Pastor Ralph Posted March 9, 2006 Report Posted March 9, 2006 Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? Quote
pickledilly Posted March 21, 2006 Report Posted March 21, 2006 First of all, it is by God's powerful and precious grace that my family has been redeemed to everlasting life! And through His grace, we have experienced strength and hope and miraculous peace to endure through deaths, job changes, critical illness, marital problems Quote
JustJeff Posted March 22, 2006 Report Posted March 22, 2006 My entire family was lost, wandering about in a world of sin, bowing down to the Prince of this world, in his servitude, at His will. I can't count the times that the name of our beloved Savior was blasphemed by our lips, mocked by our behavior. Through it all, He waited. He waited for us to reach our lowest low and when no one else would help He was there. With His nail scarred hand He reached down and rescued us, each one and now, we live to serve Him. As we grow in Him, we suffer with Him and as Peter so aptly put it, by our suffering He makes us perfect and establishes us, together, as one with Him. All, as in whole or complete most certainly describes Yahweh. None could even come close to what He gives and has given; His all. Who could even attempt to forgive as He does? Who could bless as He does? Who could save us as He does? Who could love as He does. None. Only the God of Gods is all grace. There is no one else. Quote
EuniceC Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 [color=#993399]I live by grace, if God did not love me, no way would I be in this state in which I am. I have been through a whole lot of challenges, from a childless marriage in a society where childlessness is akin to a crime, to a situation where my husband lost his job and has been struggling for a long time to get another job, more so in a society that sees the head of the family as the man, I have had strength to carry on only by grace, the same grace gave me the strength to support him when all looked hopeless. God Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? God's grace and mercy has been with me from the first day I was born. I had pnemonia at birth. I am now 45 years old. It is awesome when he even shows grace at birth. God has been in my life everyday since that day 45 years ago. There is nothing I don't include him in. He is in everything I do. I speak with him often. Not always receiving an answer right then and there, but one always comes through. He is truly the God of Truth, The God of Mercy, The God of Love, The God of Peace,The God of Grace, A Righteous God.....He sustains me in my time of need and he carries me through my troubles. In a storm he is the light that guides me. I could go on and on..... Quote
charisbarak Posted March 23, 2006 Report Posted March 23, 2006 God has shown grace in my family by accepting me back into His favor & love even when I have blown it so badly. I have seen Him at work (& know He is still working) in the lives of my husband & children. He is grace-filled. I don't think He could ever not be full of grace. He has picked us up in the most awful of conditions & welcomed us back to Him. I need to show that same grace to others each day. Lord, please grow me to be grace-filled. Quote
June Posted March 24, 2006 Report Posted March 24, 2006 Where do I start??? He has been so faithful even when we were not. We have always had what we needed. We have been forgiven numerous times and still being forgiven everyday. Always been a helping hand when we've needed Him. God has healed us in times of sorrow. I could go on and on telling of His Grace, but just another day to learn more about What a Gracious God He is ---is a blessing. After denying that he knew Him and being forgiven , Peter had reason to call Him gracious... Quote
sahala p.s. Posted March 25, 2006 Report Posted March 25, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? God has shown his grace to me and our family by these ways. He appointed Christ Jesus to choose me and my family to share in His eternal glory. But because of this I and may family will suffer for a while as long as living in this world. This suffering is not without intention, but with it God will make me complete, steady, strong, and firm. Through suffering we will become perfect in faith Peter describes Him as the God of all grace, because God is the only source of all of grace we can get. All kindness or favor that is undeserved to us is stem from God, no one else can give such grace. We have been saved by his grace, we have been accepting spiritual blessings because of his grace, all kind good for us is given because of grace even our suffering for our favor. Quote
