Woman of Worship Posted October 19, 2006 Report Posted October 19, 2006 I've always believed that Jesus was using a metaphor when He said He is the Bread of Life and we must eat the flesh of the Son of Man in order to eternally live. It seems to me that because the real person, the real entity that will live forever, is spirit, not flesh and bone, this indicates He is speaking in spiritual terms. We are created as spirit beings housed in physical, temporary bodies. Only what is of the Spirit can feed the spirit. And so as the Bread of Life-Eternal, He is saying that He is the nourishment and sustenance that will provide and ensure that everlasting life of the spirit. In practical terms, this means to me that the act of "eating" His body is not a literal act of eating His physical flesh or some representation of it. It is believing and receiving into your whole self that Jesus the Christ is the source and giver and sustainer of spiritual life. It is the act of spiritually consuming Him, taking Him in, making Him an inner part of you. Just as bread sustains the physical body, the Bread of Life sustains the eternal spiritual existence. Just as bread is made of ground grains plus water and oil that is baked in high heat and eaten for nourishment, the beaten body of Christ plus the water of His Word and the oil of His Spirit are thoroughly integrated as the Bread of Life. This was delivered to us through the extreme heat of Christ's suffering before the very flames of hell and it is the only source of spiritual nourishment. In practical terms, eating of this Life-Giving Bread means growing your relationship with Christ through a steady diet of His Living Word. It is grown through prayer, obedience to the Spirit, and abiding in Him. It's grown as you integrate Him and your relationship with Him into everything you do by constantly feeding on His power, wisdom, direction, mercy. It is by means of our faith that we take Him in this way, or "eat this bread", so that His Living Word resides in us to give life. I think there are many, many Christians who are just nibblers. They have tasted Christ as their Redeemer and they are saved. But they are only carnal grazers, taking a bit of this teaching and a bit of that commandment as it pleases them. They never really lose their appetite for worldly things because of unwillingness to change the whole diet. They don't begin to develop ravenous hunger for the things of God, and experience the fullness of that abundant new spiritual life that Jesus has provided. In the daily practical life, they are starving with doubts, fears, insecurities, unbelief, weakness, defeats. But when you decide to feed your spirit instead of trying to keep your flesh fat and happy, you want to take in Christ to the full because He is total satisfaction of your deepest hungers. You begin to give up your constant snacking on the world's unhealthy provisions because those cannot nourish the needs of your spirit. As you dine more heartily on Him and His Word, you live in greater power, strength, endurance, certainty, clarity, and victory. Every application of your faith brings more of Him into reality for you. The more you believe Him, the more you sense His presence and experience LIFE in your life! As you can see, I'm new on this discussion board. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the response from Piccadilly regarding the topic "Feeding on the Bread of Life". I would like to ad that I am fairly new into a deeper Bible Study. I want to go into a deeper understanding of God's Word. I found this site, but I know God led me to it. I ask the Lord to expand my memory, and to not only do His word, but really be able to convey His wonderful Word to others, whether believers or non-believers. Thank you for your Blessing. As you can see, I'm new on this discussion board. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the response from Piccadilly regarding the topic "Feeding on the Bread of Life". I would like to ad that I am fairly new into a deeper Bible Study. I want to go into a deeper understanding of God's Word. I found this site, but I know God led me to it. I ask the Lord to expand my memory, and to not only do His word, but really be able to convey His wonderful Word to others, whether believers or non-believers. Thank you for your Blessing. Quote
Marci Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? "Eating the Bread of Life" means connecting with Jesus and trusting in Jesus through partaking of the Holy Eucharist. This a way that we remain in Him and Him in us. Completely trusting one's being, their salvation, their meaning, their purpose for being here everyday is similar to "making a meal of it." However, sometimes relying on Jesus and then sometimes doing it in your own strength, is "nibbling." Quote
olori Posted December 4, 2006 Report Posted December 4, 2006 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? I believe this means that we are eating the spiritual bread of life. The Word of God is the everlasting bread. And when we eat the Communial Bread, which represents Jesus body in the flesh it is a renewing of the covenant He made with us. I believe nibbling is when we are not fully aware of the significance of this covenant, and making a meal is when we fully understand the covenant, stand on it, and it is truely a time of thanksgiving and worship to the King of Kings, and a renewal of the covenant. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 17, 2007 Report Posted March 17, 2007 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? In practical terms the metaphor "eating the Bread of Life," for believers in Jesus Christ, is to eat the living bread. We do this when we partake of the Lord's Supper. The Bread of Life brings eternal life to those who eat it. "This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world." John 6:50-51 (KJV) To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? One nibbles when one comes to the table of the Lord and not allow the full spiritual meaning of the Institution to take permanance in their life. Nibblers lives are not fully impacted by the power that the "Bread" imparts. Those that make a meal of it allow that power to impact their every day living as they look forward to that day when Christ returns. Quote
Craig Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 In practical terms, the meaning of "eating the Bread of Life" is believing in Jesus Christ, the one who God the Father sent. Nibbing is not fully committing yourself to Jesus Christ. Actually making a meal is fully engaging my life (total being), in Jesus Christ and His teaching. Quote
Craig Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 In practical terms, the meaning of "eating the Bread of Life" is believing in Jesus Christ, the one who God the Father sent. Nibbing is not fully committing yourself to Jesus Christ. Actually making a meal is fully engaging my life (total being), in Jesus Christ and His teaching. Quote
Craig Posted August 14, 2007 Report Posted August 14, 2007 In practical terms, the meaning of "eating the Bread of Life" is believing in Jesus Christ, the one who God the Father sent. Nibbing is not fully committing yourself to Jesus Christ. Actually making a meal is fully engaging my life (total being), in Jesus Christ and His teaching. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted December 30, 2007 Report Posted December 30, 2007 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of Quote
