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Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

  • 2 weeks later...

"Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established

the earth, and it abideth" (Psalm 119:90).

Faithfulness is an essential attribute of God's character. It would be a denial of God's very own nature for Him to be anything other than perfectly faithful.

In all ages God ever showed himself a true God and faithful in all his promises. “God is faithful” means God is a being upon whom we can absolutely rely or stay ourselves. His faithfulness reaches to the skies and is established in heaven. All His works are done in faithfulness. He is faithful in all He does.

The Greek word used in the New Testament for faithfulness means trustworthy, or to be relied upon. God’s faithfulness is manifested in keeping His promises and covenant. He is fulfilling every word that goes out of His moth regardless what man does. He keeps His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. He will never betray His faithfulness, nor violate His covenant.

God’s faithfulness is manifested in the unfailing defense and deliverance of His servants in times of trials and testing, also in His standing by His people and defending them even if they were unfaithful to Him”If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself.( 2 Timothy 2:13). His faithfulness will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to resist and God will always provide an escape. He is faithful to strengthen and protect us from the evil one. God’s faithfulness is also manifested in forgiving His children when they confess their sins and in answering their prayers. All God’s commandments are trustworthy! From the beginning of the world to the end God is ever fulfilling the scripture in his providential government, 'One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts;' (Joel 1:3) God's faithfulness is of great importance to believers. Nothing will support us but the faithfulness of God.

Faithfulness as a foundation for human relationships and words related to it like commitment, loyalty, reliability, and integrity are missing in our society today. For us as believers, faithfulness is indispensable. Without it, we will not be pleasing to God. Indeed, the one characteristic which should mark Christians is faithfulness. It should mark us because it marks God. We can be faithful because God is faithful. It is a requirement. God is calling us to faithfulness. He rewards us for being faithful. Faithfulness will bring us under the protective hand of God. The Lord preserves the faithful. God’s peace will guard us if we are faithful to keep an attitude of praise and worship. Faithfulness will bring an increase of authority – the faithful wise servant will be made a ruler over all his Master’s goods. Faithfulness will bring us promotion and will bring us into our ministry and calling. We will be evaluated by our faithfulness or lack of it. Our faithfulness is demonstrated by being true to our words and keeping our promises. We should be dependable, because people should be able to count on us. If we are to be faithful we must use our talents, employing the special gifts and serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

When Mother Teresa of Calcutta was asked: “How do you measure the success of your work?” her reply was: “I don’t remember that the Lord ever spoke of success. He spoke only of faithfulness and love. This is the only success that really counts!”


Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

Faithfulness and trustworthiness have everything to do with keeping one'sword. As Father cannot do other than keep every word that He utters, so we His children should watch our words to do them. It is so disgusting when a Christian lightly passes off keeping a stated intent (= promise). It is an unforgettable let-down. Though it may be forgiven, that trusted status is not easily won back again. The reputation is gone, and reputation is, although not frequently mentioned in sermons these days, of the utmost importance. Like Esau's birthright, it is so easily thrown away on a small matter. In the old days of mission work in China it was said of missionaries, "Yes, do business with them. They always do what they promise!" How wonderful is a reputation like that! It is essential, not only on a business basis, but also on a personal basis. What a difference it makes when people can trust you!

Faithful God inspires me to imitate Him in faithfulness. I love it that He is faithful to me, and I believe people love it if I am faithful to my word to them. This inspires confidence and trust all round. This is essential in the raising of secure children. God wants "holy" children, not children broken by our lies and broken promises.

If faithfulness is not part of our character, then we are besmirching God's character by calling ourselves Christians. This is blasphemy. It happens too often in the Christian church. May the Holy Spirit never let me get away with it! It is part of the integrity that was the mark of a gentleman in the old days. You felt safe and protected around them. So let it be the mark of God's people today.


Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

The words faithfulness and trustworthiness means truth. In being faithful one most be truthful. By telling the truth you can be counted on. You're not a deciever.

Being fatihful inspires me to keep God's word. No matter how easy it is to deceive I prefer honesty. This way I face my consequences in a truthful and honest way. I don't have sin hanging over my head.

We must be faithful for our Father is faithful. Our father is not a liar. Our father is truthful and faithful. He loves us unconditional even though he is aware of our shortcomings. In order to be true believers we must follow our father and do his will. His will is honest and clean. His will is loving and sure because He is the God of Truth.


