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Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The responsibility of the next of kin was to help them out. To get them out of jail, provide for them, whatever the need was. Jesus played the role by becoming flesh, shedding His blood, and paying the price that we could never have paid. He redeemed us. This says of God's love that is unconditional, He has went to the point of sending His Son because He loves us so much. We are priceless in His eyes. To God, we are worthy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

If a relative lost his property through debt, the next of kin did whatever was necessary to redeem it. If a relative was murdered, the next of kin avenged the death. If a relative went to prison, the next of kin paid the fine to get them released.....to redeem whatever the difficulty was.

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

We were in prison to Satan/ darkness, with no hope of ever getting out. Sentenced to eternal damnation...Jesus paid the price to redeem us, that of His own sinless blood.

What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

As Max Lucado put it: "He'd rather die than live without me".

His love is unfathomable, beyond comprehension, immeasurable. Our worth to Him is all of those things!

  • 5 months later...
Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The next of kin were to redeem their family out of trouble whether it was to pay a debt or to avenge someone's murder. Jesus redeemed usby dying for us to get us out of a lost eternity weighed down by the sins we could never put right through human intervention. God values us so much that He sent His only Son to redeem us from death and join the Family in Heaven.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

To help him out of trouble.

Because of our sins, we should go to hel but because He redeems us, we go to heaven.

That He loves us very much.

God thinks that we're worth it.

  • 4 months later...

The responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble was to help his kin in any difficulty or danger, to redeem what was lost, to avenge the death of a family member who was murdered, and if a family was in prison he was obligated to pay the debt to get him released.

Jesus played the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us when He redeems us from the power of sin by becoming a human, one of us, and identifying with us and our plight. He buys us back, as the next of kin who have fallen so far into debt that we cannot redeem ourselves, so Jesus ransoms Himself for us and redeem us from the power of sin with His life.

Philippians 2:6-8

  • 1 month later...


What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?

How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?

What does this say about God's love?

What does this say about our worth?

For example, if a relative had incurred debt and was about to lose his property and be imprisoned, the next of kin would be obligated to reclaim the property involved; or if taken prisoner for whatever reason he would try and obtain a release. Even if the relative was murdered he would try and avenge this killing. So, if the relative was in any kind of trouble or danger the next of kin would be there to help. In the same way, we all as sinners are in bondage to sin and need someone to provide redemption and thereby pay a ransom to get us out of that bondage. Jesus Christ is that Kinsman-Redeemer, for He Himself said in Mark 10:45,

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

A kinsman had the responsibility to help his kin in any difficulty or danger. Jesus redeemed us by dying on the cross for our sins, because He loved us. He became our kin, to bale us out, so that we may live in God's presence. God loved us so much that, He wants a relationship with us, and He wants us to love Him, the same way. God thinks we are worth saving.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

If a person was in trouble, the next of kin had to pay the price to set him free. It had to be a family member who had the means and was willing to do it, he must be free himself. In the NT Jesus was the Kinsman -Redeemer. He became man to be one of us - in Christ we are children of God.Jesus qualify now as a family member- He had the means and was willing to do it. He was the only sinless man who ever lived and he laid down his life willingly for us. How can we ever grasp how wide and how deep the love of God is for our sinners that He send his only Son -whom he loved- so that we can become his children. Jesus death on the cross was not cheap, he died because he thought we were worth it. People are willing to pay millions of dollars/euros for a piece of art - even though it is just paint on canvas - because they thought its worth all that money. How much more did God think we are worth to let His son die for us.]

  • 3 months later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

His role is that of a kinsman-Redeemer, he redeem his family from whatever trouble they are in making sure they are free from trouble. The redemption will be according to the kind of trouble they are in.

Jesus as the Kinsman-Redeemer came suffered, beaten, bruised and was nailed to the cross becoming our ransom by His death on the cross.He saved us from sin and death so that we may have eternal life.

God's love for us is immeasurable. For someone to give his only son out to suffer all that Jesus suffered to ensure we are saved from death buying us back from sin by the shedding of His blood on the cross is amazing.

This shows that we are so much special in the eyes of God. He made us in His image and for this reason and His amazing love for us will not allow the enemy to keep separating us from Him. No amount of money can buy us back from our debt but only the blood of His only son.

  • 5 months later...

The kinsman was responsible for rescuing, avenging, or taking care of the troubled family member’s needs. Jesus took on the role man’s brother or a kinsman so that He could rescue / save us from the power of sin. He purchased us back into relationship with the Father with heaven’s currency…His blood.

This says that we are God’s precious people. He loves us and values His creation. He wants a relationship with us and He sent His Son to redeem us from sin so that He could work out our salvation and we can be free to get back in relationship with Him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

To redeem his kin by whatever means money, if murdered revenge, even to the point of marriage. Jesus paid for us through his crucification when he paid for our sins. God considers us to be worthy enough to send his son to die for us.

  • 2 years later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble?


The next of kin had the responsibility to pay the debts of the relative who couldn't pay them. He also had the responsibility to redeem his relative from slavery if the relative had been sold as a slave to pay a debt. He was also responsible for buying back any land lost by his relative due to bankruptcy.




How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us?


Jesus became out ransom. Jesus became the one who cancelled the debt we couldn't pay by paying it Himself.




What does this say about God's love?


It confirms that God so loved the world . . .




