Pastor Ralph Posted June 15, 2006 Report Posted June 15, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Quote
pickledilly Posted June 23, 2006 Report Posted June 23, 2006 I've always believed that Jesus was using a metaphor when He said He is the Bread of Life and we must eat the flesh of the Son of Man in order to eternally live. It seems to me that because the real person, the real entity that will live forever, is spirit, not flesh and bone, this indicates He is speaking in spiritual terms. We are created as spirit beings housed in physical, temporary bodies. Only what is of the Spirit can feed the spirit. And so as the Bread of Life-Eternal, He is saying that He is the nourishment and sustenance that will provide and ensure that everlasting life of the spirit. In practical terms, this means to me that the act of "eating" His body is not a literal act of eating His physical flesh or some representation of it. It is believing and receiving into your whole self that Jesus the Christ is the source and giver and sustainer of spiritual life. It is the act of spiritually consuming Him, taking Him in, making Him an inner part of you. Just as bread sustains the physical body, the Bread of Life sustains the eternal spiritual existence. Just as bread is made of ground grains plus water and oil that is baked in high heat and eaten for nourishment, the beaten body of Christ plus the water of His Word and the oil of His Spirit are thoroughly integrated as the Bread of Life. This was delivered to us through the extreme heat of Christ's suffering before the very flames of hell and it is the only source of spiritual nourishment. In practical terms, eating of this Life-Giving Bread means growing your relationship with Christ through a steady diet of His Living Word. It is grown through prayer, obedience to the Spirit, and abiding in Him. It's grown as you integrate Him and your relationship with Him into everything you do by constantly feeding on His power, wisdom, direction, mercy. It is by means of our faith that we take Him in this way, or "eat this bread", so that His Living Word resides in us to give life. I think there are many, many Christians who are just nibblers. They have tasted Christ as their Redeemer and they are saved. But they are only carnal grazers, taking a bit of this teaching and a bit of that commandment as it pleases them. They never really lose their appetite for worldly things because of unwillingness to change the whole diet. They don't begin to develop ravenous hunger for the things of God, and experience the fullness of that abundant new spiritual life that Jesus has provided. In the daily practical life, they are starving with doubts, fears, insecurities, unbelief, weakness, defeats. But when you decide to feed your spirit instead of trying to keep your flesh fat and happy, you want to take in Christ to the full because He is total satisfaction of your deepest hungers. You begin to give up your constant snacking on the world's unhealthy provisions because those cannot nourish the needs of your spirit. As you dine more heartily on Him and His Word, you live in greater power, strength, endurance, certainty, clarity, and victory. Every application of your faith brings more of Him into reality for you. The more you believe Him, the more you sense His presence and experience LIFE in your life! Quote
Jezemeg Posted June 24, 2006 Report Posted June 24, 2006 To me 'feeding on the Bread of Life' is an indication of the permanency of its availability. Just as God provided manna from Heaven for the Israelites as they wandered the desert, the supply was assured, there was only a single day of the week where any stored did not spoil, that was so that they needn't gather it on the Sabbath. In his letters, Paul warns of the tendency of some believers to misuse the Lord's Supper, by their own selfish greed they prevent others from full participation. Engorging ourselves on the Bread of Life will not replace righteousness with God, if that is lacking in us, no amount of taking in the Bread or Wine will make us any more holy. At the other end of the spectrum are those believers who 'nibble', not allowing themselves to receive the full benefits of partaking in the Lord's Supper. This false belief stems usually from an unwillingness or lack of belief in redemption and God's total forgiveness'; many 'nibblers' are convinced that they are unworthy to be an active part of the Body. Both types of believers are missing out on so much of what Jesus offers. Quote
Helenmm Posted June 24, 2006 Report Posted June 24, 2006 When I go to the theatre I first buy a ticket. I lay down my money and do whatever it takes to gain entrance to the theatre. Once I'm in I"m part of the performance. The actors look for my feedback and perform in relation to those who are present who have invested in the show. It could be the football or anything. But I can't get in without the investment first. If I want eternal Life then I have to make an investment by partaking of Jesus (' body and blood). In other words my investment is to treat my body and blood as He did His, seeing that I am His bride (or part therof) and one with His flesh. My body is not mine but God's, as is everything He gave me. It is for His sole purpose and not mine - certainly not for its own sole purpose of comfort, food and wine. I am to discipline my body and take authority over it for God;'s glory, and the long term purpose of Heaven, exactly as Jesus did, subjecting it to Him who said, "I have food to eat of which you do not know," and then, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work".)(John 4:32, 34, NKJ) To the tempter He said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." (Matt 4:4 NKJ As his bride, so it is for me to be one with Him. The "food" might be variously described as bread, wine, meat, or the body and blood of Jesus, but it all means the same thing. As for nibbling, it doesn't impress God. He wants people who are hot, not luke warm or cold. So get in and make a meal. Do it with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, no less. This pleases God. No-one wants a half-baked football team. Neither does God! He can't score any points with them! Just imagine a football team that couldn't get out of bed early enough for training! They only wanted the glory of winning at the game but not the preparatory skills training. Perhaps they all thought they were good enough! How would the coach feel? He wouldn't even field those players. Let's all be loyal to the coach and train hard! Quote
