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A shield is only necessary when you are under attack from forces that can hurt you, even be lethal. Since Yahweh has assumed the role of Shield over His people, it makes it clear that we are vulnerable and in grave danger from some kind of assault. We have a sworn Enemy who has one mission: to steal, kill, and destroy the people of God. This enemy has been described in the Word in many ways including fiery darts, a roaring lion on the hunt, and a great red dragon - all destructive. He is a spiritual force and we humans have no natural defenses.

Only the supernatural power and protection of God can shield and defend us. Yahweh has provided the Word and the Spirit to guard and empower us to withstand assault. He uses them to protect the "vital organs" of our soul - our mind, will, and emotions. Psa.91:5 says we don't have to fear any attack that might come by night or day because God is faithful as our Shield. Verse 6 indicates that Yahweh also guards our health and physical well being as well.

From previous study of the word "glory", this means to me that the full heft and weight of God's radiant holiness, unmatched power, supreme authority, and blameless righteousness are mine - at work on my behalf! When I am collapsed by exhaustion in the battle or flattened by wounds in the fight or tempted to be paralyzed in fear of the Enemy, Yahweh is the One who lifts me up. I can imagine Him tenderly taking my chin in His hands and lifting my head out of the dust to encourage me to stand back up in His strength. The Lord is my covering of protection, and I have no hope of surviving the Enemy without Him.


Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield?

God is our protector. He is our armor. He is our security against all harm and trouble.

In what ways is he our glory?

God's glory secures us against all evil. His radient glory protects us from harm against our enemies.

In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"?

With God as my protector and my shield my head is lifted against all evil for I know that he is my strength and he protects me with his glorious sword. When we're weak and weary we can be assured that God will give us a renewed strength to carry on.

What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

This teaches me that God loves his people so much that he is our armor and will shield us and lead us to victory from all evil doing. When one surrenders themself over to God you can know that he is the protector of his people.

With faith I know that God is on my side guarding and protecting me. My faith will be the light that guides me to victory. This doesn't mean that I won't be faced with evil it just means that I will be prepared to deal with it knowing that God is with me and in faith I can endure because he is my rock and my shield.


God is our shield because He goes before and behind us, knows everything and is never taken by surprise, loves and protects us as we abide in Him, has plans and purpose for us and leads us in His plans. his word does not returnto Him void and His purposes will be achieved. We are enfolded into that as if we were ingredients in a big cake that He is mixing! Indeed it will be cooked and it will turn out perfect in the cooking!

He is our habitation, and a glorious one at that! On earth a man's glory relates to his endowments (house, wealth, power and authority among men). Our habitation is not on this earth wherein we are travellers, but in Heaven. We get dusty feet because we walk on earth, but our Life is the resurrection life founded in God's glory, Heaven. Fastening our gaze on Him, "the things of this world grow strangely dim" because our hearts and spirits are elsewhere. He is our glory. Our heads are turned upwards towards the Majesty on High. The world cannot turn them down again on earthly values and glories because we have seen a greater Vision, and greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.

There is an eternity of wonder, joy, exploration in Heaven that far exceeds the wonderful explorations that we can enter into on earth. As we love daylight on earth rather than the night-time, so we love the Son of God rather than ignorance and the shame it brings.

We are nothing without our Yahweh and His Yeshua and Spirit of Truth. In Him all things are possible and indeed will be accomplished! Thank you Yahweh that we can come along for the ride!


Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

As a shieldGod is the source of our protection and security, He is our treasure "exceeding great reward", giver of gifts and our benefactor.God is a shiled to those that walk in integrity (Ps.18:30).God's truth is our shield and defence: God surrounds the righteous with favor as with a shield(Ps.5:12). In the New Testament Jesus is the shield of our faith, He is the Truth that shields us.

God is our glory when His presence in us manifests and reveals His nature and character to those around us. Our glory is to fully express and display God's likeness, because we are made in His image.

As the Lifter of my head God is the source of all my strength, encouragement and joy during times of distress and trials.

The abiding presence of God in all aspects of our life is the perfect environment for our fruitfulness and purpose here on earth.


God is my shield

when He protects me in troubled times.

God is my Glory

in that He reveals

His Holiness and Righteousness to me

and through me

when I obey and stay close to Him at all times.

It is easy for me to hang my head

when I am feeling down, tired or losing.

He is the lifter of my head by giving me

His Hope and Joy

when it is difficult to get up

and dust myself off and start all over again.


By faith, God will shield me from attack by the enemy and allow me to fight to the good fight. He is our glory when we claim the victories that He gives to each of us as we allow His marvelous light to shine through. When I am down and feeble in spirit I can quite simply call to Him in prayer and He will quite readily lift me up. This all relfects a God who deeply loves us and gives us His all.


Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory?

Psa 3:3 But you, O LORD, are a shield that surrounds me. You are my glory. You hold my head high.

God's shield for us is found in the Lord Jesus Christ. The resurrection showed He was the glorious Son of God.

Luke 9:29 While Jesus was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly, both Moses and Elijah were talking with him. They appeared in heavenly glory. A voice came out of the cloud and said, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen. Listen to him!"

John 2:11 Cana in Galilee was the place where Jesus began to perform miracles. He made his glory public there, and his disciples believed in him.

John 17:3 This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.

John 17:20 "I'm not praying only for them, (the desciples) I'm also praying for those who will believe in me through their message.

I pray that all of these people continue to have unity in the way that you, Father, are in me and I am in you. I pray that they may be united with us so that the world will believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me. I did this so that they are united in the same way we are.

I am in them, and you are in me. So they are completely united. In this way the world knows that you have sent me and that you have loved them in the same way you have loved me. How awesome is this prayer! Jesus prayed for us to be transformed into the glorious image of God.

For protection He left us with the whole armor of God for us to put on, and He tells us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. How? Put on the whole armor, (not just the helmet of salvation), for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Stand, girded your waist with truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. Take the sword, God's word and with it pray always for all the saints. We need to put the shield on, and to walk in His glory.


In what way is God a shield?

He is a shield as He is always our protector. He protects us from evil. He protects us from our sinful selves. He gives us strength when we are tempted. He protects us by his guidance and the plan He has for our lives. He protects us ultimately through the salvation we have through the mediation of His Son, His death and resurrection. Without His protection we would remain in our sinful state which leads to death and eternal estrangement from God.

In what way is He our glory?

The glory of the Father is reflected in His children. He is our source of strength. As a new creation in Christ, it is He who is within us. It is His love and His teaching which radiates through us. He is our teacher and our example. So we should not take the credit. What is good and worthwhile in us comes from Him.

In what ways is He "the lifter up of my head".

He is our encouragement. When the world gets us down, He gives us hope and He gives us strength. He will refresh our spirits. He gives us purpose and direction. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

What does that teach us about God? About ourselves?

God is both a powerful and a loving God. He protects and guides us. He gives us the direction and the encouragement. He does this because He loves us. In return we must obey and follow Him in all His teaching and through pray and study to get to know Him better so that the more we are a reflection of Jesus and follow Him in everything.


God is a shield of protection around me with his love. God also establishes his shield of protection around me through my prayers when I ask for it.

God's Shekinah Glory surrounds each one of us as we obey his word and live in his presence.

God is the lifter up of my head as a sign of divine favour, protection and honour. This is what Pharaoh did to his cupbearer when he returned him to his former place (see Genesis 40:12-21). I have been through a time where everything was taken away from me. Through the healing process God is surely the lifter of my head as I am returned to my former place. Praise His Holy Name.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

God is my unseen shield protecting me from satans firey darts. He gives victory over sin and restores me so that I may regain respectability. He is my shield and defender. Without Him I am helpless.


I think we cannot possibly know the extent of the spiritual battles which are taking place around us every day. We are shielded from much of it by God. The fiery darts flung at us by our enemy cannot hurt us if it God's will that He be our shield--to protect us. The war is the Lord's to fight. I liked what Blessed Me said about the shield of faith that we are to put on. I think our putting on the shield of faith acknowleges that in faith God is our shield.

He is our glory--we were made to bring Him glory! Praise Him for His provision for us to enable to live this life & fight the good fight of faith.

I think of God as the lifter up of my head, when I am exhausted or depressed from the fight and feel I am unable to go on. I can also picture Him lifting up my head to see what He has done, to see His provision for me. Also, to lift my head to give me direction and encouragement.

God is in control. Not one of us can do what the Lord does for us. There is no one or no thing able to separate us from His love. He is to be praised we are to submit to Him & worship Him every day, hour, minute. We are needy & need Him & what He only can provide. Ultimately we are nothing without Him, and belong entirely to Him. Praise Him Now!!


God gives us strength and courage to face opposition sometimes even in visions. By faith knowing that God will be there, if we but ask, He is faithful and just to answer our call. God gives us courage to go on. He is our very being. God is always present. We can do nothiing without God, even the heathens are contolled by God, because He created all and gave us a choice. All Glory, Praise and Honor belong to Him.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

I have prayed and searched God's word about these questions as it pertains to Davids flight from Absalom, (The time when David offered this prayer to God) and realize that God's plan has a price, twenty thousand died that day. I found little comfort in that till God reminded me of the price that others have paid for the freedom I enjoy today. And then He reminded me of the cost to Him, his only begotten Son, the one He said this about, "17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (kjv)

So through His Son I found the answer to these questions, "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

God's glory it the reason I look to Him, my desire to honor Him is the reason He is the lifter up of my head, following Him "and not into temptation" is why He is my sheild.

