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Q12. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

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We are uneasy, or afraid. We do not trust God - or we would not pass. Prove me wrong. Not a mean-spirited statement, a challenge to me and to everyone who reads this. Paul strengthens my faith. The saints in the bible are men and women like us, only with God-sized faith. Praise God for each of them! Paul encourages the church to be what God intends it to be.

Gods creation does precisely what God created it to do - all of it except us... Today's study really has been an encouragement, thank you.


Often we don't see or recognize the spiritual warfare, so we just don't think about it. I think we often "pass" thinking we're not well enough qualified for spiritual warfare--or haven't kept our spiritual armor in good shape. Sometimes fear overtakes us. Again--our eyes are on the situation, not on the Lord.

Paul's mention of Jesus' power over death, the Name above all Names--the Highest--is the living Lord, He has been given the authority over all things on earth. This has been mentioned by Paul to encourage the believers. We don't have to feel defeated...Christ is Victor! He's on our team & we can't lose!!

We feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies because we are relying on our own strength.

Paul was encouraging the Ephesians by showing them how much power our God has & then that we can tap into the very power which raised Christ from the dead.

Writing this again places me in awe as to the kind of power God has & that we can have that power too--so hard to understand the scope of that power!! I guess we all need to be encouraged in those thoughts and back it up with regular Bible reading/study. Wow!

Lord, how can you stretch me today? I praise you! Amen.


There are several reasons that believers avoid spiritual warfare. Some that come to mind for me:

1) We are ill equipped and yet resist submitting ourselves to the spiritual armor and weapons that will defend us. We don't want to invest in the preparation. To be armed with the defining weapon of the Word of God requires time, diligent study, and prayerful consideration. To be protected with the armor of God requires the deliberate effort to put it on!

2) Often we misunderstand the enemy and source of attack because of lack of discernment and wisdom. Then we ineptly flail around trying to defeat a spiritual foe with only natural strength. And the devil just laughs at our futility. Or we may just be clueless to the fact that the war even exists.

3) We are complacent. The sounds of battle are so far removed from most of us that we feel safe. Christians are overtly persecuted today in many parts of our world, but those of us who don't live in the middle of it tend to be somewhat apathetic on the whole. The truth is, however, that a clandestine assault is occurring, certainly from coast-to-coast in America. We're fools indeed if we believe we are insulated from the spiritual battle going on in our own country.

4) We doubt. Some may doubt the reality of the war, but many believers doubt the reality of the power to win it in the reality of their own personal lives. We may doubt the goodness of God, His personal interest in our welfare, or the perfectness of His will. If you lack confidence in your leader, you're hesitant to follow into the heat of battle.

5) We are afraid. The enemy we face or a realization of our own inadequacy to fight the battle may intimidate us. We may fear that God won't show up or that the outcome won't be what we desire.

6) The Church does not operate in unity. Too often, we are a fragmented army, unwilling to unite under one Supreme Commander to face spiritual warfare together. Standing alone is scary. Our effectiveness is also compomised when our attention is diverted from the real battle to little skirmishes with each other!

As Paul exalts Christ's complete victory and superior rank over all spiritual powers, he is giving all of us the encouragement that there is absolutely no enitity or force in all of the universe and beyond that is mighty enough to defeat the power of God - power that dwells within us! Everything/anything that comes against us is already under His feet in the stance of victory. A head will never betray or desert its body. We can trust that this immeasurable power and great might of God will not fail us. It's our call to believe it and trust our lives into His hands.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

The first question is horrible but essential. I think a lot of it is ignorance. We need a lot more teaching on this in our churches, and a lot more practice in our prayer meetings. Then people can take it home and practice it therein daily life as well. But the other side of the question is about personal inertia, the I'm alright Jack syndrome. We believers don't have the right to such inertia because it does not glorify Father and is totally absent in Him. There is tremendous need out there in our communities and powerful prayer is definitely our responsibility. Where there is no love then nothing else has value (1 Cor 13:1). The whole point about being born again into the spirit is that we become alive to what the Spirit is doing and participate in it in Spirit and in Truth with the whole of our heart (emotion power, love, compassion), mind (mental brilliance submitted to Christ - the mind of Christ in us), soul (will, determination, persistance, vision, community membership, dreams,)and strength (money, education, muscle, affiliations, giftings, wisdom and understanding, forgiveness, teaching the next generation all we know, vigour, passion, values and faith).