charity Posted June 24, 2006 Report Posted June 24, 2006 Lesson 8 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? In practical terms to me today, : "eating the Bread of Life Quote
jabarke Posted June 24, 2006 Report Posted June 24, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Believing in Jesus as the Son of God who came to earth & lived as a sinless man who died in our place for our sins on the cross & rose again the 3rd day to provide for us eternal life with Him. Believing means not only intellectually acknowledging this but committing our whole being, soul, spirit & flesh, to Him & striving to obey him & dedicating each day to live for Him empowered by His Holy Spirit. Most of us our relatively satisfied with a "sip" of God or just enough contact with him to soothe our conscience & make "us" feel good. How often I have come to that next step of truly "selling out" for God & have backed away much the same way the rich young ruler did when he asked what he needed to do & when he was told " sell all that you have & come follow me" he turned away sadly because he could not take that next step. I thank God for His patience with me as I "work out my salvation" in my personal relationship with the Almighty Living God who loves me as His own. Quote
JustJeff Posted June 25, 2006 Report Posted June 25, 2006 Eating the "Bread of Life" is to accept and believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, by becoming a disciple and , walking the walk. When one eats it is generally to become full, as in a meal. To nibble would be a between meal snack, perhaps to surpress your appetite. When you study the word, worship the Lord, sing praises to His name, pray without ceasing, celebrate His Supper, fellowship with other believers, testify and witness to for Him, work for Him, your are eating the full course. When you simply go to church on Sunday and pay your tithes, you are nibbling. Quote
Eudora Posted June 25, 2006 Report Posted June 25, 2006 Greetings, Since I have joined this study, it is a very rare thing for me to look ahead to what other folks in this study write. I usually pray and ask that the Holy Spirit would teach me what God would have me learn. For some reason I felt compelled to look ahead and I am so glad I did. One of the writers by the name of Pickledilly, has answered this question in such a way, that I am left with a new stunned since of awe. I yeild my writing, to answer this question to ask that we all re-read the writings of Pickeldilly. I completely agree! Writing below is by Pickeldilly I've always believed that Jesus was using a metaphor when He said He is the Bread of Life and we must eat the flesh of the Son of Man in order to eternally live. It seems to me that because the real person, the real entity that will live forever, is spirit, not flesh and bone, this indicates He is speaking in spiritual terms. We are created as spirit beings housed in physical, temporary bodies. Only what is of the Spirit can feed the spirit. And so as the Bread of Life-Eternal, He is saying that He is the nourishment and sustenance that will provide and ensure that everlasting life of the spirit. In practical terms, this means to me that the act of "eating" His body is not a literal act of eating His physical flesh or some representation of it. It is believing and receiving into your whole self that Jesus the Christ is the source and giver and sustainer of spiritual life. It is the act of spiritually consuming Him, taking Him in, making Him an inner part of you. Just as bread sustains the physical body, the Bread of Life sustains the eternal spiritual existence. Just as bread is made of ground grains plus water and oil that is baked in high heat and eaten for nourishment, the beaten body of Christ plus the water of His Word and the oil of His Spirit are thoroughly integrated as the Bread of Life. This was delivered to us through the extreme heat of Christ's suffering before the very flames of hell and it is the only source of spiritual nourishment. In practical terms, eating of this Life-Giving Bread means growing your relationship with Christ through a steady diet of His Living Word. It is grown through prayer, obedience to the Spirit, and abiding in Him. It's grown as you integrate Him and your relationship with Him into everything you do by constantly feeding on His power, wisdom, direction, mercy. It is by means of our faith that we take Him in this way, or "eat this bread", so that His Living Word resides in us to give life. I think there are many, many Christians who are just nibblers. They have tasted Christ as their Redeemer and they are saved. But they are only carnal grazers, taking a bit of this teaching and a bit of that commandment as it pleases them. They never really lose their appetite for worldly things because of unwillingness to change the whole diet. They don't begin to develop ravenous hunger for the things of God, and experience the fullness of that abundant new spiritual life that Jesus has provided. In the daily practical life, they are starving with doubts, fears, insecurities, unbelief, weakness, defeats. But when you decide to feed your spirit instead of trying to keep your flesh fat and happy, you want to take in Christ to the full because He is total satisfaction of your deepest hungers. You begin to give up your constant snacking on the world's unhealthy provisions because those cannot nourish the needs of your spirit. As you dine more heartily on Him and His Word, you live in greater power, strength, endurance, certainty, clarity, and victory. Every application of your faith brings more of Him into reality for you. The more you believe Him, the more you sense His presence and experience LIFE in your life! Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted June 25, 2006 Report Posted June 25, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? The metaphor of "Eating the Bread of Life" means to me that you are a true believer in Christ. That you believe that Jesus is the only way and that he is our Savior who gave his life for us. I believe that what the Bread of Life means is the Word of God, The Bible. If you are hungry, it will feed you, if you are thirsty it is the living waters. Jesus is the Word. One should hunger for more when your life is not with Christ. Christ is the nourishment that keeps us full. The word keeps us satisfied and will give us eternal life with Christ. Without it we remain malnurished and underfeed. We must feed on the Word, learning it, following it, living it. Without it we are never satisfied or fullfilled. Because of it we will not be hungry or thirsty for the word is our true nourishment and eternal life. Quote
Blessed Me Posted June 26, 2006 Report Posted June 26, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? The metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" EATING means to consume, to eat greedily, to take in eagerly, to swallow up. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Christ did not say, "take a nibble, (meaning of nibble is to take small or hesitant bites.) but He said "Consume, fill your soul with the Bread that I give, unless you do devour, eat, consume the "Bread of Life" your soul will never receive the nourishment that I give, which is eternal life." There is NO half way point with being kept by God, when He calls us to salvation, we must eat all of the "Bread of Life," for in it is the promise of being kept unto the last day. Thank you Father for calling me to EAT of the "Bread of Life," for there my soul has found nourishment in the love of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. By eating of the "Bread of Life" I know I am being kept, I know that when I do fall, you are there to help me up. I need your nourishment daily, that is why I feed on your word, that is why I love eating at your Communion Table. I find eating and drinking of you, helps me to grow closer to you, I am thankful you didn't say "clean up your act first, than come to my table," but you asked me to come often, because you know how the soul needs to eat of your bread and to drink of your blood. For it is in them that I am nourished. I am growing stronger in you. Thank you for the nourishment you have given to my soul. Quote
heavenlymann Posted June 26, 2006 Report Posted June 26, 2006 The more of Christ I take in the more like Christ I become ("to be conformed to the image of His Son..."Romans 8:29). To nibble could be likened to just dabble with the spiritual work He wants to do in us; a little here a little there. Nothing really profound or scary or faith-stretching. Just enough to feel a little safe. Quote
haar Posted June 27, 2006 Report Posted June 27, 2006 Jesus is the Bread of Life. "Eating the Bread of Life" means believing in Jesus, having faith in Him as the only source of Eternal Life. Believing and continuing to trust in Jesus will bring us to eternal life now and ultimate resurrection in the Last Day. Just nibbling physical bread will not lead to having a real meal that sustatains the body. To be fully nourished, we have to really eat to our fill. In regards to faith in Jesus, we have believe totally that we can only access eternal life through Jesus. And this must be totaly by faith and not by works. Quote
masika Posted June 27, 2006 Report Posted June 27, 2006 To eat Living Bread means to accept Christ into our lives and become united with Him. We are united with Christ into two ways - 1. by believing in His death (The sacrifice of His Blood) and resurrection and , 2. by devoting ourselves to living as He requires , depending on His teaching for quidance and trusting in the Holy Spirit for power. Quote
steve.c Posted June 27, 2006 Report Posted June 27, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Eating the Bread of Life means to me in spiritual terms that Jesus is the sustinence of my life here and for ever. It means being fully committed to Him and obeying His teaching. It means being absorbed by Him and becoming closer each day to Him. He is my purpose in life. Nibbling at the Bread of Life shows a lack of full commitment. Yes, I go to church on Sunday but that is where it ends. A disciple dedicates his life to His Saviour and Lord. It is everyday and ever waking moment. Making a meal of the Bread of Life is to make Jesus the centre of your life. To do His bidding always. Quote
charisbarak Posted June 28, 2006 Report Posted June 28, 2006 In practical terms, the eating of the Bread of Life equates with the largeness our belief/faith in our Lord Jesus & the eternal life we have in Him. If I have Him on my mind constantly, hunger for time alone with Him & for His Word, I have feasted on the Bread of Life. However, if other things take up my time & I only have small slots of time for Him, I have just nibbled. Quote
