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Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Names and Titles of God.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph


Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Names and Titles of God.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph

I hope this is the right forum for the Lords Supper study. the welcome says Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Names and Titles of God.

Thanks Larry C


Hello everyone!

I am excited to learn about communion. I have been a Christian for about 25 years, but have never studied communion to any real extent. I am excited to discover what God wants to show me in His word.

I am looking forward to sharing ideas with others, and getting to know other brothers and sisters in Christ. Post your "intro" letter soon so our community will begin to flourish!

Take care,



Hi there.

It feels good to be back. I've had trouble logging on since the problem with the 'hacker.' I'm looking forward to this study. It's a bit of an unusual topic for a study, and I am thankful for the opportunity to study the Lord's Supper.

In recognizing that so many of us are from different backgrounds and traditions, I am looking forward to focusing mutually on the Biblical teachings surrounding our privilege of communion, and in understanding our commonality.

We are all brothers and sisters in our Lord, and should all count it an honour to be able to participate in the Lord's Supper.

After all, one day, we will all be together to celebrate the Marriage Supper and to fellowship together in the presence of our Lord.


Hello everyone,

I am excited to learn about the Lord's supper. I am a new christian who has been going to church regularly for about 2 years. I am thankful to share my love of Jesus with fellow christians. I just started reading the bible as well and am so thankful for the relationship I have with God. I feel so good about my life now. I can't imagine my life without Him.

Thanks and looking forward to all your postings.


I am glad to be here studying the Lords Supper.I am from a small town in texas and have been a christian for 50 years. Ordained baptist minister for 25 years 64 years old and still going.I have studyed the Lords supper before but look foward to new teaching and ideas. And getting together with Gods people on this forum.

May God richly bless this study.



Hi, like the rest of you, I am looking forward to this study on the Lord's Supper. I am from Navarro County, Texas and have been a Christian for about 7.5 years although I don't feel like I have grown enough in these years and would like to be more pleasing to God.


Hello from sunny & dry central Florida! I have been a Christian for about 35 years and have served as an Associate Pastor of a church for 21 years. I have received and served communion many times, hopefully I'll learn something new by taking this course. I appreciate the time and effort that the instructor has evidently put into these courses.


Hello. My name is Pat. I am the single parent of four adopted daughters. We have a very hectic household. I really enjoy the online bible study. It gives me good focus for the day. I am Catholic but respect all christian denominations. I always find that, though we are different denominations, we are more alike than we are different. And our basic salvation history is the same. It is truly how we celebrate where we find the most differences. I am glad to be a part of this christian copmmujnity. :D:D:D


I am also looking forward to this study on the Lord's Supper. My husband and I are both retired. We are Christians and we spend time in the Word and at one time we would take the Lord's Supper each morning. We stopped doing this a few months ago. I don't really know why. I believe this study will help me really understand the meaning of the communion. I do believe the bread and the wine represent Jesus. I love the way these studies are set up. It is so helpful to read the postings. I grew up in the Baptist Church. Our church was big on bible study. I have gone to other churches since I have been grown. Those early days made a deep impression in my life and I do enjoy the study of God's Word.


After seeing the replies to the first couple of questions and the excellent topic lessons - I just wanted to say that I am very blessed to be a part of this study.

I am a West Texas Tumbleweed, and have been an active member in multiple congregations over the years. I have seen many different approaches (often within the same congregation!) to how communion should be celebrated.

I hope to learen even more through this study.


Hello everyone!

I am really excited to be a part of this study. Isn't it amazing how much there is to learn about our Lord, We are always discovering new and exciting things. God speaks to us in many different ways and I believe that studies like this is one of those ways.

I am from a small town in Kansas...no Toto is not here but I do have a grandma named Dorothy! I have called myself a Christian for 30 years but until recently (in the past 4 years) I really didn't know what that meant as I thought I knew all the right Bible answers but didn't really know about having a relationship with God. Now I know better and thirst for all of the knowledge I can get my hands on.


Hello All. I come from a small town in northern Ontario.

I was raised Catholic but became a Christian at a bible study and I have remained in this

congregation since I became a Christian many years ago.

I have worked within the church, Sunday school teacher and now I find myself in lay ministry.

I look forward to this study and meeting my many brothers and sisters in Christ around the globe.



I was searching for a curiculum to assist in the preparation of a sunday school class and stumbled upon a link to this study. I am at once intrigued and excited to discover this interesting ministry. I have never participated in an internet study before and am eager to see how it feels.

Pastor Ralph, if you monitor these posts: I hope to borrow this material (within your specified parameters, of course) for a class.



  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, my name is Burneta and i live in Raleig NC. I am a Catholic but grew up attending Bible studies in different Christian denominations. I believe in learning about peoples culture, religion and ethnicity.

I am excited about this class and wish to learn about different viewpoints

  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Names and Titles of God.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph


My name is Bob Ortendahl, I am a 55 year old novice in the knowledge of bible studies but what an awesome thing these bible studies are. I am learning so much and I am following Gods calling for me.

God Bless You All.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Y'all!

My name is Aida, and I'm late in joining the forums for this study!

But, I hope to catch up! My family may use this for our devotional time... we have 19 and 16 yo daughters, so we can have some good conversation!

Look forward to "talking" to all of you!

  • 4 weeks later...


My name is Debra and I'm from London, in England. Iam a Roman Catholic and try to go to mass every day. I work in a public library which is just across the road from a church, so I have no excuses! :D

Iam very much looking forward to studying with the Joyful Heart Bible Studies and hope it will strengthen my faith even further.

  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I am looking forward to this study. I am a Roman Catholic christian woman. I've taught in, and participated in many Bible studies, Catholic and non-denominational. I have learned much from my christian sisters, and they from me. To me, the Lord's Supper is very important because it is the remembrance of our Lord and His love for us. It is also His presence; apart from Him, I am nothing.


  • 4 months later...


Am glad that the Lord brought me to this website and to this study. I'm from Malaysia worshipping at a charismatic evangelical church in the capital.

Looking forward to learn from the sharing.

Blessings in the name of our Lord!



Hi everyone, I am Lynette from Alabama. I am excited about being in this study. I have some questions about the Lord's Supper and hope t get answers here. I have been a Christian for many years and my husband and I used to pastor.

I don't feel I am able to partake of the Lord's Supper often enough! The church I attend tries to have Communion at least once a quarter, but this last year only had it twice. I feel the need to have it more often. So I am hoping to learn more in this study about who can actually administer the Supper to believers.

I think it is a shortcoming that more churches do not partake of the Lord's Supper more often.

Any thoughts on this subject would be appreciated.



  • 4 months later...

Hello everyone: I have shared in communion for many years and as a leader of a bible study I felt the tugging of the Holy Spirit to become familiar with the full meaning of the "Lord's Supper." I am excited that this forum exists. By the way I live in Southern California, mainly San Diego County.

  • 1 year later...

let me introduce myself, my name is Mark, I'm 56 years of age and I live in England UK.

I have a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, I practice Yoga which is my link to The Lord.

I work night-shifts at a factory, I'm no intellectual but I hope to understand more by studying here. Please excuse any spelling mistakes, if I haven't made any yet, let me assure you I will

  • 4 months later...
Dear Friend,

Welcome to the online Bible study forum for the Names and Titles of God.

It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include your e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ralph

Good day,

My name is Steph Maxson. I live in Chesterfield Michigan. I'm looking forward to this on line class. I'n new to this blackboard and am not sure I am in the proper place. On of the studies I'm trying to attend is The Lords Supper and it looks like the link in the email brought me here "Names and Titles of God." Am I in the right place?

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