Pastor Ralph Posted April 24, 2006 Report Posted April 24, 2006 Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 8, 2006 Report Posted May 8, 2006 Just as the Jews were to remember how Yahweh delivered them from slavery in Egypt by their perpetual celebration of Passover, believers are to remember how Christ has delivered us from slavery to sin and redeemed us to eternal life with the Father. That was accomplished through the utmost sacrifice of Himself in death. In remembering Him, we must remember why He died, how He died, for whom He died. The observance of His Supper gives us that opportunity in a special way. It should bring us to our knees in worship. It also should be an occasion to tangibly teach our children and pass on the story to future generations of how Christ fulfilled the promise of Exodus 6:6-7 to deliver and redeem us with His outstretched arm and take us to be His people. If we neglect an accurate remembrance of of Him, I think we will end up growing lukewarm then cold, abandoning genuine Christianity, and ultimately creating religion based on man-made effort. We will disgrace the sacrifice of Christ and nullify the power of the cross in our lives. We will become a stumbling block that hinders the salvation of many souls. That danger is forever only one disobedient generation away. To forget Christ's death is to forget the cost and only source of our personal salvation. We dare not forget that His body and blood given on the cross are the only means by which we may be saved (Col.2:13-14). We dare not forget the great love of God that has provided spiritual blessing, forgiveness, adoption, and unity with the Father - all gained through the Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved (Eph.1:3-10). We dare not forget that every believer is called to follow Christ in a life of sacrifice, which is part of the remembrance as we take in the memorial elements of the Supper and participate with Him in death to self for God's glory and purpose (Luke 9:23; 1 Cor.10:16). Quote
Jezemeg Posted May 8, 2006 Report Posted May 8, 2006 We are to participate in the Lord's Supper perpetually not only for the purpose of remembering Jesus' sacrifice of dying on the Cross in order that we could all be redeemed and enter eternal life when it is our time, but I believe that we are to also remember that He conquered death and consequently satan for us; believers have been freed from satan, we are lifted high above his realm as long as we remain in Christ. Of course to do this, we must not fall back into our old sinful habits, we must be ever alert about this, because it is such a simple thing to do, ie we take notice of that small voice that whispers to us when we know we've messed something up, the little voice that tells us we are useless, and we then retreat to lick our supposed wounds, instead of acknowledging our mistake and handing the matter over to God, and continuing doing what God has assigned to us. To me by perpetually celebrating the Lord's Supper, using whatever elements are available at the time, is one of the tools given to us to remind us of just exactly what Jesus did for us by dying on the Cross and rising again after defeating satan. It is a constant reassurance that as believers we are now seated with Jesus at the right hand of God. I never cease to marvel and praise God at this fact. Quote
Saved55s Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? It brings us into a much closer union with him. We are more aware of his love, forgiveness, of the very intimate nature of God. What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? Christianity would become cold & complacent. It would be no different to a Quote
PCHRIS Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? This shows Gods immense love for us, John 3:16, this sacrifice is freely given for us. never in history have we seen this and we never will see it in the future. It has been done once and it doesn't have to be done again. Praise God Instead of being a relationship Christianity becomes a dead religeon. We will end thinking we can do things on our own strength, we will lose the blessings on our lives and miss out on what God has in store for us. Quote
Stan Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? I believe that it is the fact that I can't remember things that are not put in the deepest part of my memory by repeating them verbally or doing them over and over. I also believe that God gave the most precious thing He had for us and it is our duty to show Honor to Him to keep the Commands of Jesus when the told the desciples to remember Him. If I don't do these thing then I am not showing the love for Christ that He wants me to have. If we as Christians never keep the commands of Christ by doing as He instructed in the word then we will soon forget who He is and what He has done for us. It will also damage any witness that we might have amoung non-believers. Personally, we would soon fall back into the ways of the world putting everything before our God and forgetting what He has done for us and our lives would be lost to the first one to fall Satan. Quote
JustJeff Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 If we were to dare forget the Lord's sacrifice we would just as easily forget that we have been set free from the bondage of sin. Should we not remember Jesus crucified we could not consider His glorious resurrection and might readily lose our hope. Without hope our faith is vain. Christianity becomes an empty vessel, equal to that of any man made religion. We, as individuals, would return to the old person, seeking the cares and riches of this world, for therein would our hope lie. Quote
