sahala p.s. Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? The promised New Covenant differs from the Old Covenant in these reasons. First, in the New Covenant God will put his law in our minds and write it on our hearts. In Old Covenant God put his law in the Book of Covenant. Second, in the New Covenant, we will all know Him. In the Old Covenant, not all people knew Him. Third, in the New Covenant God will forgive their wickedness and will remember our sins no more because of sacrifice through the death of Jesus on the cross. In the Old Covenant every year people had to offer bull and goats as sacrifices for redeeming their sins. The promises God makes in the New Covenant are first, that God gives salvation, eternal life, and forgive all our sins through the death of Jesus Christ. Second, the Holy Spirit will live within us so that we are able to follow Christ. Our responsibilities under the New Covenant are faith in God. Trust in God. Belief that Jesus was God in the flesh and died on the cross for our sins. Quote
kas Posted July 16, 2006 Report Posted July 16, 2006 We now can obey God through the strength of Christ by the Holy Spirit. Christ was sacrificed once for all and His blood not only cleanses us from sin but also cleanses our conscience. We no longer have rituals to perform but the command to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, spirit and strength. To do this fulfills all of the commandments. His promise is to grant us eternal salvation, not because we earned it but because He is merciful. That He will, through the power of the Holy Spirit, guide us into all truth and teach us/lead us. Our responsibilities are to listen to what the Spirit is saying. We can do this first by accepting Christ as Savior and receive the Holy Spirit, reading His Word so we know who God is and who we're worshipping and have a closer relationship with Him. To pray and to obey. When we fall, we are to confess and move on, and in Christ's strength, accomplish God's will. We are also to believe His promises and act according to that belief. All things are possible with God, we just have to believe it. Quote
care2hope2 Posted July 19, 2006 Report Posted July 19, 2006 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? The promise of the new covenant differs from the promise of the old covenant in that the to keep the old covenant was external it was dependent on men's will and dicipline to keep it and we men are flawed and do not do well at dicipline and will power in keeping the law etc... sin is easire at times. The new covenant is internalized and we are given the Holy spirit to help us keep the new covenant. It is written ou our hearts and minds and we are given power once the H> Spirit is in us to keep the ourselves in touch with christ and in obedience to faith and trust in God. The promises God makes in the new covenant are Salvation; Eternal Life; Forgiveness of our sins thru the death of his son. and the provision of the Holy Spirit in us to strengthen us to keep us in Christ. Our responsibilities are Trust in God; Faith in God; Belief that Jesus was God in Flesh. Quote
unclebob Posted August 11, 2006 Report Posted August 11, 2006 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Under the New Covenant all who repent and are baptized will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Only a chosen few received the spirit under the Old Covenant, prophets, some kings and some elders. "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Sone, purifies us from all sin .....If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Quote
Debra Posted October 6, 2006 Report Posted October 6, 2006 The promised New Covenant differs from the Old Covenant because God no longer wants animals sacrificed. He wants to put ''HIS LAW IN THEIR MINDS, AND WRITE IT ON THEIR HEARTS'' He will '' FORGIVE THEIR WICKEDNESS AND REMEMBER THEIR SINS NO MORE.'' Jeremiah 31:31-34 The promises God makes in the New Covenant are eternal life, forgiveness of all our sins through the death of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our responsibilities are to put our faith in God, put our trust in God, and our belief in His son Jesus Christ. Quote
Marci Posted October 16, 2006 Report Posted October 16, 2006 1.How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? 2. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? 3. What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? 1. Under the New Covenant, God has placed his law in the minds of people and has written it in their hearts;this is a personal relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit. However, under the Old Covenant, the people only knew God as the One that led them out of Egypt; they did not have a personal relationship with God, other people spoke to God for them, such as the prophets. 2. God will forgive the wickedness of the people and no longer remember their sins; God gives us salvation through Jesus Christ. 3. Our responsibilities under the New Covenant are faith in God, trust in God, and belief that Jesus was God and died for our sins. Quote
