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Q9. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

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Among many things in Christ, we have the ultimate hope of resurrection and freedom from sin's death penalty. The Father has called us to this hope - this assured, joyful expectation - of eternal life in His presence! Everything God has said and promised is proven true by the resurrection of Christ. And Christ has promised us that we will be resurrected like Him (1 Cor. 15:20-23).

This hope is really the foundation of all that we believe and await with confident anticipation. It should motivate us to keep a broad heavenly perspective all the time, even as we live in the narrowly focused daily grind of practical earthly life. This place we currently journey through is not the end, only a means! Everything about the natural life eventually leads to death, but Jesus has promised us abundant life that starts now! Every choice we make should be to His life with its goodness and blessing, not death with its evil and curse (Deut.30:15,19). We can begin to live beyond the confines of sin and death if we expect the glory of heaven right now.

The anticipation of eternal life should flood my heart with true joy, a thankful attitude, and committed service. Part of the hope of being in Christ is that He has provided everything I need to make it through. This should motivate me to continually seek after Him and submit in obedience so that He is totally free to release all power and strength and supply needed to gain all victories for me.

I think a person who experiences this hope of glory consistently in everyday life is someone who really attempts to maintain his/her relationship with the LORD. I know that when I drift in Bible study, prayer, or worship I lose focus. It's like having impaired eyesight and neglecting to use the corrective lenses prescribed to help me see beyond the temporal into the glorious.

Non-believers don't have the lens of genuine hope through which to view life (and many, many believers don't use it). They have a think-so, maybe-so, sure-do-pray-so "hope" that offers no security. They misinterpret the struggles of life, the purposes of God, and the future outcome because their vision is blurred by sin and death. They often view things in a dark, negative, pessimistic way with no anticipation of anything better. No believer who understands the hope to which we've been called by the Father of glory should ever live in such spiritual blindness. Heaven is quite real; we just can't see it without faithful hope.

Guest Tabatha

:) I want the eyes of my heart to be opened so I can look forward to things greater that I can imagine. Hope in being with Christ soon. Hope in knowing His return is so close. I have hope in the God confidence of knowing He has chosen me to be a part of His Glory Hope in knowing nothing is to big or to small that He can't take care of. Hope in knowing the pain I have in my body at times will be better when I am with Him

Sometimes I get so excited in my spirit knowing He is on the Horizen How can any Christian be lazy or bored with the hope that He created us for a specific purpose. To rule and reign with Him. Hope in His love that is greater than any thing on this earth. Sometimes I feel like I will burst when I am in His presence. Hope in knowing I am no more lost but with great expection I have a place all ready prepared for me when Christ comes. whether I die before He comes I still have the Hope of seeing Him face to face. Yes I watch with eagerness knowing He is the Bridegroom and I am the Bride. HALLELUJAH

The motivation in my present day life is to try and live a life that is a testamony to the lost. All my decisions should be considered prayfully because I don't know who they may affect.

Our hope differs from the non-believer because they exist in self. We live in Christ.


Question #1: Blessed Hope in the Lord.

Question #2: As Christians with our hope in the Lord, we are excited in Him and our hearts should yearn for understanding and wisdom (closer relationship's). We need to live our lives with great expectation knowing that we will live in Eternity with our Heavenly Father in Heaven. We need to live in obedience to God's word. God promises in His word that we are called of Him and that we will spend eternity in Heaven. Just knowing what our inheritance is gives me great joy and desire to do what God has called me to do here on earth (and, wait patiently) for Jesus return. We need to strive to live sin free and live in repentence all of the time.

Question #3: We need to live a Godly and Holy life, one of serving, loving, caring and compassion. We need to study God's word daily and commune/pray and seek direction on all decisions we make PRIOR to making any decision. We need to be prepared for Heaven. A word for thought "If we are not prepared here on earth now, HOW are we going to be prepared when Jesus returns?" (Read Book of Revelation)

Questions #4: I am a believer. I am a child of God. There are no doubts, whereas, the unbeliever has no hope. The unbeliever is doomed for the lake that burns with fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8) known as hell.

The unbeliver will not share in God's inheritance.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? Hope of glory, Christ in us. Eternal bliss! Eternal peace. Eternal life in Christ Jesus.

