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:rolleyes: The sacrifices were intended to teach us sin must be recomepensed. Some payment must be made for sin against God. The ritual of the sacrifice demanded people to cleanse themselves so they could enter the presence of a Holy God. The sacrifices showed God is by nature loving and forgiving and He proveds a way to remain in His presence and under His care.

Animal sacrifice shows that sin has consequences, God cannot just look the other way and still be a God of justice. But it shows that God is a great God of mercy who is willing that no one should perish. :rolleyes:


The memory of the chicken and pig is something not easily forgotten, and would have been harder to forget if I had to sacrifice them. This teaches me how ugly sin is and how repulsive sin is to Our Heavenly Father, and reminds me of how much He loves each and everyone of us, that He allowed sacrifice to take place in order that we could be purged of sin, to be holy, Our God is all loving merciful, compassionate, forgiving.


God intended animal sacrifice to teach us that sin needed to be atone and sinners coulnd't do it for themselves.

Holiness--Only God is holy and anything less than perfect and whole would not be holy.

God's nature--God is love, holy, slow to anger, faithful, gracious and forgiving.



A price (an unblemished lamb, a sinner's prized animal) had to be paid for sin. (God required a specific sacrifice.) Also, the formality of the sacrifice with the sacredness depicts the very holiness of God; he expects our reverence, holiness and obedience. Additionally, the animal sacrifice directs our attention to the very nature of God, a forgiving, loving, caring God who calls His people to repent of our sins and to obey Him. Love and prayers, Luray


Our actions have a cost, to ourselves and to others. God is a God of justice, but also a God of mercy. In other words, He cannot repent of His 'rules' nor the consequences (death) of breaking them (justice), but he can provide a way for paying the cost (life), and still allow the sinner to live.

This also shows us God's holiness ("...their is no shadow of turning." James 1:17).

The fact that the sacrificial system exists at all, shows us God's nature: absolute justice, absolute holiness, absoulute mercy. With mankind, it is impossible to demonstrate all three simultaneously, "...but with God all things are possible." (Mt 19:26)



What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

That there is a price to be paid when we commit sin and it's not to be taken lightly. That God is so holy only blood can cover our sins. That God's nature is merciful and loving because he allowed us to atone for our sins so he could have a relationship with us.

I think all in all it shows us that God made ways for people to be able to have a close personal relationship with him because he loves what he has created.


God wants us to realize that sin must be attoned for. He cannot wink at

blatant, wanton sin and be a just God. He demands our obedience. He

has a right to demand this. Sin is evil. God's nature is love--He made a

way for our redemption through Jesus sacrifice. He is holy and cannot have

evil around Him, but in His love for us, He provided a way for our sin to be

forgiven,through Jesus' being our perfect sacrificial lamb! This is the love

of God in action to save us from an eternity of torment being cast out from

His presence. :)


God wanted us to know that sin is just not acceptable - our Holy God needs pure people, nothing and no-one tainted with sin is acceptable and that we were and still are incapable of making ourselves presentable to God. If we ever did manage to clean ourselves up, we would still be sinners because we would be so proud that we had done it! God loves us so much that he provided the means in Jesus - I am just so humbled that Jesus stands in my place. I find it difficult to understand people who reject Jesus and think they are going to be alright, i.e. find their way into heaven, standing in their own merit before our Holy God. I want to scream at them, it can't be done!!!

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

Micah 6:6-8 "With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

The ultimate goal in all of this is a relationship with God. God created us to be in fellowship with Him. As Christians we need to be men and women that are led by the Spirit and that are able to hear the Lord's voice and be in constant communion / fellowship with Him. We are made to walk in the garden with Him as Adam and Eve did before the fall. Sin is the action that breaks up that relationship and ultimately separates us from God.

Hebrews 10:1-4 shows us that the sacrifical system was set up in the pre-Christ days to remind the people of their sins and to point them forward to the coming Messiah. For us today we have the Holy Spirit as our guide who helps convict us of our sin and remind us that we have both a risen saviour and a second-coming Messiah. Christ was our once for all perfect Passover lamb sacrifice.

