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Q11. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

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The inadequacy is from a lack of faith that will increase by hearing. So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. We hear and do not listen too often


I personally believe that the times when we are powerless are when we are operating outside of what God has called us to do. I know with myself, when I find myself suffering from exhaustion, and take the time to re-evaluate what I am doing, that more often than not I have been drawn away from the task at hand, still doing 'good works' etc, but not what God really wanted me to do. This happens often among believers who become distracted attending 'extra meetings', running here and there doing 'good works' admittedly, but in so doing they are neglecting their personal time with God, their families and often other responsibilities. It is important that we take time to consider what the impact of our saying 'yes' to fulfill the agenda of another.

I believe that the congregations and movements that do produce disciples with miracle-believing faith, are those that rely more on worshipping God, rather than on the demands of individual denominations. I came to this belief after reading 'Heavenly Man' which is the biography of Brother Yun, who was one of the main starters in the Home Church movement in China, and he and his family were persecuted severely for their Christian faith. In his biography, Brother Yun points out that while limited printed Bibles were available to the Home Churches, worship was more spiritually centred and the Home Churches were more united as a Body and more miracles were being witnessed. It wasn't until Western Churches began smuggling in more Bibles, and along with them including booklets to do with individual denominational beliefs and practises, that the Home Churches began to be suspicious and jealous of each other, and eventually it was feared that the Home Church movement would disappear completely. The fractures began appearing when these extra booklets began to be incorporated in individual home churches practises, and some claimed that their beliefs and practises were more correct than the neighbour's. Brother Yun and several other leaders realised the danger of these jealousies, and worked very hard to heal the rifts caused by them.

After reading this book I began to realise that it is when man's beliefs are incorporated as truth in Scripture and treated as equal to the unadulterated worship of God's Word, that the believer's power is weakened and at times it disappears completely. This is why I now believe that when Jesus comes again He will firstly remove all the 'extras' man has added, and bring the Body of Christ back to a unity that has not been heard of for quite some time. In fact in Paul's time, he worried about he rifts and divisions that were already appearing in the New Church. It is when the Body is once more united, freed of the manmade divisions, that we will once again witness the revival of the miracles that are so apparent in countries where Bibles are few and Scripture itself is more faithfully spread, without the addition of individual dictates of man.


I think we misdirect energies sometimes. We do, do, do like Martha, but Jesus wants us to be, be, be in His presence like Mary. It's not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord. Instead of running around after people we need to invite them where the power is, in the ministry of the word. If they don't want to come there, then what can we do. We need to teach people to take hold of theWord for themselves, lay it intheir hearts. Jesus didn't chase people. They chased and adored Him once they recognised Him. That's what we need to teach, recognition and adoration with heart mind soul and strength. Jesus said of Mary that "It shall not be taken from her".

We need to take the Bible totally word for word, and act on it. Lack of knowledge is the problem said Jesus, even from the cross. We need to soak ourselves daily in scripture and act upon it.


I think sometimes we are powerless because we have not asked for His power in all that we do. We trot off thinking we can "do it ourselves." Another reason might be that we have "blockages" in our relationship with God--sins not confessed, dealt with, repented of. Another might be our faith has not grown because we have not allowed the Holy Spirit to have His way in us. We may have "dried up" in our Bible reading or prayer.

I think congregations can have different results because of each individual's personal relationship with God. It matters too that the church is a praying church, an equipping church, a sending church who really care for each other & that that love can be seen by others.

Changes can be made if each individual would desire a deeper walk with the Lord, seek it, then come together as a church--a fellowship of believers to pray together & get guidance from the Lord. They would have to get their eyes off themselves & off others around them & get their eyes on the Lord.


We are powerless sometimes because we unplug ourselves from the Power Source through lack of practical faith. The Source is never inadequate or insufficient - always full-strength and more than enough. What I have learned through my own experience is that so much of the time we believe things with complete agreement in our minds but not with our whole hearts (ex. Mark 9:24b). Our thoughts, speech, behaviors, and actions - and their results and consequences - go largely untouched by the knowledge of this immeasurably great power because we don't genuinely trust in and rely on and engage it in our practical daily lives. It's like we believe in this awesome God and His power for the whole big world out there, but not in this little ole' speck-of-dust me. What good would a nice sturdy chair be to me if I never decide to trust it enough to actually sit on it? How could a handy lamp dispel the night's darkness if I don't believe in electricity enough to plug it in? That kind of doubt blocks the Spirit's blessing of power (James 1:6-8). We have everything we need; we just don't always believe it.

