unclebob Posted August 20, 2006 Report Posted August 20, 2006 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? I think like in everything else we take many things for granted and feel that at times things are so menial that we could work them out. We can do all things in God, we just need to ask for strength, his guidance, health, really everything with out taking him for granted. God is not a take for granted person, he Demands exact obedience. Quote
Beatriz Eugenia Posted August 21, 2006 Report Posted August 21, 2006 I am not sure of the reason why we tend to try our own solutions first, instead of calling the Lord right away. Maybe it is because of a false pride that we feel when we think that we got something by ourselves. However, that is a lie! Everything we get and manage to do is because God allows us to do it. So, if we really want God to be our Helper and Shepherd, we must call on Him first and be ready to obey Him without hesitation. Otherwise, we won Quote
olori Posted September 2, 2006 Report Posted September 2, 2006 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? I believe we try to do things ourselves because we are flesh. The way most of us are raised, we need to be able to see, we need to be in control. We are unable to see what God is doing before it actually happens and we get scared the rent won't get paid, the lights will go out etc. Even our best efforts cannot produce the results we want. In the flesh we are not able. Yet we try. God does not require alot of us. He requires strong faith. We need to learn to give it to Him and leave it alone. He is never late, He is always on time. We need to learn to just trust GOD Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 15, 2006 Report Posted September 15, 2006 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Because we think we can do it by ourselves, and don Quote
masika Posted October 9, 2006 Report Posted October 9, 2006 -It is because we sometimes doubt God's power to deliver us from danger. -It is because of pride that we do it ourselve. - We have to trust God to and depend on Him . Quote
raymond Posted January 7, 2007 Report Posted January 7, 2007 This is a product of our training in school and society. We were taught to be independent and to be achievers. As a result, doing things on one's own becomes a virtue. And to a certain extent it is. But there are times when we neded God, in fact, lots of times. Many of the things we do and plan for have elements of uncertainty. No one is really sure of the outcome, no matter how meticulously plans are made. This is a fact and this is where we need God. I think faith in God will yield to us the results of our plans. I suggest that in both small and big undertakings we should always offer them to God for His blessings. This is the only way to succeed. Quote
Commissioned Posted January 12, 2007 Report Posted January 12, 2007 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? We sometimes forget who God is. The immensity of His omnipotence escapes us and we fail to completely put our trust in Him. So, we attempt to do things on our own because we think that we can do it and then when it does not work out, then, we turn to Him for help. What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? If God is to be our Helper and Shepherd we must put our TRUST in Him. Not mere words, but in everything trust Him. In the small things trust Him, in the not so small thing trust Him. Even when we think that we have the ability to do something we should still seek God's will and empowerment so that His plans are done in us. Quote
MarkH Posted August 13, 2007 Report Posted August 13, 2007 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? We resist calling on God because we want to take care of problems ourselves. We want to show that we can take care of our own problems. There is not required of us for God to be our Helper or Shepherd. I have heard God moving and helping unbelievers in their time of need. But the one verse that seems to stick with me is when the Israelites were at the water and the Egyptians were after them and God said to the Israelites, Stand and see the salvation of the Lord. The Egyptians see today you will see no more forever. Quote
Kaitlin Posted September 1, 2007 Report Posted September 1, 2007 There are a lot of reasons I resist, a lot of reasons I try to do it myselves first. ~Pride~ I feel like I've got things under control. I want to prove I can handle it, to realize my strength. ~Insignificance~ I feel like whatever I'm dealing with is too trivial for me to make a big deal out of it compared to things others are going through, like I should ask God teach me to be content instead of delivering me from something. ~Magnitude/Hopelessness~ Sometimes, a problem san seem so huge, or a situation so hopeless, that it seems that it could never get better, and that since God allowed me to be in the situation I'm in, it's probably pointless to ask Him to get me out of it. What does God require of us? To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with Him (Micah 6:8). I think another really important thing is trust. Another big thing is to never trust feelings. Following God has a lot to do with denying ourselves, denying how we feel about something, and reminding ourselves over and over what God says, thinks, and asks, however long it takes before His truth overtakes the way our flesh wants to see things. We need to constantly look to God and His word, remind ourselves of His commands, and the promises that go with them. As for more specific reminders regarding these three reasons... ~Pride~ In our weakness, He is strong. That leads me to believe that in our