Pastor Ralph Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? Quote
baseballfan Posted April 30, 2006 Report Posted April 30, 2006 The part that is most valuable to me right now is the idea of nourishment and sustenance. That idea gives me great strength, and it's a very cool thing to keep in mind daily. Quote
charisbarak Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 For me, the reflection on Jesus' death & His amazing love for me and with the culmination of being with Him & the fellowship of believers is very important at this time of my spiritual life. "Oh for a deeper walk with Thee" Quote
Bill Butler Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 The opportunity to confess my sins and receive forgiveness through the acts of the Lord and my God. Communion marks a new clean beginning point when I accept and remember Jesus as my Lord. Quote
heavenlymann Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? His unsearchable Grace. How He should accept a rebellious wretch like me and tell me I am now a child of God is too wonderful for me to understand! I owe Him everything. All He wants is my wretched life which He is in the process of transforming. Praise My God and Savior forever! Quote
Blessed Me Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? ALL of the Lord's Supper is most valuable to me - because in it brings REMEMBRANCE of who I am in Christ. I am reminded of the love God has for mankind. I am reminded of the grace and mercy He poured out for mankind. I am reminded of who I am in Christ, a new creature, He has clothed me in His righteousness. I feel like a new bride each time I partake of the elements, for I love Him so!! I cry and I rejoice, for my heart is full of emotion, how do I find the words to say what my heart feels? "THANK YOU LORD FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE" This is what it means to me. Quote
Nancy Decker Posted May 1, 2006 Report Posted May 1, 2006 The most important part of the Lord's Supper to me is its existence that has not changed to or for me over the years, for it emphasizes my deep need to partake in it, and be reminded of its meanings. Jesus' life and death and resurrection are extremely vital to my life each day, and actually I feel the need of being cleansed each day with communion with Him. Taking of the Supper in Church is important and it does not really matter to me whether others believe it is the literal body and blood of Jesus, for to me, if He wants to make it so, it will be so. Our prayers to sanctify the communion to prepare for it in a Holy way so as to honor and glorify His Sacrifice for our sins is just a prayer, but it is the Lord who willed us to do this and His will is done in and through it as He pleases. Sometimes, I have felt I should not receive communion for my sins are too constant and not overcome as I hoped they would, so then I have to remind myself it is only for sinners to come and be cleansed....if we were holy already, we would not need it. Holy Communion is far too deep for me to grasp the wholeness of it, for to me it is a participation of His Body and Blood in remembrance that actually is sort of like watering the seeds of His Love in my spirit....and I feel He waters my spirit every time I think of Him and every time I seek Him in His Word. It is a spiritual communion which does not always require a piece of bread or sip of wine or juice. It is when His Word becomes FLESH in me. Likewise, the bread and wine become His Flesh in me, healing and cleansing my spirit. Holy Communion is the physical expression of such a deep Agape Love from God our Father that is not seen, but known within our spirits through the power of His Holy Spirit within us. Quote
ekila Posted May 2, 2006 Report Posted May 2, 2006 Eating the Bread (Body)and Drinking(the Blood) - Symbolic's of nourishment and sustenance. Being connected to Christ through the act of communion. Clinging on to Christ for his love is enduring. Christ is the rock. In the Cleft of this rock I shall hide; from the perils and toils of the world today. Help me O lord. Hide me in the Cleft of the Rock. Thank you Lord. Amen Quote
pickledilly Posted May 2, 2006 Report Posted May 2, 2006 What it all boils down to for me is the unfathomable love that would go to such great length and endure so much suffering in order to provide an irrevocable covenant of grace to redeem and restore me from sin. That command to do this in remembrance of Me is such a convicting call not to be swept up and consumed by the natural life, but to remember and rest in the costly yet simple message of His love for me. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted May 2, 2006 Report Posted May 2, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? The Lord's Supper reminds me of the horribe torture that Jesus endured to save me. It reminds me of the mercy and grace he has for me. It builds my faith. It helps build my strength. It provides me with the norishment and strength to endure. It reminds me that God loves me so much that he gave his only son to save us from our sins. Quote
Jezemeg Posted May 2, 2006 Report Posted May 2, 2006 For me, when I participate in the Lord's Supper, I remember the love that God has for all mankind, in that He gave His Only Son as an everlasting sacrifice to atone for all our sins. I personally find it impossible to partake if I am feeling any anger or hostility towards any other participant, instead I have to do my part in healing the rift before I feel able to participate to the fullest extent. Quote
