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Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

First and foremost, God has opened my families eyes to Jesus Christ. He is our Lord and Savior. God has blessed us both spiritually and physically. We are blossoming as Christian human beings. We are serving God and thriving in serving Him.

Peter describes God as the God of All Grace because He is the author of grace and He is the ultimate grace-provider.

  • 6 months later...
Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

God has shown His grace to me and my family by the forgiveness of our sins, through His salvation, repentance, showing me His love through His grace, mercy, lovingkindness, longsuffering. and His peace of mind. Peter describes Him as God of all grace because He is . The perfecting, establishing, strengthening, and settling of people in grace and their perseverance is so difficult that onlyu God of ALL grace can accomplish it. We need to seek Him continually and depend upon His promises to see us through this life.


Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family?

Grace is undeserved favor, and He has showered us with His grace in all areas...First He led us out of Utah and away from the domination of the Mormon culture to Calif. where we heard the Gospel and received Jesus as Lord and Savior, forgiveness of sin, deliverance from demonic oppression. He has led us to an amazing church filled with truth and grace and loving people. He has disciplined us and through the loss of our business, home, car, etc, has grown us in grace and compassion toward others in difficult situations. He's restoring to us the things we lost. Our children are saved. He's healing us from lives of abuse and neglect as children. He led someone to give me a computer, which enables me to do these wonderful studies on line...He provided free eye surgery for my husband when he couldn't see. He is so loving and kind to us...patient. His grace sustains us every day!

Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

Peter was impetuous and said and did some silly things...for which on one occasion, Jesus told Satan to get behind Him, because Satan was trying to deter Jesus from going to the cross through Peter's words. Peter denied Jesus with curses and oaths, and yet in Jesus' mercy and grace singled Peter out after the Resurrection to make sure Peter knew he'd been forgiven and was still beloved by Jesus. He was greatly used by the Lord after the Ascension into Heaven....Peter was a glowing example of God's amazing Grace.

  • 5 months later...
Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

God forgave Peter when he denied him three times and showed Himself to Peter after the resurecction and Peter knew and experienced the favour of God in his life.

God has shown grace to me and my family by bringing us back together as a family when we were not seeing each other for many years.

  • 10 months later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

God invented grace.

That's why He owns and controls it.

  • 4 months later...

Names of God 10

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of all grace?

1 Peter 5:10

  • 2 weeks later...

God has shown His grace to me and my family by allowing each of my children to allow Jesus to come into their lives. He has allowed me to see my oldest grandchild accept Jesus as her Savior. Her love for the Lord means more than words can say. Over and over again, God has proved Himself faithful through the many blessings He has bestowed upon me. I have seen Him bring my family through sickness, death, wrong choices, etc. He has been faithful to me and my family by bringing us through only because of His grace and mercy. Thank you Jesus.

Peter describes God as the God of all grace, because He gives us through His power the strength to overcome, and be victorious in this Christian race. He will establish us, make us strong, and set us on a firm foundation. Not because of anything we have done, it is because of His grace and mercy. His infinite love, mercy, and goodwill towards us even though we do not deserved it, He continues to show Himself faithful to His Word. Thank you God.

  • 1 month later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10)

How has God shown his grace to you and your family?

Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of all grace?

This lovely title,

  • 2 weeks later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

1 Peter 5:10 You will have to suffer only for a little while: the God of all grace who called you to eternal glory in Christ will see that all is well again: he will confirm, strengthen and support you. Peter calls God the God of all grace, because He show grace and mercy to us sinners, when we don't deserve it. God is the giver of Grace When we are in pain, it will be for a short time, that we will suffer. God will strengthen us, so we can bear it, or will end the pain through death. There will be no suffering, when we take our place with God. After a lifetime of dealing with a drunk, when my husband died, I had decided not to marry again. But God had different plans, He brought my present husband into my life. God's plans changed my life. My husband and I love doing God's working in the church. He has giving us both, a deeper desire to be in His word and doing His will. God is simply amazing and I love Him with all my being. Thank you God for being there, everytime I need you.

  • 4 months later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

God showed His grace to us everyday by providing our needs abundantly. There is nothing in ourselves that deserves a house, a job, enough food to eat and all the other things we enjoy. He saved our souls and wrote our names in the Book of Life. What makes us better than the sinner on the street? Nothing, but the grace of God reached down and took us from the broad way to hell and put us on the way to heaven. Oh, what a great and mighty God we serve.

  • 3 months later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

While we were yet sinners Christ died for us. God has brought us from darkness into His marvelous light He took us out of our mess and cleanse us, fill us, make us stand in Him and gave us life in abundance. It is not by power but by His special Grace that found us -Praise be to His Name.

Whatever we are or have including life is by the grace of God not because of what we have done for Him or by our strength. Thank God for His Grace

  • 5 months later...

God has kept my family and I regardless of and through our sins; He has always provided for and protected us. Peter describes him as the God of all grace because He has and shows us favor that we don’t deserve. He takes care of us and gives freely to those of us who have been saved by His grace through our faith in His Son, Jesus.


Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

God shows his grace to me daily by allowing me to live without fear of justice

  • 2 years later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family?


My marrige broke up in 2007. My daughter got into drugs and is now covered in tattoos, some of which are offensive to God. The house I built is now lived in by my ex-wife and some big fat dude who's never owned anything in his life and was looking for a soft landing with a widow or divorcee. That arrangement was set up for her by my best friend. I've been struggling for the seven years since the breakup to make a living. I tithed to the Lord for the first six years since my separation and all that did was make me destitute.