Christ's [/b]VICTORY is the whole good news, because we are supposed to walk in the very same victory that he already walked in. We have the power of His Name in order to win every battle. If we haven't got that we have nothing! Victory and overcoming is what will be celebrated in Heaven (Rev. 2,3) Victory is the outcome of faith, and Jesus' concern was whether He would find faith on the earth when He returned. faith is manifested in victory! This is the Message we preach and believe. This is the essence!

Feeling powerless is a consequence of ignorance (overcome by teaching and study of the Word of God) and inertia (lack of application or due diligence if you like!) We would not apply it to our businesses. We need to apply wisdom and due diligence to our faith.

Paul was assuring the Ephesians of Christ's power, authority, positioning above all other forces or entities which are described as "under his feet". He assured them of their participation in all this as the body of which Christ is the head, undivided, unassailable, and in total authority on earth. We just need to send our messages to the brain (Jesus) which will respond appropriately! But we need to do that constantly as it happens in our own bodies!

This encourages us to be in constant contact with the head about every situation. We need to pray without ceasing, giving the brain (Jesus) constant feedback about the situation in every part of the body (us), so that the brain can keep things in right order and appropriate responses. If the situations are painful, our messages to the brain will double, triple in intensity (using the powers that have been made available to us) until the needed response comes back. The body won't let up on its needs being met (prayers for those in the community of faith and those who need to be).


We often feel powerless when confronted with spiritual warfare because we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed and thus forget that Jesus has already defeated Satan on our behalf, and that as we are seated with Jesus, we are far above the realms where Satan can reach us. Satan is not known as the great deceiver for no reason, he has successfully deceived mankind since Eve, and has only grown in his expertise and variety of ways in which he can use his tools against us.

I believe that Paul thought it important enough to mention being prepared for engaging in spiritual warfare because Satan does not lose easily, he will do everything in his power to try to make us believe that we, as believers in Christ, are still within his reach. Paul was doing his best to prepare the Ephesians and other readers of his letters to be constantly ready for an attack, to not rest in the belief that a Christian's life is easy.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare?

For me, it has in the past been because again, I was programmed in a church where I was taught that satan controls the world and all that is in it. This passage of teaching came from when Jesus was in the wilderness with satan and when he offered all the power and the glory of it to Jesus.

Satan tried to use his power over Jesus like he did over the first Adam. Jesus knew He had the authority but didn

Guest Tabatha

Few truths have become so pronouncedly vibrant to the renewed church's life in this century as the place and power of prayer warfare. This call in no wise reduces the conviction that the cross of Jesus Christ has accomplished all victory over the devil ( Col. 3:14, 15 ) To teh contrary, this order of warfare depends on what He has finished! Just as the mission to evangelize the world is founded in the complete provision od salvation . the mission to precede our evangelistic endeavor with prayer power that paves the way to overthrow the works of darkness is founded in the blood of the lamb ( Rev. 12: 9-12 ) ( Eph. 6: 10-18 ) There is a battle and we are armed to offensively approach the confrontation. Taking authority and victorious Warfare Mark 11; 20-24 ) It is necessary to tkae authority in the spiritual realm to impact the natural realm..

I say all this to say the church's neglect to teach that we have the authority with in us to overcome the enemy if we would just release our faith and believeHe would dwell within us is greater than he who is in the world. The word also say be not ignorant of his (devil) devices ( 2 cor. 2:11) Christians don't realize the power they have in the blood and the name of Jesus. They just don't declare or decree the weapons of warfare God has given them. They are afraid of the spirit realm. That is why the giftings are not used in the church's plus lack of teaching. Christians need to wake up and realize we are at war not only in the natural but also in the spiritual.

We also make our selves powerless because of our words. Words are powerful we can either speak a curse or a blessing opening up the door for the enemy.( Matthew 12: 31-36 )


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

We have a hard time accepting thing we can't see,feel or touch. We have a hard time allowing ourselves to believe that there can be a spiritual force at work in us and other, and even around us causing thing to happen that effect our lives.