Jewell Posted June 1, 2008 Report Posted June 1, 2008 "eating the Bread of Life" means believing in Christ. Nibbling may correspond with the person who is a Sunday Christian but resumes old lifestyles during the rest of the week, where one who makes a meal of it would be the person who truly loves Christ and devotes each day to following Him. Quote
open2itall Posted August 24, 2008 Report Posted August 24, 2008 what we focus on we become staying focused on our Lord is the Bread of Life The Bread of Life is in The Lords Supper I find it also in pray and the repetition of His Holy Name by nibbling we do not fill ourselves with Christ. nibbling does not satisfy, we still long to fill a void inside and can easily be distracted by what we really don't want. eating fully, delighting in the Goodness of His Body is needed. Quote
servant for Christ Posted April 14, 2009 Report Posted April 14, 2009 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? It means that Jesus is our spiritual bread, our spiritaul life on which we feed every day. His precious word. It is the bread that supports and nourishes our spiritual life. Christ is the living bread which nourishs us by his own power. Christ is the bread of life for he is the fruit of the tree of life. He is ever living and ever lasting, never to mold or grow old, but always renewing and refreshing our spirits. The difference in nibbling and making a meal is when we nibble, we are just in God's word every now and then. We are putting him on the self and getting him down only when we need him. Making a meal, we are feeding constantly on the Bread of Life. Not wanting to loose even a crumb from the Bread. We are getting what we need to get us through today, tomorrow, next day, whatever circumstance we may face, we can be prepared , we can be full and running over if we let the living, Bread of Life nourish us. Quote
WALT39 Posted April 14, 2010 Report Posted April 14, 2010 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? It means to follow Jesus and receive your spiritual nourishment only from Jesus. This nourishment will freed you and you will have eternal life. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? By making a meal out of it would mean that you have committed yourself to Jesus as if you were nibbling, you would only be scratching the surface. This would be wishy washy and not feel the real and deep meaning that you should be having with Jesus. Quote
PASTOR D Posted June 27, 2010 Report Posted June 27, 2010 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Quote
PASTOR D Posted June 27, 2010 Report Posted June 27, 2010 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? Quote
Marloes Posted August 22, 2010 Report Posted August 22, 2010 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? It means that we accept Jesus' offer and take communion. This depends on how you look at it: A. With nibbling you show that you only do it because you have to - and with making a meal of it you show that it's serious. B. With making a meal of it you show that you're greedy - but with nibbling you don't lose the symbolic value. Quote
hanks Posted December 12, 2010 Report Posted December 12, 2010 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? Practically it means accepting Jesus as Lord of my life and obeying His commands. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? We have to make a meal of it Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted February 26, 2011 Report Posted February 26, 2011 What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? To "eat of the Bread of Life" means to believe on Jesus as our Savior.....I think that we can't nibble....in other words we can't be a part-time believer, or a part-time Christian. If we do this we nullify what He did for us......we need to eat & drink of His sacrifice, knowing that one day we stand with Him in glory. Quote
Kerneydr Posted May 11, 2011 Report Posted May 11, 2011 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms?It means that He is what sustains us each day. To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? A person who nibbles might grab a verse or two and say a quick prayer on the run where as one who makes a meal of it would take time in Christ's presence. Quote
jacquie7 Posted August 16, 2013 Report Posted August 16, 2013 Eating the Bread of Life in practical terms means believing in Jesus, not just nibbling a little bit at a time but actually partaking in a full meal by staying in relationship with Him, reading, and studying the bible on a daily basis. Quote
tgandy Posted January 27, 2014 Report Posted January 27, 2014 "Eating the Bread of Life" means the person who believes in has eternal life. If one nibbles the bread of life instead of eating it is like almost being saved. And, being almost saved is NOT saved at all. I prefer to have a whole mean IN REMEMEMBRANCE of Him and to do His will. Quote
Ann Lee Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 I have never understood this passage as the imagery of Christ is so strong. The Jews would have understood eating the sacrificial meat but not the blood. The first Scripture that came to my mind was Matthew 5:6, Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Then Psalm 23:5, You (God) prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You annoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. The next was the parable of the great banquet, Luke 14-15-24, those who refused to come would not even get a taste of it. These three scriptures reflect an all or nothing idea to me. God offers a banquet, not a happy meal to go. My belief is that when I accepted Jesus and chose to follow His teachings and allow the fullness of His Holy Spirit to indwell me eternity began to inhabit and inform my physical, finite life. Again Psalm 23 gives me a picture of what physical life with my Shepherd looks like. The Shepherd does all those things because He knows we need what only He can do. Thank you Dr. Wilson for this study and thank you Holy Spirit for using this to open the Word to me. Thank you to all who respond, you are a cloud of witness to me. Quote
JoanG Posted April 10, 2015 Report Posted April 10, 2015 Every time we partake in the Lord's Supper, we are filling our soul with the graces of God. We are actually refilling our spirits with an eternal life of faith. I feel that nibbling would equate those that are lax in their faith. These are the people that do not have a lot of loyalty to the Risen Christ. They might be called "Sunday Worshippers". I feel those that make a meal of the Lord's Supper are those that are true Christians. They are the people that live their whole life in a reflection of Christ. These are the people that carry the love of Christ to all those that they meet on a daily basis. These are the people that have a longing for Christ in their hearts and lives and souls. Quote
Debra Grant Posted March 19, 2019 Report Posted March 19, 2019 Q1. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of "eating the Bread of Life" mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling and actually making a meal of it? 1. It means believing in Jesus which is necessary to live for God. 2. Nibbling is not going all the way such as having true belief in Jesus. For to believe on Him is to eat the living bread. Quote
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