s8nfighter Posted March 25, 2006 Report Posted March 25, 2006 Grace by definition is "unearned favor". For 20 years of my late teen and adult life I drank even though I swore that I would not. I had good reason to hate all things that alcohol does to a family; and not me I was not going to let that happen to my family, the suffering was to stop with me. When I did begin to drink alcoholicly, I prayed to an unkown God to help me stop, I hated this unkown God because he did let it happen to me and wouldn't let me stop, especially when others spoke so highly of thier blessing from Him. Then Jonh Merrick said, "Come with me and let me introduce you to this friend of mine, called Jesus. Come with me and meet the God you have prayed to with unanswered prayers." That was 17 years ago. Seventeen years ago the LORD said your sins are forgiven. Seventeen years ago the LORD healed me from a path of destruction. Seventeen years ago I met this wonderful savior, called Jesus. Over the last 17 years I have learned that the power of the Holy Spirit through the grace of God cannot be marketed on tv, cannot be marketed in book stores, cannot be marketed through tapes and cd's, and cannot be marketed through world-wide crusades. The power of the Holy Spirit through the grace of God can be shared only when we open our lives to others, when we take the time to say to another, "Come with me, I want you to meet a friend of mine, called Jesus." Darrell Quote
linda bass Posted March 30, 2006 Report Posted March 30, 2006 I think Peter describes Him as the God of all grace because he knew what it was like personally to receive that grace. He denied Jesus 3 times, yet after the resurrection, Jesus forgave him and restored him to fellowship. Quote
steve.c Posted April 7, 2006 Report Posted April 7, 2006 How has God shown His grace to you and your family? I was leading a pointless, materialistic life before I was introduced to God's word and salvation through Jesus Christ. I believed, I repented, I confessed and I was baptized because it was the only sensible response I could make to the Good News. Now I am borne again in Jesus. I thought that in becoming a Christian there were many things that I would be giving up and that I would miss. But I found that there was nothing that I wanted to retain from my old life in sin. Life was cluttered with false ambitions and material things which added up to nothing. In Jesus I found purpose and I found peace. I found salvation now in the present with Jesus dwelling within me, guiding me, demanding obedience from me and loving me, as well as the hope of salvation in the future. There is nothing more I want to be than His disciple. Sadly my family's hearts are set against Christianity; they think it is is all nonsense. They think spiritual talk is foolishness. I pray that they may change there minds but I have found that following Jesus can mean parting with your parents, your brothers and sisters and some of your friends, just as He told us. Why do you think that Peter describes Him as the God of all grace? Grace is the bestowing of a gift that is not warranted or merited. It is not a trade or exchange. What are we taken by ourselves? Not worthy of much: sinful and self-centred. God's gift of His Son was completely undeserved as is His love for us. We do not deserve eternal life with Him. We do not deserve the fruit of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - we do not deserve the mediation of Jesus between us and God. Yet He has given it all to us. What more grace can there be? Yes, He truly is the God of all grace. Quote
care2hope2 Posted April 12, 2006 Report Posted April 12, 2006 God has shown Grace to my family in that so far I feel alot of my family has had the opportunity to hear God's Good news of Salvation. Including myself. I was saved about the Age of 12 or 13 I heard the message of salvation at an Baptist youth convention which a youth group from the Emanuel Baptist Church in our town attended. We were from a small town and the convention hall was full of thousands. I was afraid to leave our group and go forward as I was afraid of getting lost in the crowd but in conversation with my friend and the Pastor that drove us to Syracuse I told them that I hand wanted to go forward but of my fright of getting lost in the crowd. The pastor and my friends took me into the kitchen of the Pastor's home that night and I prayed the prayer and gave my Heart to god that night. I attended the Baptist youth group because of my friendship with Deb. my friend for our large family of 10 is catholic and I was the eldest. Since that time I have had a very confusing time of it for I had little decipleship since that event. I was always encouraged to go to catholic youth group etc once they found out I was saved .But the Lord thru YFC ( youth for christ let my brother's and sisters many of them hear the word. I know I the eldest and my brother #10 in line the youngest are saved. I know brother#6 in line was saved. But now attends Christian scientist church. And sister # 4 in line was saved and now does not attend church.One sister deceased now in a car accident I am not sure of but she went to yfc and her mother in law took her to church so I know she heard the salvation message. ( I have a hope she accepted it but do not know for sure.) Also God's grace has worked in healing in our family grace that I was healed from asthma and my dad has been cured of cancer. Alot of Grace in a family that 4 out of ten are def. saved. Alot of grace has happened .... Praise God. