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Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

Broken and poured out

HE was broken for us

His blood was poured out for us.

The fact is He didn't have to do it that way. But He needed to be the perfect sacrifice to satisfy God's requirement to atone for sin. Sin must be paid for and Jesus stood in and suffered what we should have suffered.

Unforgiven sin in our lives means that we will fact the prospect of eternal separation from God. "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

Jesus satisfied God's requirement to cover our sins and prevent His wrath.


The action words are:

given--the choice of Jesus to give up His body as a sacrifice

broken for--suffering/dieing for us

poured out--His blood was spilled for us


The entire description of the Lord's Supper and use of its elements point to Jesus and give deep meaning to His atoning sacrifice. It's especially poignant to me that as He led that celebration with His friends, He knew He was describing and demonstrating to them what was going to happen to Him within hours of their meal together.

Every element was a prophetic picture of what He would now endure and accomplish. He was to be "given" up for the purpose of being the sacrificial lamb whose blood would be spilt and offered for my atonement. This voluntary sacrifice of Himself was for my sake, for all of us, to accomplish something we're unable to do for ourselves. When Jesus held that bread in His own hands and broke it in half, He knew His body was going to literally be "broken for" wretched humanity. When He poured that wine and passed that cup, He knew that every drop of His own blood was going to be drained from His body to be "poured out" as our cleansing covering of holiness. But supreme Love enabled Him to see through all of that to the glory of providing our forgiveness of sin so that we could become His adored, purified Bride and have a restored relationship with the Father.

When I share in the communion of His Supper, every element should remind me that it's all about the Savior's sacrifice for my personal redemption. It's all about the glory of God's new covenant of grace to forgive me of sin. It's all about the love for me that gave up everything to make me whole and holy.


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

broken for" and "poured out".


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

"GIVEN" for sacrifice

"BROKEN FOR" he would suffer

"POURED OUT" blood shed for the benefit of many

"FORGIVENESS" forgiving us our sins


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

Given - Christ freely gave His life, man did not take it. Love, obedience, brought Christ to the cross, our sins nailed Him there. We who believe are Free.

Forgiveness - Christ freed us from the bondage of sin. Christ willingly paid a debt, we could not pay!


"Given" He has given up his life as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins

"Broken" Broken for my sake.

"Poured out" "The blood that which was blood shed for (the benefit of) many.

"Forgiveness" Set us free from the captivity of sin. It means, "the act of freeing from an obligation, guilt, or punishment, pardon, cancellation."


To me, the meaning of His body broken for us in His sacrifice of His body in His death at the cross at Calvary; and His blood poured out for us, also in His death sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. He willingly went to His death on the cross as He is the ultimate sacrifice of Himself for all of our sins; and the pain and agony of His separation from His Father in heaven, and of His death on the cross to pay for our sins all teach us to think of Jesus


The action words are; GIVEN- freely given as a perfect sacrifice for us

BROKE- as His body was broken for us

POURED- as His blood was shed for us, a cleansing.

FORGIVENESS- the forgiveness of our sins which we couldn't do on our own


Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

take, gave thanks, broke it, blood shed, given, broken, poured out, eat, drink, forgiveness, rememberance. :)


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

I would say that it is DO THIS IN REMEMBERANCE OF ME, these word should be in our mind any time that we take part in the Lord's Supper. To not think of the pain that Jesus suffered and the Love He poured out on the cross is to make a mockery of the whole meaning of the Lord's Supper. I can't think of a greater gift than the chance to show Love back to Jesus through taking the bread and the wine in the fashion that He laid out for His disciples before He gave His life. He can expect noting less than a true act of repentance and an acceptance of His Love for us.


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

I use the NIV translation. In Matthew 26:28, it says "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Poured and forgiveness are the action verbs and they both refer to the blood. Only with the shedding of blood is there forgiveness of sins, hence the atonement.


Q3. Which action words used to describe the elements of the Lord's Supper, teach us that we are to be thinking of Jesus' sacrifice of atonement, when we partake of the Lord's Supper?

