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The covenant vows of marriage, the way Yahweh intended it to be, are very similar to the covenant relationship he established with Israel. He established a covenant promise with that nation of people to love, protect, and provide for the love of His life, a promise to lead her with wisdom and righteousness, a promise to be completely faithful to her. He rejoices over her with delight and anticipation of absolute union with her.

The N.T. extension is Christ as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride. He laid down His life in sacrifice to redeem us, purify us, and make us holy and spotless so that we can be fully united with Him when the Father calls for us. As the Church, we are being adorned with faith and obedient good works to make us stunningly beautiful before our presentation to the Groom. A great wedding feast and unparalleled celebration is planned for the Bridegroom and His radiant bride. His covenant vows to the Church are the very same as those of God to Israel.

(Just as a side-note opinion, I believe that with the increasing demands for acceptance of homosexual "marriage", the Deceiver is attempting to pervert and destroy not just human marriage of one man with one woman as the LORD designed it, but ultimately the holy marriage picture of Christ to His Bride.)

God is jealous for His love and over His love. He is jealous for her devotion and affection; jealous for her undivided love and commitment to Him alone; jealous for her faithful respect of His leadership and provision. And He is jealous over anything that threatens to harm or deceive His love; jealous over anything that would turn her eyes from Him to another; jealous over anything that would damage His relationship with her. He has made it clear that any such threat will be avenged!


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? What causes God jealousy?

God is the husband of Israel in the sense that He is committed to her. Even though she abuses the relationship in rejection (as in the wilderness with Aaron)or in idol worship (as happened severally in Israel). Israel cannot break God's purpose with her, not His commitment to her. The commitment was made to Abraham, and remains. From Israel He did produce the Son He promised to her, namely Jesus, and she is ever the bride that produced Him.

Maybe the birth of the Son is the beginning of the New Testament fulfilment of this marriage. Jesus is certainly put forward as the bridegroom of the church, so the relationship continues. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, the City of God, seeing that it did not "know the time of your visitation". This sounds very much like the bridesmaids not being ready with oil in their lamps when the bridegroom arrived. Imagine a bridegroom standing, waiting at his wedding, and the bride not realising what was going on, not prepared or dressed, not turning up! That is what it was like for Jesus as He wept over Jerusalem after His triumphal entry. But the wedding feast of the Lamb is still prepared in Heaven, and the bride will be there.

God is enraged over every misunderstanding of humanity, every replacement of Him in their lives (idolatry - wooden idols in the old days, more 'sophisticated' idols today, whose effect is nonetheless to mock God. God is not mocked. There is no excuse (Rom 1:18-21). His justice will eventually take over. He will eventually be avenged, as hell awaits the mockers. The obvious mockery today is on the media which takes every opportunity to lampoon Christians etc. But God has made it clear how we are to believe and behave. He is the author of Life and has that right. We are here for His purpose,and to the extent we do not fulfil that He will dispense with us in the fires of hell. Let us earnestly play to win, fght the good fight, finish the course. The bride is to please the bridegroom! She will be well rewarded!


So the Now the LORD observed the extent of the people's wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart. 7 And the LORD said, "I will completely wipe out this human race that I have created. Yes, and I will destroy all the animals and birds, too. I am sorry I ever made them." (Gen. 6 niv) Mans desire to know right and wrong and his inablility or lack of desire to do right in the sight of the LORD caused the first divorce. And for the same reasons God divorced Israel again. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also. (Jer. 3 niv) Yes God is committed to Israel even to the point of abandoning her and allowing her to continue in her evil way, yet constantly hoping she will return to Him.

Just like the days of old we cannot put our faith, hope, trust, and service toward the god of Baal and expect to remain married to the God of all. God did promise Abraham that he would become a great nation. And God kept that promise in spite ot the people. (I will say it again: The LORD your God is not giving you this good land because you are righteous, for you are not


Interestingly enough, in scripture reference of Isaiah 62:4-5, Yahweh refers to Jerusalem as Hephzibah, Hezikiahs wife. Yahweh entered into a covenant agreement wih His people which He likened to a marriage covenant. Marriages during Old Testament times were dominated by the male, who was the sole support of the family. Toward that end, Yahweh expected His wife, Israel, to be totally dependent upon Him, and to reverence Him accordingly. This, as Old Testament wives would their own husbands, without whom they would struggle to survive.

Jesus brought us a New Covenant, a new marriage arrangement, a fresh outlook though the equality of the Holy Spirit. This precious gift gives us, His bride, a better relationship with Him, and prepares us for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We, constitute His church, the bride.

Needless to say, as a husband much in love with His wife is as zealous he is over her. Zealous, the root word for jealous describes Yahweh's love for us. As He gives us for His all for us He expects no less in return. He is indeed jealous of this love given and equally jealous to any lost to our foolishness through our vanities of idolatry and **** for the cares and riches of this world.