Twenty thousand died that day as a result of the sin of David's son, Amnon. How many more live today because of the death of God's Son, Jesus? That in itself says a lot about God.

What does it say about ourselves? Sometimes I think the desires of today often preclude the promises of tomorrow. But the good thing is God will never abandon us, so there is always hope.



God shields me from the burning sun by day and is a shield from my many adversaries who would eat me up. He shields me from the unplesantness of lifes tradgadies, as I trust Him in my daily walk and decisions He shields me from error and the fowlers net, when I don't see what the enemy has planned I'm shielded from harm seen and unseen. God has become my rear gaurd, given me goodness and mercy to follow me, that and the angel of the Lord that encamps around about me. He says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, He directs (shields) my goings and comings. You will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk ye in it, shielded from my own ignorance.

He is my Glory in that His life not only shines through my obedience to Him, but people see what I do and how I'm blessed and are dwarned to Him thereby He receives the Glory that belongs to Him and He becomes my Glory (my boast, my shout of victory etc.).

Lifting up of my head, He encourages, strenghtens, carries and supports me. I find my rest in Him.

God is for me. God desires me to succeed on His behalf. If there was ever any doubt that God loves and cares for me its now been removed by Him lifting up my head. When I should be ashamed He looks at me.

That its not I but Christ. I've become accepted in the Beloved, and that God really cares about me. And reaaly takes time to be concerned about my welfare and growth in Him.


Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

A shield is used as a defence mechanism. It is used for self protection. When someone or something tries to hit us, automatically our hands are lifted up in defense. The Lord acts as our defense mechanism. He automatically comes in between us and the evil forces that tend to attack us. God loves us and wants that nothing evil befalls us or attacks us. He is there already acting in defense to protect His beloved. God's protection is always available and we are not expected to apply for God's protection. Just the fact that we are God's children makes us eligible for His protection. We are weaklings. Natural beings. Whereas the enemy is supernatural and has supernatural powers. Only God can deal with the enemy. So as such we are to submit totally to His care and keeping. We need to simply put our trust in Him and honor Him and submit ourselves to Him. He will do the rest. .




Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield?

We know that our enemy is out to steal kill and destroy and to send our souls to hell any way he can. He is out to take as many with him as he can deceive into following him. God's word give us the truth to know how to fight back against him, We ourselves are no match for Satan without God as your shield. We can run to him no matter what trial or physical disease that may come our way and he will protect us and heal us. We are under his word for it is the truth and he is our shield when we use the word Satan has to flee from us.

In what ways is he our glory?

He is our glory because he said we do not have to fear day or night what will come at us because God is faithful and will protect us at all times we do not have to fear because he is our glory our honor and our hope. He has unmatched power and Satan can never send anything at us that God can't shield us from and keep us safe in his hands from danger.

In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"?

We have no strength of our own to stand against the wiles of the devil we have only the faith we put in God to keep us lifted and safe from all harm. He is more than enough to hold us and keep us as long as we stand in the shadow of his wings he will hold us up.

What does this teach us about God?

God is Faithful and True as his words say and he loves us with an undying love that will never end as long as we hold to him, be faithful to him he will be there for us and keep us forever even throughout eternity.

About ourselves?

The song I am weak but thou art strong says it all to me. Jesus keep me from all wrong. We can do nothing in ourselves with him nothing and I do mean nothing is impossible. The truth is God never leaves us if anyone moves it is us and we need to hold fast to the word the truth of God for we are not able to protect ourselves. :D


I just had this experience yesterday...big time. I seemed to have every assault of the enemy leveled at me and I was exhausted! I know the Lord is my shield so I read from the Word, turned on praise and I cried out....I cried until I was so tired I went to sleep. I had a very short dream that dealt specifically with my attack and I knew what I was to do. I lifted my head (He lifted my head) and and I was much better. I went to church for a class and I was met with such encouragement from so many people and a teaching that confirmed what I was to do and overcame all the lies satan tried to make me bellieve to stop it from happening. What I am to do, will benefit another and God gets the glory...'cuz I was certaintly at a loss! I'm grown in my faith and He was faithful to give me a purer heart through it. He is good!


In what way is God a shield?

He shields and protects us from the fiery darts of the enemy.

In what ways is He our glory?

When we spend time in His presense by reading our bibles and praying. Then His glory shines thru us.

In what ways is He "the lifter of my head"?

We have no strength of our own to stand against attacks of the enemy or to resist temptation. During these times when we have no strength of our own, He holds us up and gives us His strength.

