Julie Posted June 8, 2006 Report Posted June 8, 2006 Jesus bore the sins of the world, Jesus experienced a break in the relationship with God, in which was perfect before. Jesus done this for me, in order to empower, lead, and intercede for me. This gives me all the hope/encouragement I need to have faith/believe in Jesus the son of God. even though I will fall and feel I am not worthy, Jesus laying down His life for me takes that doubt away. I'm inspired to live for Christ Quote
sahala p.s. Posted June 10, 2006 Report Posted June 10, 2006 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? Jesus Quote
linda bass Posted June 22, 2006 Report Posted June 22, 2006 How does Jesus' voluntarily laying down His life for you encourage you? I am humbled and in awe when I consider that the Creator of the universe was willing to take my place, receiving the punishment for my sins that I should be receiving. How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? Eventho fellowship was broken in the Garden of Eden, God refused to give up on mankind. Because of Jesus' sacriface on the cross for the sin of mankind, fellowship was restored. God didn't just create man, then give up on him like some religions teach. What does this inspire you to do? It encourages me to want to be faithful in my Christian walk. Quote
kas Posted June 25, 2006 Report Posted June 25, 2006 If the creator of the world and all that's in it thought I was special enough to die for, that makes me pretty special. It inspires me to show my love for Him through obedience which is daily prayer, reading His Word, acting in faith and doing selfless acts in love. This is something I strive to do. Quote
care2hope2 Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for us/me encourages me in that it is personal. He layed down his life for all mankind but also he knew each one of us before we were born in our mothers' woumb so he cares personally and that ought to make us personally thankfull and happy and happy beyond measure. it should make us pray and thank him daily but we do not always keep this im mind. and we get depressed and etc... But it should be the joy of our every day Quote
unclebob Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? It encourages me to follow and believe Jesus Christ with my enitre heart and soul and continue to live a very rewarding lif with the Spirit of God. It says to my value and worth that it doesn't matter on material things or riches as to what we are like. As long as I have complete and faithful acknowledgement of Jesus Christ that I will be the rishest person and will prosper in life with the Spirit of God. It inspires me to continue that path the Lord has placed in front of me and directed me to follow. To continue to have complete faith in Jesus Christ and to cotinue to minister, spreading the word of Jesus Christ wherever I go. Quote
Debra Posted September 16, 2006 Report Posted September 16, 2006 That Jesus layed down His life for me is mind blowing! It shows how great Jesus's love for me is, it shows that no matter what I feel, that even if another person never loves me; HE does!! The Bible is full of His words of love to me.... He tells me Iam fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 He tells me that Iam not a mistake, for all my days are written in His book. Psalm 139 :15-16 He tells me that He gave up everything He loved so that He might gain my love. Romans 8: 31-32 He tells me that He'll take away all the pain that I have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21: 3-4 He tells me that when Iam brokenhearted, then He is close to me. Psalm 34:18 He tells me that He is the father who comforts me in all my troubles. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4 He tells me that He is able to do more for me than I could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20 He tells me that if I delight in Him, HE will give me the desires of my heart. Psalm 37:4 He tells me He wants to show me great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3 He tells me that Iam His treasured possession. Exodus 19:5 He tells me that every good gift that I receive comes from His hand. James 1:17 He tells me that He will rejoice over me with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 He tells me that He is my provider and He meets all my needs. Matthew 6: 31-33 He tells me that as a shepherd carries a lamb, He has carried me close to His heart. Isaiah 40: 11 He tells me that He knew me even before I was conceived. Jeremiah 1: 4-5 He tells me that He chose me when He planned creation. Ephesians 1: 11-12 And simply because Iam His child and He is my father. 1 John 3: 1 Quote
olori Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? This shows the great love Jesus has for us. To be repelled by sin, yet He was made sin that we could live. What a great love He has for us. It makes me want to be in the center of His Perfect Will. Want to be more like He is. I do not think I could ever be worthy of such a sacrifice. I am grateful that I do not have to be worthy, that He loves me so much that He became sin to redeem me, to bring me into righteousness, I can never praise Him enough, I can never thank Him enough, I can never do enough to repay that kind of love. It inspires me to want to walk in His will for the rest of my life. To do as He would have me to do. To share Him with the lost, to win souls for God. It is the least that I can do and it is what He wants us to do. To share the gospel. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 10, 2007 Report Posted March 10, 2007 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for me encourages me in that he did for me what non other can do. I know that He loves me. Me, in spite of all the filth and baggage that I come to him with He accepts me as his very own, a precious treasure. Thank you Jesus. I am so very grateful to you. How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? Though I am but a filthy rag he counts me worthy to die for, so that I may know that He loves me. I have worth in the Father's eyes. I can now live life knowing that I am more in His eyes than whatever man can see. Quote
Craig Posted July 17, 2007 Report Posted July 17, 2007 Jesus laying down His life for me encourages me to give Him my life and not to hold back. Jesus' obediance has caused within me a desire to be obediant and to give my life in service wherever that may lead and to whoever end. My love for Jesus Christ compels me to serve Him and others as He did. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for me tells me that I have great value to God the Father. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted December 29, 2007 Report Posted December 29, 2007 Q4. How does Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? Just the fact that He loves me enough to die for me is awe inspiring. It Quote
