ella Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Christians have eternal life and freedom from the physical and emotional pain that being human beings create . We should be hopeful because we as believers can look forward to no more pain, suffering and peace with other brothers and sisters in Christ. We can allow this hope to affect our decisions and lifestyle by ministering to those less fortunate than ourselves. If we treat other people with respect and peace , I believe that this also is what God wants his children to do. The non believer has no hope because without God all they have is the worldly existence. Quote
cct1106 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Hope of everlasting life. Will not have hope of resurrection to live on a perfect earth if we are not righteous. Should want to obey Bible principles because if we don't, there is no hope for everlasting life on a Paradise Earth. Non-believers do not know or understand that death is not the end. Quote
bro.ed Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Lesson 3. Q1. I do not know what you have to look forward to but I certainly "hope" it is the same thing I have to look foward to. When we hope for something there must be an object of our hope. For example, I hope I can get to see my grandchildren sometime this year. My grandchildren are the object of my hope.Seeing them would be the fulfillment of that hope. Before I was enlightened to salvation in Christ I have no idea what I ever hoped for. Everything in my life was dissapointing and fleeting and if anything did come to pass that is exactly what it did. Pass! But now "I have a hope that will surely endure". My hope is secure in that it is anchored in my Saviour Jesus Christ. He told me in His Word, "All the Father gives into My hand ,nothing can take it out". After that mini sermon, I have heaven to look forward to beginning now for Jesus said I have come to give them life and to give it to them more abundantly,Oh what a joy to be a Christian and after this part of my life is over I have the hope of continued living far beyond all my thoughts and expectations in heaven with Jesus and all others with like faith.. Quote
bro.ed Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Lesson 3.Q1b. With what we have to look forward to in and of it self is enough to lay all and by the way all means all and that is all that all means our worldly treasures. Our total focus should be toward heaven and realise that no matter what happens it does not change the true fact that when we die it is gain. Learn to live one a day at a time to the glory of God and whatsoever we do,we do it to the glory of God. Lesson 3.Q1c. Our focus should undoubtly be on the lost or better yet on the not yet saved. We as Christians need to realise that we could not possibly have this hope of glory if someone did not tell us about it. My challange to all the Christians in this world is to determine today; not tomorrow but today to tell someone about your faith in Christ. Tell them your story. They want to hear and need to hear. If our life style is not conducent to that of Christlikeness, ask God for forgiveness and the grace to change. Lesson 3.Q1d. After having a prison ministry for some years and have had opportunity to speak one on one with prisoners I have found that more are lost than saved in jail but the one thing they all have in common is that their present misery is not in what they feel but what they fear. The fear of what next. The fear of confrontation. The fear of a long prison sentence. The fear of loneliness. The fear for their families (ie) wife and children. The fear that all hope is gone. Before I was graciously forgiven , my phylosophy was, I'm only going around once so I might as well give all the gusto I got. That was an old beer commercial. I tried to make myself believe that as animal matter when I died that was it. There was nothing afterward but somehow that line of thought kept fading out of site and I kept wondering; "what if", "What if I'm wrong" ? I ask many folks how can a person go to heaven and many,many answers are to keep the Ten Commandments the best we can and hope that it is good enough. They are believing in a false hope. We need to help them get their hope secured in Christ. Dear Christian, I share my faith daily and if you would desire to learn how to share your faiyh in a non-confrontational way I would be more than glad to help. Email me at eprensch@earthlink.net. Until He comes,Bro. Ed Quote
joanharmelink Posted November 13, 2006 Report Posted November 13, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Our hope is knowing that we have eternal life we can look foward to sitting with Jesus in the heavenly places, knowing all sorrow, pain, no tears and walking with the saints in glory. We can have the peace even on earth w hile going through trials ,tribulations. Christians should be rejoicing that life being with Jesus some day should motovate all of us. We should live in an air of expectancy and looking for the day when Christ calls us home. Non believerss think w h en they die that is the end. and there is no more hope of a better day. If they only knew what they are missing now and for the life to come. Quote
joanharmelink Posted November 14, 2006 Report Posted November 14, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We have an eteernal hope. Just to know Christ iks motivation enough. He has promised a place of m any mansions where we will live with Christ without pain,sorrow and no more ears. We will see and know or loved ones agaain.Living hee on earth until God calls us hom we can k now the peace and comfort of His love a nd peace. My joy comes in serving Him a nd willing to be identified with Him As a beeliever I have the complete asssurance that He is coming back to claim me as His own w h ere the nonbeliever has n o e xpectations at all aand sees when he dies that is the end for h im . Quote
