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Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

  • 3 weeks later...

The responsibility oof the next of kin to a person in trouble was to bale them out (and save the familyname?)

Jesus took on human flesh in order to become our kinsman. As we (man) had sold our inheritance (dominion of the earth) to satan, it could only be bought back again by a man, because God had already given dominion to man and could not just take it back again. So Jesus came to do that very job, to redeem our position with regard our inheritance of dominion.

This reveals that God's love is of an unimaginable magnitude, that He should do this for us.

Something is only worth what someone will pay for it at themarket. Jesus values us enough to pay with His Life's blood. He valued us above Himself. We are worth all that to Father and to Jesus Himself.


1. Because a family would be left so hopeless without the patriarch at the head Yahweh instilled in them the necessity of looking after one another by making it law. Therefore, it was the obligation of the next of kin, the male figure, to step in and assist as needed when his family member was in trouble. This extended even to the surviving brother to know the widow of his deceased brother if he (the deceased) die without an heir.

2. Simply put, we would be dead in our sins had Jesus not substituted Himself for us as the only acceptable sacrifice that could be offered for our pardon. To this end He became our near kin and raised us up by the seed of His Holy Spirit to be joint heirs with Him. Whew!

3. God's love is boundless, even to the sacrifice of His Son. There is no human love that would be able to give what Yahweh has given, time and time again, forever.

4. I have found that I am a valuable asset, when I felt worthless, disposed of by the world. There is a new sense of self appreciation and yet, humilty, when I realized that the God of All Creation, can give me of His time, at my behest, at the moment I have need. I, we, are priceless in His sight.


Since then the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook in the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil; 15 and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. (Hebrews 2:14-15).

The requirements and the qualifications of the Kinsman Redeemer are:

a). He must be a Kinsman. He must be related to the one whom he is going to buy back out of slavery.

B). He must be Free himself. A slave was unable to purchase another slave. A Kinsman Redeemer must be himself free of the debt and of the bondage which had fallen on the one who was to be redeemed.

c). He must be able to pay the Price.

d). He must be willing to pay the price.

The responsibilities of the Kinsman Redeemer are:

-to redeem the property of a close relative who has lost his property to a debtor

-to avenge the death of a murdered relative

- to pay whatever was necessary to release a relative from prison or slavery and redeem his kinsman


Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

The Kinsman in the Old Testament was:

Redeemer of Brother's Liberties:

Lev 25:25 If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold.....

Redeemer of Widow- Ruth

Deut 25:5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her.

Redeemer of the Land:

Lev 25:24 And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land.

Redeemer of blood:

Num 35:19 The revenger of blood himself shall slay the murderer: when he meeteth him, he shall slay him.

Deut 19:12 Then the elders of his city shall send and fetch him thence, and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood, that he may die.

Redeemer of the Oath:

Leviticus 27

Vows of People 1-8

Vows of Animals 9-13

Vows of Houses 14-15

Vows of Inherited land 16-21

Vowed uninherited land 22-25

Illicit Vows 26-33


The kinsman would be the next in line closest to the person in trouble. He would fulfill his duty by purchasing any lands owned by the family in order to keep them in the family & would go so far as to marry the wife of the deceased--as in Ruth. If he was unable to do this, he would declare it publicly & it would fall to the next in order. This was practiced to keep the original family name & property intact.

Jesus became human--man to redeem us. He paid the price on our heads for all of our sins by dying on the cross for us.

His love for us in incredible. He gave all He had for us.

In His eyes we are of invaluable worth.

Oh, to remember this each day......


Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble was to help him. As having been writen by Dr. Ralph Wilson: If a close relative lost his property to a debtor, it was the responsibility of his kinsmen to redeem it. If a relative was murdered, his kinsmen were responsible to avenge his death. If a relative was in prison or in slavery, a kinsman was obligated to pay whatever was necessary to get him released.

