JenniferLynn Posted May 23, 2011 Report Posted May 23, 2011 Christians have the abilty to look forward to the fact that they will be in the presence of God forever. We will be able to worship God for all eternally. We need to be motivated through the knowledge that heaven is where the most fulfilled life will be. We need to tell everyone about the love God. We need to have a relationship with God that He provided through Jesus Christ. The non believer doesn't have any hope for the future while the believer has the eternal promise that they will be in the presence of God. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 11, 2012 Report Posted June 11, 2012 The greatest thing that we Christians have to look forward to is the resurrection. This hope should be a major motivation in our present-day lives because we know that we have been forgiven for our sins and nobody can take away our hope. This hope should affect our decision and our lifestyles is that fact that we are trying to please the one that we love and therefore we should be doing things that will please Him. In our great hope we know that in time it will be fulfilled where the non-believer has only the grave to look forward to. Quote
gricha1 Posted November 5, 2012 Report Posted November 5, 2012 We look forward to Christ's return and ultimately spending eternity in Heaven, with all its beauty, in fellowship with God the Father. Quote
Renson gona Posted December 18, 2013 Report Posted December 18, 2013 Q1 ( i ) WHAT DO WE CHRISTIANS LOOK FORWARD TO ? > A future with Jesus in his glory will be better. >Christ promise to return for us in 1 John. 3: 2,3 ( ii ) HOW SHOULD THIS HOPE BE A MAJOR MOTIVATION IN OUR PRESENT DAY LIVES ? > We are motivared because while here on earth we are afflicted in many ways and are anchored by the future glory to be revealed. - 2 corinthians 4:17 - Romans 8: 18 - Romans. 8:37 ( iii ) Our decisions should be based on Gods insight. The rich fools decisions, in the bible, were earthly [ luke 12:13- 21 ] eating, drinking and merry making. ( iv ) HOW DOES OUR GREAT HOPE DIFFER FROM THE HOPE OF AVERAGE NON BELIEVER? >It gives endurance and holy living on the other hand the world has no hope but sees death as the ultimate of man kind. This leads to reckless living and is not satisfying, its temporal.See the life of the Prodigal son in Luke 15:11-31. Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted January 30, 2014 Report Posted January 30, 2014 Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Today Christians can look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Motivation for our present day lives would be that by the Holy Spirit , he grant us wisdom and knowledge, so that we may come to know Him better. Our decisions and life style are affected in that we learn new things and understand the truth of God. These truths help us to live a life style that is becoming to Christ. To be as he is, so we live to become like him. Our hope is that we who believe in Christ are not judged, but he who does not believe is judged already. Because he does not believe or hope in the only begotten Son of God. Â Â Quote
JoanG Posted March 2, 2015 Report Posted March 2, 2015 We as Christians have the ultimate promise of living with Christ at the right hand of the Father for all eternity. To know that we could for ever be in the glory of God, we should be more concerned with our spirituality. We should be more willing to give up the worldly things. We should not worship money as much as non-believers. We should not look for instant gratification with material objects. We should be more concerned with giving thanks for all that God provides for us. The non-believer only has hope of the here and now. They only look to be the best or get the best right now. Everything for them needs to be instant. We actually have a much better future to look forward to. Quote
Karen11 Posted September 17, 2017 Report Posted September 17, 2017 On 7/23/2006 at 9:18 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? I look forward to Jesus return and being swept up to Heaven. To be joyful, and our decisions and our life style should be pleasing to our God. Our hope is in the one who made us the one who we will spend eternity with, an non-believer has nothing to look forward to  and that is sad, we must tell them about Jesus. Quote
haar Posted February 10, 2022 Report Posted February 10, 2022 Q9. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? Blessed hope for Christ glorious return to take us home and the unrighteous unto judgment and hell. How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? The hope should be a major motivation to the Christians to look forward to Christ return and our rescue from the present evil world plagued by sickness, high level of crime and economic hardship. How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? The hope of Christ’s glorious return should motivate us to watch and pray, avoid sinful lifestyle and to be ever ready for his certain but undated coming. How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Our hope is great and certain hope while the non-believers do not look forward to such glorious hope. Quote
Gabs Suárez Posted February 11, 2022 Report Posted February 11, 2022 What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We look forward to Christ, to meeting Him, and an eternity with Him. This can be a motivation because it is our goal, our purpose. Having something to work on and knowing what our mission is to make life more fulfilling. And yes, it is a challenging goal, but we have a helper and a beautiful hope. This hope affects our decision and lifestyle precisely because it is a way of life. And not an easy one, it is a challenge we accept willingly because we know what the price was, we know it's an opportunity we do not deserve and because we are infinitely grateful for God's grace. The hope outside of Jesus is fleeting and deceiving. One can find hope in the world but all outcomes are uncertain. God, on the other hand, never fails. Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2022 Report Posted February 14, 2022 Q9. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? What a glorious future we have to look forward to! To think that we shall be with Christ and be like Him forever and also we shall be sons of God and reign with Him forever! Since the whole universe is under the reign of Christ we will therefore also inherit it all. We hope for this, not in the sense that there is any doubt about it, but we know this is what God has promised us. If we really appreciate the wealth of the glory of all He has in store for us, it will turn us away from the attractions and pleasures of this world, which only corrupt. Unlike us, unbelievers are without hope (Eph 2:12; 1Th 4:13). We have Christ who is our hope, and at His second coming this hope of glory will be fulfilled.  Quote