Antique Posted May 2, 2006 Report Posted May 2, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? The part of the Lord's Supper most valuable for me at this point in my spiritual the fact that He gave His life for me...the me, that did not know Him; the me, that did not want to know Him; the me, that would not acknowledge Him...He gave His life for me and I'm grateful. There was nothing I could have done so special, so right that would have deserved His goodness toward me...oh how He loves me. Yes, it was His love toward me that drew me and for that I'm grateful. Quote
steve.c Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable to you at this point in your spiritual journey when you participate in and mediate on the Lord's Supper? This is not an easy question to answer as each meaning is interrelated. That said, I think it is the part that nourishes and sustains. That of course cannot be done in isolation. Partaking of the Lord's Supper reminds us (as it should) of the circumstances of the Last Supper and the imminenece of Jesus' atoning sacrifice. It concentrates my mind on His teachings. This leads to thoughts of his death and sacrifice on the cross and its consequences for mankind. It also leads to a reflection on how this came about through God's great and loving plan for our salvation. This leads to praise, thanks and worship. But Jesus meant His Supper to be a gift of spiritual food, spiritual noursishment too. The choice of bread and wine, then the staples of food and drink at a meal with family or close friends and colleagues, was not accidental. "Eat this", "Drink this" is clearly to nourish by reminding us of the purpose of His mission on earth and bond us closer together with Him and members of His church. Certainly after partaking of the Lord's Supper I feel uplifted, refreshed and closer to the Lord. Quote
Stan Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I don't quite know how to answere here. All of the parts of the Lords supper are important to me it is the time I need to reflect and try to seek a new start with Christ because it is without saying I can no more stop sinning and become completely Holy than I can stop breathing. I us this time of reflecting to seek His forgiveness once more to thank Him for the sacrifice He made so long ago for me. I tried and do better and offer my heart for cleansing and renewal. I ask that my heart be guarded by the bread and wine for another week that I may become Holy and Pleasing ing the site of my Lord and Saviour. Quote
linda sue Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? That Jesus gave His disciples the bread and the wine, just as He gave His body and His blood. It could never be taken. It was given. When I receive the bread and the wine, I remember not only the sacrifice, but also how He freely gave it. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 There are two meanings most valuable to me at this time. The first that I am connected to Christ and His sufferings. I am so convicted of what He did for us as I meditate during communion and I recall the great love He has for me. I am reminded of the call on my life to follow Him. He said " Do this in remembrance of me." I don't think that means just perform a ceremony. I know that Jesus died for all of our sins once and for all....and we can't ever do that, but we can pour out our lives as He did and we can be broken for others as He was and we can forgive others and be forgiven as He taught. We can be connected as a body of Christ as we are connected to Him. We will be called to suffer for Kingdom purposes and we can accept that call and willingly and in love and most importantly as a servant to Him by His example. The second is in my meditating on the new covenant He established for us. To know my salvation through Jesus alone. The gift of grace. He did everything in love. That I can do all things through Him...not of my own striving or out of a sense of earning anything....but just because I love as He loved me. To know it's about love. Love God above all others and love my neighbor as myself. We can go anywhere, have all the knowledge in the world, we can rack up all kinds of honors, religious or not and write doctrines and laws and instructions....but if we don't have love...we don't have anything. With this acceptance, He will renew our minds and hearts and with the fruit of the Spirit He will pour Himself out through us to others and He is glorified. Quote
gcommission Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I believe that the meaning that has the most value to me at this point in my spiritual journey is "in remembrance of Me". I reflect on not only all that Christ has done for me but also on remembering what He expects of me as a follower. Am I remembering Christ and all of the lessons that he taught while he was here and am I doing my best to be Christ like? Am I remembering the sacrifice He made in order for me to have the opportunity to fellowship with Him? During the Lords Supper I remember the prayer that Christ taught us and I say that to myself slowly and deliberately making sure that I am doing my best to live up to the priciples and the values that are taught in that prayer. If I can say that prayer and not think of anything that I have not dealt with then I feel that my heart is right with God and am able to take my place at the table. If there are things that I have not dealt with or are not right in my heart then I do not partake until they are made right. Some one made a comment in this study that they would have to answer many questions if they did not partake in the Lords Supper......This is between you and God...No one else should even be paying attention to what you are doing....if we are paying attention to others then we are not focusing on our own heart and our own relationship with God in preparation for partaking. I believe that NO one should ever say anything to you about not partaking in the supper. Quote
