Pastor Ralph Posted June 23, 2006 Report Posted June 23, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? Quote
Jezemeg Posted July 6, 2006 Report Posted July 6, 2006 I believe that 'not discerning the needs of the Body' was regarded as such a grave sin because it contravened one of the first of Jesus teachings, that to follow Him one had to deny Self and care for the needs of others. To have members of any Church displaying such scant regard for the welfare of others within their community, let alone those yet to be reached, I feel would have been an abomination in God's eyes. As Paul reports it, it sounds as if the Lord's Supper as partaken by the Church in Corinth came close to being an orgy, with people much more interested in their own needs and wants and not caring anything for those who either came late or were unable to provide anything in the way of food or drink. Yes, there were probably many other things that the Church did, and still does, that offends God, but for all members to so blatantly ignore what Jesus taught was much more than a corporate sin I believe. It shows the depths of depravity that a Church has descended to when members universally engage in such actions. Quote
Helenmm Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? The Lord's Supper was set up as a holy commemoration. The original disciples ate it with a certain aplomb, a particular demeanor, in great respect not only of the past event it commemorated, but of an event about to happen, namely the crucifixion. This meal was never eaten in a disorderly rabble. It was always eaten together, (celebrating the oneness of Israel about to be liberated), It wasn'tjust a barbecue, but a meal in which honour was declared to Jesus, our redeemer. There were certain necessary speeches and toasts, solemnity, and carefulness about the manner of its taking. The Corinthians had not understood this, but had probably participated intheir normal ebbulient style of eating, without regarding the ceremony attached to thisparticular meal. Not that it was the ceremony that was the most important thing, but the remembrance of the cross which the ceremony delineated. Going at this meal like a bull at a gate without due care to its meaning was not only to miss the point altogether, but to actually abuse fellow Christians by not attending to their needs in participating in the feast, and therefore to abuse Christ Himself in llieu of remembering Him. It made a hoax of the whole thing. Maybe there are worse things that the church could have done, but who's competing? As it happened it turned out well, because it caused Paul to draw attention to how the communion should be celebrated, and got it on record for the rest of time. Our Father usually manages to turn around terrible things to good. If Paul had let it go it would have established a terrible scenario in churches, but it turned the whole thing around. Quote
Eudora Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 (1 Cor.11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Paul was teaching that we should pattern our lives after him, who imitated and followed The Messiah Quote
Blessed Me Posted July 8, 2006 Report Posted July 8, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? I do not see the "body" as meaning the church, for me the importance is placed on "The Lord's Supper." The reason we are at the Table, the only reason is because of the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, shed for mankind. Paul is strongly admonishing the Corinthian church about how they were coming to the Table, it is not to be a drunken party. Paul again is telling them how they should conduct themselves. Eating at His Table is worship, they were acting in a disgraceful manner, therefore they were not discerning His body. Unworthily means, irreverently, the Lord's Table is where we must come with great respect and gratitude, and where we come to receive nourishment from Chirst. He made us alive, our souls were once dead in sin, but thanks to Calvary we are alive in Christ. Paul had to explain again which he already delivered to the people, "we go to the table to proclaim the Lord's death till He comes." (Not irreverently, unworthily, as they were doing.) What I see in the church is the "flesh" in control and not the "spirit." The table is where we meet with God, thanking Him for the salvation we received from the Son. When you read church history you become aware that the Lord's Supper was the central part of the congretation, it should be the same in the church of today. Aren't there worse things a church could have done? The church dishonored the Lord's Supper, therefore they dishonored the body and blood of Christ. We also can dishonor Him in how we live our lives daily. A new life began when we came to know the Lord as our savior and the growing process has begun. Stay in the "Word" - pray daily for strength to fight the good fight, pray for others, and eat at His Table. When I eat at His Table I am there CELEBRATING, I am eating with a THANKFUL HEART, I am eating expecting to receive again and again from the Lord. He invited me to come and eat, and I know He will not send me away empty. Quote
JustJeff Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 The Lord's Supper is a time of fellowship and remembrance. A time when we, as brothers and sisters gather together to celebrate the essence of our belief. A time to relfect that Jesus came into the world that the world might be saved. As we gather together and meditate in Our Saviors glory we come together as a minute particle of this world, but a small part of the whole body. When we fail to take note of all of our brothers and sisters, as they share this deep and emotional time of love and fellowship with us , we are slapping the Lord in His beautiful face. We are disregarding the fact that He died for all. Could the church have done worse things? Sure. Could they have done more hurtful things to the Lord? Possibly. But, to forget the very meaning of His Last Supper is tragic because they forgot the very reason why they were a church. Quote