I'm still waiting for grace.


All that having been said, I will say that over the last three months my personal circumstances have taken a marked turn for the better. It can only be the Hand of God at work in this.

This line from Pastor Ralph's study just jumped off the page at me:

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." (1 Peter 5:10)


God is able to restore what the locust has destroyed. I'm starting to experience that now. My new girlfriend claims she's my good luck charm, but I know for sure it's God at work, restoring to me what I'd lost.




Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?


From where else is Grace going to come, except from God? He makes Grace possible.


  • 5 years later...

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

Grace is unmerited unearned undeserved favor. An acronym to remember grace is

G – God’s

R – Riches

A – At

C – Christ’s

E – Expense

Another definition of grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Only through understanding justice and mercy we understand grace. Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is NOT getting what you deserve and grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Because we are sinners, we deserve punishment. But because of His mercy we don’t get punishment and His amazing grace bestows us sonship and citizenship in His kingdom which we absolutely don’t deserve.

God has been so gracious to us by giving us salvation. He has showered us with His goodness and He has been faithful to us in spite of our unfaithfulness. He has always brought us back to Him when we wandered away from His presence. He has been our provider, defender, life-giver, healer and the El-Shaddai etc. of our lives.

Peter had experienced His grace in his life. He was the one who denied Him thrice, yet the Lord gave him opportunity to confess his love for Him thrice. He was called to preach the good news to both Jews and Gentiles first. Such grace to make a shifting sand like Simon into solid rock like Peter was something that Peter would have never forgotten in his life. He had seen such transformations amongst his friends. No wonder Peter describes Him as God of all grace.

  • 1 year later...

He has shown His grace towards me when he first saved me and when He saved my daughter. He showed His grace towards me in bringing others to come to my aid before. He shown it to me through His infinite patience and forbearance with me. He shown it to us in protecting us different times and providing for us.

Because God is not willing that anyone should perish. He wants all to be saved and that is why He is waiting yet for people to come to Him. He gives us more mercy and grace than we deserve because He loves us so much.

  • 1 month later...
On 3/8/2006 at 10:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q4. (1 Peter 5:10) How has God shown his grace to you and your family? Why do you think Peter describes him as the God of All Grace?

Oh how God has shown His grace to my family!  It had not been very long since my father had gone to be with the Lord. My mom was still missing him very much and trying to cope with being a single parent with six children to take care of, four of whom were still at to school when, one evening my little sister who was about eleven years at the time, left to visit a family friend and was hit by a speeding mini bus. She sustained a fractured skull, a severed shoulder bone which pierced  and protruded through the skin, along with multiple lacerations.  She was admitted into the ICU of the hospital in an unconscious state.  By the next morning she had regained consciousness but was delirious and remained like that for three months.  Had my sister died that evening my entire family would have been devastated but I think it would have killed my mom. But God in His grace kept her.

My little sister will be forty-four in about a week and is as healthy as the proverbial horse with four children of her own  and one grandchild so far. It was God's grace that kept her from dying that evening and it was God's grace that restored her to perfect health.

God has shown me and my family His saving grace.  My parents gave birth to ten children.  We were all brought up in a Bible believing home and learnt how to call on the name of Jesus.  Today the first five of us are saved while the others are plain ole backsliders from the truth.  My mom prays for all of us and we are praying for the rest of them to return home to the Lord.

I was blessed with two children of my own and both of them are saved, married to believers and are bringing their children up in the fear of the Lord.  As Paul says in Ephesians, it is by grace we are saved, it is God's free gift to us and not by our goodness or good works.

I think Peter describes Him as the God of all grace because He is the God who saves, comforts, heals, restrains, provides and keeps us by His grace. Believers may suffer trials and tribulations but it will only last a while, during which time He perfects His work in us, strengthening us so that we can be steadfast in Him, not wavering in our faith. After that, God will restore to peace. The word states that every good thing comes from above and that is because of His grace.

  • 6 months later...

God has manifested His graces to me and my parents and two sisters throughout the years.   Through it all, I have learned to trust on Jesus Christ.   God used my parents to nurture me in a Christain home.  I didn't rebel as a youngster.  Always had a deep desire to pursue the Holy Scriptures since I was very young.   My father would drive me to prayer meetings when I was i high school.  Mom would allow me to use kitchen radio to listen to Rev Billy Graham on Sundays.  Through the trials that came along, God gave many graces to my family during great times of suffering.   When my youngest sister had various problems; my parents exhibited the grace of God.  Despite serious setbacks my sister experienced, my parents never gave up attempting to help her.  I can testify of God's graces during the time when my mother was ill and homebound.  God gave me grace to a long distance caregiver.  Yes during the setbacks, God gave me grace.

St.Peter had to learn about grace.  After falling on his face a number of times; he had no choice but to look up to the Lord Jesus Christ.  What an inspiration to us.  The zero factor is integral in our spiritual lives.  God wants to further sanctify us.  Through trials we grow more and more.  The dark nite of the soul is a happy time.  Though we cannot understand with our limited minds; we run to the altar and tarry in prayer.  Our trials and setbacks puzzle us; but we give God praise for graces to perservere.

  • 1 year later...

God has shown his grace to my family in many ways. Giving us opportunity after opportunity to get things right to change. Blessing my family members to live long lives, not being out on the streets and so much more. He is a good God!


Peter says that because it is all about God not about us. It's because of his kindness and love we are here and will spend eternity with him not because we deserved it but because he loves us and wants us with him. That's a very loving and sweet God.

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