Pastor Ralph Posted March 9, 2006 Report Posted March 9, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? Quote
Teodora Posted March 18, 2006 Report Posted March 18, 2006 “I even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake and remembers your sins no more” – Isaiah 43:25 "You were to them God-Who-Forgives (El-Nahsah), though you took vengeance on their deeds.” (Psalm 99:8) The people of Israel had experienced the miracle of the Passover, the miracle at the Red Sea; they had seen God providing manna and water in the dessert yet they were quick to forget all that God had done for them – they were stiff-necked, impatient, rebellious and in their hearts turned back to Egypt. This produced the terrible sin of idolatry and forfeited their right to all God’s blessings. Moses refused God’s offer to make of him great nation, he knew that Israel belonged to the Lord and begged God not to destroy them, appealing to God’s grace and mercy, God’s glory and faithfulness. Moses’ plea was based on the character of God, particularly His faithfulness to keep His promises. Had God not forgiven Israel and destroyed them, there would have been no Savior, because the Savior must come from this nation. Moses’ fervent intercession had averted the penal wrath of God, but because of the lack of repentance and confession, the governmental consequences or their sin had not yet been removed: “the Lord plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made” If it were not for the mercy of God, they would have been consumed. “ is of the Lord’s mercies and loving-kindness that we are not consumed, because His tender compassions fail not; they are new every morning, great and abundant is Your stability and faithfulness..”(Lam.3:21-23) The Israelites spent 11 months at Mount Sinai because their sin had to be dealt with and the worship of the One true God had to be reinstated. The amazing thing about God’s forgiveness is that it is totally undeserved and due only to His kindness, choice made from all of eternity, to declare the unrighteous righteous – He forgives on His terms, not ours. "He has not dealt with us after our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities.."(Psalm 103:10) “being justified freely by His grace….to demonstrate His righteousness…that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.”(Romans 3:24-26) "For you, Lord are good and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to ALL who call upon you" (Psalm 86:5) Quote
Helenmm Posted March 18, 2006 Report Posted March 18, 2006 God provided for His people in the wilderness - water, manna, and quail. God is ever the same. He only moves in where He is wanted, requested. If the people could not see that, and repent of their sins and return to Him, then He, by His own law (having given man dominion over the earth in the first place), will not intervene to care for them. He is left to weep for them instead. If their leaders could not convince them to repent, then they would indeed be left to die. Israel, after the second writing of the ten commandments, was co-operative in preparing the items for the tabernacle. They gave more than enough, and completed everything as commanded to Moses by the Lord. Everything about God's forgiveness is amazzing. That it exists at all is amazing. That it is so expansive and wholesome and healing is amazing. That His love abounds to us in spite of ourselves is amazing. And magnificent. Thank you Father. Quote
pickledilly Posted March 19, 2006 Report Posted March 19, 2006 The willingness of Yahweh to forgive was essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness because Israel repeatedly kept rebelliously turning away from Him. The wilderness experience itself was a result of the people's lack of faith and their disobedience. During those years, they complained and openly rebelled against God's chosen leaders, they complained and longed for the very things they had been delivered from, they complained and blamed God and other people for the problems brought about by their own disobedience, they complained about their needs rather than trust God to keep His promises to provide for them, and they complained and sought after idols instead of seeking God to protect and guide them. But because the LORD had a plan and purposes that ultimately superseded Israel's wickedness and because Israel had a faithful intercessor in Moses who confessed their sins and trusted Yahweh to act according to His character of mercy, the people were sustained by forgiveness. They suffered many setbacks and consequences and great loss because of their own choices, but the nation would never have made it through that wilderness if not for the grace and mercy of God. After the LORD renewed His covenant promises, graciously gave His commandments to Moses for the second time, and instructed Moses for 40 days and nights about holy feasts and construction of His earthly dwelling place, the rest of the book of Exodus records how the people responded in obedience and generous giving to construct the tabernacle and furnish it as God designed. But I really don't see anything that describes their heart condition. Were they responding out of awe and duty, or were their hearts broken by their iniquity and moved by the graciousness and splendor of Yahweh? One thing is certain; they turned away from God many times after that, just as we repeatedly do in our lives today. That the LORD loves us so deeply, and continues to forgive and restore us, is truly grace that amazes! Such forgiveness is only because of his mercy because we certainly don't deserve it. Quote
