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Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?

Jesus and the Father are one - Jesus is God in the flesh.

In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?

Jesus left Heaven and became man.

Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

They both have their own distinct roles, but are God. :rolleyes:

  • 4 weeks later...
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Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, Lord of all creation , and Lord of all the new creation. He is the visible image of the invisible God . He is eternal , preexistent , omnipotent , equal with the Father . He is Supreme and Complete.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?

Jesus and the Father are one, in the sense that He is God and Father, revealed to us through Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul showed this in his writings to the Corinthian Christians when he said:

"For us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live." (1 Corinthians 8:6).

Jesus, Himself told the disciple Philip,

"'...Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.'" (John 14:6-10)

In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?

Jesus was distinct from the Father in that in order for anyone to get to the Father they must first come through Jesus.

Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus is God the Son. He told the disciples to make more disciples in the name of both the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are distinct but one.

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...." (Matthew 28:19)
  • 6 months later...
Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one in that what They say is the same. They don

  • 1 month later...

In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?

~They are both 100% God. (which would be infinity, and I'm thinking that 100% of infinity + 100% of infinity still equals 100% infinity.)

In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?

~1 Corinthians 8:6 covers that pretty well. Their relationship must be somewhat like the relationship we think of between a father and son. It is like the Old Testament concept in that Jesus is in a position of obedience, and the Father is the One that gives Him everything (Matt. 11:27a). The difference here is that Jesus is equal to the Father, and that He has chosen to be in a position of obedience. Also, I would imagine the whole issue of respect would be quite irrelevant considering the fact that they are both Holy.

Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

~Yes and no. Yes in that Jesus is equally God, but no in other ways. Back to 1 Cor. 8:6, we live for God the Father, we live through the Lord Jesus Christ. The Father is Holiness. power, perfection. Jesus is all of that, but He is grace and reconcilation as well, all because He was also 100% man, making Him a valid sacrifice for human sin.

This is just a side note on the 100% God/100% man thing. Here's a neat illustration...(No pun intended, but I'm not trying to put God in a box)

Imagine a 1" square box(man). Now imagine a 100' box(God). (Both boxes are hollow, without tops)If the 1" box is placed inside the 100' box, and the boxes are both filled with water(Jesus filling the roles of 100% God and 100% man simultaneously). Both boxes(roles) would be filled entirely, but the 100' box (role of God) would not be filled more than 100%, because 100% of man is far less than 100% God. Now only make the 100' box the size of a stadium or something to get a more accurate picture.

Actually, it also makes a lot of sense mathmatically. God is infinite, and anything added to infinity can't make infinity any bigger, that I know of). I'm probably just rambling now, and considerably off topic.

  • 4 months later...
Jesus and Father are one in the sense that they are two of the three persons of triune Yahweh - the one true and living God. They have different roles and personalities, yet they are the very same essence of divinity, perfect holiness, and love.

Jesus clearly identified that He obeys the Father's will, reflects the Father's glory, came to earth clothed in flesh to restore fallen man to the Father. 1 Cor.8:6 says there is only one Supreme Divinity, the Father, and that there is only one Supreme Master Owner, Jesus Christ. Yet it says that through each of them came all things and through each of them we live. They have to be the same God. Jesus said they are one.

I don't know if this is "correct", but I think of it this way. Father designed the plan of creation and redemption according to His will, Jesus Christ the Son obediently executed that plan and revealed the Father to humanity, and the Spirit implements the plan of His will throughout creation and within the hearts and lives of humanity. I AM WHO I AM, the Self-Existent One, exists as pure perfection. If any one of the three persons of the divine Trinity were missing, God would not be perfect! Jesus is identified by that name in prophecy (fulfilled and future) and by His own testimony. He is Yahweh, equally as much as Father and the Spirit.


I really like that summary...may i qoute you to my hubby? He is looking for people to attend a study here in the Twin Cities and he migth like that explanation for his group. :P

  • 1 month later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus is the physical, incarnate expression of the Father -- they are one. Additionally, Jesus did address Himself, in the Gospel of John, as "I Am" the personal name of God -- Yahweh.

Jesus was distinct from the Father in that He had a physical being and came into this world to carry out an assignment for the Father to redeem humanity through His sacrifice upon the cross for the atonement of human sin. Jesus provided a model as to how to have a complete relationship with God the Father and fellow human-beings. So in this capacity, Jesus modeled a father-son relationship and was subject to the Father's authority. A role He willingly submitted Himself to.

  • 1 month later...
Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

They are one in their work, in their purpose, in their love for mankind, in their character and being (if you know me you know the Father), in their thought, and in their roles in creation.

They are distinct in their form, if their jobs to be completed, in their roles in the plan of salvation of man, and in their relationship with us.

Yes Jesus is God in the sense that the Father is God as He said,

  • 4 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?