Jesus played the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us by this following way. We his kin have fallen so far into debt of our sin. We can not do anything to redeem ourselves out of sin debt. The only one can do is our Kinsman Jesus Son of God. He redeem us by his own flesh and blood. He sacrificed his life


Next-of-kin bore the important responsibilities of redemption and restoration in three main ways. (1) When land given to the tribes of Israel by God had to be mortgaged off (because of something like crop failures leading to financial ruin), it would be returned to its original owner in the Year of Jubilee, which occurred every 50 years, OR it could be bought back by a relative and restored to the family. (2) If a man became so destitute that he couldn't even feed his family, he could sell himself into servitude. This would be revoked in the Year of Jubilee, OR a kinsman could pay off the price of his relative's slavery and restore this man to freedom. (3) There was also a responsibility for redemption and restoration of widows, who were especially vulnerable because they lost absolutely everything with the death of a husband. In this case, the nearest of kin was obliged to offer protection and rescue by offering to marry the widow. All of these responsibilities were to keep the family/nation intact and preserve the inheritance promised to them.

The role and responsibilities of a kinsman-redeemer give us a beautiful picture of Jesus Christ. He took on human flesh to enter the world of humanity in order to bring redemption and restoration as our "nearest of kin".

(1) He died to redeem this earth, His corrupted creation. Man had "sold off" this possession to Satan through Adam's forfeiture when he disobeyed God. Only a kinsman could redeem it, which Christ did as the Son of man.

(2) Jesus died to redeem His object of love, mankind, from slavery. That original act of sin created the consequence of man's bondage to the new "owner" with no natural way to pay the debt. His own holy blood was the only thing that could pay the high cost of our freedom.

(3) And Jesus died to redeem His Bride, His cherished beloved. His desire was to rescue us from the abject poverty and need of our loss that we had no means or position to rectify. He intended to have intimate union with those who return His love, to protect and provide for our eternal life with Him.

The divine Kinsman-Redeemer acted to satisfy a debt we had no means to pay in order give us restoration to Himself and freedom to be all that He originally designed us to be.

As Dr. J. Vernon McGee comments, "Salvation by redemption is a love story." God didn't have to redeem wretched, lost sinners. He would still be a just and holy God. But to put it simply, He loved us. Love that would go to such lengths to restore our relationship to Him and preserve His promised inheritance to us is evidence of how much He values us. The price He was willing to pay was His own life's blood - the ultimate cost. We should be humbled by our great worth to Him, and yet be so profoundly grateful that we cannot help but love Him back with the all of our existence.


The responsibility of the kin was to help in any difficult or dangerous situation. To save them from going under.

Jesus came to earth as a human and lived and walked among us and took on our sins and died a cruel death so we could be redeemed.

God's love is far more than we can comprehend, but it is equal for each and all of us. He doesn't love one more than the other. He doesn't want any of His children to be hurting in any way.

We are worth the world to Him. Priceless!!!!


What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

They were to help any family member that was in any difficulty or danger. If a relative lost property to a debtor, it was his responsibility to pay off the debt and buy it back. If a family member was murder, he was obligated to avenge the death.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

God sent Jesus to earth that He might take on human flesh and identify with our plight. He became our kinsman-our brother. He redeemed us with His own flesh and blood, buying us back from sin and Satan.

What does this say about God's love?

That it is just too awesome to comprehend. It's amazing to think that the Almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, what even want to save sinful, rebellious mankind.

What does it say about our worth?

That we mean so much to God, He was really to send Jesus to redeem us from our debt to sin.


What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

The next of kin was required to help a kinsman in trouble. He was to restore the kinsman as far as possible to the position he was in before being beset by trouble. If he was enslaved, the kinsman would purchase his freedom. If he was in debt, the kinsman would repay or redeem his debts. If he had been murdered, he would avenge the murder.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

From the fall, we were all in a state of sin. Jesus, as Kinsman-Redeemer, paid the ransom for our sins. He did this by offering himself, who was without sin, to be the perfect sacrifice for all our sins, once and for all. He rescued us from the certain death that follows a state of sin. His redemption is to have eternal life with Him. He broke the barrier between us and God.

What does that say about God's love?

To sacrifice His own son for our sins shows the depth of love God has for humankind. He does not want us to be separated from Him by sin. He wants us to be His children, to come to Him through His Son Jesus.

What does that say about our worth?

It says that each and every one of us is incredibly important to God. Each of us is His child and He does not want us to be apart from Him. He knows us completely. He loves and wants us with Him for always. Our rejection of Him through sin is a great hurt; our repentance and belief in His Son a great joy.