Krissi Posted February 14, 2022 Report Posted February 14, 2022 What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? I know the answer -- it has to do with a glorious reign in heaven forever, during which time I am with Jesus ... this is the "hope to which He has called" me. I should be looking forward with confidence that the second coming will happen and the future is better than the present. But ... if I were honest, I'd admit that this life is most important to me, not the next, and the prayers I want answered have nothing to do with what happens after I die, but what happens when I'm alive. Perhaps my life will get so bad that I want to die and at that point, the hope of a better life will be real to me, but though my life isn't good right now, I still beg God to help me NOW and HERE, not THERE and LATER. My hope -- my real and honest hope -- is that He'll deliver me and give me a second shot at life on earth before I die: my hope is not that I die.  Quote
Janzie Posted February 26, 2022 Report Posted February 26, 2022 On 7/23/2006 at 9:18 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q9. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We Christians can look forward to the Resurrection when Christ takes us to be with Him forever. I don't know what heaven is really like but Christ will be there, the Savior, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Knowing He is the one who created us, the earth and everything in it, provides, protects, loves us, sent His Spirit to be with us. He has made this earth beautiful, who knows what beauty He has prepared for us. It will be a life of no sin, no devil, no pain. Just sensing His presence for a moment is glorious, I can imagine what His presence will be like always - Glorious! We are to live lives pleasing to God, praying, trusting, believing His promises and including Him in our decisions. Knowing that he will work through our prayers and our hands. Jesus Christ provides the hope that motivates us that the future with him will be better. He is our Blessed Hope! Non-believers have no real hope. They are living for today, doing whatever pleases them, when they have a problem there are a lot of solutions but none work. They live in fear, bitterness and discouragement. The only hope for them would be Jesus. Quote
faith & hope 2017 Posted March 5, 2022 Report Posted March 5, 2022 I have learned that hope is having only positive expectation. As Christians, we should always possess a positive attitude, mind-set and belief in Jesus Christ our Lord even through we are faced with what seem like unsummounting trials and tribulation. Which, in my opionion, relates to not having the spirit of fear. We have so much to look forward to. Imagine a life of eternity in God's Kingdom where there is no more sorrow or tears, no pain, everyday is like Sunday Worship. Meeting Jesus face to face and fellowshiping with the saints we were taught of or read about.  The God we serve has been and will continue to be faithful of His promises to us. He has proven Himself countless times and we study His Word and develop a passion for praying, and as a result we grow stronger in our relationship with Him. Each day, we drawn nearer to Him. Even when we fall short of His glory, we learn that Jesus is our mediator that speaks with our Father on our behalf because He knows the sincerity of our repentance. What greater motivation it is to have the hope, positive expectation, of being in same place spiritually (mind, body, and soul) with Christ and to hear Jesus say to us "Well done".  In having an hope that enables us to continually seek the presence of our God, we are progressly being tranformed into His image. It being shed of the old self and being erected into the newness of Jesus. Which accounts for us not having a desire or thought to do the things we used to do in our past life. We continue to press for mark of the high calling. We listen more readily to the Holy Spirit that dwells within us and we obey more often than beforehand.  We are taught that we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. Therefore, we aspire for the things that are heavenbound which are eternal in turn are exceeding, abundantly, and above all we could ever ask or imagine. Whereas, a non-believer seeks the thing of this world, having aspirations that are temporal. It may yield some success, as defined by man, but it will not last or provide limitless joy.  Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted March 6, 2022 Report Posted March 6, 2022 We will have the Beatific vision of Christ when our earthly journey is over. We will have a clearer vision of why we went through trials, sorrows and the happy events here on earth.  We currently see through a glass darkly.  Our finite minds cannot grasp the wonders of Christ's Redemption plan. Nor can we fully fathom how deficient we are in regards to personal holiness. Paul is backing the Ephesians to know the transcendent and inexhaustible blessings that God has provided for us. We are currently called to feel deeply the change that God's power has wrought. In Acts19, what a change was wrought y God's Almighty energy. The Divine purpose is determined by the Divine power; our progress in sanctification is experiencing this exceeding greatness of the Resurrection. We are in the Holiest of Holies because Christ our High Priest is still in His role as Mediator in heaven. We are called to holiness; we are to make our election sure. Habakkuk 3:17-18 exhorts us to be conformed to God's will.  In short, the fruits of the Holy Spirit need to be cultivated the believer; we cannot be outer court Christains content with nominal faith.  Certain spiritual attainments are the foundations on which new and higher attainments maybe built.  Quote
