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Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

I think a saviour is one who gets you out of an impossible situation. He intervenes in a way that the sufferer is totally unable to do, and removes the problem, freeing up the victim.

Synonyms for "save" and "Saviour" might be "Guarantor" or backer.


Synonyms for "save" and "savior" could be "deliver" and "deliverer."

A deliverer would be one taking someone out of an impossible, impassible, seemingly impregnable (sp?) problem. This deliverer would pull that someone from death to life, bondage to freedom and/or hopelessness to hopefulness.


Synonyms for "save" are deliver, redeem, rescue, bail out. For "Savior"; deliverer, redeemer, rescuer, saver.

To earn the name of Savior there must be an action, an act that deserves the recognition of the name. In the case of Our Savior, He did all of the aforementioned synonyms by His birth, sinless life, death and resurrection. By His birth He was the Deliverer. By His sinless life He was the perfect sacrifice thereby an acceptable price for our redemption. With His death, He rescued us from certain death by eternal separation from God the Father. With all, by His name we are saved (bailed out, if you will).


Some synonyms for the words "save" and "Savior" are rescue[r], redeem[er], liberate[-or], restore[r]. I'm reminded of something I learned a couple of years ago when I came to understand my salvation in the sense of restoration. My relationship with Yahweh was broken by sin like a shattered mirror, and nothing I could do on my own could ever repair it. I might try to put pieces back together, but the image reflected would always be fractured and distorted and missing something. Jesus Christ the Savior gave me a new "mirror", a new capacity to reflect God's image and holiness properly, when He gave me His own Holy Spirit.

God's primary purpose in my life is to make me holy. That is accomplished through many things that I am unqualified and unsupplied to do for myself, including rescuing me from sin, delivering me from its consequences, redeeming me to be consecrated and sanctified, liberating me to personally relate to God and reflect His holy image, and restoring to me all that had been lost when the relationship He designed me for was shattered. Jesus truly is my Savior.


Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms for "Save" and "Savior" are:

  • Jesus
  • Redeemer
  • Deliverer
  • Protector
  • Good Shepherd
  • Caretaker
  • Salvation
  • Rescuer
  • Preserver

In order to earn the name of Savior he has to be the guardian. He is the caretaker, he is the one who saves us and protects us. He is My Lord , He is our Savior, The Lord, Jesus Christ who gave his life to SAVE us.

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms for


Just some of the synonyms are: conserve, defend, guard, keep, maintain, preserve, protect, rescue, safeguard, secure, spare, and uphold. Only, brave, tender, deliver, free, liberate, ransom, restrict, redeem, release, sustain, contract, curtail, limit, reduce, shorten, and straiten.

A Savior is one who lays his life down for the sake of another, ie; Jesus Christ. One who is willing to risk it all for another no matter the consequences. A Savior is all the synonyms rolled into one Loving,Compassionate Living Human Being, Jesus Christ Our Lord...


Some synomyns for "save" and "Savior







A "Savior" is someone who risks his life in order to rescue others from danger. A fireman who goes into a burning building, at risk to his own life, in order to rescue a child trapped inside would be considered a savior. Also a "Savior" could be one who gives up his life for the cause of freedom. Our servicemen and women who died in battle thruout the years in order that America may remain a free nation, could be consider saviors.

Jesus earned the name "Savior" because He was willing to give up His own life in order to rescue us from our sins.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think a saviour is one who gets you out of an impossible situation. He removes the problem, freeing up the victim.

Synonyms for "Saviour" are Jesus, Redeemer, Deliverer, Protector, rescuer. A deliverer would be one taking someone out of an impossible, problem. This deliverer would pull that someone from death to life, bondage to freedom and/or hopelessness to hopefulness.

My Jesus fits every name. He did all of the aforementioned synonyms by His birth, sinless life, death and resurrection. By His birth He was the Deliverer. By His sinless life He was the perfect sacrifice thereby an acceptable price for my redemption. With His death, He rescued me from certain death by eternal separation from God the Father. With all, by His name I have been saved . He is My Lord , my Savior.


