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  Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?


  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament?

He is our protector, our provider, our friend, and our comforter in times of need.

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament?

The Father is the head of the household, with absolute authority over his family. He also is responsible for their nurture, care, and love.

How should they affect our behavior?

We should respect, love, and obey him. :rolleyes:

  • 4 weeks later...

The role of a father is to protect and take care of his all house hold. When we think God has our Father , we should take Him with alot respect , since He is not like our earthly fathers . He Loves us the way we are and He can never change with seasons us our eartly fathers do.

  • 3 months later...

The idea of Hofius and the Old Testament about God are the same. God is an absolute ruler as conceived in a patriarchal society and at the same time the provider and comforter of His children. Thus our attitude towards God must be one of reverential respect. We should always recognize our place in His creation.


Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament the concept of "father" conveys the message that God is the source of our being. Father, creator, cause. As in the physical our earthly biological father's seed cause our conception here on earth; so Our Heavenly Father, Creator is the cause of our existence even before conception. The concept of "father" teaches us that Father God is our Head and to Him we ascribe all respect, glory, reverence.

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament?

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius, the two aspects of a father which underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament is the fact that a father rules as head of his household and he is the person to whom most respect is due, having absolute authority over his family. Also, he has the responsibility of guarding, supporting, and helping the other members. The same applies to Father God. Father God indeed rules as Head of the universe and all respect and honor is due Him. As Father, God takes care of His children.

How should they affect our behavior?

As children we look to our father as the one person who can answer all of our questions, provide for all of our needs, food, sheltered etc. When it comes to our Heavenly Father we must not forget that it is He who enables our earthly father to provide for us and as our Heavenly Father He provides all that our earthly father provides and more. Don't be hesitant in asking Him. As He says in His Word, "Ask and it shall be given..."

  • 6 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

God is ruler, leader; the one Christians need to follow. At the same time He the one we need to go to meet our needs. He is the one who will guard us against any perils.

Our behavior needs to be one of honor and respect to God; never doubting what he says. We need to know that his way is the only way we should go.

  • 1 month later...

One thing that really stands out to me about the Biblical time period and culture's understanding of the father figure, is the way that protection becomes inseparable from obedience and respect. In our society, we have lost the respect for our earthly fathers, and it shows spiritually as well. We often deny or forget the fact that our heavenly Father will discipline us and discipline us quite adequately. (Pro.3:11-12) God the Father is not only safety and love, as we often imagine, but He is the absolute authority, and He demands our respect and obedience.

  • 1 month later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The word, Father, as denoted in the Old Testestament, is used relevant to the position of God himself and related functions. The functions include:

o Creator

o Rock, my Savior

o Redeemer

o Everlasting Father

o Father is highlighted in a protective, national, and militaristic sense as shown

in the lecture through Jeremiah 31:9 and Isaiah 63:13.

These functions and names reveal aspects of God

  • 4 months later...

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

As Otfried Hofius puts it: "In the patriarchal societies of antiquity, the father figure is endowed with two particular characteristics. On the one hand, the father rules as head of the household and the person to whom most respect is due, having absolute authority over his family. On the other hand, he has the responsibility of guarding, supporting, and helping the other members. Both these characteristics are also present when a deity is described or addressed as father."

Our approach to God should be one of respect, due to the fact that He is Creator, provider, and guardian (among other things).

  • 1 month later...

GOD is our leaderand the head. he is the potter we are the clay. he is our creator. we are told to keep all of GOD'S laws one of the commandments tells us to honor our father and mother that our days may be long up on the earth. this goes for our heavenly father also.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

It is the father

  • 4 months later...

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament?

He is Creator, Redeemer, Everlasting Father in Old Testament.

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament?

He is both Ruler, authority, head of family to whom respect is due, along with having the responsibility of guarding, supporting, and helping his family. Both aspects are present when "Father" is used in O.T.

How should they affect our behavior?

He has my respect and awe as my Creator, who has authority over me, and He has my love and devotion as the One Who guards, supports and helps me as His child. He is my perfect Abba, Daddy who invites me up onto His lap for comfort and reassurance.

  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The concept of "father" teaches us that God is our Creator and life giver, who alone has life in himself.The Old Testament spoke of God as a personal God in relations to his people. God is live, compassionate, wisdom, righteousness, mercy, and I could keep gioing on. We can call him Father because of our spiritual faith. He is the head of the household. God is sovereign. We are to respect him, trust and obey, humble ourselves, reverence him, give him our love. God is a Creational Father- the fundamental relationship of God to man whom he made in His own image. This relationship is for our spiritual nature. Without Creator Father, we would not exist. He is a Theocratic Father-his relationship to his covenant people, Israel. He is a Generative Father- exclusively to the second Person of the Trinity, designated the Son of God, the only begotten Son. He is Adoptive Father- the redeeming relationship that belongs to all believers in context of their redemption through Christ and regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in them. Our Father will guard us, he will support us,he will help us in time of need. Our behavior should be one of love, wanting to worship and prise Him with our whole heart and serve him with everything in us.


