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  • 3 weeks later...

The Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion, is the meal that commemorates the Lord's Death untill His coming again, because He, Himself, is our sacrifice. When all is completed, and the chosen are gathered in Heaven for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, this will be the final culmination of all that Jesus came to earth to establish and do. The wedding feast will be the great celebration of the gathering in of the elect from all corners of the earth. This is the "revealing of the sons of God" for which all creation waits, and in which creation finds its purpose and fulfillment. (Rom 8:19)

At the communion table we remember the whole purpose of God and Jesus Christ is to establish His family, pure, holy and victorious. As Jesus was, so I need to be victorious, to operate completely within the purpose which God has for me personally, so that I may be at that feast, lamp full of oil. I was not put here without purpose, but in pure and holy estate to reflect His glory, with life, talents and passionate love. This is what He died for, and in eating His flesh and blood, I too must be totally devoted to that purpose, what ever the cost.


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age?

The cup we drink is the "Cup of the Covenant." Christ has offered a proposal of marriage to us, He has chosen us to be His bride. When we drink of the cup, it seals our covenant with the Lord. We are saying "yes we will be your bride." He has now gone to prepare for us a place, and when the Father tells Him it is time to go get His bride, He will come, and we will drink together our pledge to each other, the "Cup of the Covenant" at the Great Banquet.

What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

As I drink of the cup, I am renewing my pledge to Christ my Bridegroom. I am thanking Him for choosing me to be His bride, I am thanking Him for the invitation to the "Wedding Feast." As I drink of the cup, I know He is looking forward to our drinking together at the Great Banquet, for I am preparing myself for that great day.

As the Bridegroom presents me to the Father, I want the Bridegroom to be happy with the garments I have put on, for they are the garments He gave me to wear, garments of His righteousness. I received them when He offered Himself for my sins. He loves me and I love Him, that is why I want to put on His garments. He paid a great price for them, and gave them as a gift to me.

My thoughts at the Lord's Table are on my Bridegroom, I am anxiously looking for Him to come and take me to the "Great Banquet," there we will drink together the cup of His Love, Mercy, and Grace.


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age?


On the night of our Lord's Supper , He said that He will not drink of that Cup again untill He return to the Father. He was saying this when His dicsiples had gathered with Him and it will be the same with us since we will also gather on that last day to meet Him


I view the Lord's Supper as my 'invitation' to the Great Banquet, when all true believers will join the Bridegroom at the table. Jesus declared that He would not drink of this cup again, nor eat of the Bread until His Second Coming when His Kingdom would be established on earth, and the Great Banquet will be that time, the completion of the Lord's Supper


The Lord's Supper is a memorial service, to keep us mindful of the great suffering of our beloved Savior. His incomparable sacrifice made so that we as sinners might have a chance to be partakers in the Great Banquet. When we attain to this end of ages event the memorial will be complete as we will no longer have to be reminded of our Lord and His sacrifice. He will be with us for evermore. Hallelujah!

When we come to the Lord's Supper let us remember that we are renewing our commitment to Him and that, together, we are pressing toward the mark, that time when we will all be together with Him, forever.


So much that is Spiritual has both an immediate (near history) and a distant fulfillment. We see that over and over. As we study the Lord's Supper and all of it's significance, we see not only the passing of the old covenant at the last supper, but the promise of the new covenant that Jesus instituted by His death and resurection. We also have the promise of another cup in our future with Christ at the Banquet feast. When we gather for communion, we are remembering so much more than what is past but what is also promised for our future. We are literally gathering as one, remembering we will all gather together at another table promised to us.

We are getting ready for glory!


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

We must remember what Jesus has done for us. We must give thanksgiving when receiving the Lord's Supper. We must give all praise and honor to God. We should eat and drink at the Lord's Supper until this time has been fulfilled. In doing so we must remember that Jesus has promised that he will prepare a Great Banquet in honor of his bride in his second coming.

When Jesus returns he will then prepare a Great Banquet and we shall eat and drink uniting us as one.