s8nfighter Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? Exodus 20:8 says, "Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy." For this reason: "For in six days the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; then he rested on the seventh day." How quickly we have forgot who made the heavens, earth and us and put more importance on what we are to do, when we are to do it, rather than who we are to worship. I think that is why Jesus simply stated, "Do this in remembrance of me." Nothing legal, nothing ritual, just remember Me. And how do we do that?? Re-read John 12 They said, "Sir, we want to meet Jesus." 22 Philip told Andrew about it, and they went together to ask Jesus. 23 Jesus replied, "The time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory. 24 The truth is, a kernel of wheat must be planted in the soil. Unless it dies it will be alone Quote
jabarke Posted July 9, 2006 Report Posted July 9, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourself. It is clear that when we neglect the needs of our brothers & sisters in the Lord in any way we are failing this commandment. Are we even aware of the needs of others in the Body or are we so wrapped up in ourselves we neglect others. How can we live in extravagant homes & drive expensive cars when our brethern in other parts of the world & even our own country are starving & struggling financially. I struggle with this & find myself eating the bread & drinking the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner and guilty of sinning against the body. 30That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 We as a church body are one. If one is hurting, then the whole body is hurting. I see so many " revolving door" churches because of lack of discernment in the church. People come and are so totally uncared for because of judgenments and fear they eventually dwindle away and leave knowing the church doesn't care. So many lies seem to permeate the church today. Money equals power, perfect outward behavior equals supposed goodness. Members that have been with the church for years equal mature members. Not that this can't be true sometimes, but we as a church don't discern very well. God has always used the least likely candidates. He's always looked on the heart. He hasn't ever discriminated by skin color or income or education. He has always had disciples and they don't always " get it" right away. He teaches with patience and when we get it, we have it on our hearts. It isn't about power, or money or sensation or perfect behavior. It is about loving God so is an obsession with seeing His Kingdom will being done. It is about raising more....not holding on to what we have. It is about compassion, not judging and it is about including everyone and that includes the so called " freaks". The not popular, the poor and the unlovely. The sin is....leaving out who GOD has chosen because of shallow mindsets or greed or whatever not from God motivates the mind. We as a church need to diligently seek God to renew our minds....have patience with each other as we do and as we learn and we need to treat others as we would want to be treated. There is a lot of sin in the church....but if we try to throw out what God has chosen.....or we think we do the's impossible. We'll only suffer for it and God will still raise His own. Quote
masika Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 When Paul said that no one should take the Lord's Supper unworthly , he was speaking to the Church members who were participating in it without thinking of its meaning . To not honor the " body of Christ " means not understanting what the Lord's Supper means and not distinquishing it from a normal meal . Those who did so were quilty os sinning against the Body and Blood of the Lord ." Instead of honoring His sacricifice , they were sharing in the quilt of those who cricified Christ . In reality , no one is worthy to take the Lord's Supper . We are all sinners saved by grace .This is why we should prepare ourselves for communion through healthy introspection , confession of sin and resolution of differences with others . These actions remove the barriers that affect our relationship with Christ and with other believers . Awareness of your sin should not keep you away from communion but drive you to participate in it. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? In all of my years of living I have always known of the importance of the Lord's Supper but never knew the REAL IMPORTANCE OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. Since taking this bible study I now have a great understanding of what I am to do when receiving the Lord's Supper, the meaning behind it and why it is so important to have unity in receiving the Lord's Supper. The importance of judging myself before sharing in the Lord's Supper and the Reasons why I want to take of the Lord's Supper is to glorify God and truly acknowledge the sacrafice of Christ. There are worse things that a church could do but as humans many of us don't fully get the understanding of what Jesus taught us because those that are teaching us don't fully have a understanding or they believe we all understand on one level. That is why it is important to seek the knowledge, go futher, try to get a complete understanding. Just don't settle for what you hear on Sunday, take it a step further like attending an online bible study such as this one. Especially if you don't understand fully the importance of it. You must first seek the truth and it's true meaning. Quote