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel?

This goes back to the beginning of this chapter when we are asked what is the role of the father. It is also the role of the husband. Israel is the wife. It is an adulterios wife. Israel is disobiedient and unfaithful to her husband God. But her husband remains faithful. The husband is the protector and supporter of the family. The one who is responsible for the families well being. The one who nurtures, teaches, protects, and love every family member. The husband has the authority. The husband in this instance is faithful to his wife and his family.

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor?

The husband and wife shall be united again.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Rev 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

What causes God jealousy?

God is a jealous God he tells us this in Exodus 20:3-5, The Ten Commandments.

We shall have no other Gods before him. We shall not bow down or worship other idols or false Gods. We owe our love and loyalties, trust, faith, and belief to God and God alone. There should be nothing put before him. Our love should belong to him first. For he is a jealous and avenging God and he will take vengeance and wrath on your faithlessness.

1 Cor 6:20

20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.


God covenanted with Israel that they would be His special people. They were to repect & obey God as they would have their wives respect & obey them.

The N.T. "expansion" of this is that Jesus becomes the bridegroom & the bride is the church which included all peoples (not just Jews) who had accepted Christ as their Savior.

As with Israel, the Church needed to be a faithful bride. God would be jealous if His Church would prostitute itself. Loving "things" or other people more than Him. We need to give ourselves totally to our Father/Husband and bring Him glory.


In what sense was God husband of Israel?

Traditionally the husband is the head of the household and the wife has a duty of obedience to her husband. This is a similar relationship between God and Israel. The analogy can be taken further. A husband loves his wife and must be faithful to her. She of course must be faithful also to him. He must not look to any other as this is potentially adulterous. He must provide for the welfare of his wife and of his family. All this applies to God's relationship with Israel.

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor?

The extension is the church, being the body of those who believe in Jesus, being the bride of Christ. Somehow the analogy of a bride rather than a wife is more personal. There is an intensity in the love as if it is new found. The response also is not so much dutiful as passionately loving.

What causes God jeolousy?

God is jeolous when we turn away from Him and worship other gods. These are not the idols of the ancient world but the idols of the modern world. When we worship material things and set them up as the objects of our life, rejecting the love God has for us and His concerns for a real interests, He is justifiably angry but obviously not jeolous in the sense of being envious. The anger is at our sinfulness and folly being attracted by the temporal and denying absolute perfection.


I will betroth you to Me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you shall know the Lord.Hosea 2:19,20

God refers to himself as Israel's husband: "For your Maker is your husband." God, our creator, desires close personal relationship with his people. He wants us to know that he loves us and desires that we love him in return. Love is both a deep emotion and an extraordinary act. When we love someone, we are not cold or indifferent towards them but want to be near them, we want to see them face to face, we want touch them and be touched by them. While our relationship with God is a spiritual thing, God desires a deep intimate relationship with his people. He wants to be involved with us in our daily affairs. He wants us to share with him our deepest secrets. God also wants to communicate with us. One of the unique aspects of the spousal relationship is that it is the closest relationship we can have that is a matter of choice. When God revealed himself as Father, He is reminding us that he brought us into being and continually cares for us, but when he says he is our Husband he is saying that he has chosen to love us. In fact God is so motivated in his love for us that he was willing to go to great extremes to be in loving relationship with us:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).

"Jealousy" is a way to describe the hurt and deeply felt pain of betrayal and loss because of the unfaithfulness in a relationship. When God is described as jealous, it is because his children are worshiping idols and committing spiritual adultery. God alone is worthy of all our worship and devotion:

"I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, Nor My praise to graven images" (Isaiah 42:8).


In the old testeament several times we see the analogy of God as the husband and Israel as the wife who strays and is unfaithful.

"For your maker is your husband ... Isaiah 54.5a

"Return, faithless people, declares the LORD, for I am your husband Jer. 3:14

Blessed are they (we) who are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb Rev 19:9

As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you Isaiah 62:5

Not putting God first in everything - causes God jealousy. He wants us to love Him with our whole being! He is and must be the beginning and the end in our lives.


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? What causes God to be jealous?

God was the Husband of Israel in sense of that God had made agreement with the forefather of Israel, in which God would love, take delight in and bless Israel like a Husband to his wife if they obeyed His commands and they did not worship other gods except God. But in that agreement God was faithful and the forefathers of Israel were unfaithful and astray, they broke the agreement, they worship other gods

The New Testament extension is that Christ is as bridegroom and Church is as His bride where the fulfillment of the marriage will happen in His second coming to the world.

The causes of God to be jealous are first, we astray and worship other gods. Second, we are oppressed by our enemy seen or unseen and God will avange that.


