follower of and believer in Christ is. Jesus even said that if we're ashamed of Him, He'll be ashamed of us, come judgement.

  • 1 year later...

The significance of the confession that "Jesus is Lord" is to make a public declaration and be not ashame to verbally voice this statement. By openly acknowledging Jesus is Lord , it is a binding declaration or contract of our faith in God, and it is stating that Jesus is God.

It is necessary for salvation because one has to be fully convinced , be obedient and put all trust in Jesus as Lord. It includes submission and positively and publicly confessing Jesus is Lord.

  • 1 year later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

A. In confessing Jesus is Lord, we are declaring who He is and whose we are now. Scripture tells us in this verse that it is necessary to salvation to "confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." It's not enough to have a secret salvation. God SPOKE creation and life into being. We are told to SPEAK our belief in Him, which brings us from spiritual deadness into LIFE ETERNAL. It indicates that we are not ashamed of the Gospel nor of Him and puts Satan on notice that we are no longer of our father the devil, but now belong to God our forever Father!

  • 2 years later...

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?
In Greek, the Hebrew word for Yahweh is translated as kurios. So when we confess Jesus is Lord, we are in effect conveying that Jesus who is Yahweh is my Lord.

Romans 10:9 says that is we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in our hearts that God hath raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved. In Greek it implies simultaneous action, ie confession with the mouth and believing with the heart.  Without believing a person cannot confess. By believing and confessing we are acknowledging what He did on the cross submitting to His Lordship over our lives.

  • 4 months later...
On 2/15/2006 at 7:16 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

The significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord" is that when one confesses He is God over his or her life, then they are accepting Him as their Savior and that there is none other like Him. Romans 10:9 says "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Proverbs 18:21 says "Death and life are in the power of your tongue" which means that professing out loud is powerful. This is why when one confesses out loud that Jesus is the Lord and their Savior, they are given salvation and allow Him to take control over their lives.

  • 10 months later...

To the Jews God was one and they could not accept that Jesus was God when He was among them. They called God Adonai or Jehovah and in admitting that Jesus is Lord they are saying that He is one with God or equal. That He is God.  In order for them to be saved they needed to acknowledge that the one they killed was God Himself. That Jesus was Lord and that they need to confess it openly with their mouth along with their belief in order to be saved.

  • 1 month later...
On 2/14/2006 at 11:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. What is the significance of the confession "Jesus is Lord"? Why is this necessary for salvation, according to Romans 10:9?

If according to the Old and New Testaments both Yahweh and Adonai are usually rendered by the Greek noun 'Kurios' meaning 'owner' or 'master' and also used as a title for Yahweh and Jesus, then when I confess "Jesus is Lord", I am actually confessing that Jesus owns me. He is my master and so has power and authority over me.  So in confessing that "Jesus is Lord" means that I surrender to Him and obey him.   Jesus asked, "Why call Me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I tell you?"

Confessing Jesus is Lord is necessary for salvation because according to Romans 10: 9 it is the only way to be saved.  Paul states categorically that it takes the Spirit of Yahweh for a person to call Jesus "Lord".  When that person in all honesty and humility surrenders will and life to the Master, and confesses Him to be "Lord" then is when salvation is come to that person's life. 





  • 6 months later...

This verse is very important.  The Apostles Creed states that Jesus Christ  is consubtantial with the Father, Light from light.  Our Lord Jesus Christ is not just godlike but He is truly God.   Two Greek words have occupied my meditations: ousia and hupostatis.  Christ is one with the Father in essence yet He is the eternal Son of God.

The Gospel is plain and simple, easy to obey!  Jesus Christ is the second person of the Holy Trinity ! His death and resurrection is fully effective to save the person who confesses with his mouth and believes in his heart.

  • 1 year later...

We must accept Jesus as Lord. He is the only way to The Father. There is no other way to salvation, only through Jesus. There is no other way to be with God in eternity but through Jesus. Jesus is Lord and God Almighty

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