Jesus is the exact representation of the Father. They are co-equal, along with the Holy Spirit...the Holy Trinity. They are the source of all that exists...co-Creators of everyone and everything. They are One in Spirit, character, purpose, power...complete unity.

In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?

He is a separate personality, as is the Father and yet they are One. Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us and chose to be subordinate to the Will of His Father as He fulfilled perfectly the plan of redemption to "buy" back that which was lost. I love St. Patrick's illustration of the three leaf clover as an illustration of the Holy Trinity.

Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Yes. They, along with the Holy Spirit are the Godhead. In Genesis 1 "Let US create man in Our image after Our likeness"...the Triune God creating the earth. Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Immutable, Pre-existent, eternal.

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one because the Father is living in Jesus. They are one in the sense that they are Godhead of three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What made Jesus distinct was that He came to earth in the flesh. He made a way to where we can communicate with our God . He died, He rose, and now sits at the right hand of the throne intercedeing for us. Yes, Jesus is God in the sense that the Father is God.

  • 4 months later...

In John 10:30 which Jesus famously said "I and the Father are one." This does not mean they are one in person but they are one in power, purpose, and etc. Just like a wife and a husband when they got married they are one but two different individuals. Jesus is not saying He is the Father. They are not one person but in nature they are a united one.

Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is called the Son 200 times throughout the New Testament. The Father is referred to as distinct from the Son over 200 times. Ove 50 times the Son and the Father are mentioned in the same verse. When the New Testament and the Trinity define Jesus as "God" we should understand that they are not saying he is "his own father." In the New Testament, Jesus speaks and prays to the one called "Father," who is in heaven. The same distinction is made between the glorified Jesus and God the Father. For instance, in the book of Revelation it is clear that there is God, and there is Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1). They are distinct persons. Since the New Testament is careful to draw a distinction between Jesus and the Father, so should we. On the other hand, it is also clear that the New Testament brings together Jesus Christ (the Son), the Father and Holy Spirit as they who act in eternal communion and oneness in everything, most notably in our salvation (Matthew 28:19; John 14:15-26).

Jesus fully possesses the full nature of the only true God (Colossians 1:19/2:9), yet I do not believe that Jesus is the Father.

  • 2 weeks later...
Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one in the sense of having the same attributes of holiness, love, compassion, etc. Jesus is the Son of God and God is Father God. mJesus is distinct from the Father in that He submits to the Father's will and doesn't know for e.g. when the rapture will take place. He said that not even the Son of God know this, so whilst they are in harmony with each other, God is the one in charge.

  • 10 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

There is only one God - not three.

One aspect of God came in the flesh - we call Him the Son because God made a women pregnant and therefore He was born naturally.

This doesn't mean that only the Father is God.

Some people on this forum say they have different character but the Bible doesn't say that.

They just have a different task.

My father for example is my father but his father's son - so you can perfectly be son and father at the same time.

  • 4 months later...

Names of God

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one in that Jesus is the only Son of the LORD. He is the LORDS Word. He is the Lords Servant, Prophet and High Priest. He is Gods Chosen and anointed.

Jesus and the Father are one in that they are both the Trinity alongside Gods Holy Spirit.

Jesus and the Father are one in that Jesus is everything that the Father desires, the perfect One who does the Fathers Will always. Jesus is the Lords Intercessor with humanity; the Son of Man Jesus is the Way to the Creator, the Only Way, as it is written.

Jesus and the Father are one in that Jesus knew Himself to be close enough to God enough to make the "I AM" statement,John 8:58 (CJB version) "58 Yeshua said to them, "Yes, indeed! Before Avraham came into being, I AM!"

Jesus is distinct from the Father in that He is not the LORD. YAHWEH is the LORD. Jesus is the Son of YHWH; His only Son. Jesus came as a man. The LORD is in eternity and is the Alpha and Omega. He always was, is and ever shall be. Jesus is the LORDS creation as are all things in Heaven and earth. Jesus is the prized and special One to the LORD because there is only one of Him. There are many Angels, there are many, many humans and animals, but only one Son. That is the reality!

Jesus is not God as the Father is God. God created everything. Jesus is created by the LORD. Jesus is the very closest of created beings to the LORD. Jesus is the most perfect of all Gods creation. God is the source of all creation and all that exists. Jesus is the most important Being created by our LORD.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?

In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?

Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Both Jesus and the Father are one in the sense that both are fully God and both are eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinitely wise, infinitely holy, infinitely loving, omniscient, and so forth. Jesus Himself mentioned

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one in the sense that they are both fully God. Jesus said, "When you look at me, you see the Father."

Jesus was fully human, and He obeyed the Father, and God glorified Jesus, because of His obeidence. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are One God.

Jesus was fully human and fully God, and He and the Father are one. Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."