JustJeff Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Frankly, at this time in my walk, the most important part of partaking of the Lord's Supper is the unity. I find that within the body of Christ we are often times going through so many different stages of growth that we have a great tendency to strive against one another, quarrel, debate, nitpick, etc. During this time of communion it is but a moment, albeit and everlasting moment, when we come together as one with our Savior. We put aside all of our differences, our flesh, and remember together, the hope that makes us His body. The Holy Spirit that joins us forever together guiding us along the way. The ultimate sacrifice that He made, to free us all from the body of sin. It is a time of complete surrender, together, to the memory of His passion as love for each other through Jesus Christ abounds. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I have been sitting here thinking over this question and it is really hard for me to separate out one or two things that are more valuable to me at this point in my spirtual journey than the others. Yet as I continued to think on this I am drawn back to the fact that Christ said I am to do this in remembrance of Him. For me it's all about HIM and what HE has done for me. I am the benefactor of HIS great love. Communion is an ever present reminder of this to me. Quote
EuniceC Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 I imagine sitting at table with the Lord Himself, and He giving His love to me, letting me understand that this meal is for me to take and be a different person, from one who was a nobody because of my nature of sin, to one who can sit at table with the Lord of life Himself.When even the high priest could not go into the presence of God unless summoned by God, today, this meal was prepared for me, and actually makes me a guest of honour at this banquet, I am invited to stay at this banquet. Regardless of my very sinful nature, now I am person of hope, now I can approach His throne room because I have been saved.For me, by partaking of the banquet, I am now one with Christ, and nothing can separate me from Him. I am reminded constantly of the sacrifice of the death of Christ, and I am constantly nourished by the Lord Quote
masika Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 When I partake in the Lord's Supper that is as we eat the bread and drink the wine , we should be quiettly reflective as we recall on Jesus' death and His promise to come again , grateful for God's wonderful gift to us, and joyful as we meet with Christ and the Body of believers. Quote
Saved55s Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? One aspect is that I am humbled by the continual forgiveness of Christ for when I Quote
care2hope2 Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I feel in gathering together with the friends at church for the Lords supper, that the most valuable part is being present together with the others because the promise of Jesus where two or more are gathered together in my name I will be there in the midst of you. Just being in a place where people gather to take the elements of bread and wine in communion. His presence is important to me at this time. Quote
Eudora Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I actually cry most every time when I am holding the bread , because my mind goes back into visualization of time, where His body was broken for me. If I was the only human placed on this planet, He still would have done this for me. That humbles me. I cry for the pain that He suffered , all for my sins. I cry because it took His life to fulfill the plan of redemption. I cry because He willingly and so lovingly and with joy, gave His life on my behalf. The passage in Luke 22, in verse 15 of the KJV, it reads: And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer: So with desire, Jesus wanted to share this remembrance with His disciples, before He was to suffer. But then when the juice (representation of wine) is passed, I feel guilt as I hold what represents His blood, right in my own hand, as if I was the one soldier who pierced His side, where the blood was spilled out. In a since, that soldier, represents everyone of us who is guilty, before His resurrection into eternal life. The sin of Barabbas was murder, yet even he was set free that day, in exchange for his sin of murder. Jesus Christ, gave His own life, so that Barabbas could be set free from the penalty of murder. I do not know if after he was freed that he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ or if he even believed in Jesus Christ, but the opportunity for the redemption of his sin, was paid in full on the cross. So for me, when I think of all these things, as I take and eat of the bread of life, in Jesus Christ, who died for me, and took my place through the depths of hell and sin and rose up through the grave, I surely do give thanks as I take and eat. My guilt is then washed away and I come away rejoicing. In a way though, when I partake of the bread and the blood of His body, in remembrance, it bothers me that in a since, He is being crucified all over again, and He paid it all that day and should not be killed again. He told the disciples, to do this in remembrance. I am a disciple of the risen Lord Jesus Christ. Yeshua is Risen and is King! Salvation Has Come! Quote
Jose Rivera Posted May 3, 2006 Report Posted May 3, 2006 Q4. Which part of the meaning of the Lord's Supper is most valuable for you at this point in your spiritual journey when you partake of and meditate on the Lord's Supper? I have to say that the connection to Christ Quote
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