Another reason we often lack spiritual power is pride. We simply don't want to ask God for help because we think we can handle things or we want to maintain control. We think we're able and sufficient and wise enough. But pride always goes before destruction (Prov.16:18)! Everything we need is available; we just don't always want to humble ourselves and ask for it (James 4:2c).

I don't know a "formula" for producing miracle-believing faith in disciples. I guess part of the problem of lacking powerful faith is a lack of powerful teaching about it. The roots of my faith were not really energized to grow deep until I went outside my church to a powerful weekly Bible study for a number of years. Along with the hearing I think we must position ourselves in faith and obedience, but the LORD decides on the miracles according to His perfect will.

Philippians 4 contains a guide for what God has shown me about His power at work in my life. Release and praise are two key components He has taught me are critical. With rejoicing that He cares about you and is fully able to care for you, release every situation and all its anxieties to Him in prayer (vs4-6). Then as you engage your faith, start thankfully praising Him at every thought of the problem or need because He's capably and lovingly at work on it. As you offer your sacrifice of praise in humble worship then your heart and mind will be supernaturally guarded with His peace (vs.7). Your contentment in Him (vs.11b) with all His ability, mercy, love, and faithfulness will result in the release of His power to equip and strengthen you to make it through everything you face (vs.13). You have to choose what's going to prevail - fear or faith. I learned this first-hand through a prolonged serious illness my daughter suffered a few years ago. I can tell you that God is faithful to our decisions of faith. I still marvel at the peace He gave and the miracles He performed.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

Because we forget that we have power. Therefore, we act powerless. Typical human reaction. When we remember to get into the Word. Again we realize we Are truly powerful through the Word. Everyone I know that is a believer trys at some point to do it themselves and then realizes that we need to come tot he Lord and let His power work through us. I'm a big one at this. I like to control, contemplate and organize things. I am Martha's sister. I'm am always pulling myself short and trying to remember that Jesus wants me to be like Mary. It's really hard sometimes. Afterall He must have created me like this for a reason. We are currently working in our church to have more miracle-believing faith. I've seen it work and I've seen where a couple people going the other way can have a great effect on many. I'm trying to encourage others to keep in prayer and remember it's about love. If we have not love we have nothing.

Guest Tabatha

:rolleyes: This is a question that I have sought God for so many times, I have prayed that it would be revealed to the churches. I can give so many reasons other than faith. Faith is hindered by Religion, tradition, unbelief, fear, lack of fellowship out side of the church. social church. quenching the Spirit. Gossiping, judging, lack of prayer, lack of teaching, lack of understanding, lack of real love for one another

Now that I have given the above reasons. I will give you thoughts and reasons to ponder on.

The hearts of many within the body have hardened, towards each other and those dying in the world, Once the church flourshed loving your neighbor and preaching the true gospel, Now it has become hard to find love and compassion from a fellow brother or sister People are hurt and leave the church There is a famine in the land of the Word of God being preached. Where are the saints who encourage and pray for one another? Where are the saints helping one another? where are the saints who fellowship with the unlovely, The saints have become self centered and the churches have grown inward. They ae distracted by lifes issues. Most of the churches have become numb, not feeling one way or the other towards the needs of others. They run to conferences to be blessed when God is calling them to be a blessing Many members within the body close their their eyes of their heart to those that the Holy Spirit has shown a need of a helping hand. What would Jesus do?

Is it because the saints no longer have the love of Christ within their hearts because they have waxed cold?

Without love the Body of Christ can not move in the power God has given them. Jesus is love and that love must be in us to be bold in the faith of His resurrection power. May God Forgive and help us out of our complacency and self centeredness. How can this be changed. Get on our faces before God in repentence and let Him cleanse our hearts. Psalm 51 as David cried out "create in me a clean heart renew a right Spirit in me." Matt. 10:42


We are sometimes powerless due to our lack of faith or perhaps due to sin in our lives that we have not repented for.

