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Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

That God can not tolerate sin, sin cost the most precious and most costly thing there was, it cost life. Our Heavenly Father is a Holy and loving God and we must walk in his ways :wub: PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME; THANKYOU JESUS.

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Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

To teach us that sin has it's consequences. It grieves God when we sin therfore it cannot go unpunished. Our sins can be atoned for but at a cost. Thank God we have a loving and forgiving God who understands our weaknesses.

  • 2 weeks later...

What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

Animal sacrifice teaches us that sin has consequences. God will forgive us when we sin, but forgiveness comes with a price. Luckily, Jesus paid that price for us.


I believe that God wanted to teach us about sin, holiness, and about God's nature through animal sacrifices:

about sin that it was no small problem He couldn't just let it slide or just brush it under the carpet as Hebrews 9:22 says without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Sin had to be judged mysteriously 2 Cor 5:21 says God made Christ to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him

About holiness, that God's absolute pure holiness is in total contradiction to sin and the severity of death to atone for and forgive sin shows us how offensive it truly is to God.

But the awesome thing is that it also shows us at the same time God's nature of love and mercy. Although God is perfectly Holy His merciful heart longs to have relationship with us even though we've been so ensnared by sin, and the sacrifice shows us that though we deserve death He longs to forgive us and embrace us and substitute another in our place. The absolutely mind blowing thing is that the one who bears our just penalty is our God Himself in Christ that we may live Oh please Lord open our eyes and hearts to know your awesome love.

  • 2 months later...

Animal sacrifice was to teach us that sin is costly,ugly and offensive to him.

The sinner pays for his sin and the animal pays who is innocent,pointing us

to Jesus the sinless one who gave his life for our sin. God is a holy God and

cannot overlook sin and will not overlook sin. Sin must be paid for but God's

nature is one of love and mercy so he provided a way sin could be paid for.

He gave his only begotten Son. Thank you, Lord.


Anger is the approciate response because any other response could and probably would show the condoning of an inmoral action and therefore encourage it. God is so good He gave us the guidelines to help us live for His purpose by revealing to us the Ten Commandments.


  • 2 months later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

God intended animal sacrifice to teach us: 1) An innocent, pure creature must die for the guilty to pay for sin. 2)Something of value will pay for the sin ie sin is not free. The flock or herd will be diminished due to sin.

Holiness: Cannot be obtained by self alone and yet a person must act to strive for holiness. It cannot be obtained from others.

God's nature: He is forgiving & allows a means of escape from Sin.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

Pastor Ralph's Prayer, at the end of Lesson #1, used the word "HORROR" twice: "...The HORROR of my own sin and rebellion against" God -- and the HORROR of sacrifice that my sins require..."

The word HORROR is defined in The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary as: "A powerful feeling of fear, dread, abhorrence."

The word ABHOR is another powerful word. It means: "To shrink back; to hate; to loathe; or abominate; to detest; to have great aversion. Something that is abhorrent is utterly repugnant (highly distasteful and offensive.)

If we were to put all this meanings together, this is what we would know about the HORROR of sin and sacrifice:

1.) Sinning before The Eyes of The Father gives us "a powerful feeling of fear." Remember the sad account of Adam and Eve hiding from God in the coolness of the day? They "shrank back" from The One Who walked toward them, wanting to fellowship with His Children.

2.) God "hates, loathes, detests, and has a great aversion" to sin; yet in His unfathomable mercy, He loves the sinner, and He was willing to send His only Son to die a cruel death on Calvary's Cross; The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world!

3.) The HORROR of sin and of the HORROR of sacrifice is ABHORENT; Sin is highly distasteful and offensive to God.

The opposite of HORROR is HOLINESS! God's Holiness and His Nature is the direct opposite of HORROR. Faith replaces fear! We no longer shrink back when we sin...we run into The Arms of The Father, asking forgiveness; no matter the circumstance. This is THE JOY of being Abba's Child!

God's Holiness cannot even be defined in human terms. It is His Essence and His Worth-ship. God' Holiness compels us to "worship and to adore" Him; for He is worthy of all of our praise! Amen!

Blessings to all!



Perhaps God intended that animal sacrifice teach us about how costly our sin is, and that we are never the only one affected by our sin. Not only did an innocent animal have to die, but it was a female lamb -- meaning that many more animal lives would be lost because that lamb would never be able to reproduce since it was being slaughtered; but also, a priest had to become involved too by actually touching the blood of the lamb and putting it on the horns of the altar.

As for God's holiness -- animal sacrifice teaches us that sin MUST be dealt with, He can't just "wink" at it and forget about it.

As for God's nature -- animal sacrifice teaches us much about His mercy and grace and love -- He provided a way where justice could be rendered for sinful man, where sinful man could never do that on his own.

  • 1 month later...

I think God intended to teach us how terrible the price for sin is & that it would take blood--sacrifice of someone's/something's life to pay for it.

It showed how God's holiness could not abide sin & the lengths He went to to save His people from their sins.

It showed God's nature--his love for us to provide the sin payment in the sacrificial death of His Son.

  • 3 months later...

Sin was soo bad to God that is why , life of an animal was to to given out to cleanse the sinner out of his/her sin .