linda bass Posted June 29, 2006 Report Posted June 29, 2006 What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? Those who believe on Christ and accept Him as Savior will have eternal life. Those who partake of "the living bread" will should never suffer spiritual hunger. We satisfy our spiritual hunger by spending time in prayer daily, reading our bibles daily, and fellowshiping with other believers. To extend the same metaphor,what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Making a meal of it is to go beyond just reading the bible, it is to study it. There are so many great bible studies out there, nobody should have any excuse not to get into God's Word. There are studies on every book in the bible or if you prefer topical studies, like I do, you can find bible studies on a whole range of topics-prayer, discipleship, salvation, faith-to name a few. Dr. Wilson's online bible studies are excellant for feasting on God's Word and making a meal of it. For those of you who are new or fairly new to this forum, I urge you to take a look at some of the previous studies. You'll be glad you did. As far as nibbling goes, there are so many believers who do just that. They'll read the day's verse from their Daily Bread or pull out a verse from their precious promise box and read it. Then when trials or/and temptations come their way, they wonder why they are having such a hard time. It's like eating nothing but a piece of bubble gum for breakfast and then wondering why you're experiencing hunger pangs later in the day. Quote
carroll Posted July 1, 2006 Report Posted July 1, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Quote
Don W Posted July 2, 2006 Report Posted July 2, 2006 When we partake or come to know personally Jesus as our Savior and Lord of our lives, then we are Quote
PCHRIS Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? The pratical terms is that we take all of the Bread of Life, we are taking all of Jesus into us. Not just little nibbles, taking only what we want or just the surfacey stuff. But to fully, wholly trust, beleive and be obedient to Christ in what He offers us through His sacrifice. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 In practical terms, eating means injesting food to sustain life for your body. That food is life giving and without it we would die. Jesus is like that. If we do not take in all that He offers us in Spirit, then we can not be nourished and we will eventually die. This is SO important as a Christian, because we start out believing and reading His Word and seeking Him with all of our hearts, but often Christians fall off in these spiritually life giving foods and soon faith withers and dies. We must remain connected with all our life giving food sources offered through Jesus. Like the branches connected to the vine, we must receive our nourishment every day from Him. This can be difficult at times. I have recently had an experience in that. My father in law at age 80 was hit by a car and is in very,very serious condition. We have spent a lot of time in the hospital and waiting for surgeries to be completed and so many other needs have been occupying our minds. Though I did get behind in this study, I choose to remain in the Word and prayer. I seek God so much in peace and knowing He is sovreign in this situation. When life's troubles knock down our defenses it is really He who sustains us and nourishes us to stand strong in His love and care. We have to take in though what He nourishes us with! As for nibbling vs. a meal.....we need to fill up! The price of gas may be high to get you where you need to go, but God says "Come buy with no money." It's all free for the eat...a lot! : ) Quote
sahala p.s. Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Quote
kas Posted August 1, 2006 Report Posted August 1, 2006 to feed off of Christ's words and actions. Read His words and apply them daily. It's staying connected to the Vine, eating His flesh, devouring His Words and living them - being obedient because you believe and trust in what He says. A nibble is verbalizing your belief, a meal is acting like you believe it. Quote
care2hope2 Posted August 4, 2006 Report Posted August 4, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? "Eating the Bread of Life." means as a metaphore.... we will live forever. eternal life for us. Just nibblling is troublesome for me because when you partake in taking the bread of life you takie only a small portion but that is normal, in communion services. and when doing that you are participating fully in this so if done infaith and worthily you are not just nibbling you are partaking. I can only think that nibbling in the spiritual sense would be someone that partakes of the sacrament or Lord's supper and does not fully believe and has doubts or sin and is unworthily taking part. Then they would be experiencing only nibbles of what could be theirs if they repent , believe and partake fully ??? You have really got me stumped with this question because I don't think I am quite right on this answer Quote
unclebob Posted August 20, 2006 Report Posted August 20, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? "eating the Bread of Life" means in practical terms to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Nibbling to me would be going part of the way, not believing with all your heart and all your soul. We has Christians know that we must believe TOTALLY, NO DEVIATIONS, EXACTLY AS GOD DEMANDS. Quote
Debra Posted October 17, 2006 Report Posted October 17, 2006 The metaphor of ''Eating the Bread of Life'' means in practical terms that Jesus is sustaining us with His body. According to St.Augustine we are ''sated invisibly'' by eating the living bread. God wants people to make a meal of it, definitely no nibbling. He wants people to be on fire with love for Christ, not people who are lukewarm. By eating the bread of life, we will have eternal life! Quote
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