I believe our inadequacy falls in our lack of a close personal relationship with God. Perhaps we have grown weak/stale in our spirit. When we are not in a close relationship with God, then we fall short in our Faith.

Some Bodies in Christ only teach the feel good messages which is ok to a certain extent but I believe that we need to be taught the full gospel. We need to be taught the TRUTH. We need to be bold in our spirits. We need to know and understand the Word of God so that we can go about the Father's business boldly. We need to keep ourselves stirred up in the Lord.

To get pass wimpy faith, we need to let go and let God take control of our services. Man cannot make things happen, only God can make things happen. True revival comes from letting God have His way and His will in the Bodies of Christ.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes?

We know not what the future holds, for it is each man and each woman to behold the power of God. Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. When we walk in the spirit, we are empowered by God to do all things for the Glory of Him who gives us His spirit. When we get behind the power of God as our shield, we can walk through closed doors. We can walk through the fire and not be burned because we walk in faith, through the spirit of God. We can walk in the valley in the very shadow of death and fear no evil, because He lives inside of us and whom shall we fear when He is our Shepherd.

I think we have been so programmed to think that we are powerless because of the influence of satan and not having the scriptures in our own hands long enough yet to read the truth that God has given Jesus the power and authority over everything and Jesus has then in turn, given that same power and authority to us, in HIS NAME!

Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? I know it is not the source that is inadequate, so I know that it is our faith that keeps us from being active , because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Not some things or maybe this thing or that thing but all things. For us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle- believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith?

It is my strong opinion that ministries that move by the power of the Holy Spirit are empowered to do great things because it is the power of Christ which strengthens us. The Holy Spirit is that power, which comes upon us when we are saved. The power from with in is activated by faith. The congregations that are wimpy are not walking in the power. They are walking in a programmed belief in a religious power and not the full meal deal of relationship in a living and active God who has moved in and set up camp in the center of our being and has plugged in and activated our faith. It's kind of like a refrigerator that has all the ingredients inside to become a full meal deal, but hasn


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

I love this question...We are powerless when we do not pray with faith believing...there are many congregations and movements who do not preach the cross..much less mention repentance...but what they do mention is miracles for finaces..healing...etc...churches that are more like a large social organization...bowling lanes and all...this attracts people to these things...not the cross.....and it is wise to discern many of the faith movements... ...many are seeking a God that gives what is only of use to the flesh...but...the gate is narrow and to pray for opportunity to minister salvation and to disciple is what is so important...in it...salvation is real...not dependant on a quick fix...for the way of the Lord is not easy...but...we are in this world but for a little while...and it is faith believing we have obtained salvation and eternal life and by grace we can live each day with that hope and have faith in what the Lord has said in His word will come to pass..


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

I don't be its sometimes Pastor I believe that it is most of the time. I had a missionary tell me of a place in South America where he saw a pperson raised from the dead through prayer by his fellow believers. Here we pray for healing and it never comes why? I believe that it is as you put it weak faith. But didn't Jesus say with the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. I pray that I can only have the faith the size of a grain of mustard seed.

The congregations are only going to change if the believers in them can change. I for myself don't know how to change this other than as I said pray for faith. I believe it say that the Holy Spirit gives us a measure of faith, How do we increase this from a measure to miracle building? Pray for the Spirit to teach us through the word of God. Study to show ourselves approved as workemen. Then maybe our faith will grow to mountain moving faith.


:rolleyes: This is a question that I have sought God for so many times, I have prayed that it would be revealed to the churches. I can give so many reasons other than faith. Faith is hindered by Religion, tradition, unbelief, fear, lack of fellowship out side of the church. social church. quenching the Spirit. Gossiping, judging, lack of prayer, lack of teaching, lack of understanding, lack of real love for one another

Now that I have given the above reasons. I will give you thoughts and reasons to ponder on.

