Pastor Ralph Posted June 17, 2006 Report Posted June 17, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? Quote
Eudora Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 Let us not give up meeting together! In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? It points out for me that before Christ, His spirit was not fully realized. The holy spirit has great impact in our lives because the Holy Spirit is our teacher. He can open up scripture where no man has ever gone before. The book is revealed to us through the Power of the Risen One who left His Spirit, the same one that hovered above the waters in the very beginning. The Holy Spirit, hovers over us, watching us daily encircling us like the eagle who watches over it Quote
Blessed Me Posted July 3, 2006 Report Posted July 3, 2006 I must say I again loved very much what Eudora wrote!!! In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? Past is remembering, "faith" is a key word for me in remembering, for it is by "faith" - believing in the Bread of Life that hung on the cross, that I may have eternal life with the Family of God. How does it point to the present? It is this "faith" that brings me to the present. My adoption is sealed by the Holy Spirit, He is my engagement ring, I wear it each and every present day. The Lord put the seal of His Holy Spirit on me. Today is the day, live today for Him, for this could be the day He comes for His Bride. How does it point to the future? Living the present day with the "hope" of what tomorrow will bring. Our "future hope." What is this "hope?" it is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe, according to the working of His mighty power, which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in the heavenly places. Epehsians 1:19,20 -- We will some day sit with Him, our glorious Hope. We were dead, (past) but now we are His workmanship, (present) created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Looking to the (future) when we will sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I am reminded I am no more a stranger, but a fellow citizen with the saints. The household of God is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone; in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom we also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. What a great FUTURE we have in Christ Jesus!!!! Quote
Helenmm Posted July 4, 2006 Report Posted July 4, 2006 Q3. In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper points to the past accomplishment of Jesus, who gave Himself for us to crucifixion, that He might rise from the dead, and with Him, we might enter into resurrection also, His body for our healing and His blood for our eternal Life. The Lord's Supper is part of our constant celebration. Thus we regularly bring to remembrance His mighty act Agree with each other in present fellowship, bonding together as part of the eternal family and giving voice to HIs power and authority in us for healing and salvation, educate ourselves in all the scripture relating to the great sacrifice of Jesus and our part of the new covenant in His blood give praise and honour to Jesus, and show Him until His coming again Warn of the curse of drinking "the blood" without proper preparation, repentance, forgiveness and right relationships with others, for it is an entrance into a holy alliance which cannot be abused by ignorance or lighty used., for in so drinking and eating, we are identifying ourselves withthe Holy One and His complete purpose for mankind., and our particular purpose and role as he directs us. The celebration of the Lord's Supper points ahead to the great celebration in Heaven, when all things are accomplished on earth, when the sons of God are revealed (Romans 8:19 NKJ) and are gathered, present with the Lord at the banquet of the marriage feast of the Lamb of God whom we love. to abide there with Him, in eternal portals, without tears or any evil thing, to rejoice for ever in His unveiled presence, knowing Him in the same way that He intimately knows us, and thriving in that unimaginable joy. Quote
Jezemeg Posted July 4, 2006 Report Posted July 4, 2006 The Lord's Supper points to the past because we do it in Remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, in that we can all receive redemption. It points to the present, by the fact that all believer's can now approach God on their own merit, we no longer need purification by lengthy ritual and we no longer need the services of a priest who has performed these rituals. The veil (the curtain that concealed the Holy of Holies from the gaze of the populace) has been torn, from top to bottom, so now we can all approach Our Father without fear of Death. The Lord's Supper points to the future because of Jesus saying at that Last Supper that He would not drink from that Cup, nor take of the bread until His Kingdom is established on this earth, at the time of His Second Coming, when all true believers will join Him at the Bridal Table, The Great Banquet. Quote
JustJeff Posted July 4, 2006 Report Posted July 4, 2006 The Lord's Supper is a memorial, designed to keep us ever mindful of our Lord's suffering for us that we might live. It reminds of His glorious resurrection to which our hope for eternal life lies. It reminds us of our faith. In the present we are reminded to keep the faith. To live our lives holy and acceptable to Him. To walk as He walked and to live in love and unity, one with another. We are reminded to be witnesses for Him and to spread the Good News, as that is what He has commissioned us to do. In the future, if we are faithful, we will reap our reward, starting with the Great Banquet and being with the Lord for evermore. Eternal bliss. Something to seek with our whole hearts. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 4, 2006 Report Posted July 4, 2006 The Lord's supper looks back to the old covenant and reminds us of how we were once seperated from God and the old way of atonement for sins. I think of our heritage from the time of Adam and Eve and the fulfillment of the coming of Jesus to make a new way for all. It brings us to the present to remember Jesus, who gave His life as a final sacrifice as an atonement for our sin. Our Redeemer lives! We remember we have a new covenant now that has opened the way to be before the Father for everyone. We receive grace and pardon through Jesus and guidance by the Holy Spirit. We reflect on the future promises still to be received and our eternal dwelling with God in Heaven. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted July 5, 2006 Report Posted July 5, 2006 Q3. In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? THE PAST- THE REMEMBERANCE OF JESUS' DEATH ON THE CROSS TO SAVE US FROM SIN. THE PRESENT-FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER AND COMMUNION WITH THE LIVING CHRIST. J0HN 34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just like I have loved you; that you also love one another. JOHN 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." BECAUSE A HOUSE DIVIDED CAN NOT STAND ALONG. A HOUSE UNITED WILL CONQUER ALL. LUKE11:17 But he, knowing their minds, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is made desolate; and a house divided against a house falls. 11:23 He who is not with me is against me; and he who does not gather with me scatters. THE FUTURE- THE PROMISE OF ETERNITY IN THE PRESENSE OF GOD. Quote