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel?

Hosea 2 descrbes the unfaithful Israel. "Bring charges against your mother, For she is not My wife, nor am I her Husband! (The Lord accused Israel of unfaithfulness to the covenant. - she is not My wife, an formal announcement of divorce or confession that the relationship between God and Israel had lost its vitality.Israel had a strong passion for Baal.) BUT there is hope for Israel, Mercy, V14 Behold, I will allure her, Will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt. And it shall be, in that day, that you will call Me "My Husband," and no longer call Me "My Master." V19 I will betroth you to Me forever, Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, lovingkindness, mercy, fatihfulness, and you shall know the Lord.

(This is judgment to a nation, God will judge the nations. I pray America, who was established on God's priciples, will learn from those shadows of disobedience, of going after other gods, gods of pleasures, of SELF DESIRES. gods of other nations)

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor?

The Bride, the church is the bride of Christ. Believers must never forget that we are branches of the wild olive tree, we were grafted onto the true olive tree because some Jews, not all, were disobedient.Romans 11:17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree. Just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, in order that because of the mercy shown to you, they also may now be shown mercy.

What causes God to be jealous?

Unfaithfulness to God. Ezekiel 39: 23 The Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity, because they were unfatihful to Me, therefore I hid My face from them.

(The bride, stay faithfull to the Redeemer, keep our lamps burning, keep looking for His appearance.)


Israel was the homeland of God , where everything began. All His family was there. Today His Family exists everywhere there is christianity. We are His Temple! The Church is His Bride.

God wants for us to worship Him and follow His commands. We can't go to church on Sunday & live like hell the rest of the week. We must have Jesus on our tongues at all times and live like He does. We can not have two masters because God is Holy and only Holiness will mix with Him. Oil & vinegar do not mix, likewise God and unholiness do not mix.


In what sense was God the Husband of Israel?

Whenever the nation of Israel strayed and started worshipping idols and foreign gods, God would often refer to them as an adulterous wife. Like a husband is head of the household, the Lord was head over Israel.

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor.?

In the scriptures, Christ is often refer to as the Bridegroom and the church as His bride.

What causes God jealousy?

Not giving Him first place in our life.

  • 2 weeks later...

God is the owner and a loving authority figure over Israel. As a husband, God provided for them, loved them and was in a personal relationship with them. He communicated with them as a husband communicates with his bride. He shared his heart with Israel. This is the same thought in the New Testament. We, the church, is his bride and someday he will take us unto himself as a bride and groom becoming married. As a bride He provides for us and loves us very intimately.

God is jealous when another person of things takes the place of his place as ruler of our life. If we turn to our money to provide for us, God is jealous. We are to give him our resources and He will then provide for us. If we spend time watching TV or other activities instead of giving him time in our daily lives, God become jealous. Finding time ALL day long for Him is the best. When we talk with him throughout the entire day we are acknowledging him as our


God was the Husband of Israel in the fact that He pursued and protected Israle in many

incidences during their history. He followed them and was ready to hide them in His protective

arms. Defend them.

In the new testament He just replaces Israel with the Church He is a father and protector of

those who are saved and follow Him as a collective and individually.

He is a Jealous God and Any thing that we try to replace Him with is an Idol and he will not

stand for Idols. In the OT it was Idols they they made of Gold and Silver.

Now Days anything that we deem more important than God or we put more effort in to making a

part of our lives is an idol money , time, business , food, people, football, sports, job,

We must keep in perspective A relationship with God before anything. all else second.

God first.


God was the husband of Israel because of the covenant He had with her. Entering into a covenant requires a commitment. God was commited to Israel even though she was constantly unfaithful to Him. He had great love for Israel and even though she wandered from Him for other things to fullfil herself and she constantly broke her commitment to Him, He always drew her back to Himself with His discipline and great love.

Today, the new covenant is between Jesus and His bride (the church). We as Christians are His bride and Jesus is the groom. There is still the same commitment (covenant) with Him for all who truly believe. When we agape love, we want to follow without question. We want to surrender. We surrender at any cost. We are so commited we love without question. It's a love given by the Holy Spirit.

Jesus requires that we give everything to Him. All of our day, every possible moment with His purposes in mind. He makes Himself intimately known to us. If we love Him, we don't even ask anymore " What's in it for me." We only live to please HIM. We trust Him. Everything that once seemed important pales in comparison to what we can do for Him. We want to know everything about Him and we seek to find Him everywhere and to win His favor. We are devestated when we displease Him and sense a loss so great when we are seperated from Him if even for a short time! We really are desperate for Him!