What are synonyms for saved and saviour? What does a "Saviour" do to earn the name?

The words that come immediately to mind are: free, protect, rescue, unburden, guide, strengthen, provide refuge, feed and sustain and give life. A true Saviour must give all these things to warrant the name. Jesus does this and more. He loves us and looks over us. His plan for our life is in our best interest. As a disciple He has provided the teaching and guidance for every aspect of our lives. Through His sacrifice He has saved us from sin and death and makes it possible to come to God. The salvation that He offers is complete and enduring. No other saviour could match what He gives us.


Old Testament: "Saved" To help deliver. To remove someone's burden. Helping or joining forces with someone so as to forge a stronger unit. Also meaning " Salvation". God's acts of help. That which God will do on man's behalf.

New Testament: "Saved" The spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God to those who believe in Jesus Christ. Of material and temporal deliverance from danger or suffering as in sicknesses. God's power to deliver from bondages to sin. Being delivered from the wrath of God and eternal doom. To bring safely through. Keeping a person safe.

"Savior" means a savior or deliverer or preserver. The sense of preserving in giving life and breath. The sustainer and preserver of the church.

What does a Savior do to earn that name?

Gives whole heartedly and selflessly of Himself to others. Is a defender. Is a champion for the less fortunate. Loves unconditionally. Has the power to help in the very face of hopelessness. Can heal and renew. Can give freedom to individuals from their bondages. Will Shepherd individuals safely through. Will protect and keep safe. Will preserve life. Give breath. Will sustain and preserve.


Some synonyms for save= deliver, rescue, help,spare.

some synonyms for savior= helper , reclaimer,recoverer, salvager, redeemer.

To earn the name a savior actually needs to reclaim something for someone, salvage something or

someone, recover someone or something, reclaim something or someone. help something happen

or help someone with a problem or task.

God / Jesus was the savior He salvaged us, he reclaimed us, he recovered us from the effects

or sin, He reclaimed us from satan's clasp, He salvaged our hearts and lives from the evil

of the world.

  • 3 weeks later...

(SAVE)-a word that means the same,or almost the same, as another word in the same language.

(SAVIOR)-One who saves by delivering,preserving,healing,or providing.

Jesus Christ gave his life to free us from every kind of sin,to cleanse us,and to make us his very own people,totally committed to doing what is right.(TITUS1:14)

Salvation's source is grace from the savior. the means is faith in the savior. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior

Jesus is the Savior also because He is God incarnate, fully human and fully divine.


Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms: rescuer, redeemer, knight in shining armor, liberator, deliverer, protector, Savior

Synonyms: but, except, apart from, with the exception of, bar, excluding save

To me save is the action that we want but a Savior is the one who must do the saving.

Jesus is our Savior,Redeemer, He is who we must call on if wwe have any hope to be saved from our sins and expect anything in the world to come. To earn the title Savior one must keep something from happening to who ever is being saved that made be good or bad but most of the time we think of a savior as the one who stops bad from coming our way and that is what Jesus does for us as our Savior.

  • 3 months later...

To retrieve us from death, to become as one with us, to lift us up to spiritual places.

A savior befriends us, teaches us, equips us with all that we need, takes away the danger.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"?

Synonyms for Savior: Rescuer, deliverer,

Synonyms for Save: Rescue, deliver

What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Removes you from bad situations, risks his life for you, takes care of you. :rolleyes:

  Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Save, keep, rescue, put aside, Savior, redeemer, JESUS

Rescues one from circumstances that they have no control over, and no way out. Just as Jesus was the only one that could die on the cross, and save us from our sins. He was the only sacrifice that was pure and holy enough to pay the price. Other than Jesus there was no way out.

  • 4 weeks later...

- The Synoyms for save and savior are -Rescue,




-The meaning of Savior is the one who brings salvation or one that save from danger or destruction.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"?