1. Faithfulness and being trustworthy are elemental to keeping one's word. In faithfulness Yahweh displays His loyalty to us and, as He cannot lie, He is fully worthy of our trust. Without both of these elements one cannot be considered honest.

2. As a Christian I am compelled to offer my complete allegiance to a Faithful God, striving daily to live a life in accordance with His word, inspired by His example, allowing the Holy Spirit to have control. To run the race that I may obtain the prize, knowing that God is faithful to give me everything that He promises. He will always be my guide, never leaving or forsaking me. Even in the most desperate of times, He truly inspires me to go on. I read, I believe.

3. We, the believers, are called Christians, Christ-like. Our character should then, be a reflection of our Lord's character, including His faithfulness.


Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word?

2Ti 2:12 If we stick it out with him, we'll rule with him; If we turn our backs on him, he'll turn his back on us;

2Ti 2:13 If we give up on him, he does not give up-- for there's no way he can be false to himself.

Faithfulness, dependability, loyal to His word is the Almighty God. Psalms 89, God is "the faithful God who keeps covenant." We must remember in the covenant are blessings for obedience, and a curse for refusal to obey God's commands, and for worshiping gods of other nations.

The promise is, a believer will be saved, and to lead holy lives. If we are unbelieving and unfaithful, Christ will remain true to his word, and we cannot hope to be saved.

What does the Faithful God inspire in you?

That I too will remain Faithful to Him. When testing comes, I will stand firm, steadfast, knowing He is the Faithful One, in Him I am free from the burden of sin.

Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

Christ living in me, Christ "the Faithful one, the faithful witness, the faithful High Priest, should be reflected in the way we live our lives. Faithfulness is expected to be seen in the believers life.


A person cannot be considered trustworthy and reliable to his/her word without the core characteristic of faithfulness. The Hebrew concepts give new depth of meaning to this word. It combines being firm, secure, solid, dependable, steady, and true. I think you must have beliefs and convictions that you will not compromise on, that you stand firm on, that anchor you in your thoughts and decisions and interactions with others. Anybody is capable of being faithful to what they believe. But in the higher spiritual sense, faithfulness must be founded on what is TRUE, and the only source of truth is Yahweh and His Word.

Our character as believers should be rock-solid faithful to the character of Christ. Unfortunately, the way we live out our lives in the "real world" when we leave our churches on Sunday is often far from faithful. We compromise truth in so many ways, little and big. We watch the same trashy stuff as the world; we talk and walk like the trashy world; we let our children wear and do the same trashy stuff as the world; we waste so much of our time and focus and resources pursuing the same empty, vain, trashy stuff as the world. We so often back off from what is true, honest, just, pure, and lovely when we face uncomfortable challenges from this trashy world. And every time you and I do these things, we are unfaithful to our spiritual character and to the promises we've made to the LORD. A Christian who habitually lives this way, usually with no grief about it or true desire to change, is the ultimate carnal hypocrite who loses credibility in representing Christ to the world and in serving Him in the Church.

Faithful God inspires deep gratitude in me. I am so thankful that He is solid Truth to the core. That means that every Word He speaks, every promise He makes, every command He gives, every direction He leads is unequivocally dependable and trustworthy. I don't have to wonder or worry about what He says or what He's doing because I know His character is faithful. It is also a call for me to imitate my Father's character and maintain faithful integrity that would never embarrass Him or misrepresent Him to others, no matter what the circumstance or temptation or difficulty may be.


Faithfulness denotes dependability, that one will not go back on his word, regardless of whatever changes in a situation. If a person can stand and despite all, still stand, he is showing faithfulness. If you can be comfortable with the fact that whatever happens, this person is sure to be there, to remain stable, then you are dealing with a faithful person, you know that he will keep his word.

And that is how God is, I know that whatever happens, however the world changes, however people will let me down, however I will let Him down, He still is God and will remain so, I can trust in Him to keep His word. This inspires in me a joy, a peace that spreads in me like a warmth, for I know that He will NEVER fail me. Times may turn out rough, but that warm feeling of trust in Him can never be taken away, unless I let it. His faithfulness is forevermore.

If we want to be like Him, then we must be faithful, because faithfulness means that we trust in what He is saying and as believers, our lives are to be living examples for others to follow to Christ. Without being steadfast (faithful) to His Word, how can we lead others to Him? We must of necessity, be faithful, otherwise our Christianity is in vain.


One who keeps his word & is trustworthy is also faithful. You cannot be faithful & not keep your word always, nor can you be faithful when you are not trustworthy. There is no place for untruth in a faithful person. God is the true faithful, trustworthy one--the one who can't NOT keep His Word!!