Daniel R Posted March 27, 2022 Report Posted March 27, 2022 1. What do we Christians have to look forward to? We Christians have a hope of eternity with the Father, Son, and Holy-Spirit. We have a hope of an eternity with God! 2. How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? This should should majorly motivate us because it reminds us that our time on earth is temporary, meaning that we need to take risks for God's greater glory and for the betterment of others. Also, this hope should burn a fire of joy constantly inside our lives because we know that after death we will have everlasting life! 3. How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? Like I previously stated, this hope should make our lifestyle much less "safe" and much more risky. We should be ready and willing to take risks for God because even if things don't work out and our whole lives go down in a downward spiral, after this short time on earth, we will have eternal life with God! 4. How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? Average non-believers have very short-term hope. Their hope is put in physical things and the result of their hope comes during this very short time on earth. Believers on the other hand have a eternal hope. Unlike non-believers, this hope is put in spiritual things and the result of this hope comes only after death.  THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 13, 2022 Report Posted May 13, 2022 The thing that I look forward to is being with Jesus in heaven and the peace that will be there. This hope can be a major motivation in my present-day live knowing that everything that is happen right now will be going away. This hope affects my decisions and lifestyle by making decisions based on God’s truth. The non-believers don’t have anything to look forward to when they depart from this earth. Quote
crissy464 Posted July 12, 2023 Report Posted July 12, 2023 That we as believers will comprehend the blessings that are theirs in Christ. Their future hope. Gods inheritance in the saints and their power in Christ. The inheritance here is not the Christians  inheritance but God’s. This indicates how precious his people are to God. they are so to speak what he looks toward to enjoying forever Hope and eternity Our lives have changed because we have been promised eternal life  Quote
crissy464 Posted July 12, 2023 Report Posted July 12, 2023 That we as believers will comprehend the blessings that are theirs in Christ. Their future hope. Gods inheritance in the saints and their power in Christ. The inheritance here is not the Christians  inheritance but God’s. This indicates how precious his people are to God. they are so to speak what he looks toward to enjoying forever Hope and eternity Our lives have changed because we have been promised eternal life  We have reason for hope, confidence, fulfillment We have been called  Quote
AngMessenger Posted June 6, 2024 Report Posted June 6, 2024 On 9/30/2006 at 7:04 PM, pickledilly said: Among many things in Christ, we have the ultimate hope of resurrection and freedom from sin's death penalty. The Father has called us to this hope - this assured, joyful expectation - of eternal life in His presence! Everything God has said and promised is proven true by the resurrection of Christ. And Christ has promised us that we will be resurrected like Him (1 Cor. 15:20-23). This hope is really the foundation of all that we believe and await with confident anticipation. It should motivate us to keep a broad heavenly perspective all the time, even as we live in the narrowly focused daily grind of practical earthly life. This place we currently journey through is not the end, only a means! Everything about the natural life eventually leads to death, but Jesus has promised us abundant life that starts now! Every choice we make should be to His life with its goodness and blessing, not death with its evil and curse (Deut.30:15,19). We can begin to live beyond the confines of sin and death if we expect the glory of heaven right now. The anticipation of eternal life should flood my heart with true joy, a thankful attitude, and committed service. Part of the hope of being in Christ is that He has provided everything I need to make it through. This should motivate me to continually seek after Him and submit in obedience so that He is totally free to release all power and strength and supply needed to gain all victories for me. I think a person who experiences this hope of glory consistently in everyday life is someone who really attempts to maintain his/her relationship with the LORD. I know that when I drift in Bible study, prayer, or worship I lose focus. It's like having impaired eyesight and neglecting to use the corrective lenses prescribed to help me see beyond the temporal into the glorious. Non-believers don't have the lens of genuine hope through which to view life (and many, many believers don't use it). They have a think-so, maybe-so, sure-do-pray-so "hope" that offers no security. They misinterpret the struggles of life, the purposes of God, and the future outcome because their vision is blurred by sin and death. They often view things in a dark, negative, pessimistic way with no anticipation of anything better. No believer who understands the hope to which we've been called by the Father of glory should ever live in such spiritual blindness. Heaven is quite real; we just can't see it without faithful hope. Oh wow, God has blessed you with such an amazing teaching gift. I have so benefitted from your contributions. Quote
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