AngelOnLine Posted November 16, 2006 Report Posted November 16, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? Spending eternity with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? It motivates me to read God Quote
Bobi Posted November 16, 2006 Report Posted November 16, 2006 As Christians, we have a future of hope and victory. Again, Jesus's death and resurrection is a sign postt for us. Knowing Jesus has conquered sin gives us theability and power to stand firm in the face of adversity. This knowledge motivates us to be instruments for the kingdom. We can face daily issues without fear or trepidation, knowing that our Father has all things worked out according to His plan. The hop for the believer is eternal - an "everlasting hope"! The unbeliever's hope is only temporal and materially focused. They only have any reward in material, earthly benefits - what you see is ALL you get!! I am so thankful that as a believer my hope is not based in anyway on my performance, but is a spiritual promise of blessings eternal! Quote
sis. dee Posted December 5, 2006 Report Posted December 5, 2006 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? (1). The hope of Jesus return and being with Him. (2). This hope is a major motivation because that my future with Jesus will be better. (3). That I should live in great expectation of Christ return and busy sharing the Gospel to the lost for they may have this hope as well. (4). Because our hope is in Jesus Christ, His return and spending eternal life with Him, where the non-believer has no hope nor future, the only future they have is eternal hell. Quote
veryl Posted December 10, 2006 Report Posted December 10, 2006 We are called to a glorious future. We have been called to a future and a hope that things will be better in the future. We live in the light and the world lives in the darkness. We live for the glorious future forever in Christ. Everything we do will point to that glory. Believers live in the light of God instead of satans darkness. As part of God's Sovereign plan we were chosen from the beginning. Because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God. Quote
Jewell Posted January 21, 2007 Report Posted January 21, 2007 As Christians, we have Christ to look forward to, a life of eternity with the One who gave everything for us. This hope motivates me to live my life as Christ would want me to, following him, keeping his commandments, following his direction, walking his path. Quote
paulcbe Posted January 25, 2007 Report Posted January 25, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We should look forward to help other(Like helping them coming closer to God) More High Our Hope should be more Strong and example... In every sitution... Quote
Lucy T Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 We as christians have the hope of glory and the richs of our inheritance. This hope should be a major motivation in our lives to live just for God. We should always be in a state of thanksgiving and praise knowing that we have a living hope as oppose to those without hope (the non-believers). Quote
Lucy T Posted February 8, 2007 Report Posted February 8, 2007 We as christians have the hope of glory and the richs of our inheritance. This hope should be a major motivation in our lives to live just for God. We should always be in a state of thanksgiving and praise knowing that we have a living hope as oppose to those without hope (the non-believers). Quote
Joshua Ofosu Anim Posted February 12, 2007 Report Posted February 12, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We christians look forward to the coming Kingdom of Christ or the second coming of Christ. Our hope is that our Lord and saviour will come in his glory with his holy angels to take those of us who remain in him to be with him forever (John 14:1-3).This hope should strengthen our faith in God. This hope should tell us that our present day life of pain, misery, hardships, disappointments, wars, conflicts, etc will SURELY COME TO AN END oneday when Christ appears to establish his everlasting Kingdon. As a result we should not be discouraged but persevere in our christianity and look forward to a glorious future in the Kingdom of God. If we have this hope in Christ Jesus the the choices we make and the kind if life we live should be tailored in anticipation of this hope. We should not live and behave like people without hope so that we easily yield and surrender to situations and circumstances that mitigates against us. We must therefore make decisions based on this hope and live as such. Most unbelievers do not believe in life after death. Consequently they live as if when they die that is the end; they don't have any hope, they do not expect a glorious Kingdom. However, our great hope tells us that our risen Lord and Saviour is coming soon to establish a Kingdom of NO misery, pain, suffering, racism, wars, hullicanes, DEATH etc. For ALL THESE WILL BE DESTROYED BY CHRIST'S APPEARANCE. AMEN. Quote
jacek Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We have to look forward to future with hope and expectation because with Jesus Christ our future will be better than our present and past. If we know that this will be the source of motivation for better life, we will use our time in better way than before. If we know what we have as a gift it can help us to become better people because our joy will be as light for others so that they can also know Christ better through our lifestyle. Our hope is totally different from the hope of non believers because our hope in it has also full expectation that it will be reached all what God have in store for us, and even if present doesn't look bright we can hope it is only temporarily and we can work and expect better times for us and others without bitterness and all negative aspects in our lives. Quote