And only only animals without difects were to be offered , this symblises Holiness to God.

  • 6 months later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

God intended animal sacrifice to teach us that sin does not go unpunished, it requires the sheding of blood. God is holy, just and merciful; He allowed these sacrifices to purge their sins, though not fully adequate the sacrifice atoned for sin until a better sacrifice came.

  • 6 months later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

I think that God intended for us to understand that there is a price to be paid for sin. I think this reflects how serious God views sin and the need for us to deal with sin in our lives in order to have a relationship with God.

  • 3 months later...

I beleive that Gods intent was to show us that sin had a cost, the finest of the flock. It shows the Holines of God by showing that we cannot enter his presence until we have been forgiven. He cannot allow the sins in his presence. By giving us a way to redeem ourselves he shows that he is loving and merciful.

  • 3 weeks later...
Sin is not acceptable to God. He must have a way of getting us to repent of our sins and remember not to do it again. I keep going back to human parenthood. Do we stand 'em in the corner, swat the seat of their pants, or take away something they value for awhile? Whatever we do as a parent, we're trying to make our children mindful of their errant ways. I think that having to kill an innocent creature for something I did wrong would go a long way in my not wanting to do it again. To remember what Jesus did for me is even a more powerful motive to repent.
  • 1 month later...

Sin is costly and has consequences. Blood needed to flow to show how much God hates sin but loves the sinner. We cannot come before a Holy God stained by sin. We need the covering of the blood of the Lamb of God. Thank God Almighty God has provided my robes of righteousness because of the sacrifice of Jesus His Son my filthy rags are washed in his blood. God's nature is LOVE and Justice and compassion in perfect balance.

  • 1 month later...

God wants to show us, That sin is death, God Loves us, and he wants us to repent and be saved, so with the shedding of blood, it atones for our sins. But we must show God that we are really sorry for all our sins.

  • 11 months later...
Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

sin is ugly, personal, hurts others and is dirty! It is as far away as the snow white holiness of the LAMB without blemish as East is from the West. God's holiness cannot co-exist with sin - can't have "the odd couple" with the Holy One. God's nature is of offering a way of escape for us, constantly drawing us closer to Him.

  • 1 month later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin?

It teaches me how horrible sin is, and I see its horror as I see remember what Christ bore on Calvary. As Christ took on Himself the sin of mankind, he took on all the shame, suffering, torture, lies, hatred, etc., that are in the heart of man. Sin is grotesque; it is what separates us from God.

What do they teach us about holiness?

It teaches me how important holiness is to God. God has called His chosen people Israel to be a holy nation, because God is holy, Israel was to be holy and separated from other nations (Lev.20:26)

God has called the church to be a holy (1Peter 1:15) As he who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.

John the Baptist was called a holy man, (Mark 6:20)

God has called us to be a holy people set apart to Him, for divine service.

What do they teach us about God's nature?

God is holy. (1Sam.2:2) There is none holy like the Lord.

Holiness is God

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? What do they teach us about holiness? What do they teach us about God's nature?

1. It teaches how much God loves us. taking an animal life in exchange of our life.

2. It teaches us that without holiness we cant please God.

3. It teaches that God is mercyfull, not respectal of person and changet not.

  • 2 months later...

it teaches us about the sacrfice being made to please god.

it teaches us that we are to cleanse ourself to be holy like god.it teaches us that god is merciful and is holy,that god will forgive us in our sin.the lord is always there for us and he forgive us if we mean it.

  • 2 weeks later...

He wants to teach us that sin is bad and not for free.

Because of His mercy, He accepted the sacrifice of an animal.

This was also necesary to make people understand the concept of sin/sacrifice.

Otherwise, we shouldn't have understood the sacrife of Jesus.

  • 2 months later...

Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

I think the primary purpose of the sacrificial system in Moses' Law was to show how ugly sin is, and how horrific its consequences. I think we can find a modicum of anger at sin, when we consider the bloody mess that was made, in order to make atonement. It teaches us that we may not approach God, but must first cleanse ourselves, because He is holy and pure, and will not receive us without the sacrifice.

HOWEVER, it is clear through Scripture that God does not desire animal blood. He isn't hungry for our bulls and goats, but desires us to bring a broken heart and a contrite spirit (Ps 51) Those are the only sacrifice He receives: true repentance and wholehearted devotion to Him alone. Don't bring a bloody lamb if your broken heart is not given. Don't feast in celebration of HIS holiness, if you are not broken by your own lack of holiness.

God desires us to be near Him, but in order to do that, He must first show us how hideous is our sin to Him. When our heart is broken over the ugliness and wretchedness of our own condition, then He receives THAT sacrifice. That broken heart that only desires to be near Him, but can't because of sin. THAT heart, God receives and blesses us with joy unspeakable. Amen! Awesome, awesome God, full of goodness, light, love, and peace!


Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? About holiness? About God's nature?

That sin is very serious like death and it take a serious event to cover sin in God's sight. The only means of being Holy is to be totally absent from sin and we as humans can only be totally Holy when we are seen through Jesus the only Holy man and the perfect sacrifice for our sins. God's nature is Holy and Pure he seeks to make us Holy by showing us His Grace and Mercy through that perfect sacrifice Jesus our Lord and Savior.

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