open2itall Posted July 16, 2008 Report Posted July 16, 2008 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for (huper) the sheep." (John 10:11, 14-15, 17) "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for (huper) his friends." (John 15:13) How does this encourage me? It gives me a ticket to a better life, if I take my ticket and use it, I find I'm on the right track, things become easier. I pay no attention to petty concerns that once tripped me up and bogged me down, I step easily over boulders, and at those moments that seem impossible I repeat my mantra, Jesus Jesus Jeusu, Jesus Jesus Jesus, Jesus Jesus Jesus........... and Christ in His mercy is at the forefront of my mind dissolving even the impossible. Just as the good shepherd is there for his sheep. But I know that I'm more than a sheep in His flock, didn't he lay down His life for me. O my God, thankyou... (my mere words will never be enough) You move in me, You arouse me, I am filled with Love and I dare to think that You might use me as an Instrument of your Peace. Quote
servant for Christ Posted April 4, 2009 Report Posted April 4, 2009 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? It encourages me to know that I have a Savior that loves me that much. To me, it shows me that I am priceless in his eyes. It inspires me to live for him the way I should and to be the witness to other people about his saving grace and love. Quote
WALT39 Posted April 2, 2010 Report Posted April 2, 2010 Q4. How does Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? When I think about God loving me, just this one insignificant person in this whole wide world, and then He sent His Son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for my sins, I have to show Him that I can love others the same way. Because God thinks of me so highly, how can I disappoint Him and He makes me feel worthy. He inspires me to want to know more about Him and obey Him. Of course this is easier said than done, because I want to set the agenda, but fortunately God is winning out. Quote
PASTOR D Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 To me it means everything because I realize that there is - or was, nor ever will be anything that I of myself could do - nor anyone else do for me - that could persuade Jesus to do this. I realize that such a gift - which was His life - can be based only on one thing "LOVE" - His love for me... This is an encouragement for me to do as He has done for me - "GIVE" my life to Him. . . My value / worth increases as a result of my relationship with Him - and is really more than I can imagine. This is predicated on me remaining in Him and Him remaining in me. .. This inspires me to do all that He asks and expects me to do and remain in obedient service to Him. . . Quote
Marloes Posted July 22, 2010 Report Posted July 22, 2010 He wasn't forced to do this so He was in control. It also shows He really loved us. Quote
hanks Posted November 10, 2010 Report Posted November 10, 2010 Q4. How does Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? I am forever grateful knowing my eternal future is secure. How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? This speaks of Jesus Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted January 25, 2011 Report Posted January 25, 2011 How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? To know that Christ Jesus gave His life of His own free will for me is mind boggling....He loved just me....me....enough to die and yet sometimes I feel so unworthy. How can that be that I would make His life not worthy when He loved me that much. It makes me take pause and try to remember how I treat others...to know , really know that Christ Jesus paid this price for all. This makes me want to serve Him in the best way I can....and to stay in prayer for His guidance. Quote
Kerneydr Posted April 7, 2011 Report Posted April 7, 2011 Q4. How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? Quote
jacquie7 Posted July 12, 2013 Report Posted July 12, 2013 When I think about what Jesus did for me, it leaves me speechless because no one else could or would do what He did. This makes me feel loved by Him and valuable to Him that He would do such a great thing for me. When I think about what He did and the agony He experienced, it inspires my obedience to Him; helps strengthen my faith and endurance when I experience trials and tribulations. It reminds me that what I experience is nothing compared to the sacrifice He made on my behalf. Quote
tgandy Posted December 22, 2013 Report Posted December 22, 2013 Jesus laying down His life voluntarily speaks volumes of the love He had for me a sinner. Jesus loved me even when I sinned how much more He cares for me when I try to walk in His footsteps. No one ever loved me this much to die for me. I am most humbled that He would do this for me. I want to be more like Him and I strive to be daily. Quote
JoanG Posted March 6, 2015 Report Posted March 6, 2015 I am ver encouraged by Jesus's actions and statements since the Last Supper. He knew what it was like to have to face a major struggle or task. He did know what fear really was. He was able to push through this and do the Father's will. He did not give into temptation to give up. He showed us that prayers can give us the inner strength and courage to go and do what seems impossible for us to do. I am inspired to give more thought and feelings to my prayers. I need to make them intense and whole hearted. The have to have feelings and a life of their own. They have to be an extension from my heart to God the Father. Quote
Debra Grant Posted February 16, 2019 Report Posted February 16, 2019 Q4. How does Jesus' voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? 1. He laid down his life for me like no other would do and the purpose no other could do. He loved me so much. Therefore, I must serve him because he made it possible. I must love him back and be thankful for him dying for me. 2. It makes me feel loved and comforted that I have the authority to serve him in truth. 3. It inspires me to love him and do his will concerning me. Quote
Mr.B Posted January 19, 2020 Report Posted January 19, 2020 How does Jesus voluntarily laying down his life for you encourage you? How does it speak to your value and worth as a person? What does it inspire you to do? Who am I in the eyes of God that He would die for me? There are several verses that come to mind as I try to grasp God's mind. "Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known." I know there is nothing good in me except for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit." "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." This all is a bit much to take in. If I could truly digest and live in this (God's) reality of how He see me I'd sin less and love more completely those whom He loves. Quote
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