AngelOnLine Posted November 16, 2006 Report Posted November 16, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? Everyone will have the same focus Quote
JohnW3 Posted November 20, 2006 Report Posted November 20, 2006 As told to us in Revlations, everything will be summed up and brought together under Christ. All believers will be brought together into God's Kingdom under Christ. Not all will be saved at this point, yet thanks be to God I will be. I will get to see Him face to face. In the original plan God had planned for this moment in time when Sin will be defeated an all blievers will be brought to Him through Christ. In Unity we will be all brought together, those in the present and the saints who have diesn th past. Quote
sis. dee Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? The significance that all things will be brought together wnder one head, is that I believe that it is the Church, the people of God. We will all be one and in unity with God the Father. In the beginning we were all created one in God, but sin enter into the world and separated us from God. Extra Credit - God putting all things under His feet and all things brought under one head, and God putting everything under Him so that He may be in all. Both verses are the same, we all being brought together in the unity as one in Jesus Christ. Quote
veryl Posted December 10, 2006 Report Posted December 10, 2006 We are special gifts to God that Jesus bought for Him with His blood. The gift brings great joy to God. We are precious presents to Him. God offered Salvation to the world jus as He planned to do long ago. When life is chotic we can rest in the truth that God is in control. His purpose to save us cannot be thwarted no matter what evil satan may bring. This brings us to God's purpose for our lives--to Praise Him and give Glory to Him for doing these great and mighty works for us; who were first to trust in Jesus Christ. We are to have an effect on the world around us. We should affect the world positively to draw the world to Christ. Our deeds are to shine, so the world will praise our Heavenly Father. Quote
zam Posted December 19, 2006 Report Posted December 19, 2006 1. To prove that this is the will and plan of God where all human beings will come under one family like brothers and sisters. 2. We are all God's creation and we shouldn't go after any other who are not our creator. The creator has overall authority upon His own creation. Jesus Christ is considered in the New Testament as the agent of creation: Jn.1:3; Col.1: 16. through Him God created everything in Heaven and on Earth. 3. In John 17:21 Jesus prayed that they may all be one... that the world will believe that you sent me. In the Ephesian context the point is that Jews and Gentiles are united together in Jesus Christ though the scope extends to the rest of creation. 4. Both passages talk about the continue process which God is doing through Jesus Christ in which the final fulfillment will happen sometimes in future. The future tense used in these passages confirms it. Quote
rmcsed Posted December 26, 2006 Report Posted December 26, 2006 The church has only one head, and that is Jesus Christ. To Him has been given all authority and He will be the Heavenly King forever. Those who have been redeemed through His blood and trusted in Him; having been made righteous in the eyes of God will be with Him eternally in heaven. It has been God's plan to reconcile us back to His heavenly family, and made that possible through the death of Jesus Christ. Once we have repented, confessed our sins and trusted in Jesus Christ for saving us, we were made part of God's eternal family. As Christ was dying on the cross, God was busy reconciling the world back to Him. Christ conquer death and sin for ever, and He offers that same hope for all those who trust in Him. Quote
april Posted January 8, 2007 Report Posted January 8, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? God's plan for mankind, was to have Christ as the Head over all. Human beings when left to themselves to be head ,alway make a mess of it. It takes God to make everything right having Him as our leader He will lead us into victory, when you read the last page it says we win. We must have unity or we will not be able to get any thing done in the kingdom of God We are all one in Christ as the Jesus in the Father are one that makes perfect unity. Jesus is over all and all things are under Him. Quote
KingsDaughter737 Posted January 16, 2007 Report Posted January 16, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? There are a lot of voices in the world and many religions, all crying to be heard, but there is only one true God and one head, Christ Jesus. The Bible says that at the name of Jesus every knee, in heaven and earth and under the earth, shall bow, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2:10 & 11). All who adhere to evolution and believe that we are just here by "accident", or the "big bang" theory, or whatever, will find out that there is a creator in Heaven and that we are indeed here by "intelligent design" - and many do not want "intelligent design" or "creation" taught in our schools, but would rather teach our children a lie of the devil, and call it scientific evidence. The "mystery" of God is that God has fulfilled all things and in the end times God's plan of salvation shall be revealed to all mankind -- whether it is at the end of all time, as we know it, or it is the end of our life in this world -- God is in control of all things, in heaven and earth and under the earth -- and will bring all things together to the glory of God the Father. 