strengths, He is weak. (Not that He becomes any less powerful, but in that He is not going to occupy any more space in our hearts/lives than we make for Him. God will fill us if we ask, but even if He has filled us to overflowing, he can still fill us more if we empty out more of ourselves. Basically, the % of us + the % of God = 100%, but we can always lower the percentage of us--not to make us less than 100%, but to increase the ratio of God to us.) ~Insignificance~ We need to remember how God feels about the sparrows and the hairs of our heads. ~Magnitude/Hopelessness~ We need to consider it pure joy when we face trials which develop our character and perseverance (James 1). We need to know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called for His purposes (Romans 8). We need to consider heaven's values and priorities. We need to consider God's omnipotence and the awesomeness of His vastness and sovereignty. We need to be still and know that He is God, to know that He holds the world in His hand, He holds the entire universe in His hand, and He holds our hand, walks beside us, and leads us in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Quote
Helena Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? Human pride, self-reliance, and focusing on self rather than focusing outward on God raises a brick wall against our Shepherd. This symbolic brick wall begin in the Garden of Eden with the massive deception of Satan involving Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve chose to listen and follow a created being rather than their Creator and Light/Sun. The human race has been in a downward spiral ever since. Today, darkness prevails and an eclipse in the souls of humans has occurred. For God to become Yahweh-rohi and Yaweh-azar to us, we must fully submit ourselves to his holiness, rulership, and care, admitting that we do not have the wisdom nor the power to care for ourselves. The clay cannot tell the Potter what to do! Quote
Craig Posted March 18, 2008 Report Posted March 18, 2008 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? I think we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper because we want to do for ourselves and be in control. We don't want to wait on God, but control things ourselves. We want results in our time. Most importantly, I think it is a lack of faith and relationship with God. If we honor God he will honor us. Quote
gjuneangel1940 Posted May 14, 2008 Report Posted May 14, 2008 why we dont let GOD do his work we let the flesh get in the way. we think we can take care of things ourself. if GOD is to be our helper we must trust him to do what is best for us like we wwould our earthly father Quote
juanieg63 Posted May 21, 2008 Report Posted May 21, 2008 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? We resist calling on God for help because we are taught as Gospel Quote
servant for Christ Posted September 26, 2008 Report Posted September 26, 2008 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? A lot of the time we resist calling on God because we feel like we are not worthy enough, that God doesn't really care about us because of our sins. We try to do it on our own because we think that God does not love us enough to be concerned about our problems. The devil has blinded us with these lies. It is required of us to believe who God really is, who we really are in Christ, take Him at His word that it is truth and God will do what He says He will do. His word can never fail. God will always come through for us and with us in what ever we face because He loved us enough to give His Son for us that we may have eternal life with Him. Quote
Reva Posted September 30, 2008 Report Posted September 30, 2008 I believe many people have the idea that we can handle the "little" things and turn the "big" things over to God. We often fail to understand that he is interested in every aspect of our lives. It seems to be the human thing to do. However, as Christians we should strive to be like Christ, not like the world. Reva Quote
JanMary Posted October 8, 2008 Report Posted October 8, 2008 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? I think common reasons are pride, ignorance, fear, buried anger at Him....but the main reason in my life stemmed from violent abuse as a child, and with it the lie that "I'm alone, abandoned, there's no one to help me, I have no resources..." When I needed help, like a knee jerk reaction from that time, I would go "inward" and hunker down alone until the storm passed. I was shamed for having needs, so was reluctant to "be a nuisance" and ask God. I praise Him that He has revealed this to me, and has been healing my mind, and emotions, so that I run TO HIM, instead of away from Him. Why do we try to do it ourself first? My first answer was my pattern, but others have told me that pride and self reliance keeps them from asking. A victim may be so beaten down with depression that it doesn't occur to them to ask. Self pity and Satan's lies have kept one person I know from turning to the Lord for help. Others are afraid to ask for various reasons, such as not wanting to hear "NO". What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? He says "Ask, seek, knock and you shall receive, find, it will be opened to you"...we just have to come to Him and ask, like children who recognize they need their parents help..It only requires humility, and willingness to receive after asking. I received Salvation and forgiveness by asking for help, but before I knew Him personally, I asked Him to let me die....obviously He said "No"...but later I asked for His help "If you're there", for the births of each of our children....the first weighed nearly 9 pounds and was born in an hour with no pain...I didn't even perspire and my upswept hairdo was intact after the birth....the second birth 4 years later was about the same....no labor, no pain....He is Jehovah Jireh...the Lord provides..even for seekers who only hope He exists.....I praise His Name, and rejoice that I'm His...and that He does say "No" to stupid prayers, like let me die!!! Quote