What does this teach us about God?

That He will always be there for us, no matter what.

About ourselves?

Without the Lord in our lives, we are helpless.


He is a Shield against any criticism and back stabbing that others hurl against me. As anyone knows who is in ministry, we often get arrows shot towards us in the form of criticisms. That is when I trust God to be my shield. I am shielded from the arrows because God takes the hits for me because He is my Shield. Even though these arrows of criticism hurt, I am learning to let them bounce off the shield and go forward with His kingdom


:D God is a shield to us in that he surrounds us like a protective body of aromr or a protective

hide of an animal as skin of a crocodile protects the animal. He surrounds us with grace

I would say and as a rock or fortress or scale this grace is our protection or hedge as I

would understand shield.

:) Heis our Glory because we are only honerable or we only have a sense of splendor

because he has saved us and washed up by his blood. We are honerable only because

He is in our heart. As of ourselves we are not honerable and do not show much splendor

to our world. Any splendor we show and any honer we have is because He our protector

is in our hearts. His grace is our honor and splendor.

:rolleyes: He is the lifter of our head. which means to be risen up, put up high, set up on high

go up . be exalted ... and it is because we let him in our hearts that any of this is possable

again if we are exatled to a position in church or family or school or an organization or

in a person's mind it is only the God nature in us that has allowed us to get to this high

place. So we must praise God for any position of highness or if we have any pride in

our selves it is pride of what God has allowed us to grow up in an area and excell in an


;) This teaches us that God is very loving and generous with us with giving us salvation

and Grace to be able to stand against our enemies and to be able to go forward and

be held up and have his splendor show in us.

This says about us that we must be thankfull to God each moment and thank him for

his protection, strength , grace and all that he sends our way that we may be able to

fight the daily battles. and stay protected and be able to fight the Good fight.

withour his protection and his lifting us up we would be really in a depression and

hiding and be like the judge in the old testament that hid in the grain crushing

area at night afraid of his shadow when God was calling him brave one.....

  • 2 weeks later...

(Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield?

He covers us with his protection, the sheer presence of God in our life, we are covered with his blood & as Christians we need only to call on & stand on the name of Jesus. At the name of Jesus demons will have to flee.

In what ways is he our glory?

As Christians we have the glory of God within us, being the presence of God with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The glory of God is his presence, his power, his might, the very essence of Himself.

In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"?

He gave us the Holy Spirit who dwells within us to witness & minister to us. We just need to look up to God in every situation.

What does this teach us about God?

That God is greater that all I may aspire to be. He completes us. He cares about our well being & loves us dearly. He is there all the time, but when we are in great need we just need to call on him.

About ourselves?

That we need God. We cannot get by in day to day living without including God in it. It also tells me we are people of worth for God to love us so much & be concerned for our welfare no matter how small or trivial the matter may be. :)


Reading Psalms 3:1-8 we ourselves reconized our promblems in our life that had become unmanageable. When we fail, even our friends sometimes begin to think we are beyond God's help. There is times that we think the same. But, God knows different. He is there,even when we fall,he picks us up,put His Arms around us,give us encouragement,and help us to put on His armor.

God comforts us,like he did David,so much that we could sleep in the face of our troubles.What is great about God with His Shield over us,is our worries and anxieties vanished when we focus our thoughts fully on God. We could view life as though all of our problems had been eliminated by placing our problems in God's hand. True deliverance and happiness come when we acknowledge God as our helper and the source of our strenght and shield. "AMEN"


Q2. (Psalm 3:3) In what ways is God a shield? In what ways is he our glory? In what ways is he "the lifter up of my head"? What does this teach us about God? About ourselves?

God is the shield of the believer when they stay in His word and allow the word to live in them. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and was God.Ant the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus promised to send a comforter His Spirit. We as belivers have that Spirit living in us when we practice doing the things God left for us to do in His word. He is our shield of our spirit when we have the shield of faith and breast plate of righteousness as our defence.

He is our Glory when we succeed against those fiery dart sent from satan to destroy what God has created in His own image. We are fill with His Glory because His Spirit live in use to comfort and sustain us in time of trouble.

He is the lifter up of my head by being there when I an weak for then He is strong. He is my comfort and healer at a time when I forget to look and know that He is God and that He is in control.

This teaches me that I can always trust in God to be there for me even when things aren't going my way for He is in control and will see me through that home He promised to prepare for me.

I know that I am weak and need God for my shield with out Him I can do nothing. I need His shield of faith every day to keep me going. I need the breast plate of righteousness because without Him none are righteousness no not one. I need to stand strong in the power of His Might becaus I have no strenght or protection without Him. He is my All in All.

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