olori Posted November 11, 2006 Report Posted November 11, 2006 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Under the New Covenant we are cleansed of sin by the blood of Jesus Christ. Who died once for all. Eliminating the ritual sacrafices that were made in the Old Covenant, these had to be repeated over and over again. The Gift of the Holy Spirit in the New Covenent comes to live in each of us who chose Jesus as our personal Savior, accept that Jesus is God in the flesh, died for our sins, and rose on the 3rd day. He promises to write His Word in our hearts and in our minds. In the Old Covenant very few had the Holy Spirit, those that did were Kings or prophets, elders. God promises to wipe away our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus, and promised us a new helper, the Holy Spirit. To love and trust in God, believe in Jesus as God in the flesh, and obey. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 12, 2007 Report Posted March 12, 2007 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? Under the New Covenant Jesus paid the price for all men to be reconciled with the Father and when He returned to the Father he gave men the Holy Spirit to indwell and teach men all things for a rich spirit-filled life. In the Old Covenant animals were sacirifce for atonement of sin and only a few special people were privileged to received the Spirit. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? In the New Covenant God promised salvation, eternal life, and forgiveness of sins through the death of His Dear Son. God also promised the gift of the Holy Spirit, who will live in us and enable us to live righteously. What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Under the New Covenant we are responsible to have faith and trust in God, and to believe that Jesus was God in the flesh. Quote
Craig Posted August 8, 2007 Report Posted August 8, 2007 Both passages of scripture are emphazing forgiveness and reconcilation between brothers leading to wholeness and oneness in Christ before making offerings to God. We must do the same thing before participating in the Lord's Supper. One of God's desires for the saints is true unity (John 17). We can not have a solid relationship with God while having division and hatefulness between the brethren. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted December 30, 2007 Report Posted December 30, 2007 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? The old Covenant was basically that they would serve no other gods, and would obey his commandments. The new Covenant is for everyone and offers forgiveness of sins without the sacrifice of animals. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? If we confess our sins, He will be faithful and just to forgive us our sins. What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Repent and be Baptized. Quote
Jewell Posted May 14, 2008 Report Posted May 14, 2008 With the new covenant, everyone has the opportunity to receive the Spirit. God promises salvation, eternal life and forgiveness of sins. Our responsibilities are Faith in God, Trust in God, and belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Quote
open2itall Posted August 12, 2008 Report Posted August 12, 2008 The new covenant has a different effect, we no longer feel restricted, instead we feel loved. With the covenant of old, God was out there watching and we obeyed as best we could, more from a position of fear than from love. Now we see clearly, we are awake with the Law in our minds and written on our hearts. This is the power of Love. Our responsibilities under the new covenant is to Love God. It is in giving that we receive Quote
God's grace Posted January 18, 2009 Report Posted January 18, 2009 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? The difference between the promised New Covenant from the Old Covenant is that God was obviously the one who initiated the promise (verse 33), the "I wills". In the Old covenant, man will provide the sacrifice, while in the New covenant God himself provided the sacrifice. The promises God made in the New Covenant in Jer. 31:33,34 "I will put the law in their minds and write it in their hearts. I will be their God and they will be my people. I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more". Our responsibilities in the New Covenant is to accept God's provision of sacrifice, JESUS as an atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Quote
servant for Christ Posted April 4, 2009 Report Posted April 4, 2009 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? With the New Covenant, it will be written on our minds and hearts. It will be with the Holy Spirit so we can love and obey him. His promises are salvation, eternal life, and forgiveness of all our sins through Christ Jesus. Our responsibility is to have faith in God, trust God, believe that Jesus was God in the flesh. Quote
WALT39 Posted April 12, 2010 Report Posted April 12, 2010 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Jeremiah 31:31-34-"The time is coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their forefathers when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the LORD. "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? The Old Covenant was written in stone and not all people knew Him. In the New Covenant it was in their minds and written on their hearts and all people will know Him. Also Jesus Christ came and died for us and Holy Spirit guides us. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? Salvation, eternal life, forgiveness of all our sins through the death of his Son. In addition is the provision of the Holy Spirit to live within us and enable us to follow Christ. What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Faith in God. Trust in God. Belief that Jesus was God in the flesh. Quote
PASTOR D Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 The Old Covenant was external (written codes and regulations) - the New Covenant is internal - it is in our spirit by the presence of the Spirit of God. . . (1) forgiveness of sins; (2) salvation; (3) eternal life in His presence; and (4) the presence and power of His Spirit to enable us to keep our part of the Covenant. . . Our responsibilities; (1) faith in God; (2) belief that Jesus was God manifest in the flesh. . . Quote