He is jealous when our attention is on anything but Him. All our relationships are to be through Him and entwined in His purpose. All our possessions are given by Him, for His purpose. Our time and talents are for His purpose. Our bodies are kept pure for Him. Our minds are steadfsat on Him. Our hands serve Him, our mouths bless Him and our feet take us places to proclaim His name. When we start walking our own way or place any other purpose or thing other than Him first in our lives....then He is jealous and He will let us know! He's good to give us many of our desires and He gives so many good things to us...but He requires being number one first. He's Lord and Master. He's Husband and lover of our souls. He's everything to us!

  • 3 weeks later...

A husband is a leader of his family.When they do wrong,the husband leads them the right way.The husband is always there with the family at all times.

God was that husband of Israel.When God choose Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt,God was there guiding Moses with Israel out of slavery into a new life of freedom and responsibility.

Israel caused God's jealousy,1)as intolerance of rivalry or unfaithfulness,2)as a disposition suspicious of rivalry or unfaithfulness,and 3)as hostility towards a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage,a sense of envy.

God is intolerant of rival gods.God's jealousy for us is God's protection of His people from the enemies. God's jealousy includes avenging His people.


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? What causes God to be jealous?

God was the husband of Isreal in that He provided their needs, food in the form of manna, water, their clothes never wore out, He fought for and protected them in their journey out of Egypt. He showed them His love by giving them a coveanant and a place to worship Him by coming and dwelling with the in the tabernacle.

Jesus came as our covenant with God and made us the Bride by dieing for our sins. He formed His church and made us a part of it when we confess those sins and turn to Him for our saviour. God becomes our husband when we give up our lusts and turn to Him and depend on Him for our needs. He is our Husband when we look to Him in love for the saving of our souls, He becomes our protector.

God is a jealous God when we turn to idols for our fulfillment instead of Him. He like any husband is jealous when we show love to another instead of Him.






In what sense was God the Husband of Israel?

God was the Husband of Israel in that the Israelites were his people & he watched over & cared for them as a husband watches over & cares for his wife. :)

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor?

The New Testament refers to God as the bridegroom & the church as his bride. :)

What causes God jealousy?

Anything that is put before God & worshiping idols. :)


Israel is the wife. It is an adulterous wife. Israel is disobedient and unfaithful to her husband God. But her husband remains faithful. The husband is the protector and supporter of the family. The one who is responsible for the families well being. The one who nurtures, teaches, protects, and love every family member. The husband has the authority. The husband in this instance is faithful to his wife and his family. The New Testament says that the husband and wife shall be united again.

Rev 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.

Rev 19:8 And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.

Rev 19:9 And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

God is a jealous God he tells us this in Exodus 20:3-5, The Ten Commandments.

We shall have no other Gods before him. We shall not bow down or worship other idols or false Gods. We owe our love and loyalties, trust, faith, and belief to God and God alone. There should be nothing put before him. Our love should belong to him first. For he is a jealous and avenging God and he will take vengeance and wrath on your faithlessness. We are His bride loved by Him to the extent that He gave His son For me. God is jealous for His love and over His love. He is jealous for her devotion and affection; jealous for her undivided love and commitment to Him alone; jealous for her faithful respect of His leadership and provision. And He is jealous over anything that threatens to harm or deceive His love; jealous over anything that would turn her eyes from Him to another; jealous over anything that would damage His relationship with her.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel? What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor? What causes God to be jealous?

God the husband of Israel is the maker, and the Lord of the host is his name,what cause God to be jealous is that you shall have no other God before him,you shall not bow down or whorship them,and he will not forgive your rebellion and your sins.


Q4. In what sense was God the Husband of Israel?

We see that the husband was the provider and the protector of the wife and this is how God is to Israel and he knows she will be able and willing to depend on him for all things. Even though Israel strays and is unfaithful his love is still set upon her. He declares for her to return unto him he is the one that will love her always. God is a jealous god he will not set her free to take other lovers and he will not let her worship and consider spiritual adultery. He is there for her and she needs to be his holy wife. :)

What is the New Testament extension of this metaphor?

God shows the same love and willingness to protect and provide for us as he has for Israel in the old testament. He delights in our worship and our praise of him and he rejoices over any that come to him and become part of the bride of Christ. He calls the church the bride and Jesus the husband and one day as in Rev. 19:9 there will be a wedding and the Bride of Christ will be forever more. :D

What causes God to be jealous?

Worship of other gods, she belongs to him, he loves her. False gods are considered spiritual adultery and our God is jealous when we do not hold only to him. The True and living God. He has commanded us to do so in his word. Why would we ever want another God when he is the only true living God. His love and his Spirit is more than enough for anyone to desire to hold too. Thank you Lord. :wub:

  • 2 months later...

God was the protector and overseer of Israel out of love, He chose Israel for his own and bound Himself to it with a convenant. He demanded loyalty and commitment from Israel.

The church is the bride of Christ.

Spiritual adultery causes God jealousy.

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