  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament?

That He, as Father, is the One who made us! (Creator) That He is the One who is over us and to Whom we owe thanks and honor and obedience. He watches over us and protects us....and will bring us back if we stray.

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The 2 aspects are: 1) Father as ruler of household and one to whom respect is due and who has authority over us. 2) Father as the one who protects and provides for the family.

As I see God as my Father, I should listen to His every word for instructions (He has my best interests at heart). I should look to Him and thank Him for His protection of me. I should realize that He is my stability, my Rock, and that even if all falls apart He stays strong and for me.

  • 5 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

Father is seen as our creator in the Old Testament. The Father is seen as the absolute authority on the one hand but also as a caring person on the other hand. We should be willing to obey our Father and we should also realise that when we need Him to bind our wounds and to feel His love, we can also turn to Him for this.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

1. He is the boss, having full authority

2. He has the duty to take care for us

This means that we have to listen to Him.

It also means that He has full responsability for us.

This means that we can trust that He will take care.

I never realized the second before.

  • 4 months later...

Names of God 9

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

God as The Father teaches us that the LORD is literally the one who made us. He is the biological Father of all Creation, the Angels, all nature and all animals and people, even Satan.

The formal use of the term Father in the Old Covenant is describing the role of Father in human terms; protector, defender, supporter, provider and the One to who most respect is due. This is the way the Old Testament verses use this term. So we can be assured that God will be this for us. Jesus really so strongly emphasized this role in His teaching. Indeed it the way Jesus taught us that we should look upon our God; such as the address at the beginning of the Lord

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...


What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way which the word is used in the Old Testament?

According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament?

How should they affect our behavior?

In both: Isa 63:16

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/2/2006 at 5:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way in which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The concept of Father, teachs us that God the Father, loves us, as our earthly fathers, do. My Dad, loved me and provided for me, taught me, protected me, he was my mentor. I think of God the same way, he loves me, provides for me, protects me and sent Jesus to die for me.

According to Otfried Hofius a father is the head of the household and do the most respect. The father is responsible for guarding, supporting and helping the other members of the family. God is the head of our household and does all these things for us, so we should give Him all of our respect, obedience, love, and our thanks.

  • 4 months later...
  On 3/2/2006 at 5:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way in which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The father as head of the household the father rules and deserves respect. God as our Father rules, He deserves all our respect, love and adoration.As His children we can put our trust completely in Him because He is a loving Father and He rules in Righteousness.

The Father also guards and protects his family and he provides for them. God guards and protects us too, He also provides all our needs. Because our Father is the Almighty Holy God, who does not lie and who keeps His promises, we can put our trust in Him to guide, protect and provide for us. We should love Him and obey Him because He knows what we need. Just as a little child does not question his earthly father but look up to him, we also should trust in Our heavenly Faather who is so much more than what any earthly father can ever be.

  • 3 months later...
  On 3/2/2006 at 5:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal w

way in which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

The concept teaches us that God is our Creator, Maker, Porter, Rock, Savior, Redeemer, Comforter , Restorer, Shepherd.

According to Otfield Hofius quote the two aspects are those that describe the father as a ruler who has all authority over is household and to whom most respect is due and the other one is that of responsibility to his family.

We should look at God as our Creator who love us and has given us life without whom we will not be alive today, who knows what is best for us, cares and is capable of supplying all our needs.

  • 5 months later...

In the Old Testament, as our Creator He is the Originator, Designer, Maker, Architect; in the saving context, He will answer when we cry out to Him, He will rescue and care for us. The two aspects of Father in the Old Testament are Father as the head of the house with authority over the family; who is responsible for taking care of, protecting, and providing for the needs of others in the household. We should see God the Father in the same light as the two aspects of a father as described by the quote. We should have an intimate relationship with Him that is full of love and trust; one that is unlike our earthly relationships.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/2/2006 at 5:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What does the concept of "father" teach us about God, especially the formal way in which the word is used in the Old Testament? According to the quote from Otfried Hofius above, which two aspects of a father underlie our understanding of Father in the Old Testament? How should they affect our behavior?

I believe God created the fathers on earth to be more like him relating to their children, yet this didn't happen. My dad was 1 such person who denied me the love in repensation of Christ. Thank God today & always for Jesus coming to me personally giving me all the wonderful love, understanding & caring I have ever wanted. He has and continues to teach me so very much and the least I can do is share, dress, and at more like him every moment.

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