open2itall Posted September 8, 2008 Report Posted September 8, 2008 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? to make right what was wrong Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? it often seems harsh, but this is how it is if we swim against the flow of energy, against The Law. Life becomes difficult or even impossible. but we all have to face our last day, and we all have difficult times. I have to accept pain and suffering as a natural part of this world, my desire to end it is also natural. This is very difficult for me to understand How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? Gods discipline guides Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 2, 2009 Report Posted May 2, 2009 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? God brought judgment at Corinth because they would not repent of their sins with a sincere heart. He did it so that they might not be condemned eternally with the world. No, sickness and death was not harsh because that was the way God got their attention. His disciplines works for the good for us because it shows us that we are a child of God, anassurance of God's love and concern for us, that we won't be condemned with the world, and we might share God's holiness and continue to live sanctified lives which without we will never see the Lord. In the Lord's discipline, we may endure the hardships God leads us through, submit to God's will, and continue to be faithful. Under God's will adversity may come as a result of our spiritual warfare with Satan, as a test to strengthen our faith andour works, or as a preparation for us to comfort others and manifest the life of Christ. In all kinds of adversity we must seek God, examine our lives, and forsake all that is contrary to His holiness. Quote
WALT39 Posted April 20, 2010 Report Posted April 20, 2010 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? 1 Corinthians 11:29-32 - For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment. When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world. Hebrews 12:5-7 - And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons: "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? The offending people did not remember the significance of the Lord's Supper. People who take the Lord's Supper in vain will be judged by God. It may seem harsh, but God wants us to be like Him and with Him. If we are separated from God, we will be spiritually sick and ultimately died from within. How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? God is our heavenly Parent and He wants the best for us just like our earthly parent. When we do wrong, He wants to be sure that we will know right from wrong. As parents, we want our children to be moral, honest and faithful people and believe in our Heavenly Father. Quote
PASTOR D Posted July 12, 2010 Report Posted July 12, 2010 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? God has judged the offending parties at Corinth as a means of correction and discipline. . . NO, we make choices many times aware of the consequences - we know the consequences of the offense . . . We need also understand that as Christians the death of the natural body is not the same as the death of the spirit or the eternal separation from God / damnation - but instead brings us into the very presence of God. . . God's discipline as administered according to Hebrews 12: 5 - 7, is a form of correction and helps us to develop a discipline in our lives that glorifies God. . . Quote
Marloes Posted September 8, 2010 Report Posted September 8, 2010 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? We tend to minimize our sins - but God doesn't. He holds us fully responsible. We ourselves make excuses, like I couldn't help, or, it wasn't that bad. The verses in Hebrews tell us that God sometimes disciplines us to teach us that certain behaviour is bad. So we know that sin is serious and we don't do it anymore. Quote
hanks Posted December 27, 2010 Report Posted December 27, 2010 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Failure to exercise self-judgment resulted in God's disciplinary judgment upon some in the church at Corinth. It is the same with us, if we do not judge sin in our own lives, our Lord might take disciplinary action against us. We must be careful not to carry on living in sin, while at the same time partaking of the Lord Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted March 14, 2011 Report Posted March 14, 2011 (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? God disciplines those that He loves, just like any parent would. The punishment is meant as a learning tool, to show us that sin is wrong and God desires that we listen to Him and draw closer. We know that as children we had to be led the right way, we had to be taught the difference between right and wrong. This did not mean that our parents did not love us...but rather that they did. God desires for us to be well and prosper, and to follow closely to Him. One day we will all taste of death unless He comes be with Him is stand with Him in glory. Quote
Kerneydr Posted June 28, 2011 Report Posted June 28, 2011 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? They were being careless with the Lord's Supper and bringing dishonor to God. Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? Yes, it does stop us in our tracks and make us recognize that our actions are not honoring God. We have to remember that God sees things differently. Death to Him is the home going of one of His children. How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? God's discipline is corrective like a parent to a child and it is meant to help and not wound. It is that of the loving Father. Quote
tgandy Posted February 7, 2014 Report Posted February 7, 2014 God brought punishment to the offending parties at Corinth because they were sinning. God's "punishment" was corrective punishment or disciplining. In this way they may see the error of their ways and fix it. Sickness and death as a punishment; sin is serious. In the OT the first fruits were brought to the Temple. The owner held the lamb and slit its throat. This lamb was valuable to the owner and to the herd for expansion. This hurt economically. Sin is serious business. We think of death as it, the worse thing that could happen to us. Death is the beginning for us! According to the Hebrews God disciplines us as a father would his child. We are God's children. He wants the best for us and for us to become more like Him. Quote
JoanG Posted April 24, 2015 Report Posted April 24, 2015 God is trying to get the people of Corinth to take notice to his lessons. He is trying to bring them back to the proper heart and soul. In my life, I have noticed that God will try to move us into the right directions with simple nudges, but if we ignore them, he will become harsher and harsher until we finally take notice. God will usually use degrees of discipline to help us grow and move along the path of life where he put us. However, if we continue to do wrong and not listening the discipline will turn into punishment just like a parent will do to a rebel child today. Quote
Debra Grant Posted April 3, 2019 Report Posted April 3, 2019 Q2. (1 Corinthians 11:29-32) Why has God brought judgment to the offending parties at Corinth? Isn't sickness and death rather harsh? How does God's discipline actually work for our good in the light of Hebrews 12:5-7? 1. Paul is warning the Corinthians that continuing sinning will invite punishment. Which is judgment and discipline from God. 2. No, not when God is seeking to form us into his own image. We are to be like him. The Lord will get your attention because: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth Quote
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