What does this say about our worth?


It says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We must be worth it for God to do that. It shows that God loves His creation.



  • 5 years later...

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The Hebrew word for kinsman redeemer is “go’el”. A go’el is a near relative who is able to perform a wide variety of roles within his own clan or tribe. The office of the go’el existed for the defense of the clan and tribe. Any rights that a man possessed that could be lost due to his inability to perform them could and should be resumed by his next of kin. The most common duty of the kinsman redeemer was to purchase land of his kin so that it stays within the tribe. If he has sold to a person who is not belonging to his tribe, then the kinsman redeemer has the responsibility of redeeming the land. If a person was forced into slavery, his redeemer purchased him freedom. When debt threatened to overwhelm a person the kinsman stepped in to redeem the situation by paying the price of the debt. If a family member died without an offspring, the kinsman married his widow to continue the line of the deceased. When a member of the tribe is killed then the redeemer acted as the “blood avenger” and pursued the killer.

To be a redeemer, there are certain conditions to be fulfilled. He should be related, he should be willing and he should be able. He should assume all legal obligations that accompany the role, and he should be free himself. In order to be related to us, He came down by becoming a Man. He was willing and able and went all the way to the Cross to ultimately die a heinous death and suffer separation from His Father with whom He had unbroken intimacy from eternity past. He was completely sinless, so when He died, it was indeed for the sins of the mankind and not for His own sins. By becoming our “Go’el” He redeemed the earth back to Himself, which satan had usurped from Adam because of the Fall. He redeemed man who was bound in the slavery of sin, back to Himself through His death on the Cross and thus purchasing a bride for Himself. He is also the “Blood Avenger” who will act as a judge to all those who denied His Son’s blood sacrifice and are partakers with those who crucified His precious Son, thus denying the salvation that He extended to them.

hell was not created for man, but for devil and his angels. He did not want man to go to hell, so He made a provision for man to be with Him. Man had to simply believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ. So when man rebels against God, it is as though God is saying, I don’t want you to be separated from Me, but if you insist on going to hell, it will be over My dead body. So great is the God’s love for us that He chose to die for us that we be His redeemed.

We are precious to Him, for He bent over backwards in order to redeem us. He sees worth in us, so much that He did not choose to forsake us nor leave us in our sinful condition. He chose us in the beloved, gave us sonship, made us heirs and co-heirs with His precious Son and gave us the Spirit of adoption, whereby we can cry out to Him, “Abba, Father”.

  • 1 year later...

If the relative lost his property it was the kinsman's responsibility to redeem it from the debtor. If the relative was in prison it was up to the kinsman to pay to get them out. 

Jesus played the role of kinsman-redeemer by becoming a man and redeeming us with His own blood on the cross. 

God loved us so much that He was willing to sacrifice His own Son for us. He loves mankind so much that He does not want them to perish. He wants to have a relationship with us. 

This says that He considers us more valuable than riches. We are His priests and a special people. We are loved and we are the bride of Christ. Members of the family of God; He adopted us into the family. 

  • 1 month later...
On 3/8/2006 at 10:09 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. What was the responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble? How did Jesus play the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us? What does this say about God's love? What does this say about our worth?

The responsibility of the next of kin to someone in his family who was in trouble was to help that person to get out of that trouble.

When we were enslaved by sin, Jesus played the role of Kinsman-Redeemer for us by redeeming us.  He paid the debt we owed and could never have paid.

What Jesus did for us reveals the magnitude of God's love for us.  He loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son to die in our place.

This tells me that in God's eyes we are priceless. We are so valuable to Him that He gave His only Son to ensure our redemption. 

  • 6 months later...

Kinsman redeemer was supposed to marry the widow and keep deceased husband's legacy alive.  He also had to take on material needs of the estate.

Our Lord Jesus Christ died on Calvary out of deep love for me.   Colossians 2:15 has been on my mind for the last couple of days.  He saw my need before I was even born !   My need of a Redeemer !  What love beyond description.  On the Cross, mercy and wrath meet.   It is on the Cross, that my sins were atone for.  Jesus Christ knew I would need my sins forgiven and that I would need divine healing.

This reminds me of the Song of Solomon !  Love is strong as death !   I love to re-read Origen's commentary on the Song of Solomon.   He describes so deeply this love that God has for us.  So does Richard Rolle, a medieval spiritual writter.  Rolle describes how the love of God would touch his heart ;and how how would partake of the heavenly graces of heaven.

The depths of love that Yahweh has for each individual soul.   On the road to Emmaus, their eyes were opened to the divine love of God and than later that evening, the fearfull disciples were fortified with the love of God.  St Thomas was deeply changed from a doubter into a believer.  Charles Haddon Spurgeon remarked on Colossians 2:15 that it was Christ himself that triumphed over the devil and the sins of mankind.  The Cross is our surety!!!  Spurgeon stresses that Christ alone did it all, no other angelic intermediaries.  Tonite I have 'Zoe life because Christ is my Redeemer-Kinsman.






  • 1 year later...

To help them out whatever trouble they were in. 

Jesus got us back by becoming one of us and by giving his blood freely for us because he loves us. There was no way we could redeem ourselves.

God has a great love for us. A love that we as humans don't fully understand. For Jesus to come here and go through all of that and God The Father allowing it says a lot about his love and character. Human beings are worth more than we truly realize.

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