As per the Old Testament, for a kinsman it was the obligation of the next of kin, the male figure, to step in and assist as needed when his family member was in trouble. This extended even to the surviving brother to know the widow of his deceased brother if he (the deceased) die without an heir.

Jesus took on human flesh in order to become our kinsman. As we had sold our inheritance to satan, it could only be bought back again by a man, because God had already given dominion to man and could not just take it back again. So Jesus came to do that very job, to redeem our position with regard our inheritance of dominion. This reveals God

  • 2 weeks later...

The responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in harm or trouble was to

rescue them from whatever the trouble was - - - redeem or pay of their debt, avenge their death

if they were killed, pay for or arrange insome way for their release if they were captured or jailed.

Jesus cared for mankind so much that he arranged for his only son to become human and take the

form of a human servant... and then his son redeemed us from the effect (death) that sin would

be for humans and played the part of kinsman redeemer and gave the life of his son for our lives

and thus for those who accept Jesus as their savior he has paid the price to rescue us from the

effects of our sin. It was paid in full . We are rescued/saved.

This says God values us as much as he values His son. He looks on us as precious enough to give

up the life of his only son for. And that is very precious............. almost unfathonablely precious....

And he arranged it so that this redeeming redeemed everyone from adam at the begining to

those soles born on the last day of this earth as we know it.


It seems to me that the responsibility of the next of kin had many facets. When a relative fell into any kind of dire need, the kinsman redeemer would step forward and help in whatever that situatiion was. Financially, or by taking the needy under their wing for provisions of any kind, even emotional ones. They avenged for wrongs and in general made restitution. All for one who was in a hopeless situation.

How does Jesus play that role for us? In all those same ways. I fall into sin, or life's circumstances. I have an enemy that just waits to roar at me and there is always someone he can use to help him along. Jesus rescues me. He covered my sins by His blood. He always hears my cry when I'm in trouble and He helps me. He provides for me daily, He overcomes my bondages and sees me through all circumstances in my life or those directly from satan. He sends people into my life that can help me and He continuously shows His faithfulness and love to me. He's like having the best husband in the universe! That reminds me of a song I sing often. One given to me several years ago. This is parts of it:

Hurt and alone, tormented by fear.

Far from my home. Love no where near.

Held by a force, at the hand of the capture.

But heaven responds to my song of despair,

and sends my deliverer.

He's the one on the white horse,

and He rides on the wind,

He can slay any dragon, He's my hero, He's my friend.

Faithful and true is my Heavenly Warrior,

He's the one my heart sings to,

King of Kings and Lord Of Lords!

That's a kinsman Redeemer! I can say He has been faithful and true and my heart does sing to Him!

I still struggle with the "worth" part sometimes....but I'm very grateful for this lesson because it has made me stop and think about that. To really accept that He's not in for a " rescue and leave" but that He means forever and not for anything that has to do with me! WOW! That makes me ponder on my gratitude towards Him too.

  • 3 weeks later...

A kinsman is a blood related kin to his relatives to protect them from harm, hurt,rejected,poor,and many more.

Jesus paid special attention to the poor, the dispised,the hurt,and the sinful. He rejected no one, he ignored no one.He cares for us no matter what we have done or what we have suffered. Only this kind of love the Kinsman can satisfy our deepest needs and mobilize us to recovery.

Jesus Christ gave his life for us an forgave us of our sins.Jesus shows us that God understands and cares.God specializes in demonstrating that kind of power.In recovery,we experince his power at work within us,bringing our soul and body back to life.


Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

It was up to them to do what ever necessary to help them deal with their problems and solve what ever trouble they were in.

Jesus played our redeemer by paying our sin debt that we could never be able to pay. He gave His all to save us and give us a chance at a new life.

It says about God love that it is deep and devoted to saving us even when we are so undeserving.It is by grace and His love only that saves us from having to face His wrathe when we die.

It says that we are very valuable to God and that our worth is first place in His plan to save us.We are Sons of God so He makes it His first Priorty to save us from our selves and our **** for worldly things. Idols that we let take His place in our hearts. We are the most important thing to God because no matter what He gave His Son for Redeemer of all who would chose to follow Him.

  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

To be there for them, to make sure property that belonged to them stayed in the family, offering to marry the widow. Just being there for them when needed.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

He took our sins so we could be saved.