Marloes Posted August 9, 2010 Report Posted August 9, 2010 The Old Convenant was written and surrounded by symbols. The New Convenant is inside. In the New Convenant, God promises forgiveness of sins. Before, there were many responsabilities. Now we just have to believe in Jesus. Quote
hanks Posted November 29, 2010 Report Posted November 29, 2010 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? There will no longer be the legal sacrifices as required under the Law. Now, under the Gospel, Jesus Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted February 13, 2011 Report Posted February 13, 2011 How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? The Old Covenant was not for all but for a chosen few, and depended on the actions of the people, the special sacrifices, the exact following of the law. It was more the following of external laws, whereas the New Covenant is that we are covered for all time by one final blood sacrifice with the crucifixtion of Jesus...He covered for all time the regimins and acts that were a must to be carried out by religious Jews. The New Covenant brought this love of God to the Gentiles also. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? He will forgive our sin if we repent We will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit We will no longer be controlled by a sin nature but by the Holy Spirit What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? Under the new covenant we need to confess our sin, believe in Christ for our salvation so that we may fellowship with others. We need to walk in the light as He did...I think we are to try through Christ Jesus to draw closer to Him, to become more like Him. Quote
Kerneydr Posted April 27, 2011 Report Posted April 27, 2011 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? The New Covenant would be internalized and written on the hearts and minds of people. What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? In the New Covenant God promises us salvation, forgiveness of our sins, eternal life, and the Holy Spirit to help us live a life pleasing to God. What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant?We need to believe Him, trust Him and obey. Quote
jacquie7 Posted July 26, 2013 Report Posted July 26, 2013 In the New Covenant, Jesus was the sacrificial Lamb satisfying all requirements of the animal and meal sacrifices. God now puts His laws in our minds and writes them on our hearts. We know Him for ourselves, and He forgives our sins never to remember them again. God promises salvation, eternal life, forgiveness of sins through the death of His Son, indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Old Covenant was based on physical promises (if you do, I will do), animals were sacrificed, the Holy Spirit came upon certain people, the priesthood changed as men died, we had no access to the Father, and the blood of animals was a temporary cleansing. Under the New Covenant, we must have faith, trust, and believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. Nor, does it require the “works” that was done in the Old Testament. Quote
tgandy Posted January 11, 2014 Report Posted January 11, 2014 The New Covenant differs from the Old Covenant in that the people can pray and come directly to God. No intermediary is needed. A priest is not required to burn the incense for your sins. God part in the New Covenant is salvation leading to eternal life. Also God will forgive us our sins through Jesus Christ. God will also send us the Holy Spirit to live within us as our advocate. We too have responsibilities in the New Covenant. We must have faith in God and we must trust. We must believe Jesus was God in the flesh. Quote
JoanG Posted March 23, 2015 Report Posted March 23, 2015 In the New Covenant, individuals are forgiven of their sins. There is a direct connection with God and Jesus through the Holy Spirit that dwells in our souls. The old Covenant was not so personal. Only a select few were given the ability to have a personal relationship with God. God promises us that He will allow us into heaven and into eternal life with Him because of the fact that we believe in Him and His son and in the Holy Spirit that is in us. We need to live our lives now guided by the Holy Spirit and not the world. We need to acknowledge our inheritance of heaven. We need to honor God with our thought and actions. Quote
elaineer Posted May 16, 2017 Report Posted May 16, 2017 In the old covenant the spirit was only received by a select few such as prophets, Elders. God promised to forgive our wickedness and will not remember our sin. We have to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and believe in him and trust him. Quote
Debra Grant Posted March 5, 2019 Report Posted March 5, 2019 Q2. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) How does the promised New Covenant differ from the Old Covenant? What are the promises God makes in the New Covenant? What are our responsibilities under the New Covenant? 1. The new covenant is of the Holy Spirit to live within us and enable us to follow Christ. The old covenant was the law that was external and depended upon human will and discipline to perform. 2. He promises to give us salvation, eternal life, forgiveness of all our sins through the death of his Son. 3. We are to have faith in God. Trust in God. Belief that Jesus was God in the flesh. Quote
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