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Besides being a picture of the ultimate sacrifice for sin in God giving His only Son in sacrifice for our sins, the Old Testament sacrifices are the way God showed His grace and mercy in that it was either the blood shed by the sacrificed animals or the people

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How were Old Testament sacrifaces a way of God showing mercy and grace to His people.

Rather than the people having to pay for their own sins, the lamb took their place. A perfect lamb without spot or blemish was sacrifaced daily for the sins of the people.

  • 3 weeks later...

That God didn't cause the sinners to die but instead took an unblemished lamb or goat in their place. We deserve death, but God shows His grace and mercy by sparing us and giving us more chances because He loves us so much.


Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

God's allowing animal sacrifice in the OT. Was grace to the sinning people for it gave them

a way to wash the sin with blood so God would overlook their sinfullness and forgive them

since Jesus had not come to be the final sacrifice for sin yet. He took pity and had mercy

for them living under the law. for they were unable to keep from sin and obey the whole law

so God made the animal sacrifice grace and mercy were shown any useing this method of

covering sin.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

God gave man the opportunity for man to sacrifice animals for the atonement of thier sins with out circumstance to them personally.

  • 2 months later...

Old Testament sacrifices were a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people, because the animal atoined for our sins. The sacrifice of the life of the animal was a substitution for a person's own life. This was especially so where sin was concerned. Sacrifice was God's way of teaching us the seriousness of sin. God offered a way for the for the forgiveness of sins, the death of an animal instead of a person.

  • 2 weeks later...

How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

Instead of snuffing out a person for sin or rebellion, God offered a way for the forgiveness of sins, the death of an animal instead of a person.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

Man had become sinful when Adam fell, and condemed to die because of their sins. So God provided a way for man to be saved. The way was the sacrifice of an animal. The blood was life. Without blood there was no forgiveness of sin. So, by the sacrifice of an animal, using the blood to sprinkle on the altar, and pouring in front of the altar, sin was forgiven. But this had to be done over and over again to have sin forgiven. For the blood of an animal could not forgive sin once and be forever. It could not cover everyone. That is why all had to bring their own sacrifice to the priests.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

God showed his mercy to his people by sparing their life and having them sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins.

  • 4 months later...

Old Testament sacrifices provided a means for people to ask God for forgiveness and atonement for their sins. That God would provide a way and means do that shows God's great grace and mercy for His people.

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...

The old testament sacrifices showed God's grace and mercy by using the death of an animal rather than the person, the cost showing the seriousness of the sin.

  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

God wanted us to atone for our sins. He also wanted to make us realize that we had to pay a price for our sins. In the Old Testament a sacrifice of an unblemished lamb, goat or bull which was costly was required to be sacrificed for human sin. The animal had to died and its blood had to be sprinkled some on the horns of the altar of burnt offering and pour out the rest at the base of the altar. God wanted us to know really how serious it was to sin and therefore He loved us so much that He sent His only Son who was sinless to be the ultimate sacrifice. After that no additional sacrifice was needed. The reason for the sacrifice is in Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

  • 1 month later...

As opposed to exacting the punishment for our sins - which is death (separation from God) Romans 6:23 (NLT) For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. . .. God allowed and accepted an animal as a sacrifice for sin. This could not be just any animal - it had to be an animal that had value - an animal that was specified by God - to be accepted as a sacrifice for sin. . .


  • 1 month later...

God has to make us clear that sin is very bad.

It needs atonement.

Fortunately, we don't have to pay it ourselves.

In Leviticus 16 about Jom Kippoer, it's the scapegoat who takes all sin.

In the first chapters of Leviticus, several animals die in our place.

  • 3 months later...


How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

We all have sinned, and the wages of sin is death. We therefore all deserve to die in our sin. Today Jesus fulfils all the required sacrifices for sin. But in the Old Testament, instead of every one dying because of their sin, God through His grace and mercy, allowed animals to be sacrificed in their place.

  • 2 months later...

How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

The sacrifices of the Old Testament showed mercy and grace because He paved a way for our forgiveness. Rather than just get rid of us when we sinned,, He gave a way of forgiveness, by the offering of a blood scarifice to cover our sin. In the Old it was by a lamb or goat.....in the New we have the shed blood of Jesus as an atonement for all time.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people? When people offended God who is holy beyond what people can comprehend, the natural consequence was the death of that person. God, in his grace and mercy, offered a way for the forgiveness of sins through a the substitution of the blood of an animal. This was costly for people and it pointed to the Lamb of God who would take all the sins of the world on Himself once and for all. God's plan was one of full of grace and mercy from the beginning.

  • 2 years later...

Through the Old Testament sacrifices, God gave man a way to receive forgiveness of his sins by the death of an animal instead his own death.  By doing this, He showed His mercy and grace to sinful humans along with His plan of redemption through the death of His Son Jesus, which was later to come. 




  • 5 months later...

I believe the Old Testament sacrifices showed a way of God's showing grace and mercy to his people.  The animal being sacrificed was expensive not only to buy, but to take from your first born without blemish was costly.  The offender was not off the hook.  He had to lay his hand on the head of the sin offering  and slaughter it.  This was God's way of teaching the seriousness of the sin.

  • 1 year later...

God allowed the people to sacrifice animals to Him as a way of saing that they were sorry for the sins that they had committed. He did not strike them dead when they sinned. He allowed them to repent by making a blood sacrifice of an animal and He forgave them of their sins at that time.

  • 2 years later...

God accepted the animal sacrifice for the atonement of sin in the old testament instead of people being sacrificed. 

  • 1 year later...

Q1. How were Old Testament sacrifices a way of God showing grace and mercy to his people?

Instead of the death of a person for sin or rebellion, God offered a way for the forgiveness of sins, the death of an animal instead of a person. A lamb or goat or bull was costly, teaching that sin is costly. The Law required an animal for a human life (the lesser for the greater), but God provided his own Son as a sacrifice for our sins (the greater for the lesser), bringing us to God.

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