In what sense does the Lord's Supper find it's fullfillment in the Great Banquet at the end of age?What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

The Lord's Supper is something that Jesus wanted us to partake in always to remeber what he has done for us in the Cross.With the Lord's Supper it leads into the Great Banquet that we are so anxiously awaiting because we are going to be in the awesome presence of God the Father and with the Savior himself who had said to do and to do it in remebrance of Him.When we do eat of the Lord's Supper then we have to remeber that we are going to be doing that and more when we reach the glorious presence of the Lord.


the Great Banquet at the end of the age fulfills all we as Christians look forward to now...it will be our consumation of our relationship with the Lord. if this consciousness is in us at the Lords Table how much more meaningful it will be to partake.


The Lord's Supper finds it fulfilment in the Great Banquet at the end of the age in the sence that the Great Supper is the grand manifestation of the Bigger event that jesus demonstrated with the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Spper is fulfilled at the Great Banquet where the gathering of the redeemed will be.

Our thoghts at the Lord Supper should therefore be fixed beyond the Table, to the expected Great event where we will be with the Lord and feast together with other believers.


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

The Lord


The Great Banquet at the end of the age is the fulfilment of the promises He made to us. While we partake of communion we need to keep in mind it is a picture also of the future banquet we will have in person with Jesus Christ!


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

It is the consumnation of everything. It is complete. The King will return and we will feast together.

We are privileged and honoured to be a part of this, the price was freely paid by Christ Himself so we can commune together as one.


In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age?

Jesus told His disciples He wouldn't neither drink of the fruit of the vine nor eat again until the Last Day.

The Great Banquet is the fulfillment of this promise.

What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

We should considered how blessed we are to be given the honor and privilege of sharing in the Great Banquet with our Lord.


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

We eat His body and drink His blood in remembrance of Him. On the last day when we are lifted up we will eat and drink with the Lord. Not in rembrance but with Him again. Everything will have then been fulfilled.

Part of our thoughts during the Lord's Supper should be to the promise and hope of the future, when we will be with the Lord for always. We dwell on His incarnation and His sacrifice but we also think of the purpose of His ministry and its final culmination: when we will be in Paradise with Lord Jesus.


To me, the Great Banquet is a fulfillment of everything that the Lord God did for us, His people or children, throughout the history of mankind. He started in history with choosing Abraham and Sarah as the people He would eventually bring out of their family line David and after words, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself to be our Messiah, Savior and Lord whom fulfilled our needs of salvation, forgiveness and peace with God the Father; bringing us to the Lord


Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

I think the Lord

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

The Lord's supper finds it's fulfillment in the (Supper of the Lamb ) or Great feast of the Lamb

eschatological terms in fulfillment the New heavens and new Earth and this banquet will be the

final fulfillment of what Jesus came and died for earth and all will have passed away and all of

those who belong to Jesus will be together for this great feast and will forever be united in the

fulfillment of his teaching's the kingdom will have come and all can praise and rejoice that are

present. This should add a demension to our thoughts at the Lords supper not only as thinking

of the Lords supper as a rememberance of what was... but a dream of what will be in the Wedding

feast of the lamb.....

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age? What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

because all will be brought together, all evil will be destroyed and all goodness will prevail. Our thoughts should be to follow Godd wishes to the tee, no variations. Give God the excat obedience that he demands. Be rready for that glorious day when the righteous will reign in the Kingdom of heaven.

  • 2 months later...

The fulfillment of the Lord's supper is found in the ''Great Banquet'', because this will be when all the redeemed will be gathered together as one. The reason for the incarnation, the cross and the resurrection will be seen in full. Each time we participate in the Lord's Supper our thoughts should be of the end of time when we are gathered around the Lord's Table with our fellow believers. They should be thoughts of joy and anticipation!

  • 4 months later...

Q2. (Luke 22:16) In what sense does the Lord's Supper find its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age?

The Lord's Supper finds its "fulfillment" in the Great Banquet at the end of the age as Jesus Himself will fulfill the prophecy:

"I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."
(Matthew 26:29 || Mark 14:25)

What should this do to our thoughts at the Lord's Table?

As we partake of the Lord's Supper our thoughts should be focus on Jesus Christ and to that great day when we will share in the Great Banquet with Him and all the other Saints.


  • 5 months later...

The Lord's Supper finds it fulfillment in the Great Banquet at the end of the age in Jesus gathering His followers/disciples/saints together for the Wedding Feast.

One aspect of participating in the Lord's Supper should be looking forward to the Wedding Feast with Jesus as some point in space and time.

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