How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? The timing upon when we have become complete is up to God. The sooner we are prepared, the sooner we get to be with Jesus. This is my selfish motive. I want to hurry up and be with Jesus. Then He reminds me, I


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

We have the hope of the inheritance of eternal life. This hope should motivate us in our present day lives in that we know through Christ that we have a reward waiting for us. This hope should effect our decisions and lifestyle in such a way that we should be obedient to Chirst so that we will not have ourselves seperated from him through disobedience. The non-believer has no hope because he or she refuses to accept the gift of salvation; if however they come to a knowledge of the saving grace of Christ and become a believer and accept him. They will have same hope that the believer has. The hope of glory and life eternal.


What a seemingly simple and easy question until self-examination begins as I start to answer it. I do so look forward to being in heaven the reward of God saying


As Christians we have God's eternal presence and protection whilst we are ministring here in this world, when we are called Home we can look forward to a life in God's presence, seated with Jesus, in constant worship and praising of God and with completely new bodies, free of any disease or impediment and without pain. This should motivate us, while we're here in this world, to share this promise with others who may not have fully understood the great news of the Gospel, without worrying ourselves too much about any possible harm coming to our bodies whilst doing this.

I know personally, being severely disabled, I am often counselled by others to 'take it easy', 'look after myself' etc and constantly am confronted with the inevitable question 'what would happen if you died whilst you were out ministring'. My answer to this is that God provides me with the ability to carry out that which He has assigned me to complete, and should I die whilst doing it, well I daresay my body would hit the ground, but my soul would be swept to join others who've been called Home before me and I would be able to dance before my Lord with my new body, fully participating in the worship which is constantly happening in eternity.

I have found the average non-believer actually dreads the time when he/she will leave this earth. Often they believe that that is the end, there is nothing further. Their ears refuse to hear the message of the Gospel, their hearts refuse to embrace the promise of an eternity in God's presence. I can understand their fear of death, and I feel sorry for them. I am not in a hurry to end my time on this world, but on the other hand I'm not going to hesitate when God does call me Home either.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

we will be one day in heaven with Jesus - according to his promise.

our lives should be changed as we have been promised eternal life and should be an example of the changed life.

as christians we beleive the promises in the Bible and somehow know it is the truth and even death does not hold any fear anymore.

those who do not beleive this differ in this, but i have sen some non beleivers who held onto the hope of their religius beleifs until their death.

I think the witness of thr HolySpirit in our hearts give us he confidence that unbeleivers find hard to uinderstand in christians.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

We Christians can look forward to the hope of eternal life in Jesus.

We should follow Jesus and walk with him in our lives.

This great hope is not a belief that a non-believer has - we can spread the good news.

Your brother in Christ,



Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

We have eternity with Christ in a world that knows no sorrow, no sickness, no pain, no growing old no being restrained in a human body and having full revelation of God, seeing things through his eyes.

Hope, one of Strong's definition is confidence and this is great because it is our confidence our Lords ability to keep us from day to day. Confidence is hope in not only the future but staying power to walk his commandments here and be tranported from Glory to Glory as we testify of Him.

The un-believer hopes only in what he can do, what he can accomplish. For him the future is what he works and obtains and leaves for an inheritance to his children. Life for them ends with the grave and it is sad after a life wasted on gaining worldly possessions they can't take with them they question at the end what if there is a life after death. For a believer this is not a question but a certainity.


Christians can look forward to a life of perfect love, together with the Lord, for evermore. No pain, no sorrow, no suffering, no death. The goodness goes on and on. No evil, no darkness, no sin. Shalom.

We should be motivated to make it after having to live as pilgrims in a land that grows more wicked each day, grievious to the soul, saddening to the Spirit.

Everything that we do say, think and feel should be led by the Holy Spirit, fed by the Living Word, not doing anything in a hasty, thoughtless way lest we make the wrong choices.

Our hope is above etrenal. For those who do not believe, their's is a dying hope, temporal, a hope that can never be satisfied.


Q1a.) (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to?

Q1a.) The riches of his glorious interitance in the saints. "..but rather offer ourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life.." (Romans 6:13) "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many borhters. And those he predestined, he also called, those he called, he also justified, those he justified, he also glorified." (Romans 8:29, 30)

Q1b.) How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives?

Q1b.) "..in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." (Romans 8:37)

Q1c.) How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle?

Q1c.) Our decisions should be with our eyes on what is eternal. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal." (Matthew 6: 19)

Q1d.) How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

Q1d.) We have the hope and reward yet to come which will be eternal. The unbeliever's reward is now and temporal. "..do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full." (Matthew 6: 5)


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

A Christian has to look forward to the promises of God. Eternal Life with God, being able to see God, being with God forever. We can look forward to a LIFE without sin, Everlasting Peace, Faithfu Love, Happiness beyond our imagination, being together as one people as God first intended us to be.....