The hearts of many within the body have hardened, towards each other and those dying in the world, Once the church flourshed loving your neighbor and preaching the true gospel, Now it has become hard to find love and compassion from a fellow brother or sister People are hurt and leave the church There is a famine in the land of the Word of God being preached. Where are the saints who encourage and pray for one another? Where are the saints helping one another? where are the saints who fellowship with the unlovely, The saints have become self centered and the churches have grown inward. They ae distracted by lifes issues. Most of the churches have become numb, not feeling one way or the other towards the needs of others. They run to conferences to be blessed when God is calling them to be a blessing Many members within the body close their their eyes of their heart to those that the Holy Spirit has shown a need of a helping hand. What would Jesus do?

Is it because the saints no longer have the love of Christ within their hearts because they have waxed cold?

Without love the Body of Christ can not move in the power God has given them. Jesus is love and that love must be in us to be bold in the faith of His resurrection power. May God Forgive and help us out of our complacency and self centeredness. How can this be changed. Get on our faces before God in repentence and let Him cleanse our hearts. Psalm 51 as David cried out "create in me a clean heart renew a right Spirit in me." Matt. 10:42

I cried when I read this..The church of Ephesis lost their first love...without the love of God..we cannot love one another...the lost cannot see the love in us...congregations are full of people that do not know eachother and oft times many leave and are quickly replaced by others who eventually leave for lack of love among the brethren who do not even know the people who left.......our mission is to love the Lord our God...and through it..we know how to love one another..encourage and disciple..the prayer in the upper room brought the Holy Spirit for they prayed in one accord...and it was repentance that came afterward...I pray your church will come together and pray in one accord...revival is when it starts in a heart and burns like wildfire to others...


This is a good question.

I strongly beleive its western culture. You look at the house/underground church in places like China, Korea, parts of Africa, they totally depend on God and not 'influenced' by man made rules/regulations. An excellent example has already been used, Brother Yun's Heavenly Man.

Lot of our churches make the gospel appealing not to upset people or scare them off. There's not enough taught about repentance, sin, even hell, and a true commitment to Christ.

People start this then they will see the power come through but until they realise this or maybe remove the blockages {unconfessed sin, selfish prayers} it may not happen.

As Christians we are plugged into the greatest supernatural power there is, The Holy Spirit, with Him we are capable of miracles, answered prayers, all the great things our Father has promised us BUT we need to do something about it. To come clean in our own lives and hearts, asking for forgiveness then march on in proclaiming the Gospel to all people.

We need to be totally dependent on God because with God all things are possible.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

We are powerless sometimes when we let our guard down. For example when we neglect to spend time with God by studying his word. I know there is a difference in my daily walk with God, paricular when I don't spend time with him. If one is not praying and studying and keeping connected with God, sure one will feel powerless. For example Depression is of the devil not of God. Often times when we feel depressed or down it is a tool that satan uses to instill doubt and to hurt God's children. When we feel powerless I think it is a an inadequacy with our faith. The source is always available but we much choose to stay connected wtih the source. God will always be faithful he is the source of our strength. The miracle-believing faith disciples are connected and stay connected with God. The whimpy faith disciples are not strong in their faith. This can be changed with a full commitment to God to study and spend time on a regular basis. There is power in God's word if we want to stay strong in the Lord we much fully commit to him and him alone, and not have a divide heart.


Paul prays the the Ephesians will come to understand what they have. That is the same power that raised the Lord from the dead. The life giving power of the Holy Spirit. When we do not use this power because of our disbelief, lack of trust or faith we are powerless and we feel painfully inadequate against the Adversary. the world and our flesh.

Too many churches today fail to deliver on the promise of the fathers, the presence and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that does all the things needful for discipleship and the manifestation of miracles by His fruit and gifts. If this isn't preached it won't be believed and if it isn't believed there can be no faith so we come to where we seem to be; a diluted and compromised church, wells without water, wishy washy Christians at best.

Believe this. If we preached our faith with the same zeal that other faiths preach theirs, this world would be a very different place.


Paul prays the the Ephesians will come to understand what they have. That is the same power that raised the Lord from the dead. The life giving power of the Holy Spirit. When we do not use this power because of our disbelief, lack of trust or faith we are powerless and we feel painfully inadequate against the Adversary. the world and our flesh.

Too many churches today fail to deliver on the promise of the fathers, the presence and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that does all the things needful for discipleship and the manifestation of miracles by His fruit and gifts. If this isn't preached it won't be believed and if it isn't believed there can be no faith so we come to where we seem to be; a diluted and compromised church, wells without water, wishy washy Christians at best.