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 says that Jesus Christ must reign and be King until He has put all His enemies under His feet - the last enemy of which is death. Everything becomes one in Chirst. The Amplified Bible says in verse 28, "when everything is subjected to Him, then the Son Himself will also subject Himself to (the Father) Who put all things under Him, so that God may be all in all (be everything to everyone, supreme, the indwelling and controlling factor of life)." We must be born anew, in Christ Jesus, if we want to reign with Him - 2 Timothy 12:12 & 13 says, "If we endure, we shall also reign with Him. If we deny and disown and reject Him, He will also deny and disown and reject us. If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true (faithful to His Word, and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself." Amp. version Quote
Jewell Posted January 16, 2007 Report Posted January 16, 2007 All things under one will be as it was when the earth was first created and man put on the earth. God walked the earth with Adam and Eve. Christ will walk the earth (again) during his 1000 year reign. Relation to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28?....When Christ hands over the kingdom to God, it will be as it was. Quote
paulcbe Posted January 16, 2007 Report Posted January 16, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? All the work that i did for God and Almighty will be brought under one Head...... God wants all the creation he made should be perfect and he wants us to obey him..... Like in Corinthians God will make a single group.... Same like that he will make all us unity and make us to stand together For the judement......... Quote
Denatyson1 Posted January 17, 2007 Report Posted January 17, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? being brought under one head is being under the rightful king Jesus Christ our king of kings and brought out of this sinful world into glory and sinful heaven hallejulah Praise be unto what is complete and fulfilled Quote
jacek Posted February 7, 2007 Report Posted February 7, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? I think in God's eyes we already are under one head, but these verses are meant to explain to us the importance of being together in our faith and lives. We are often divided, as in Paul't time' into some groups which think they have the only truth, and despise all other thinking. We divide God's body into many pieces, and if we read these verses with open heart we can be changed. In Corinthians he again speaks about bringig all, even Christ, under one head. Before that all earthy rulers will be put under his feet Quote
Lucy T Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 The significance of all things being put under one head, is that there will be unity. This relates to God as creator; because His creation was made by Him and for Him, not Him and Satan. 1st Corinthians 15:24-28 is saying that when all is said and done, all things will be put in their proper place which is under God, the Father, The Son will also be put under Him as we are all His children. Quote
Jen Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Right now we are playing otunes (off tune) with heaven and then we will be playing itunes (in tune) with heaven. There will be total unity and harmony as exists in the Godhead today. For we are in Christ our Creator and all will be under the headship of Christ of whom we are in. He is ours and we are His! Total unity!! What a day of rejoicing that will be!! E. C. How does this verse relate to 1Corinthians 15:24-28. This is the culmination when all things will be subject to Him and Satan and death will be destroyed. "For He must reign until He hath put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death, For He hath put all things under His feet. But when he saith all things are put under Him it is manifest that He is excepted which did put all things under Him and when all things shall be put under him then shall the Son Himself also be subject unto Him that did put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." Total unity! How marvelous How glorious is my Savior's love for me. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
meandean Posted March 30, 2007 Report Posted March 30, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? as a believer, he is actually doing this each day.the bible says we are like sheep and each one likes to stray.for what reason? we haven't turned over our immediate desire to god. he will bring it soon enough with rod and staff. he made it easy for us to only have one focal point....that is him and only him. for the unbeliever it's gonna be a giant wake up call. their focus was on everything but jesus, looking for all their life to find something in someone or something else to complete them,all the time rejecting the only one who could do this,our wonderful jesus. Quote