lightbuilder Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Jesus, being "the Word made flesh" (Jo.1:14), demonstrated the divine pattern by which the Father reconciles us (2Co.2:5:18) and conforms us to the image of his Son (Rom.8:29), a pattern which is most eloquently described in 1Co.15 By continually bringing to our remembrance and meditating on this pattern demonstrated in the death and subsequent ressurection of our Lord, we become mindfull of the process by which the Father, in Christ, makes us "new creatures" (2Co.5:17) which provides the resolve we need to walk by faith: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." (1Co 15:58 KJV) That's my 2 cents worth anyhoo... your mileage may vary Let Your Light Shine! -Larry Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 For me, remembering Christ's death through communion, keeps before me the price our Father paid for my redemption. It is a constant reminder of His great love and my need to continually focus on this fact. It reminds me that without Him I would be lost and have no hope. But through Him I am redeemed and have a glorious hope. If Christianity were to neglect remembering this way or if I personaly were to neglect this sacrament, it would be very easy to gradually neglect Him and forget what He has done on our behalf. Quote
s8nfighter Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Leviticus 4 describes the sin offerings for the church leaders, for the nation, and for the individual. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? [ It should make it much harder to sin [/i]if we remember the cost. What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? I think James 1 describes it best " 26 If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. 27 Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us." (nlt) At times I think we all get caught up in our differances that we forget why we are the same. What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? James 1:23 "For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law Quote
linda sue Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? The Church, as a whole must alway have Jesus as the center of it's being. Thier first love. Jesus also gives us two examples to follow. One is baptizim. The second is the Lord's Supper. The first identifies us with the body of Christ, the second keeps us unified with the body. Jesus knew that His followers would struggle with unity, that is why I believe it is so important that we remember the high price He paid for us. We are not our own, we are bought at a price. We are now slaves of Jesus Christ and He asks us to remember His death when the church body is together. He didn't tell us how often, that is up to us to decide in faith. But remember it we do. If the Church misuses the Lord's Supper, it suffers. Fights, divisions, people leaving, you name it. Unity will always suffer. Personally I remember He death often. I don't write in my bible much, but I have underlined one scripture in Isaiah 53:11 After the suffer of His soul... We remember the suffer of His body in the Lord's Supper, but He also suffered in His soul. That is something is am not able to comprehend. If I did not remember the Lord's death, I would drift. Church would not be a priority. God would not be my main focus. Praying would not be important. The world would look very inviting again! Quote
masika Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 Jesus took our past , present and future sins upon Himself so that we could have new life . Because all our wrongdoing is forgiven , we are reconciled to God . Futhermore , Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the proof that His substitutionanry sacrifice on the cross was acceptable to God , and His resurrection has become the source of new life for those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God . All who believe in Him may have this nwe life and live it in union with Him Jesus took our past , present and future sins upon Himself so that we could have new life . Because all our wrongdoing is forgiven , we are reconciled to God . Futhermore , Jesus' resurrection from the dead is the proof that His substitutionanry sacrifice on the cross was acceptable to God , and His resurrection has become the source of new life for those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God . All who believe in Him may have this nwe life and live it in union with Him Quote
Marilyn Rivington Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 We remember because it reminds us that Jesus Quote
Lion of Grace Posted May 9, 2006 Report Posted May 9, 2006 The remembrance of Jesus' death is important because it keeps us focused on HIS atoning sacrifice. Without remembering Jesus' death as an atonement for our sins, our whole Christian faith is nullified! When we neglect remembering that, we create " religion". Our hearts stray from what our foundation is. There is only ONE way. That is through our faith in His sacrifice. Everything else should come from a grateful heart because of Jesus and His example. Sure, we have been given work to do, but the ultimate foundation of our faith is in Christ Jesus. When we individually neglect remembering the truth of Jesus, we become lukewarm at best and we become followers of our own design. We create religion and strive in our own works. We neglect our gratefulness to Jesus and we forget forgiveness....our own and for others. We forget to give freely and for nothing in return. We forget what great mercy has been shown to us and we forget to extend that to others. We as Christians should never forget our wonderful, beautiful gift of Salvation. That's why Jesus said to remember! Not just for ourselves either, but to let these truths change our lives and to ground us and to firmly root us in our faith and to make a difference in other lives around us as we share this good news! Quote