  • 4 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

The best way I can think of the Trinity is to think about an egg. The shell of the egg is different from the white or the yolk, but every part is still egg. The yolk of an egg is not less egg than the white or the shell. Jesus is God or part of the Godhead. He is not less God than the Father or more than the Holy Spirit. They consist as one "unit" in perfect love and harmony, yet as three distinctive "beings" No one can see God and live, yet Jesus came to the earth as a human being, the second Adam to reconcile us with God and one day we will also be able to see God and live in His presence forever

  • 3 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one because of the divinity of their nature whatever the father does Jesus does, whatever the father says He says, He does not do anything apart from the father. We cannot separate them from each other. God the father and the Holy Spirit lives in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit lives in Jesus and Jesus and Holy Spirit lives in God. God the Father is Spirit, Holy Spirit is Spirit, Jesus the son is Spirit and also Human which made Him the God (Spirit) that can be seen in the physical. Jesus Himself confirmed His divinity in John 14: 7-11; John. 10:30

Jesus was distinct from the father in that He was fully man and fully God.

I would say yes because Jesus is from the beginning with God John 1:1

  • 5 months later...

They are one in essence and nature but not the same person. Jesus is the Son and the Father is who HE IS; Father and creator of all things in heaven and on earth. Jesus represented The Father and carried out HIS will here on earth. The Father is the Creator, the Son (Jesus) carried out the work of redemption, and the Holy Spirit is the presence of God working in today’s church. The Father sent HIS Son to earth for the sinner; the Son sent His Holy Spirit to earth for the children of God. They are one inside each other; if we know Jesus, we know the Father.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus came as the Father in in physical form. Jesus is the 2nd part of the Trinity and sitteth on the right hand of God in Heaven as his son.

  • 3 months later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one because together with the Holy Spirit, they are the Trinity (Triune God).

The trinity is referred to as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. Therefore Jesus is distinct from the Father because He is the son. When Jesus was on earth, he was human and he referred to God the Father as His Father, and did the will of His Father on earth. Yet he says that He is in the Father and the Father is in him - they are one.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one?


Jesus Himself declared that He and the Father are one. This is something our minds just can't grasp. Prior to His incarnation Jesus was the Word of God. God created everything that was created by speaking it into existence . . . by His Word. This is the subject of the opening statements of John's Gospel.




In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father?


When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, for the first time He was separated from His Father. While on earth Jesus was still God but as a human being He was limited somewhat in His divinity by His humanity. For example Jesus claimed not to know the day nor hour of His return, Mark 13:32.

Also, in Revelation we see Jesus as the Lamb who was slain, distinct from God the Father. In apoclyptic passages we have God on His throne and Jesus as the commander of the heavenly army.




Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?


I'm gonna say, Yes. Thomas' statement when Jesus showed him the holes in His hands and feet was: My Lord and my God! In one moment he'd gone from doubting to making a monumental confession of faith. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father and is also referred to by Paul as the Spirit of Jesus.

In our prayers we pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ the Son. This is all very complex. The concept of a triune being is too much for our minds.

By the way, I remain silent in church when they sing a worship chorus separating the Trinity and singing the same lines to each member . . . Father . . . Jesus . . . Spirit . . . we adore you, etc, glorify your name in all the earth . That's heresy. I called the associate pastor a heretic when he agreed with me that the chorus in question wasn't biblically based but then went ahead and scheduled it in the following Sunday morning's worship service, just to show me he didn't respect my telling him his job. Mind you, yelling it out as I took my family out of there in the middle of the service may have been a bit much, but it did galvanize the rest of the congregation into getting rid of him. He was as phony as a three dollar bill.

  • 5 years later...

Q3. In what sense are Jesus and the Father one? In what way was Jesus distinct from the Father? Is Jesus God in the sense that the Father is God?

Jesus and the Father are one in the sense that they both are divine and they are the first person and the second person in the triune Godhead. They are distinct persons, yet one God. In Exodus 34:5-7 the Lord revealed Himself to Moses – “Then the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the LORD. And the LORD passed by before him and proclaimed the LORD, the LORD GOD merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children’s children unto the third and to the fourth generation”. These are the characteristics of God and it was fully represented in Jesus. Jesus is the exact representation of the Father. By seeing and knowing Jesus, it is possible to see and know the Father. They are mutually interdependent and share a relationship in which each exalts the other persons in the trinity. They co-existed before eternity past and will co-exist in eternity future.

They are distinct in that the Son is subordinate to the Father in His role. We may say that the Father is the architect, the Son is the builder and the Holy Spirit is the executant. All three are active in creation and redemption, incarnation of Jesus, in His resurrection etc.

The Father is called God, Jesus is called God and the Holy Spirit is called God in the Scriptures. All three received worship, forgave sins and redeemed man. They are three persons in the Godhead, distinct yet co-equal.  

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