masika Posted July 6, 2006 Report Posted July 6, 2006 The Lord's supper points to the :- past in the sense that , when I remember of the death of Christ for my sins I should not go back to my sin again. - For the Present , It shows that Christ is Living in me now , I should have a Holy communion with my Lord. -For the Future , It point me to promise of eternal life in the presence of God Quote
heavenlymann Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 It points to the past in that the Almighty God came to earth in the form of man to do what we could not do for ourselves...make us whole, holy, and free from the sin that entangles and separates us from our Lord and God. Present reminds us of our now and future identity in Christ as children of God not of this world. The future is when it is all completed and our close relationship with the Lord is consumated in His eternal Presence forever and ever. Amen! Quote
haar Posted July 7, 2006 Report Posted July 7, 2006 The Lord Supper points to the past in that when we patake in it, we look back, and remember the death of our Lord Jesus on the cross for our salvation; It points to the present because whenever we partake in it, we actually fellowship with one another and with the Lord, and the Lord is with us in the spirit (in the present). It points to the future because it reminds us our participation at the Great Supper at the end of the age. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past?How does it point to the present?How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper points to the past because we remeber that he died for us on the Cross at Calvary.He had made the ultimate sacrifice so like that we can be able to attain forgiveness but most importantly to the future.It points to the present by us showing our love and our daily sacrifice to the world and enjoying the blessings that God has given to us.For the future it means that we are going to the Great Banquet of the Lord in the heavens to show the love and the appreciation. Quote
carroll Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 Q3. In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The Lord Quote
charisbarak Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 Communion points back to remembering that Christ died for us (me!); it looks around in the present to remind us of His presence with us, to urge us on in our warfare with the world; it looks to the future--a eternal relationship with Christ, to sit at His table & enjoy Him forever! Quote
PCHRIS Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper points to the death of Christ on the cross for me. The present is the communion of saints, the unity with our brothers and sisters and the fellowship together. The future is the return of our Lord and Saviour and the eternal life we will all have together. Quote
linda bass Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? By looking backward as a remembrance to the death of Christ for our sin. How does it point to the present? As a communion with the living Christ. How does it point to the future? By showing the promise of eternal life in the presense of God and future fellowship with millions of believers. Quote
steve.c Posted July 17, 2006 Report Posted July 17, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper reminds us always of the Last Supper. The passover meal that Jesus had with His disciples before His death. It was His last meal on earth. The words we hear are those He spoke to His disciples. We attend the Lord's Supper because He instructed us to do so. It is an act, amongst other things, of obedience. The Lord's Supper gives us spiritual norishment. It brings us closer to Jesus. It brings to mind His ministry. It strengthens the salvation present which we have been given by God's grace. It renews our commitmentment to be His disciples. It also points to the future. The rapture of the Second Coming when we will be with Jesus for ever. The day of complete fulfillment. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted July 21, 2006 Report Posted July 21, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The Lord Quote
care2hope2 Posted August 6, 2006 Report Posted August 6, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? The lord's supper is looked on as the fulfillment of the Last supper . It points to the fact that we are fulfilling Jesus's command " do this in rememberance of me. The Lord's supper points to now because we are told in Hebrews and other verses of the bible to meet together and not forsake the gathering together to support and encourage each other and build faith community together. support those in need and praise God together as one. The Lords' supper looks or points to the future because it is in the future that those who are found faithfull will join together in the Wedding feast of the Lamb and be with Jesus as his kingdom comes to fulfillment spiritually in this great feast. Quote
unclebob Posted August 22, 2006 Report Posted August 22, 2006 In what sense is the Lord's Supper point to the past? How does it point to the present? How does it point to the future? It points to the past to remind us all that Jesus Christ was given by God to give the world salvation from sins. It looks to the fuuture because we will share eternal life in the presence of God. Quote
Debra Posted November 4, 2006 Report Posted November 4, 2006 Remember The Past. In the Lord's Supper we remember the past by the shedding of Christ's blood. The Lord instituted the Supper on the eve of His impending death in the context of a passover meal. Thus we should never forget that our blessings were purchased through a costly price. Enjoy The Present. In the Lord's Supper we enjoy the present. Jesus has brought us into fellowhip with all our brothers and sisters in the new covenant. This is a joyous celebration and therefore we should come to the Lord's table in a joyful mood. Look Forward To The Future. Each time we proclaim the Lord's death in His Supper, we are also reminded that He is returning and of our promise of eternal life in His presence. Quote
Commissioned Posted March 14, 2007 Report Posted March 14, 2007 Q3. In what sense does the Lord's Supper point to the past? The Lord's Supper points to the past as it directs our thoughts to the death of Christ for our sins. How does it point to the present? The Lord's Supper points to the present as we partake with believers of like faith in a communion with the living Christ. How does it point to the future? The Lord's Supper points to the future, our promise of eternal life in the presence of God. Quote
Craig Posted August 25, 2007 Report Posted August 25, 2007 The Lord's Supper points to the past in remembering what Jesus did on the cross for us; it points to the present in that we are communing with Jesus as we celebrate the Lord's Supper; and it points to the future in the expectation of eternal life with God Almighty. Quote
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