Leviticus 19:2b "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy."

God's nature is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He is Holy, Righteous, and Love. He hates sin, but He loves the sinner in that He sent His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us. We need to accept that sacrifice for our sins, because God already has accepted it as payment in full. We need to trust in Faith that God's nature is to fellowship with us as full sons / daughters and that the Grace provided by Jesus Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for us to enter into His kingdom both now and when we get to heaven.

In Christ,


There are some people that think that the Lord is barbaric and bloodthirsty because of His demand for His people to offer Him daily sacrifices consisting of the slaughter of animals. And because of this, the Lord is no different from the gods that demand the sacrifice of animals and virgins and children for their appeasement.

My opinion is, there's a world of difference between the Lord and those other gods. The main difference being the fact that the Lord authorized those sacrifices for the atonement of our sins as opposed to the demand of the gods for their appeasement.

The reason why the Lord demanded the sacrifice of animals for the atonement of the sins of the people was to remind them that the wages of sin is death. The fact that the Lord did not demand the lives of the people who committed the sin already showed His abounding love for His people. He did not want them to obey Him out of fear, rather, He wanted them to obey Him out of love. The requirement for an animal without blemish reminds us of the fact that only a perfect, unblemished, holy being could atone for our sins.

In His mercy (and not in His anger), the Lord required the sacrifice of animals for the atonement of the sins of His people. Therefore, we should always remember this fact and keep it in our hearts: The Lord is kind and merciful.

:unsure: God created man-kind, for fellowship, with Himself; But because our God is a Holy God, He cannot look upon sin, so He had a way....& this was through sacrifice. Just as in the Garden of Eden, with Adam & Eve, God killed the first animal, & in doing so, performed the first sacrifice, to cover the nakedness ( sin ) of His creation. There is always a price to pay for sin.....The price is costly....The price is personal. The sacrifice's, performed during the day's of the OT. , were never adequate, for they had to be repeated again & again; But God had a plan, Praise the Lord!, & this was to send Jesus, His son, who was perfect & blamless, to take on our sins, once & for all. To become the Supreme sacrifice for all man-kind. Our God is a Holy God; & He demands Holiness from us, but through His great mercy, & even pity on us, knowing we are flesh, He made a way, through Jesus, for us to become Holy.....That being, that when He "looks" on us, He see's the Blood of His only begotten Son! :D I have loved this first week of study! Jaunita

Sin is not trivial in God's eyes. Sin is costly and the price we must pay is too high. Ultimately, we pay with our very lives, condemned to eternal separation from God. I believe He allowed animal sacrifice to show us that something had to die (that's how serious the penalty is) in order for sin to be blotted out. An animal which had nothing to do with our wrongdoing had to suffer, and at the hands of the sinner no less! That is horrible. How much more impacting is it to realize that God's son, (who is God) subjected Himself to the punishment? Sin is ugly and horrible :angry: Holiness can only be attained God's way. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God is awesome. He is LOVE. I praise Him and lift Him up. I magnify Him and give him all the glory :D

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

Everytime we sin, we are giving up a most precious, priceless gift. We are giving up our own freedom and happiness. Animal sacrifice caused a tangable lose of monetary value. We humans often need to learn things using concrete examples before we can understand the more abstract reality.

Once we begin to understand the symbolism of animal sacrifice, we can start to comprehend the significance of sin, repentence, and forgiveness.

Sin is very personal. And it cannot be stopped unless we take it very personally and seriously. Thus, the killing of the lamb is done by the sinner. This is not something that we physically care to do. Nor is it something that we want to repeat. And God does not want us to make the same mistake over again. God does not want us to commit this sin again.

Sin does not only cause the sinner pain and suffering, but it affects many others. Even those whom we may have intended to protect. The sinner is not the only one who gets thier hands bloody. In the case of animal sacrifice, the priest must smear blood on the alter.

Sin causes us to be untouchable in the eyes of God. We need to become clean again before we can be with God again. Thus we need a mediator, someone clean, to assist in our cleansing. The priest assists the sinner with the animal sacrifice.