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted April 14, 2006 Report Posted April 14, 2006 There wouldn't be enough time or space to write how God has shown grace to my family. First and most...He chose us and called us to understand and accept the salvation of our souls. He gave His son Jesus to die for our sins. He saved us from eternal damnation and that is the one thing that when I really think of all He has done for us, can make me cry out and fall on my face in gratitude. We were on the fast tract and blind to truth, but He opened our eyes and has faithfully taught us what is most important in our lives. He has also given us so much healing. Emotional healing, healing in marriage, physical healing. He has shown us our way to a good church and has surrounded us with Godly people who help us on our way. He has placed teachers in our lives so we can understand scripture and others who can love us unconditionally and patiently. He has given us gifts and talents and balanced them with right attitudes and has shown us the way Jesus wants us to use them. He has forgiven us of so many mistakes and blessed us besides! He has faithfully walked beside us and has extended an arm of love and guidance to us. He lights our path every day. He shows us how to forgive and be forgiven. He reveals new things to us everyday. I could go on and on. I'm so overcome by the thought of it all, I can't even write anymore except to give thanks. "I am so grateful to you our dearest Papa. To our sweetest Savior Jesus and our wonderful counselor Spirit. Thank you, thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do. You are so beautiful to us." Quote
Stan Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? God has blessed my family even though we like all people are truly undeserving. We have sinned against each other as well as neighbors,but God in His mercy sees fit to bless us anyway. Peter, knew the forgiveness of God and he also knew that he was undeerving of that forgiveness. He sinned against the Son when he denied Him three times but Jesus took Him back and told him to feed my sheep. Giving him another chance to show his obedience and to follow Jesus. He made another choice to live for Christ when He realized the Blessing he had just recieved and the Grace and Mercy of the Father. Quote
satyaevangeline Posted May 6, 2006 Report Posted May 6, 2006 God has blessed my family even though we like all people are truly undeserving. There are not enough words to describe His Grace-He Saved us,sustained us and made us what we are now. Peter, knew the forgiveness of God and he also knew that he was undeserving of that forgiveness. He sinned against the Son when he denied Him three times but Jesus took Him back and told him to feed my sheep. Giving him another chance to show his obedience and to follow Jesus. He made another choice to live for Christ when He realized the Blessing he had just recieved and the Grace and Mercy of the Father. Quote
Saved55s Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 How has God shown his grace to you and your family? God has & does continue daily to show his grace to myself & my family, in hearing our prayers & in making circumstances turn around when in the natural there Quote
Linda Stanley Posted July 5, 2006 Report Posted July 5, 2006 God has shown grace to my family in keeping them safe and unharmed.Myself and my family sometimes end up on the broad road of distruction,but by Gods Grace we make it back to the narrow way.Know one in my family is perfect,encluding myself.Why we make wrong choises I'll never understand.Life is so hard to understand at times.There is one thing I know,"God is always with my family and myself.We all learn from our mistakes,and by Gods Grace we are restored,learned our lesson,become stronger ,and hopefully can help someone else from making that same mistake.God is The God of all Grace,a precious gift given to us.Its what we do with Gods gifts that count.So how do I live? As I believe and put more of my trust in God(my life)my faith grows day by day,and as I walk the narrow path,by Gods Grace I pray I will not stray. God keep my family safe and everyone who is doing this teaching,encluding their families and loved ones,friends and foe,by your gracious love keep us on the narrow road.Amen ~Peter knew Gods Grace,Gods Merciful Love.Peter says we all face trials,but we must let our light shine in the darkness.Our trials must be accepted as part of the refining process that burns away impurities and prepares us to meet Christ.I believe Peter is telling us through our trials and struggles we become strong in our faith,making us useful to God.~ Quote
4sue Posted August 31, 2006 Report Posted August 31, 2006 God has shown His grace to me by choosing me to be His friend. I am able to live in a beautiful seaside town in a lovely house with my beautiful family and enjoy a wonderful quality of life. Everything I am and have and know is from rich blessings of His grace and love. I have Christ in my life, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the promise of eternal life in His kingdom. He is the God of all grace because all blessings come from Him even though we do not deserve them. Quote