I agree with all the comments above this one. The words given, broken for, poured out, and forgiveness all speak to Jesus' sacrifice of atonement. They show the reality of His actions and the pain He endured for us.

Whenever I have hear these words, they always bring about a strong identity and experience. I cannot feel what He endured but I have a knowledge of understanding from their meaning. In that sense, the Lord's Supper is a real experience of Jesus' sacrifice.

God Bless.



The action words that teach us to be thinking of the sacrifice that Jesus gave for the atonement of our sins are:

Gave: He gave His life as an atonement for our sins.

Broke: He was broken and bruised and bled for us for the atonement of our sins.

Poured out: His whole life and life blood was poured out as an offering for us for atonement of our sins.

Forgiveness (forgive): He died for the forgiveness and atonement of our sins.


This is my Body which is broken for you.....Jesus's physical body was beat and abused and BROKEN until his body died. The purpose of His giving himself to be Broken was for you and for me....to give us His resurrected LiFE....eternally.

His Blood was drained from His Body during the assault done to HIm, which was to finish the old covenant made by His Father God to cover the sins of His People......you and me.

When His Sacrifice was finished...the old covenant was finished and He made a new covenant with His People which is from the New Commandment of Love given to you and me.


The action words on Christ's part have been noted in prior posts. The action that Jesus requests from us is "This DO in remembrance of me." Midge


The action words are : Given- Jesus Body was given out for us ,

:-Poured Out - Jesus' blood poured out as a sacrifice to forgive sin to many.


The Lord says "take" which reminds me that He took upon Him the sins of the world, and made a way for us to be reconciled to the Father. He told His disciples to "divide' the cup amongst themselves which keeps me mindful of the Roman soldiers as they parted His garments while He suffered for me. He "broke" the bread which cause me to gaze upon His form on the cross, broken, battered and bloodied, in order that His shed blood would be the atonement acceptable to our Father necessary to redeem us. He says "do" this in remembrance of me, which should give us a vision of His passion, each and every time that we take communion, breaking us, humbling us and bringing us to Him, as one.


Cheers for Midge and Jeff!

Obviously every word in the account of the Lord's Supper is important - but I really appreciate that they both picked up on the ongoing partaking. They both recognized the DO THIS and TAKE THIS, the perpetual continuation of what Jesus initiated as highly important.

My understanding of "The Kingdom" and our part in this messianic banquet compels active participation by those for whom Jesus' precious blood was shed.


The other participants have covered all the verbs that pertain to the Lords Supper, personally for me, the most important is Jesus' instruction to His disciples to 'do this in remembrance of Me'


It is quite a sacrifice, what Jesus has done for us. He gave his life, his body and blood, to save, not only his friends, but to save all who ever was and will be, even before we are. He gave us his body and blood so that we should always remember his sacrifice and overwhelming love for us. Not just those who were with him, But all who live. He gave his life for you and me so that we might live with him forever.

Broken and poured out. Jesus body is broken for us. He was whole and alive but he gave up that life for us. Poured ou. Jesus blood is poured out, given, his very life-giving essence for us that we might live and follow his ways and so join him in paradise.


the action words used with the Lord's Supper that teach us that we should be thinking of Jesus's

sacrifice for attonement when we partake of the Lord's supper are Broken for ; Poured out;

Forgiveness;Give thanks;.....

His body was Broken for us on the cross and thru the beatings and swords and thorns his blood

spilled out for a sacrifice for us... This all added up to a sacrifice great enough to blot out of God

the Father's site the sins of the world and Forgiveness was flowing free for those who would acknow-

ledge Jesus as Savior and God. And confess they were the sinners in need for this sacrifice.

And we need to thank God and Jesus for this sacrifice and ask the Holy spirit to keep us in a state

of mind to be humbled and thankfull for the gift that frees us to be God's adopted sons and Daughters.

And Communion is a time of being humbled and thankfull that we are His and He is our God and Savior.

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