That is why it is important for a Christian to study the word, be prepared for the final days, learn all you can about Jesus, pray continuously seeking his wisdom and an understanding and do one's best to be more like Christ in all we do. And most importantly Prepare oneself for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

Non-believers have to look forward to earthly things, a kingdom of sin, and eternal damnation. We believers have so much to look forward to more than I can express of goodness in our Father's Kingdom but those who don't believe well there faith is in the hands of satan and mankind.


We have eternal life with God to look forward to & Christ's return.

This hope should motivate us to live completely for Him, to have a heart to reach out to those who don't know the Lord, to praise Him & to learn more about him each day.

Our decisions & lifestyle should reflect our position in Christ. We should seek to not belong to the "world" but a visitor, an ambassador for God. That means prioritizing and analyzing each part & action of our day to see if we have God & His agenda as the ultimate priority in our lives.

The average non-believer does not have hope. They live for today, not sure about tomorrow and not really caring about tomorrow. They're lost. They need the Lord. They need us to witness to them before it is too late.

Lord, help me to grow, to reach out to others & keep my eyes on you. Amen!


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

It is our calling to look forward, to anticipate, even to hasten Christ's coming in power and in glory (2 Peter 3:12). It can't be said any better than that pastor. Our hope in looking foward to the day of Christs return and our never ending rein with Him.

It should lead us to lives our lives like Paul said in a manner worthy of repentance. Godly lives that will lead others to want to know athe love of Christ and the reason for our joy.

Our hope in Christ is the only hope there is people who don't know Christ have no hope only death to look foward to. We have an eternal life with Jesus giving praise to the God of all.


We look forward to be with Christ forever and forever with total bliss, no pain, no worries just constant praise and learning with our Lord and Saviour.

Even for me its like a wake up call, a gentle reminder about what our job is to do, as disciples, not to get lazy or too relaxed, but to be dilligent about bringing lost souls with us.

To be proclaiming the Good News to everyone, sharing God's love with everyone we meet.

This hope should affect our lives so we dont become stagnant or think we have 'made it' but to be the salt of the earth and the light on the hill.

We are living testimonies of what Christ has done in our lives and we need to be showing this in our daily living.

The average non beleiver has not the same hope as beleivers because they dont have the relationship with Christ. It is up to the beleiver to proclaim the hope we have, yes some are going to reject the good news, but we cannot be silent. There's an old saying that "silence is golden" but being silent can also be downright yellow. God opens doors for witnessing and we need to be obedient and go through and share the Gospel.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

As Christians we can look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Having a "hope" means we can look past our circumstances today knowing that God has promised us a new day. This is a motivation in our present-day lives because it assures us that where we are today is not where we are destined to be. Because of Christ's resurrection we are assured the victory in Him.

Our great hope as a believer differs from the hope of the average non-believer because our great hope is grounded in the word of God. He can not lie. The non-believer hope is rooted in the world and the evil around it.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

We Christians have to look forward to the future that is our lives with Jesus after the rapture of the church and his return. This hope should be a major motivation in our present-day lives by putting this hope to be our goal of our life and always remembering and keeping in our heart that the future with him is much better than we have or get in this earth now. This hope should be our main consideration and the main determinant factor in making our decisions and taking our lifestyle. Our hope is the hope of glory in Christ, that is truly glorious, but the average non believer


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

In Paul's epistle to Titus he refers to the blessed hope, the second coming. This reminds us to focus on the eternal, not the temporal. When we give up the the eternal for worldly, temporary pleasures we are committing suicide. We see what the carnally minded cant see.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

Having eternal life in Heaven, to know that someday we will leave this earth and reside in Heaven with God forever is motivation enough for me, to make sure our name is in the Book Of Life,


We have everything positive to look forward to. We stand to inherit the unimaginable vast riches of God. We will live forever in the very presence of Jesus, unbound by the pain of sin. This should make the decision to follow Him in all aspects of our life a no brainer. Our hope differs chiefly from that of a non-believer in that we do have hope. As we recently discussed, we have the downpayment already. A non believer has no real hope


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

Wow I will try to Release this answer short but in the right way that everyone shall receive feeding from the Word at the same time. Folks did you know that Paul prayed that the Ephesians would know CHrist better, Christ Jesus is our model, and the more we know of Him, the More we will be like Him, Once when you start to study Jesus's life what He was like here on earth over 2000 years ago,and get to know Him In prayer right now,Personal Knowledge will start to change right in your life. The Focus question here was on Ephesians 1:18 I pray also that your eyes of your heart, may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called You, the riches of His glorious inheritance of the saints (Niv) Folks the Hope that we have is not a vague feeling that the future will be positive,but its compleate assurance of certain victory through God. This compleate certainty comes to us through the Holy Spirit who is Working in us. Folks Romans 8:28-29 says28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