To summarize what we are intended to learn:

Sin causes us to lose big time; Sin is personal and serious and may not be repeated; Sin affects many; We need a mediator to become cleansed.

Main Entry: ho

Animal sacrifice teaches us many things. First, it reminds us that something has seperated us from God (sin) and that gap must be bridged by specific and willful obedience. The right things must be done in the right ways, not because they heal the sin fracture, but because they invite God's mercy to rain down on us, and it is His mercy that brings the healing. The sacrificial system invites a continual re-evaluation of our relationship with God so that we might remain on the mercy side of His character (in which He gives us life), rather than attempting to stand proudly before the justice of Holy God (in which we choose to stay dead). Animal sacrifice shows us that God is willing to accept a lesser offering as long as it is the best you can bring and given with a contrite heart.


What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

I believe that God intended for animal sacrifice to remind us that sin has consequences. God does not take sin lightly, it requires blood/life to atone for sin. Sin seperates us from God.

God is holy, and we all fall short and cannot relate directly to Him.

God is merciful. He allowed animal sacrifice as a way for His unholy people to reconcile with Him when they fell short. He provided Jesus as the perfect sacrifice for those of us who have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord. Amen.


Animal sacrifice was a costly thing. God needed us to know that sin is costly and must be paid for. God is holy and he cannot accept into his arms any kind of sin because it is a blemish. God loves us and knowing that we are sinners, God accepted the perfect, unblemished sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus, to atone for the sin of mankind. Therefore, mankind does not need to be blemished but only confess and ask forgiveness to have any blemish removed. God gave us a way, through His Son, for us to join Him forever.


6a. I think God intended animal sacrifice to teach us that when you sin - you have to pay a price and that was of a perfect unblemished animal. Our sins cannot be taken lightly. It is very serious.

6b. God teaches us that only He is holy.

6c. God teaches us that His nature is slow to anger, forgiving, loving, merciful and faithful. He loves us and is always ready to forgive us if we really are serious about asking for our forgiveness. He knows our heart and knows if we really mean it.


blondesmiley.gif Well, I feel like I'm just repeating myself. Well, I feel like I'm just repeating myself. B) But, again I want to say I believe God wanted to show the Israelites that no matter how many animals were sacrificed, the sin was a continual problem. The priests had to sacrifice hour after hour, day after day, for hundreds years. That is an awful lot of blood shed!

In requiring a payment for sin, the Israelites were to learn that there is always a reaction to their actions. God is just, God is righteous and holy, and he cannot look upon His unholy, unrighteous, unjust people without an atonement. I think this shows us that God is not only just, but also forgiving...a God of second chances, a God of a million second chances!

Thank You, Father, for being so loving and kind. Thank You SO much, Jesus, for saving us!




;) God intended animal sacrifice to teach us that sin must be atoned for and can never be done through our own good works but with something that God had provided for us to be able to approach a holy God by His grace.

In the Old Testament, it is the blood of the sacrificed animal that makes atonement for one's life. God is holy and sin has separated man from a holy God. Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. We must be at-one or reconciled with God to be able to enter into the Holy of Holies...into His presence.

About God's nature? "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

+ In Leviticus we see that God centered sacrifices within the lives of the Jews. Their lives revolved around sacrifices of many sorts. Animal sacrifice seems to teach them how very serious sin is. The animals had to be the best to atone for sin. This consequence for sin was a lesson that would penetrate their whole lives. Families would have to make do with second best.

+ God is holiness and His nature is all that is good. To be in communion with Him or to be in His presence means I must be as God is - pure. My life must revolve around Him "to be acceptable in His sight"

+ Jesus was/is the "Lamb of God" - I need His sacrifice to be able to be with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the present life and in the much better future life.

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

God was teaching the costliness and sins horrow by letting them use the sacrifical system in giving them a way of forgiveness.This is also showing the people Gods mercy and grace and how much He loves them by giving them a way to receive His forgiveness.

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