haar Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Why "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper can be a grave sin: To discern is to critcally examine our selves to see if there is any sin we have committed; then confess such sin befor we eat and drink at the Table. We also need to examine our relationships with one another to see where we have offended one another so that we can reconcile and forgive one another. If we fail to do these, we end up partaking in the Holy Communion (that is Holy) with our sins unconfessed. There are other sins. However, this is sin against the Lord Jesus and has serious consequences. This sin is so grave because Jesus died for our sins; it is therefore sad that if we sit at the Table with our sins unconfessed ie without "discerning the boby" when we are actualy supposed to at Holy Table with penitant hearts. Quote
charisbarak Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 We need to discern the body when coming to take communion. If I have sinned and have not confessed it, it muddies the whole act of remembrance--it is not pure communion with Him. We need to be strict about how communion is being taken--not lightly or changing it os it is not honoring to Him. Other sins are just as bad, but we make it a non-meaning ritual rather than a relationship of remembrance which could lead others astray. Quote
Eudora Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourself. It is clear that when we neglect the needs of our brothers & sisters in the Lord in any way we are failing this commandment. Are we even aware of the needs of others in the Body or are we so wrapped up in ourselves we neglect others. How can we live in extravagant homes & drive expensive cars when our brethern in other parts of the world & even our own country are starving & struggling financially. I struggle with this & find myself eating the bread & drinking the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner and guilty of sinning against the body. 30That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. Greetings Jabarke, If I were to read this and walk on by as if I did not recognize your pain, I too would be guilty of neglecting my brother or sister in Christ. When we walk with The Lord, in the Light of His word, we recognize things in us that are unpleasant. This study is opening our eyes to things that we did not know. This is how we grow. We take the lessons learned, apply them and move on to the next part of the wheel of life. Some call it a ladder and say we climb the next rung. No matter really how we move, just as long as we move closer and closer to His Kingdom and seek His righteneousness and like you quoted, continue to love our neighbor as our self. When Jesus moves in and takes up residence, He lives in us and yes, in this way, we can love ourselves, because He dwells with-in. We also can love what we become because we are becoming a mirror image of what He first created. We become part of His light and in fellowship sweet, we can sit at His feet and learn so much more from our Master. Don't beat yourself up over what you do or do not have and compare your self to another. Look at your thumbprint. God made you special and so unique that no one else on this entire planet can match or compare to you because no one has that same print as you carry on your thumb. You are "THUMBODY SPECIAL" and don't ever forget that. What others truly lack that is of any value is Salvation. Corporate prayer is a way to call upon the Holy Spirit to continue to speak to the masses. There are many behind the enemy lines and we must, must , must, call out to The Spirit of Truth to bring them, the lost, into The Light so that they can receive salvation. Folks are in bondage to satan and they need our help. Remember who you are in the eyes of God. You are a warrior in a spiritual battle for souls that are lost. Cry out to Jesus! People all across the world are saying we are living in the last days. I am reminded of the beginning of time. We are all planning to go to a feast. The Pharaoh is now satan. And God is saying, "Let my people come to me to share in a feast". God needs our help. We need His help. We are co-workers on a mission, in "the great commission" Quote
PCHRIS Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? If we are to take this too lightly or just ritualistic we are commiting a grave sin because WE are partaking in Christ's body as a unified body not something we take lightly. This is a time of remembrace and reverence. There are worse things done and will be worse things still done but who's counting. Everyone is answerable to God Quote
pickledilly Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 "Discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper means to me that all participants are expected to recognize the equal importance and value of each transformed life that has been incorporated into the Body of Christ. Paul went on to say that if one member of the body suffers, all suffer (12:26). To disrespect any part of the Body is to create the suffering of division and disharmony. When we are joined to the Lord, we all become one spirit with Him (1 Cor.6:17) and are united as members of His own body (Eph.1:23). All sin is certainly reprehensible to God, but division of His very embodiment on earth is truly heinous. It distorts our representation of Him to others, cripples His work through us, and grieves His Spirit. What a convicting thought. How often do we ourselves mock and taunt, overlook and disregard, attack and wound, mutilate and shred, even crucify the very Body of Christ because we don't esteem its members? Paul warned about the significance of sin against your own body - it defiles and destroys from within. A church could do many other detrimental things, but this may be the worst because it is a sin against itself as part of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. Also, failure to discern the sacred importance of the literal body and blood of Christ would be a blasphemous profaning of the cost of His holy sacrifice to gain our forgiveness and restoration to the LORD. We've studied and discussed that in our earlier lessons. Quote