You see God works in all things--Not just Isolated Incidents-for our Good. This does not mean that all that happens to us is good. Evil is Prevailient in our Fallen World,but God is able to turn every circumstance around for our long range good. Note this that God is not working to make us happy,but to Fullfill His pourpose,Note also that this Pourpose is not for everyone. It can be claimed only by those whom loves God and are called according to His pourpose,THose who are called are those the Holy Spirit Convinces and enables to recieve Christ Jesus.Such People have a New Perspective,a New Mind set on life,They trust in God,not lifes treasures;they look for their security in Heaven,not on earth;they learn to except,not resent,pain and persecution because God is with them.Gods ultimate Goal is to make us like Christ Jesus 1 John3:2 says2Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears,[a]we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.) folks as we become more and more like Him,we discover our true selves,the persons we were created to be.How can we be conformed to Christ's likeness?By reading and heeding the Word,by Studying His life on earth through the Gospels,by being filled with His Spirit,and by doing His work in the World. Do you know something folks some people believe that these verses of scripture means that before the beginning of the World,God chose certain people to receive His gift of Salvation. they point to the verses like Ephesians 1:11 that says we are Predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the pourpose of His will. Others believe that God fornew those who would respond to him and upon those he set his mark(Predestined). Whats clear is that Gods purpose for people was not an afterthought,it was seattled before the foundation of the World. People are to serve and to Honor God. If you have believed in CHrist Jesus, You can rejoice in the fact that God has always known you. God's love is eternal,His Wisdom and power are supreme, He will guide and protect you until you one day stand in His presence.I know I have been shareing with you a great deal here but when It comes to our Lord Jesus Pastor Diana Brevan will just Continue to share His Goodness to You, about His love, My name is Pastora Diana Brevan Where Jesus is Lord I have a Fellowship on Line World Wide called www.jesusislordprayerministries.bravehost.com you are welcome to go and sign the guest book and guest map as well as breeze through and get feeding daily if you would like also jesusislordprayerministries@yahoogroups.com ,jesusislordprayergroup@groups.msn.com www.CitrusCountyMosesPlanBibleStudies@yahoogroups.com is in its preperation The Jesus is Lord Fellowship is a World Wide Fellowship I am having prepared the class-room on line for the World wide as well as in the flesh, I am currently seeking Leader Coordinators for the fellowship on line to be a Leader Coordinator of Studies to post the weekly chapters of the studies so those can come on line and go into deep Bible Studies discussion as well as getting fed the Word of the Lord for their nutrtion that they have lacked of the Word of God. I am seeking dedicated Leaders for the Fellowship we are a loving and caring BIble Filled Believing Fellowship soon when I meet with people in CitrusCounty Florida whom would like to gather for the meeting we will have Prayer Meeting;Fellowship;BibleStudies Discussion;Those whom comes in person I pray will know how to use instuments besides having a great voice for fellowship amen.

I am so happy to be a great part of this board I have been invited before but the battle has been the Lords in my health for this compleate whole Year. I am looking forward for those to come and join in and sign the guest book and guest map in the fellowship of Jesus is Lord I do pray I receive people here from Citrus County Florida as well so we can get this fellowship in the move for 2007 amen! I Praise God for each and every one of you and again I praise God for this Joyful heart Board GBU

Pastora Diana Brevan

Where Jesus is Lord!



Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer?

What do we have to look forward to? Besides, no death (sound good). I think just knowing peace, calm. Like at the end of a long stressful workday when you lay down at night and breath a sigh of relief. I look forward to the end of this journey and the beginning of my eternal one. This hope should go with us everyday and therefore motivate us to watch our actions, trust in the Lord and keep our eyes upon Jesus, alway looking forward to the future. The average person (non-believer) has hope in the culture, society, wrinkle cream! Whatever, is the present day fix all. I've seen it in my own family, someone always looking for something new to make them happy, to make life "better".


Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? One word....HEAVEN!!

How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? Since we know God's promses are true, we need not fear the evil that surrounds us in this world.

How should this hope effect our decisions and our lifestyle? We must be motivated to live our lives here and now with the realization that it is only a temporary resting place.

How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Non believers live with the fear that this world is all there is, what a horrifying thought. We do not have to let this world bring us down because we know that everything here will be used for God's glory.

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