Believe this. If we preached our faith with the same zeal that other faiths preach theirs, this world would be a very different place.




Wishy washy christians...a compromised church...I see this all the time...christians who tell me it is not their gift to tell people the gospel..ministers that are afraid if they mention repentance it will cause loss of congregation...false teaching on the tube that swallows so many in the false teaching of prosperity..and then we read in the word how the Lord cleared the temple...I wonder why people call themselves christians when they deny the power thereof...poeple who go to church once and live the way they please and call themselves christians...it is as if the word "christian" is a cliche...but what about conversion?...insread of numbers that churches compete, where are the true conversions?...No wonder this world thinks christians are wishy washy...from what they see of people who call themselves "christians" is not christian...it is definately our lives that is the witness and true christians possess the power of God and display it in their lives and this is what the world rejects just as the world rejected Jesus...I believe thre is a great falling away and many are reverting to new age philosophy..morals without conversion in Christ...the feel good about yourself books that have replaced the Word of God for many do not want to obey the Word of God thinking God is a loving God and will overlook their selfish life...The churches that are endowed with the power of God are not the big congregations, but the congregations that have within it the converted who know the Word and move in the power of the Holy Spirit...the ones that preach repentance and bring into the church the unlovely that are the rejects of society...We have work to do..we were given a command and it has to be fulfilled...pray..and go in the name of Jesus...the power is in His name...


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

I feel powerless when I don't have the Holy Spirit working within me.

This can be overcome with prayer.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

We dont rely on God and his power. Inadequacy with our faith, we live below it. We dont plug into it like we should. They are not plugged into the faith, the Lord has given them. By stirring up the faith by plugging into God, and listening with our heart and not our heads!!


Q3a.) (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes?

Q3a.) Our lack of faith in God's promise. If you look at the miraculous healings of Jesus, there was always a step of faith of that person being healed. Such as, "Go show yourself to the religious leaders!" For the lepers.

Q3b.) Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith?

Q3b.) Our faith.

Q3c.) Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith?

Q3c.) Because the Word of God is not preached, human doubt and weakness are made part of the Gospel message.

Q3d.) How can this be changed?

Q3d.) Holy and intense following of God through Christ. Prayer, holy living, meditating and chewing on the Word of God.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

Because we still think we can do it ourselves, I believe that it is when congregations are willing to accept change is when you will see faith above all others, congregations need to get out of the old way of saying this is how we always did it.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

We are powerless sometimes, because we do not have enough faith. It is an inadequacy with our faith, not the source. The source of the power is not change.

Some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith because they teach their disciples that the miracles will happen if they believe. They believe the miracles remain exist until now and until to the future. Others produce disciples with wimpy faith, because they are no longer believe the miracles will happen, the miracles are in Jesus and his apostle


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

I believe we are powerless when we don't COMPLETELY SURRENDER OUR LIVES OVER TO CHRIST. We become sometimes Christians. We want Christ in our lives but we want it our way. Reminds me of the Exodus, Rescue me from the evil of where I am, but once I am rescued I want to be just like it was befoe I was rescued, but this time I will be in control.

When Christians totally surrender their lives over to Christ a process begins, if the Christian feeds this thirst with the Word that process grows and matures, but if it is not feed and nourished then it remains the same. If we don't become like Jesus then we have done? Nothing. This is what Paul is saying, that the journey is long, it is hard, but the reward is great. There is only one True Example, one one Way, only one Path, and that is through Christ.


Q3. (Ephesians 1:18d) Why are we powerless sometimes? Is it an inadequacy with the source or with our faith? Why do some congregations and movements produce disciples with miracle-believing faith and others produce disciples with wimpy faith? How can this be changed?

We are powerless when we fail to stay in close communication with God through Jesus Christ. His promises are true but we have to know them to have them working in our life.

It is our fault if the power is not flowing, if the flow is stopped up we need to check up what is in us that needs to be re-newed in Christ to keep the power flowing.

Some churches know the importance of worship and getting into God's presence for in His presence is the faith we need to accomplish anything.

Teaching people that the power of Acts is still going on and how to worhip and praise God until the spirit starts to move and change things

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