godsanointed523 Posted July 13, 2006 Report Posted July 13, 2006 Why does not discerning the Body at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin?Arent there worse things that a church could have done? To discern our bodies means that we have to be able to be prepared in all matters.We need or should have pur minds set on what we have done wrong and repent before we partake of the Lord's Supper.We need to be right in our thinking and to be the inmitaters of Christ and having the faith necessary to approach the Supper of the lord.When we do not discren what it is that we have done and we do not prepare ourselves then it can be a sin to take of the Lord's Supper when we eat and do not forgive or repent. There are worse things that the church can do but not be discerned in our spirits before we eat of the Lord's Supper then we are like the hypocrites. Quote
linda bass Posted July 13, 2006 Report Posted July 13, 2006 Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? If we partake of communion in an unworthy manner, not stopping to consider what the bread and drink symbolizes, we risk God's judgment. Aren't there worse things a church could of done? There are problem worse sins that Christians can commit against one another, however this is a sin against the Lord Jesus Himself. If we sin carelessly and then expect to partake of the Lord's Supper, which depicts the suffering and death Christ for our sins, we are being disrespectful. Quote
carroll Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? Lack of discernment of the Quote
steve.c Posted July 17, 2006 Report Posted July 17, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? The Lord's Supper brings the church together. It is a celebration which we are to share as Jesus did with His disciples. Jesus always intended His church to be united: one body with many members, each playing their part. In this celebration we must have concern that everyone in the congregation is treated properly, respectfully and equally. For this most important celebration it is clearly gravely sinful if it is used to emphasise class or economic differences, when we know that each member of Christ's body is equal in His eyes as each is essential to its proper working. Of the two greatest commandments, Jesus tells us in the second to love one another and to treat others as we want to be treated. Anything which sows discord and disunity in His church through making distinctions between how members of His body are to be treated disobeys that commandment and weakens His church. It is also contrary to the teaching of Jesus which tells us to treat the lowilest in society as if we were treating Jesus himself. It is probably not helpful to make distinctions between the gravity of various sins but clearly "not dscerning the body", when taken to mean the church, is in complete opposition to the teaching of Jesus. Disobedience is by definition sinful. In the context of partaking of the Lord's supper this is doubly so as it is disrespectful both of Jesus and some of His disciples. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted July 26, 2006 Report Posted July 26, 2006 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? Aren't there worse things a church could have done? Those who partake of the Lord Quote
Don W Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 It is considered such a grave sin for many reasons, a couple that are: the Lord wants His body, especially His local body, united before Him especially when they partake of the memorial feast together of the Lord Quote
Debra Posted November 7, 2006 Report Posted November 7, 2006 Whether to sin against the body and blood of our Lord or the church, I still see it as a grave sin! If we act in a disrespectful way of this holy meal or cause harm against one of our brothers or sisters, we have still sinned against Christ. As St.Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 8:12- ''When you sin against your brothers in this way and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ''. Our Lord also states in Matthew 25:31-46, That if we neglect ''one of the least of these brothers of mine'' was to sin against Jesus Himself. In 1 Corinthians 11:27-34, St.Paul makes it very clear that ''For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself''. We have been warned!! Quote
Commissioned Posted March 23, 2007 Report Posted March 23, 2007 Q1. (11:29) Why does "not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin? "Not discerning the body" at the Lord's Supper constitute such a grave sin because the communicant while obeying one of Jesus's commands: "And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me." 1 Corinthians 11:24-25 (KJV) On the other hand is disobeying another thus partaking unworthily. "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:14-18 (KJV) We must seek God's guidance and ask for wisdom in discerning the needs of our brothers and sisters. Aren't there worse things a church could have done? No. All sin makes you unworthy of partaking of the "body" and "blood" of Our Lord. "Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." 1 Corinthians 11:27-29 (KJV) Quote
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