Beadie Posted August 22, 2007 Report Posted August 22, 2007 God spoke creation into being. We were to be in His image. He uses the term let US - himself and the Word. We were designed to be in unity and order like Him spiritually. If you look at John 1, Gos is the Word and the Word, manifest as Jesus when he comes into the world, was with God. Through Him all things were made. All, cosmos, was as it should be - unified order. However, because of sin, brought into the world by Adam, things went awry. We were no longer a perfect reflection of our creator. We went our own way and the Adversary aided and abetted this. God sent His Word, incarnate as Jesus, to help to brings us back to our original state of creation, a true reflection of Him. To be like him. Through Him and His sacrifice as the scape goat, then one all sins are laid upon, all of our sins will be forgiven and we will be brought under Him. Everything was redeemed by Him through His blood and will be brought under His rule or will be destroyed by Him. Once all evils have been defeated, the first of which is Death, then creation will once again be given to God to rule over as His perfect creation. There cannot be any right or wrong ways to come to Christ, only through the Word who is the truth and the light. Only through Him can w be one with God and etermity. ! Cor 15:24-28 tells of God putting everything under Christ so he can be the all and in all to bring everything together under him and do away with all dominion, evil, etc. Once this is done, he will bring everything, including Himself before God and return it to him. The end times and the judgement will then come. In Ephesians 1:9-10 it is made know to us the mystery of the end times. That everything is planned to come under Christ for him to sum up everything before his second coming and the judgement and redemption of the world through Him. Quote
Amsterdamse Posted October 8, 2007 Report Posted October 8, 2007 All traditions and cultural values will fall away and Christ will remain. Heaven is something that seems so distant and spiritual, but in Christ we have received the Holy Spirit as a deposit before being fully united with the heavenly kingdom so tat we can already experience and understand the deeper meaning of things and have a better grasp of Gods purpose for us. The Creator as being the First and the Last, He has everything under control. What He has purposed in the beginning will be accomplished in the End. 'His Word is Faithful and True'. No kingdom can be divided against itself, so all the walls are being broken for the purpose of Gods kingdom and that can only happen under the guidance of the Holy Spirit that can open our eyes and discern to see eah other as God sees us. So through the blood of Christ we can be united with God and each other and we are covered by His grace and will stand therefore under His authority untill all evilness is demolished, so that there will be one kingdom left, over which the Father shall reign. 1 cor. 15:24-28 Quote
Suellen Posted October 11, 2007 Report Posted October 11, 2007 The whole significance of that scripture is about completeness. Everything will become complete when all is brought under that One head. What our creator "God" has begun it will be fulfilled. It is all about Him and I am grateful and humbled to just be a part of His Glorious plan and creation. Unity is bringing everything into one accord under God. One God, One Faith, One Baptism, as it says in Ephesians. xtra credit: These scriptures just reiterate what we are studying. Everything and everyone will understand that He is God. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord. God is all in all. It will be complete. Quote
Michelle G Posted December 26, 2007 Report Posted December 26, 2007 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? The significance is that his mystery was revealed that we all will be brought together, all people around the world Jews and Gentiles, all things in heaven and in earth in one body with Christ as the head. It relates to the Creator because it is his mystery that was revealed to us, his plan that was predestined for us from the very beginning. Unity.....we will all be brought together, summed up...all things in heaven and in earth. 1 Corithians 15:24-28 relates to this verse as under one head. God the Father and God the Son are equal both having their special work to do. When God the Son work is done...defeating all evil and the purpose, the plan fulfilled he will hand over the kingdom to God. Quote
davidjjj Posted April 17, 2008 Report Posted April 17, 2008 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) 9 making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10 as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth. ESV 9 God Quote
mags Posted May 18, 2008 Report Posted May 18, 2008 It shows that God is the head of all and one day everyone and thing will acknowledge the headship of Christ regardless of whether they have believed in him or not. There will come a time when every person is united in acknowledgeing Christ as Lord over all. God has created us all in his image and we were made to worship and praise. This will bring us back to our created purpose! There will be unity - found in the acknowledgement of the headship of Christ. There will come a time when we will all be united in our acknowledgement of Christ. In 1 Cor 15:24-28 we see the same idea - that all will reign under him, the Father. This idea flows in the same vein as Eph 1:7-8 - it is the idea of complete acknowledgement of Christ, and the Father and complete unity. Quote