Synonyms for "save" are redeem, deliver and rescue; and the synonyms for "Savior" are redeemer, deliverer, rescuer.

What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

A "Savior" rescues one from a dangerous plight.

  • 7 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms for Save:

Preserve, Rescue, Aid, Redeem

And for Savior

Rescuer, Redeemer

While humans were at the lowest point that we could ever get, Christ died for our sins. He gave His all for us with no guarantee that we would accept what He has done for us.

  • 2 months later...

Synonyms (from Roget's New Millennium Thesaurus)

Save: bail out, defend, deliver, emancipate, extricate, free, liberate, ransom, recover, redeem,rescue, salvage, set free, spring, unchain, unshackle

Savior: Good Samaritan*, conservator, defender, deliverer, guardian, guardian angel, hero, knight, liberator, messiah, preserver, protector, rescuer, salvager, salvation *=informal/slang

It really bothers me when God is disrepected and his name, character, and commandments are thrown around so lightly. Not that I think I am so much better than them, because like Paul said, I am the worse of sinners, yet people have no idea what they are doing, who they are mocking. One place I have seen this a lot lately is in choir at the college where I go, we are working on part of Handel's Messiah for Christmas, and the way the term Messiah as well as things in specific parts of the song have been mocked at times in our rehersals is really sad to me. When ever we practice it in rehersal, I so easily enter into an attitude of worship, and find it to be more a time of praise than just a time to practice. It's mostly, if not completely scripture, and singing it is such powerful meditation for me. The songs get stuck in my head and I can just soak in God's words, the words are so true, right from the first chorus--"And the glory, the glory of the Lord, shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together." For me the glory of the Lord truly is revealed, yet I can only imagine that as God hears us sing each Mon/Wed/Fri in choir, that it is such a bittersweet song. While I know there are those of us who truly seek God and love His word, there are others who, right before and right after their mouths proclaim God's glory, from the same mouth let curses come forth from the abundance of their hearts.

Our society has devalued the work or and need of a savior to such an extent that it is difficult to say what a Savior really does. For many, a savior is just someone with a fairly good idea for fixing a problem. For many, a savior is by no means a neccesity. For me, with Christ as my Savior, He is the one, and only one, who could provide the only solution. To, Christ as my Savior is exclusive, irreplacable, irrepayable. Without Him, I would have been a hopeless, dying, worthless, nobody. He restores me, and takes me beyond restoration. He is taking me from glory to glory, continuing the good work He has begun in me, bringing it to completion on that glorious day.

  • 5 months later...

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms include (most importantly), deliver/deliverer; rescue/rescuer; and redeem/redeemer.

A savior earns the name by saving someone. In the case of Jesus Christ, He saved humanity from the consequences of sin. He becomes the individual's savior if one confesses their sins to God in the name of Jesus Christ and the blood He shed on the cross for human sin. All those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  • 6 months later...
  Pastor Ralph said:
Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"? What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

Synonyms for save: to redeem, to rescue, to preserve or guard, to store. Savior: Jesus, deliverer, redeemer, protector, salvation, strength, provider, and one who saves. Jesus Christ earned the title Savior because he saved us from our sins. He paid the price that had to be paid in order to set us free. He brought us out of death and restored us to eternal life.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. "Save" and "Savior" are used so much in Christian circles that they have become almost jargon words that we don't even think about. What are synonyms for "save" and "Savior"?

Savior:Redeemer, deliverer, emancipator, champion, Good Samaritan, Salvation, Rescuer, Christ, Jesus, The Messiah, Lamb of God, Our Lord, Son of God, King of Kings, Prince of Peace.

Save: Bail someone out, retrieve, keep, preserve, guard, safeguard, protect, secure, shelter, shield, set apart, hold, spare.

What does a "Savior" actually do to earn the name?

He saves! Rescues and emancipates sinners from their eternal destiny of hell apart from God, because of their sin and unrighteousness. He replaces fear and dread with His peace. He Himself became the sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins.

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