What does this say about God's love?



Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

They were to redeem them, buy back thier property, get them out of bondage, rescue them from prision, take care of each other.

Jesus is our redemption, He died on the cross, became sin to pay for our sins, recounseled us to GOD. God loves us as His own. We are His children a part of His family. God gave His only Son for us, to Him we are worth all that it takes to save us and bring us to Him.

  • 4 weeks later...

_ The work of the next of kin in the family was to protect and help the family incase of any danger or difficulties.

- Jesus played the role of Kinsman -Redeemer for us in that - when we were in bodande of sin , He paid the price to redeem us from sin.

-God;s Love is Sacrificial.

-We are worthy more than anything else that God created in the world.

  • 3 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

The next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble was responsible for getting the person out of trouble. In some instance this may have been financially and in others it may have involved fighting for their freedom.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

For us, Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer as He paid the price to redeem us from the curse of the law.

What does this say about God's love?

It says that God loves us so much that He has given His only Son to be our Kinsman-Redeemer.

What does this say about our worth?

It says that God considers us His sons and daughters, to be protected from the power of sin.

  • 7 months later...
Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The next of kin was responsible for taking care of debts owed by kin; marrying the wife of kin who has died to keep the family name going; avenging the death of kin which were murdered.

Even before we were kin God mad provision for our debt of sin to be paid, Jesus married us once we accepted him as Lord and Savior so our name would be remembered in the book of life. He supplies our needs and heals us. He keeps us from danger. Jesus paid the debt for sin that we owed.

For some unknown reason we are the apple of God

  • 2 months later...

The role of the Kinsman-Redeemer was, plain and simple, to redeem. 1) His would help his kin out in financial trouble, etc., 2) avenge wrongs commited against his kin, and in cases, 3) marry his kin to extend their family line. In a way, Jesus has done all of these. Jesus has 1) paid debts for us that we could never pay, 2) gotten us out of trouble and punishment that we could never get out of, and 3) He is the bridegroom of the church (although he does not extend our line, but make us part of his). One thing different about our Redeemer is that He does not conform to social expectations by redeeming us. The Kinsman-Redeemers of Biblical times had a social or religious obligation where Jesus does not. That God would even humble himself to become human like us is impossible to understand.

Here's another way of looking at the process of redemption. (And I realize this is still pretty literal, but when you break it down like this, it's a lot more vivid.) When I look at the word redeem, I see two parts, re and deem. Some I think we could say it means the act of "deeming" us over again. The word deem means to form an opinion or judgement of something/someone. We were once considered the worst, most evil, and fallen, but in God's love, He has "re-judged" us--given us a second chance. We can now be seen as His son is. And even the price He paid in order to pay our debt we could never pay is irrepayable! I am continually amazed, humbled, and thankful that God in His complete vastness and Holiness would consider me and value me life at such a price.

  • 5 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The responsibility of the Kinsman-Redeemer was to redeem his kinsmen when they were in trouble, i.e. financial aid, physical/military intervention when needed, continue family lines; and property ownership.

As a Kinsman-Redeemer, Jesus went to the cross for the atonement of human sin. Our sins are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness of sin in the blood and name of Jesus Christ. We could not save ourselves. We cannot make ourselves holy, etc.

He walked for 33 years as a human being and can identify with us -- Jesus truly is our Kinsmen-Redeemer.

God's love for us is amazing and beyond my understanding. We are of great value to God.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

If a kin was in trouble it was the responsibility of the Kinsmen to help that person.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

Mankind was in great trouble, they were facing death, they were estranged from God,

they needed help, they needed a kinsmen redeemer. Yeshua, God's Son came to redeem mankind from

the trouble they found themselves in.

What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

This is a beautiful love story, wrapped in a gift sent from God to mankind, a treasure of great worth,

a valuable gift of life, where there was death, a gift of reconciliation to God Almighty;

Love is God's gift, seen in His Redeemer for mankind, Yeshua. What makes it so valuable

is not seen in our worth, but seen in the Redeemer's worth. Worthy is the Lamb slain for mankind,

it makes me feel very worthy to God, and with that worth comes great responsibility to God,

to be seen in living a life of Thankfulness. :P

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