His faithfulness inspires me to be the same to others. It also inspires me to keep in His Word, searching out truths, replacing my thoughts with His. I want to be faithful to Him.

Our character is of the utmost importance as we are witnesses of Him in our daily lives. If I am not trustworthy, am unfaithful & do not keep my word, I am not reflecting Jesus Christ in my life.

Lord, I want to be faithful each day!


Being faithful is being dependable. By being dependable builds trust. God will do all that He has covenanted with loyalty and love when we keep His commandments. We must support and uphold the truths of the Word. Depend with certainty on the everlasting Word of God and live a life that portrays that faithfulness.


Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

The requirements or conditions one can be called faithful are that he/she can be trusted and can keep his/her word, and if he/she not so, we will call him/her unfaithful. Faithfullness is firmness and steadiness in doing a promise or a agreement done.

The faithfull God inspires in me that God can be trusted or I can count on Him that He will do what He has already promised or wiil be consisntent in what He has said. So I don


What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word?

If a person is trustworthy and can be relied upon to keep their word no matter what the circumstances, they can be considerd faithful to their promise.

What does the Faithful God inspire in you?

It gives me the desire to have a more intimate relationship with Him.

Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

As Christians we are ambassadors for Christ. When we have unfaithfulness in any part of our lives, it causes non believers to be turned off.


What does faithfulness have to do with trustiworthiness and keeping ones word?

By the word "faithfulness" in the context of God's faithfulness I understand the word to imply an absolute consistency, firmness and steadfastness in everything. Consistency in everything means that whatever that person says can be relied on completely. There is no need to second guess it. There is nothing tricky, ambiguous or devious. The word of that person is never in doubt. A Faithful God is a God whose word is truth and who will never let you down. He is always honest and trust in Him is never abused.

What does the Faithful God inspire in you?

The Faithful God inspires complete obedience and trust in me. What He has said is the absolute truth. I believe His word unconditionally because I know He will never let me down. I can put all my trust in Him knowing that it is not misplaced. I also know that His word must be followed completely; it is all true and it is complete. Nothing needs to be added. It is the perfect foundation on which to build my life. A Faithful God is my inspiration.

Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

God's standards are absolute standards: He is perfect truth; perfect morality; perfection in everything. Nothing can be added to His character that could improve it. To the extent possible I must aim to reflect the absolutes of God in my life. He is completely reliable. I must be consistent and truthful in everything I do. Others must be able to count on my word. They must know that I will not let them down. What I say is what I believe. What I say that I will do, I will carry out. A Christian should be a model of honesty and intregrity.


Faithfulness- a devotion to a person or a cause, obligation or duty to....

this shows that there is an allegiance , constancy , loyalty and fidality that should be involved in the

faithfulness. If you are to keep your word you must feel inside some of this obligation to loyalty

to the person of God you are to be faithful with. God had been faithful and loyal to them and

kept them alive and fed and with out enemies bearing down on them.

Knowing God 's faithfulness makes me feel that almost anything that God would ask really isn't

much and that I should comply and be faithful, consistant and loyal to what He asks....

yet knowing my worldly fleshly self it will be a struggle to be faithfull and consistant.

But it is inspired by knowing what God is like... and if I can find a way to keep this inspiration

alive in me it should be easire to comply and be faithfull.

As believers unless we can find a way to be faithful and keep in compliance with God

we will not be able to inspire others to the Christian life style and following God .

and God will not be as close with us if we keep falling away like israle did. It takes

Faithfulnesss to keep close to him and it requiers Faithfullness and constancy to inspire in

others the wilingness and thirst for God and christian living.


Faithfulness means belief in the truth. It has to do with reality. What is absolutely believable. If someone is faithful, that means that the very essence of that person is truthful, believable and REAL! We can trust them. They will keep their word.

Since God is faithful, that inspires me to believe in all His promises to me. He inspires me to put my trust in Him. To find security in Him because when He says He loves me, or won't ever leave me He won't. When He says He has a plan for me and it's to prosper me, He is absolutely believable and I can rest in HIS plan or diection. When He says He will protect me and go before me and behind me, I can KNOW I'm protected. It means I can not only believe IN God, I can BELIEVE God!