Sandra K Posted October 20, 2008 Report Posted October 20, 2008 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? I think that we resist because we consider the situation beyond our own ability to help and in our self-sufficiency forget about God as the Helper. It is sad. I do this...it seems that my first thought is what can I do? (And sometimes the Lord DOES want me to do something); however, I should turn to Him first as my Helper. I think self-sufficiency and pride are the main blocks to calling upon Him. God is a Helper and Shepherd to His people---no conditions. Quote
Tina Posted March 16, 2009 Report Posted March 16, 2009 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? We resist because we often feel a false security in our own independence and pride. Sometimes we think it's trivial to speak to God about our needs and problems. We try to do things our way first because we are impatient and because we don't persevere in faith, we waver in our faith. As long as we follow God in righteousness He will not withold any good thing from us. We should also rest in Him and secure our faith in Him. Quote
humblesinner Posted May 30, 2010 Report Posted May 30, 2010 Names of God 8 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourselves first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? For my own part I resist calling upon God to be my Helper usually because my faith fails me sometimes in moments of despondency. That is when He really shines through because, despite me having wandered from the path, somehow I am brought back to Him, even though it be kicking and screaming. I feel very humbled then and know only too clearly that Jesus is right that we are indeed sinners and need the Lord and need His Son to make us anything like well again. It shows God Quote
Trusting God Posted June 26, 2010 Report Posted June 26, 2010 We resist calling on God to be our Helper when we think that we have control of the situation, and know how to fix the problem. We try to fix the situation ourselves before going to God first, when we think that the problem is small, and under our control to solve it. God wants to be our Helper and Shepherd. As a loving God He wants us to put and leave our total trust and care in His care, because He wants us to learn to lean upon Him completely as the Sustainer of our lives. As the Shepherd God wants His sheep (believers) to listen to His voice "... The sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out" (John 10:5). God wants us to follow Him, to walk behind Him for His protection, for His provision, and for His care. Why? God Quote
hanks Posted July 29, 2010 Report Posted July 29, 2010 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourselves first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? I think it is because we like to be in control of things, and perhaps also because of our pride, we try to do things by ourselves. However, I know as soon as we have messed things up we turn to God our Helper. It is then that we need Him. Otherwise, when things are going well financially and health wise, and with our family relationships, then we think there is no need to call on our Heavenly Father. Rather, in times of good and bad it is best to surrender all to Him, He is after all our Heavenly Father and will always be there for us. Quote
Guest Windy Posted August 10, 2010 Report Posted August 10, 2010 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? We may feel that it is too small a matter for us to bother God with, so we try to take care of it ourselves. Or for some of us, it could be that we need to be in control. It is totally a matter of trust. We must trust God our Father with everything. It's not that He doesn't want us to think and do for ourselves, He wants to be part of our everyday lives, because He loves us. Quote
wilma m Posted January 3, 2011 Report Posted January 3, 2011 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? Sometimes I feel too insignificant or that my needs are to small to ask God to help and then I try to do it on my own. I think its also the way we are brought up- children are encourage to do their own thing and we then think we must first try to do it ourselves. I also think that we often don't trust God enough to ask for His help and guidance. I think we must learn to be 100% dependent on God, like the sheep. They don't ask or go their own way, they are quite willing to follow the shepherd wherever he leads. We must also trust God to help and lead us wherever He wants. Quote
mc'el4life Posted May 4, 2011 Report Posted May 4, 2011 Q3. Why do we sometimes resist calling on God to be our Helper? Why do we try to do it ourself first? What is required of us if God is to be a Helper and Shepherd to us? Before I used to think I should not bother Him with every little thing. Knowledge really is important and the application of what we learn is much more important sometimes we know God is our Helper and Shepherd yet choose do do things on our own and later call Him for help when things don't work out, sometimes forgetfulness. God help me. We should love God take Him as our priority, trust and rely on Him and call on Him all the time for help as our Helper and Shepherd. Quote
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