John.Hawkins64 Posted June 19, 2008 Report Posted June 19, 2008 The significance is encouraging to the Christian or should be. This infallable proof that is yet to manifest itself will be physically revealed to the world, to show that Jesus Christ is the head and Lord of all. This will bring to a decisve end that the Word of God is full of errors or contradicts itself. We are apart of the body of Christ, we have predestinated to serve the Lord, we are adopted son and daughters and are heirs to the kingdom of God. Jesus Christ is coming back in the clouds, in power and in glory for all the world to see, so that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. This is the physical proof to "...all things being brought under one head..." and that head is Christ Jesus. This relates to our Creator in that it will show that Jesus Christ is the son of the Living God. It relates in that Christ is coming back as He said He would to claim His own to Himself. This relates to the Creator in that God the Father has given His only begotten son Jesus Christ all power, or as Christ said "...all power is given to me under my hand..." Again, this relates to the Creator in that the word of God will be physically proven to be true to all men of every nation and tongue, so that they might believe unto salvation. In reviewing the verses in I Corinthians 15:24-28 I find this one important thing (that a lot of us or some can relate to) that stands out in verse 28 " Now when all things are made subject to Him," we refer this part to Ephesians 1:9-10 "brought under one head" that head being Jesus Christ. continuing on with 1 Cor. "then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all." How can "that God may be in all." I am glad you asked that question. Only when "...all being made subject to Him..." happens, will we be prepared and ready to be subject to God the Father. 'Prepared and ready' meaning we are right now being constantly washed in the blood and maturing in our christian growth in Christ Jesus, to be presented without spot or blemish. We will know, since we will be subject to Christ, who will be then subject to God the Father, the reality of not only Christ in us, but God in us. These not only relate to each other but, actually give a complete picture of what is to come when put (read) together Eph 1:9-10 and ICor. 15:24-28. I could sum it up like this with 1Cor 15:28 "...that God may be all in all." the sharing in oneness of spirit, the eternal praises of God in the glory of God for all eternity as our reward for "..our reasonable service.."Amen Quote
Sister Pauline Kelly Posted July 12, 2008 Report Posted July 12, 2008 The significance is truly encouraging! God, our creator loves us so much that he has done everything for us and the most important thing, the death of Jesus on the Cross, to bring us back to him and to redeem us from our sins that we will live forever with God in heaven. This unity will be that we will all be united in Heaven under Christ our head. Relating this to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 I would like to say: In the end...death, eternity,...all things will be subjected to him. He will turn all things over to his Father and all of us will live forever with him. How, when, where this will be I do not know, but I do know that this will happen because he loves me and has given himself up for me. Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? How does this relate to the Creator? What does it say about unity? Extra Credit: How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? Quote
petalsandy Posted August 31, 2008 Report Posted August 31, 2008 Q2. (Ephesians 1:9-10) What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head--Christ himself? How does this relate the creator? What dos it say abut unity? I BELIEVE THAT UNDER ONE HEAD, CHRIST MEANS THAT ALL WHO WORSHIP HIM WILL BE BROUGHT TOGETHER UNDER CHRIST THE ONE WHO PAID THE PRICE FOR US. ALL people are ONE family in Christ Jesus, who sacrificed himself for all of us. In Corinthians we are told Jesus will destroy every sovereignity, authority and power. So all authority (including the heads of all denominations) will no longer exist but become subject to Jesus. One church. One way. One Head. Jesus. Jesus being the Head of the Church in Heaven and on Earth. We are one in Christ. God has revealed to us His Plans in acordance with His pleasures, His intentions for us. Unity - to unify (all things) one head (Jesus) and consummate them in Christ all things in Heaven and on Earth WILL BE IN UNITY (in one accord). Extra Credit: Hw does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? JESUS WILL CONQUER, HE WILL RULE OVER ALL WITH GREAT AUTHORITY AND POWER DEFEATING THE EVIL AND SATAN. WHEN ALL IS COMPLETE HE WILL GIVE THE AUTHORITY OVER TO THE FATHER FOR HIS GLORY. Quote
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