Faithfulness needs to be a part of Christian character, because non christians are watching! I know I watched before I was saved. I wanted to know if Christianity was the real thing. I wanted to know if God was believable. I tested what I read in the Bible and waited to see if God was faithful. I waited to see if people who said they knew Him really followed what He said. I came to know God IS faithful. I also learned not to put my trust in man, because man is not faithful. We still have to set a higher standard though individually and try to be better at showing the face of God to others. To rise out of our complacency and church pew sitting to really live our faith. To live like Jesus did. Not to condemn, but to serve.


When I think of the connection between faithfulness and trustworthiness, I think of a marriage relationship. I know that my husband if faithful to me when we are apart - I trust him to remain faithful. I am the one having the trust and he is the one who is remaining faithful. The same is true with God. I am his bride and I will trust Him to keep His word. He will remain faithful to His word. I can always trust Him to be who He says He is. He will always in the future be who He says He will be. I trust in a God like that!

Faithfulness must always be in our character if we want to be like God. That is my constant prayer - Lord, I want to be more and more like You! Also when we are in relationship with other people it is important to be faithful to them. If we say we are going to do something, than we must try our best to carry it out. In that way we are demonstrating the character of God within us. If we can't be trusted, then how can others see Christ through us?

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

They are enter-twined you can't be faithful and not trustworthy. If you are not faithful then you are not

trustworthy. God is sboth of these He is the fulfillment of trust and faithfullness. He is the creator of all faith and trust. He is our guide to the learning of faith and trust without His Spirit to teach and guide us we can'tknow what faith and trust are. To be true Christians we must be trustworthy and faithful. We must be faithful to serve God and to keepHis commandments which include being trust worthy.


Faithfulness is believing firmly in somebody who is consistently trustworthy and loyal,accurate,and true.

Throughout the Scriptures,faith is the trustful human response to God's self-revelationvia His words and His actions. God initoates the relationship between Himself and human beings.

He provides evidence of His trustworthiness by acting and speaking in the external world to make Himself knowable to people who need Him.Thus,biblical faith is a kind of limited personal knowledge of God.

God makes faith possible by providing for us verbal information about Himself and His plans,which this information is connected to His redemptive actions in the world.These words and actions combine to offer an objective basis for the faith,(Exod.4:29-31)

God's words interpret and explains His saving acts so that we may recieve from Him the blessings that the acts make available.(Exod.12:21-28)




What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word?

It means that God's faithfulness is dependable & it can be relied on. That his trustworthiness & his word are dependable. We have a God who's faithfulness abounds. :)

What does the Faithful God inspire in you?

It inspires me not to waver in my faithfulness to God & also in my dealings with others & to be dependable. As God is faithful to us, so he wants us to be faithful. We need to model ourselves around God. :)

Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers? As believers we are Christ to the world. We need to be dependable to those we are trying to reach for Christ. Being faithful to each other is as it should be, but we need to be faithful to non-believers who sometimes think we may judge them or their way of life. We need to show them we are faithful to them no matter what they may say or do...that we love them with the love of the Lord who also is a faithful God. :)

  • 3 months later...

being faithful is to have trustworthiness in that others can depend on your remaining loyal and honest and having integrity.

I am inspired to try to be more like His character.

We are God's witness to the world and should not bring shame to His name.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. What does faithfulness have to do with trustworthiness and keeping one's word? What does the Faithful God inspire in you? Why must faithfulness be part of our character as believers?

To be faithful means to be steadfast constant, it has everything to do with keeping your word. You can not be faithful and be a lier at the same time.

I know that my God is faithful, that He cannot lie. It lets me know that what is in the Word is true, that I can count on it. If He said it I believe it.

Faithfulness in His children is what God wants. We are made in His image, Jesus resides in us. Therefore, we can be no less than faithful. If we are not we are liers.

  • 4 weeks later...

Faithfulness and trustworthineee go hand in hand- When you are faithful it means , your words can be trusted and you are firm in what you are saying and nobody can doubt your words .

- God is Faithful because whatever He Promised will come to accomplishment in our Lifes.

- As believers we have to be faithful in our words and deeds for unbelievers to come to know God .

  • 3 months later...

Faithfulness and trustworthiness are different sides of the same coin. If we are faithful to our promises and keep them, then we are trustworthy. It really boils down to one - integrity. This is the chararcter that all Christians must strive for. One who has integrity keeps his word.

The faithfulness of God inspires me to walk with Him and further study His Word because I know that He will keep His promises. Christians must be faithful not only to their word or promises but also to the precepts of the Bible. This is the only effective way we can show the world that being a follower of Christ makes a lot of difference. In that way we become effective witnesses too to Christ.

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