JustJeff Posted March 19, 2006 Report Posted March 19, 2006 1. In Exodus 32: 9-10 Yahweh was determined to destroy the Hebrew children. Through Moses' intervention (Ex 32:11-12) He spared them. They were forgiven. It might be considered that Christ intervenes for each of us in the same manner. In Deuteronomy 8:2-5 Moses explains to the people that Yahweh used the 40 years in the wilderness to humble the people yet, He provided food, water, their shoes did not wear out nor did their clothing rot. Without His forgiveness the next generation would never have been. 2. No, they were not contrite. Moses again "...for it is a stiffnecked people;..." (Ex 34:10). And so they remained, which led to their wilderness journey. 3.God's grace is sooooo amazing! To think of myself, I am a wretch. No matter what I do each moment of the day, no matter how hard I try, I remain a sinner. No matter the power of the Holy Ghost inside of me, I still fail and yet, each and everytime, my Lord, my Savior, my Friend, picks me up and holds me to His bosom in love, forgiving me in my humiliation. I pray for the day when I shall be as He is, all forgiving, no grudges, no venegence, no ill will toward my fellow man. Love, pure and holy. Amazing. Quote
Blessed Me Posted March 20, 2006 Report Posted March 20, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? God promised land to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,and to their descendants. God said to Moses, "He would send an Angel before them to drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. But because His people were a stubborn, unruly people, He would not go before them, because He would be tempted to destroy them along the way.!" Because Moses, one person fully trusting in God, found favor, was a true friend to God, Moses spoke to God of his desire for God to go before him, to guide him, to show him where to travel, for a very important reason; so he will understand God, and walk acceptably before him. He told God, "without you I cannot do anything." The Lord's response was, "I will do as you ask, because you have found favor, you are my friend, I will make my goodness pass before you, I will announce to you the meaning of my name, Kindness, Mercy." When God makes a promise, He cannot go back on it. I too desire to be called a friend of God. I want to walk behind Him and by walking in His footsteps, I will find favor in His eyes. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted March 20, 2006 Report Posted March 20, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? The people would have been lost without God's willingness to forgive. They could have not survived. God protected them from any harm that would come against them. This reminds me of situations that take place today, people hate change, they fear change. Just like those who were in the wilderness. If it doesn't provide you with instant gratification or if it requires hard work without a instant reward or if it requires that you give away your most precious belongs most people would prefer to say they achieved everything on their own. No thank you, I can do it on my own. They believe in what they know and have known and it is hard to show them something different. It is just like surrendering your life over to Christ, people have a hard time turning over total control of everything they are or believe themselves to be. Rendering changes things in your life for the better but it is a hard thing for many to do even today. It requires hard work, time to study to stay on the right course and it requires faith and a willingness to want to love God unconditionally. What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? God's forgiveness never holds you accountable. It never wavers, it never steers on another course. It never strays away from you even when you don't want it. It never holds you to your past mistakes, instead he forgives you for those mistakes and move on. He doesn't dangle those mistakes in front of you, he forgives them and he continues to love you just like he loved you before. His love never changes, it stays the same. He keeps you close and near so that you can be protected from any harm even the harm you cause yourself. He never abandons you, he never denies you of his unconditional love. The love of God is awesome and I don't see how I could live without it. God has always been a part of my life and he will always be. Quote
EuniceC Posted March 21, 2006 Report Posted March 21, 2006 Israel had been known to be a nation that very quickly forgets God, and for such a people, if God was not forgiving, they would be totally destroyed in no time, first by the wrath of God and secondly, by their enemies around them, if God deserted them for their sin. For such a people, and for us, who are so prone to fall every time, our God must be willing to forgive; otherwise there would be no hope for us. However, this nation kept on repeating it Quote