olori Posted September 17, 2006 Report Posted September 17, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? God's grace is all over my family. All our needs are met all the time, no matter the circumstances. He has forgiven our sins, as we are all saved, Praise the LORD. We are all born into sin, and the flesh is sinful in nature. Without the Grace of God there would be no salvation, it is by God's Grace and Mercy that He sent His son to die on the cross and save us. It is by His Grace that we are enabled, strengthed to walk in His Will. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 17, 2006 Report Posted September 17, 2006 Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? By welcoming me back when I strayed. By answering prayers and saving loved ones. Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of all grace? Because he has experienced His Grace. He knows first hand that God Quote
masika Posted October 11, 2006 Report Posted October 11, 2006 - When we are suffering , we often feel as thoughg our pains will never end. This suffering would last only " a little while ". - We are assured of eternal life with Christ , where there will be no suffering ( Rev. 21:4). Quote
raymond Posted January 15, 2007 Report Posted January 15, 2007 God is indeed the God of all grace. I came from a poor family. While we were starving, no one in the family ever thought of God or religion. But God is so gracious. Not only that He provided us with our bodily needs to gete by, but God showed Himself to us. He brought us back to His grace. He saved us by His grace and compassion. I can never express in words how much I should thank God for all the lessons and blessings He showered to me and my family..It is true, only a personal experience with God shall one find Him. Quote
Commissioned Posted January 23, 2007 Report Posted January 23, 2007 Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? God has answered innumerable prayers for my family, chief among them is saving the souls of many. Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? Grace is that quality of giving freely to a person or a people out of one's own favor, not based on anything deserving about the recipient. When you consider that man requires the Grace of God to forgive so many infractions it is fitting to say, "the God of All Grace." Quote
MarkH Posted August 20, 2007 Report Posted August 20, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace? God shows His grace by overlooking our faults and taking care of our needs. It is not just because we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Before we accept Jesus God Quote
Kaitlin Posted October 28, 2007 Report Posted October 28, 2007 The first thing that comes to mind for me is the legal situation my family has been going throught. The contractor that built on to our house sued us for not paying him when he wouldn't finish up a lot of little things. While this was going on, we found out he had violated a lot of building codes, and there were venting problems in the attic--resulting in mold/moisture problems, cut trusses, and missing reinforcements in the foundation. It has been a big struggle financially, as well as in learning to let go of control and things working out how I want them to. I have been learning how to surrender my plans and all of my problems/stress to God. Even throught this, I have been so blessed. If God hadn't allowed us to find out about the things that were wrong with our house, it may have been less stressful for a while, but eventually, we would have had to face an even bigger mess. Also, many of the people involved go to our church or other churches around the area, and I feel that the physical confrontation of getting rid of the mold, and faulty structures is very symbolic of what is going on spiritually--a confrontation of the sin and faulty foundations found in many of these peoples' lives. 1Co 3:9-19 For of God we are fellow-workers, a field of God, and you are a building of God. According to the grace of God which is given to me, as a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let every man be careful how he builds on it. For any other foundation can no one lay than the one being laid, who is Jesus Christ. And if anyone builds on this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, each one's work shall be revealed. For the Day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's work as to what kind it is. If anyone's work which he built remains, he shall receive a reward. If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire. Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God shall destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which you are. Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool so that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; for it is written, "He takes the wise in their own craftiness." God in his grace is using us as instruments of His grace. In His grace and mercy, He is giving a lot of people a chance to fix their work, before the final judgement, when it is tested with fire. Quote
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