charisbarak Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 Our remembrance of Christ & what He did for us & all mankind is the most important thing to remember. Because of what He did, I live. If we neglect to remember Christ & his sacrifice for us, Christianity becomes just a "religion." It would also open the door for the world to shape our lives. Personally, when we forget to remember Christ & His sacrifice our Christianity becomes shallow. Our value as one of God's children is discounted, and we live like the world. Pretty soon we would just be religious..... Quote
ONALEE Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 That GOD gave his all for us who have sinned. The ultimate sacrifice. To thank and honor God for saving us. We fall from God and his grace. It opens the door for DSatan. For me I feel empty. Like I lost my very best friend; very low in spirit. Quote
Eudora Posted May 10, 2006 Report Posted May 10, 2006 Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? As the spotless Lamb of God, the blood of our Savior was spilled to save His people, His chosen from the penalty of death, brought by sin. The importance lies within the fact that we by nature, became a sinner, because Adam became a sinner before Eve conceived a child, every human being descended from him is a sinner, just like him, except Jesus Christ. Because of Adam's sin, death entered into the human race and every human being needs to have the new life. This new life, begins at the cross of Salvation, when we cross over from slavery to sin, into eternal salvation, through the redemptive sacrifice of the blood of Jesus Christ. We must always remember that His death, saves us from sin and His death shows us the way to eternal life. We are born again and set free from sin. Praise His Holy name! What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? We could slip into that sinful nature and loose our friendship and relationship with our Redeemer and the sacrificial system, the new covenant might be lost. We would loose our seal and we would be sealed by the rule of sin, and would face certain death, for the wages of sin, is death. Christianity is a relationship by faith, and our faith would soon diminish. Our walk would soon follow the path of destruction. What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? We would loose the seal from the forefront of our minds. We would loose the very foundation of our faith. Like the redemptive blood of the lamb over the door post, we wear the blood of The Lamb over the door post of our hearts and when Jesus comes, if we do not recognize and worship Him now, He will not recognize us then and we would be passed over, and would die in the lake of fire. Ephesians 1:12-14 (King James Version) 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. s8nfighter said: Leviticus 4 describes the sin offerings for the church leaders, for the nation, and for the individual. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? [ It should make it much harder to sin [/i]if we remember the cost. What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? I think James 1 describes it best " 26 If you claim to be religious but don't control your tongue, you are just fooling yourself, and your religion is worthless. 27 Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us." (nlt) At times I think we all get caught up in our differances that we forget why we are the same. What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? James 1:23 "For if you just listen and don't obey, it is like looking at your face in a mirror but doing nothing to improve your appearance. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. 25 But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law Quote
care2hope2 Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? Remembering christ's death is important because his death for us is the central reason we are saved and christian in the first place. If not for his death on the cross we would be stuck back with the old law and still only having the blood of animals hide our sin and it was messy and not practical and not a complete forgiveness. If we neglect the remembering of this crucifiction and the meaning of the the message of the cross we neglect the main issue of christianity we loose our effectiveness as christians and christianity goes back wards or stops growing. presonally when we forget the cross- our lives become less meaningfull and we may fall and back slide into sin and or become non effective witnesses and we stop careing about ourselves and others...... and God . We stop growing in any meaningfull christian way. Quote
steve.c Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? By Jesus' death we are saved. Without His sacrifice there would be no forgiveness of our sins. In a state of sin we are cannot come to God and in sin we die, estranged from God. This is the central Christian belief. We believe in our hearts Jesus died for our sins and was raised from the dead, thereby conquering death. We turn away from sin and towards Him. We confess our sins and repent. We are baptised and are born again in Him to enter His kingdom and do be of service to Him. If we neglect to remember this, we neglect the reason for our service and worship. By forgetting God's love and His gift to us of His Son our faith starts to become dim until it eventually dies. We remember to reinvigorate and refresh our faith. We give thanks for it constantly. Quote