Jen Posted February 13, 2007 Report Posted February 13, 2007 What do we Christians have to look forward to? We shall forever be with the Lord! How should this hope be a major motivation in our present day lives? It should motivate us to share the gospel and pray that others will see Christ in us and desire what we have. How should this hope affect our decisions and our life style? We should pray always and live godly in Christ Jesus! How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Paul couldn't even express what he saw it was so wonderful and non-believers have no hope just terrible terrible dread whether they realize it or not. WE REALLY NEED TO PRAY FOR EACH OTHER!! We have an enemy that doesn't want us to be an effective witness! God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
meandean Posted April 2, 2007 Report Posted April 2, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? living with a Father who deeply loves us,who never left us, who understands us, who waits for us, who enjoys us,who embraces us. and to just think how much anticipation He has for us to come home amazes me.everyday should be the same for us.to love Him entirely, like He loves us.this is my hope to broaden my love for Him and to love as He loved me.the unbeliever has no hope, they have a daily grind,a big giant rut of unforgiveness, and a excess load of unthankfulness on their backs,and a trillion stories of poor me and what about me.then again, their hope just might be to get the day over with as quickly as possible. Quote
Don W Posted April 16, 2007 Report Posted April 16, 2007 We have everything glorious to look forward to the day of His return when He will finalize His total reign over all of nature and the heavens and the earth as well as to take us to be with Him forever in His glorious presence in heaven. But even before that glorious day, we have the power of the Holy Spirit, His many blessings, the fruit of the Spirit, growth (sanctification) in Him, and many more things to look forward to them in the days ahead before His return and final victory over all things, including death itself. These things should be a major motivation in our present day for us to do everything we can to love and serve Him out of our gratitude for who He is as well as for everything He has done for us. The hope of the average non-believer is different than our hope because even though their hopes are directed towards the near-future as well as ours, it is hope for what the world can give them and not what the Lord Jesus gives; and their hope is not towards the time to come in the future after they have died without any hope of victory over death as the Lord Jesus Quote
Beadie Posted August 27, 2007 Report Posted August 27, 2007 What do we have to look forward to? The resurrection, an eternal life with God. As it says in Revelations 21:1-4: 1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. 2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, Quote
Amsterdamse Posted October 16, 2007 Report Posted October 16, 2007 We look forward to Christs return We may experience the excitement of knowing that everyday is a day closer to Jesus return and draw us closer to Him It should make us step out in faith in the things God has called us too and multiply our giftings and prepare our hearts Our hope is a certain hope of eternity, a non-christian does not know any other hope than the hope/wish of earthly accomplishment Quote
Suellen Posted October 17, 2007 Report Posted October 17, 2007 We have the awesome future of being able to be in God's presence for eternity. Everything else should fall into place. With the beautiful eternity that God promises us we shouldn't be so concerned and full of angst of everyday living. So each moment we should be focused on Him and what He desires for us to do. With the great hope our outlook should be excited of the things to come something that non-believers don't have. Quote
bryon Posted December 10, 2007 Report Posted December 10, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? In a word, Heaven. Salvation, redemption, forgiveness, and perfection to God Quote
Michelle G Posted January 28, 2008 Report Posted January 28, 2008 1. A firm HOPE 2. This HOPE should motivate us by being encouranging and assured whats to come. 3. We should live as we already have victory and we do because of the price Jesus paid or us. 4. Our hope differs from the non-believer because there hope is hopelessnes...our hope is firm and assured Quote
mags Posted May 19, 2008 Report Posted May 19, 2008 We have Christ's second coming to look forward to - to see Christ reign on earth and in heaven! This hope, in Jesus Christ, should motivate, change and affect everything we do. We know that Christ will come again - we know that he will reign on high. In him can we put our trust. Everything we do should be done with one focus in mind - Christ. Is this what Christ wants for me? If we do this then our decisions, lifestyle and motivation change to glorify God rather than please ourselves. The non-believer lives life trying to better themselves and their standing not with a view to expand the future Kingdom. Therefore, we, as Christians, should stand out from the crowd NOT blend in. Quote
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