charisbarak Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 Israel would have had no chance to survive in the desert if it had not be God's intervention on their behalf. Israel, like us, would fall repeatedly. God's forgiveness was a great illustration of what was to come for us all. Yes, Israel did seem to be contrite after His forgiveness and Moses standing in the gap for them. The most awesome & amazing part of God's forgiveness is that He forgave me!!! Quote
June Posted March 24, 2006 Report Posted March 24, 2006 God taught Moses to have patience and compassion for the people. Mercy and grace He gave by giving the second set of stone tablets. Israel came into covenant relationship with God and God dwelt among them. God's forgiveness is complete, everlasting and always available, so long as we have a repentant heart. We must humble ourselves and acknowledge that we have sinned & depart from it. God sees the heart so if we are truly remorseful, He is quick to forgive. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 25, 2006 Report Posted March 25, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? Because of the sin of Israel, that is they had made a gold idol to be their god, God was angry with them. God punished the people of Israel with a terrible disease. Also God was willing to destroy them all. God would not go with them to the land He promised, so that He would destroy before they got there. So without His forgiveness, all of the people of Israel would be destroyed. They needed His forgiveness. Yes, Israel was contrite after turning away from God, but not all, only a apart of them. God punished the people who were not contrite. So amazing about God Quote
linda bass Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Without God on their side, the people never would of survived in the wilderness. Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? There may have been some who were contrite, but I believe that the majority weren't. What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? That it is unlimitless. No matter how many times I come before God to confess my sins and failures, there will never be a time when I will have exceeded the limit of His mercy and grace. Quote
steve.c Posted April 6, 2006 Report Posted April 6, 2006 Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Having been led out of Egypt the people of Israel started to disibey God and ignored His teaching by worshipping false idols of gold. In doing so they had turned against God and rejected His word. Had God not been merciful and forgiving the Israelites would have perished in the wilderness, as they deserved. Instead they were given another chance through God's grace and great mercy. Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? Yes, the Israelites were contrite. Even before Moses went back up the mountain, the Israelites had stopped wearing gold ornaments which were outward manifestations of their idolatory. When Moses returned from the mountain they were afraid to come near him when they saw the radiance of his countenance. This radiance was a reflection of his personal encounter with God. In is apparent they were ashamed of their behaviour and disobedience. It seemes also that they knew that they did not deserve God's forgiveness. What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin." This beautiful passage says it all. How wretched we are; how ungrateful! We turn away from God's radiance and His love for us. We disobey and justify His wrath and vengance for our self-centred sinful ways. Yet He is there, our loving Father, wanting to show His great love for us, forgiving our many transgressions. We do not deserve His compassion and mercy, yet He gives it to us in forgiving and embracing us. Yes, God's forgiveness is truly amazing. Quote
satyaevangeline Posted April 8, 2006 Report Posted April 8, 2006 Everything about God's forgiveness is amazing. That it exists at all is amazing. That it is so expansive and wholesome and healing is amazing. That His love abounds to us in spite of ourselves is amazing. And magnificent. Thank you Father. The people of Israel had experienced the miracle of the Passover, the miracle at the Red Sea; they had seen God providing manna and water in the dessert yet they were quick to forget all that God had done for them Quote
care2hope2 Posted April 10, 2006 Report Posted April 10, 2006 It was essential that The Lord God forgive Israel because out in the wilderness , The Lord God was their supplier and porvider. It was God who fed them and kept their enemies from attacking them and If he willed he could have just whiped them off the face of the earth. Opened up the earth and they all dissappeared. He was their basic sustenance. From all indications of reading the chapter and the fact that the Lord let Moses hew two new tablets and talked to him 40 days and nights. and was willing to accept Moses as the go between between the people and Him . The fact that the Lord's anger was abaited and kept. Shows that the people's hearts must be right. It the peoples hearts were not right God would not have agreed to the new covenant. How long their hearts stayed repentant after this is not known but at this time they had to have been repentant for God to act as He did. The amazing part of God's forgiveness is that we really do not deserve it.... We repent and then sin again. We don't repent and live perfect lives free from sin and neithe did the Israelites. The returned to sin quickly.... God does all the forgiving and helping us to repent. The amazing thing is that a perfect God wants for relationship with us so much that He goes and makes a way for our forgiveness. From OT sacrifice to His ultimate NT Giving of His Son's Life.... Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 11, 2006 Report Posted April 11, 2006 God's willingness to forgive was essential to Israel, because they could not possibly survive without God. They were going through a desert experience and no one can go through a desert without provision. Israel didn't deserve provision. They constantly doubted and complained about the provider himself not to mention the appointed leaders! God though, in truth to His very nature, continued to provide for them, because it is impossible for Him to not be faithful! Today we are no different. We doubt and we whine and we want what we want, so we complain and we cry and we go our own way. When things get bad enough, (just like Israel) we turn to Him and He shows how faithful He is. He forgives us and provides for us. What He really wants though are people who are true to Him and will walk with Him on a daily basis and trust Him always. Quote
Embraced by the Father Posted April 18, 2006 Report Posted April 18, 2006 Israel continued to be rebellious towards God and his commandments. If God was not a forgiving God, Israel would have been destroyed even before they crossed over the Red Sea! It was important for Israel to be forgiven so that God's plan of salvation would be fulfilled. Israel needed a forgiving God and that is what our God is. God supplies all, absolutely all, of our needs and one of our needs is to be forgiven. I thing Israel was contrite, but they soon "forgot" who God is and turned back to their sinful ways. But God was patient over and over, like He is with me, and forgave them each time. That is what is so amazing about God's forgiveness. He is patient with us. I cannot fathom what that patience and mercy is fully like. I can be patient with people, but my patience eventually runs out and anger or bitterness wells up inside of me. I am so very grateful that God is not like that. He loves me very much and will continue mold me into a sanctified and holy child of His. Quote
Stan Posted April 30, 2006 Report Posted April 30, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? Without God's forgiveness Isreal would not have survived in the wilderness, they needed food and water, not to mention protection from their enemies. They seemed to be sorry at times but most often forgot the things that God had done for them. The amazing thing about God's forgiveness is that He kept forgiving and then providing for them. Even when they made idols He forgave and continued to had a covenant relationship with them. It can only be His huge unending love for them that allowed Him to forgive. Quote
anthony s. rapaglia Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 Moses ask God to hold back the terrible consequences,he even suggested that he would take the punishment uponhimself.The Israelites relized thy were wrong sinning against God and they repented their sins to God. God reassured Israel that he would stand by his covenant commitments. He would give them the Promise Land and protect them through the time of its recovery. We can be assured that God's promises of reconciliation will stand. All the Israelites had to do is go to God openly with their sins, seeking God's help to find a new way of life. Quote
Saved55s Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? If it were not for God's willingness to forgive Israel, they would never have come out of the wilderness. It was only God's compassion, grace & love that brought them out of the wilderness to continue on as a nation. Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? It says they were a "stiff necked people". Israel repented then sinned again & continued repenting & sinning, but God was faithful & ready to forgive each time they came to him with sorry hearts. What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? That it never runs out. No matter how many times we "muff up" God is always there just waiting to hear us repent to him & ask his forgiveness. It is his forgiveness that shows his eternal love & compassion for us. Quote
denisetowns Posted May 23, 2006 Report Posted May 23, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? The Israelite would'nt have survive without God forgiveness, because they need God in order to survive in the wilderness. What is so amazing about God forgiveness is that God forgive us for our sins. Quote
olori Posted September 13, 2006 Report Posted September 13, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Was Israel contrite after turning away from the Lord in Exodus 34? What is so amazing about God's forgiveness? Israel needed God to lead, guide and protect them, to provide for their needs. They needed and depended on God for everything. Yes they were contrite. God forgive us no matter what, even when Israel turned to idol worship God forgave them. God can not tolerate sin and that He loves us so much He forgives all sin when we repent is amazing. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 17, 2006 Report Posted September 17, 2006 Q1. Why was God's willingness to forgive essential to Israel's survival in the wilderness? Because of their repeated rebellion, without God Quote
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