haar Posted May 11, 2006 Report Posted May 11, 2006 Why remembering Christ is so important. We are called to rember His death so that our eyes will continue to be fixed on our heavenly goal (Home). We have to continue to remember that the reason for Christ suffering and death was to redeem us from the kindom of darkness for the Kindom of God. This is the Price of our Christian race. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO FORGET TIHIS. Christianity will become just another religion without hope for a heavely home if we neglet to rember Christ's death and living faith attached to it. Any athlet in a race that forgets that he is running for price looses focus and misses the goal. Similarly, if we stop remembering Christ, we will soon give way to the devil to drag us off the course of our race. The end result will be failing to get the Heavenly home and end up in hell. Quote
Helenmm Posted May 12, 2006 Report Posted May 12, 2006 Why is our remembrance of Christ's death so important? What happens to Christianity if we neglect remembering in this way? What happens to us personally when we forget Christ's death? I spent some years of my life not remembering Jesus. They were disastrous years during which my family fell apart as did my life. One thing is for certain. I never want to go back there again. I want to remember Jesus in every way, every day and every moment of the day. He is life to me. In Deuteronomy 30 we are adjured to take an option - life or death - but to choose life. That is the choice for me - Life in Jesus. Our nations have chosen to eliminate God from public schools, and every arena of public life. The consequence is that our youth have grown up with no moral fibre, no personal strength. Loud voiced lobby groups have taken over our morality base and media, quite happy to impose their views on the rest of the people, although not permitting Christians to say their bit, and Christians have submitted to that. It's time to stand up, stand up forJesus and become soldiers of the Cross again. Our faith has a place in the public life of our nations. We need leaders up there who will stand for the Truth because the whole nation needs redemption. Euthanasia, abortion, single parenting, family breakdown and other savagely destructive factors have all taken their toll on the nation. Children are not parented properly and cannot grow to be strong adults, so either they act out their resultant aggression or spend lives trying to recover their losses. This was never God's plan for His children. The theory of evolution has produced a survival of the fittest mentality among men, who, like animals, run on appetite rather than principles. Eventually it will produce complete anarchy, as the un-principled youth become leaders. Education by media is totally directed towards consumerism anad unprincipled fun Corruption comes in and justice flies out the door. We have an opportunity to take a stand now, but not to do so will bring the nation into gross disorder. What really happens if we neglect Jesus, is that we atart to believe the lies (eg that it is valid to live together before marriage to check out the partner!) instead of the Truth. Slowly but steadily we run right downhill, gathering momentum until we get caught in the mud at the bottom and can't get out! For example I know of a family that look exceptionally successful, but have not insisted their children receive Christian teaching. Now, to their great disappointment, the young 15 year old daughter of promise is smoking as her first step into experimentation. They themselves have enjoyed the benefits of a Christian heritage which they have not passed on to their children, thinking that intelligence will fill the gap. It doesn't! Personally, if we neglect Christ's death and resurrection, we become animals, living only for immediate advantage. We forget that we are part of a community with obligations thereto. We lose our moral standards and devastate those close to us in the process. Never again Lord. Never again shall it be said of me that I forget my Jesus. He lives in my heart forever. Quote
ekila Posted May 14, 2006 Report Posted May 14, 2006 We are Christians because we believe that Jesus Christ is the son Of God, who died and rose from the dead. He died to save us from the power of death, that mankind might have eternal life. This must be remembered at all times, in order that we remain united with God, in Christ Jesus. Amen Quote
Julie Posted May 15, 2006 Report Posted May 15, 2006 Remembrance of Christ death is important for it's Christ's death that saves us. If we neglect to remember His death for us we neglect to remember true Christianity When we personally forget you would feel doomed for you wuld have a life seperated from Christ Quote
cct1106 Posted May 15, 2006 Report Posted May 15, 2006 Remembering Christ's Death is not hard for me. Why? Because for what sacrifice God did for us that he offered up his only begotten Son so that we can have everlasting life. What tremendous joy that brings me because the world we live in today is not worth anything but when we are resurrected and living in Paradise, what a wonderful wonderful joy it will be. Quote
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