Paul want the people to know that Christ is in charge of all things not just them. He has and will control all evil as well as good in the time set by the Father. He is the Head and thus has the ability to know and control all things.

We feel powerless because we can see spirits thus we can't control them physically, wew give in to the idea that we are not in control. We forget that God has given us the power aof prayer and through Him we can have dominion over the things we can't see.

Paul was reassuring them that even though they were going through hard time and for some physicial punishment for their belief in Christ that God was in control and had given Jesus all power when He raised Him from the dead. Jesus would be the lasting power in their life, they would need no other to see them through. He would be there as Head in this life and the one to come.

It incourages us to remain faithful knowing we have the same promise that Christ is also our head, and thus He is in total control. We are His bought with a price and He will see us through if we only stay faithful and trust in Him for all things.


I believe that many Christians are ignorant of the devil and his devices. Mainstream churches do not preach about the Adversary and hell is hardly mentioned anymore. When we are not taught these things, and rely on "Hollywood" to show us, the severity and reality of spiritual warfare is lost. While we believe that the devil does exist we hardly take his power over us by our sin seriously.

Paul makes it abundantly clear throughout his writings that we are engaged in a war, a war for our souls as this is the only way that the enemy can hurt a victorious God. Paul teaches us the reality of the hierarchy of angels and devils and that our Lord is the Head of all having put all things under His feet at Calvary.

When we become enlightened about spiritual attacks to ourselves we are often defenseless by ignorance, forgetting that at the very name of Jesus the devil has to flee and that, we are covered by the Lord's blood, which when we plead, the Adversary cannot pentrate. This is a foundation belief that many contemporary Christians have a hard time accepting. So, Paul pleads with us to use the power of the Holy Spirit to fight our foe knowing that we have the victory in Jesus, the One, the Almighty Potentate.

It is very refreshing and energizing to start each day victorious. Put the devil at bay, in the name of Jesus!


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

Afraid we are not fully equipped. We need to remember that He that has appointed us, has equipped us and that through Jesus we have strength and power (unimaginable). Easy words to say, hard actions to do. It comes down to do you really believe what you believe? It's scary to think of the power we have access to. I appreciate how Paul brought words of encouragement. I need to stay in the Word and remain strong in my faith that through the power of God I can achieve great things for the Father. I loved the comparison to WWII occupation. What a great way to think of our victory in Jesus and that now we must do clean up and get the message of freedom out to those who haven't heard


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

I guess there are various reasons why we take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare. Maybe we're unaware it's happening. Possibly we try to fight it ourselves without Christ and the Holy Spirit working within us.

As Christians we can be confident that Christ has won the final victory - we cannot lose. The contract has been signed, all we have to do is wait a short while for delivery.

Thank you Lord,



Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

We take a pass on spiritual warfare because we are afraid and we are not equipped for this type of warfare. Would a man go to war without his armor? Would this man not have a plan for battle? Would this man not weigh the cost of this battle by being prepared? If a man does not know how to fight why would he go to battle?

Many of us are not prepared eventhough we believe that we are. But when tragedy hits us we cry out to the Lord because we are not prepared. That is why Paul stresses the importance of Faith. Not just saying you have faith, but believing that the Battle has already been won. Believing that we posess the power to overcome every adversity that satan throws at us. We must believe that we are his children and he has prepared us, he has even given his Son to show us the way. We must study and be prepared because the battles we face now are nothing compared to the battle that lies ahead. Paul is trying to give us the armor we need to win ALL battles for Christ. We must not leave this responsibility to someone else getting the Truth Out, we as true Christians must be prepared so we can prepare others for the battles that are ahead.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

We often pass because instead of looking at the battle in the spiritual we feel it with our flesh. It is not a battle that can be fault anyother way except by the spirit. It takes the same thing for us it took for Jesus, death. Not the physical death but Jesus died to everything except the Father's will and we will have to die to everything but the will of Jesus Christ.

Christ is our example and he overcame the power of His enemies. With the conquering done by Jesus as His heirs and co heirs we also have the power to overcome our enemies.

We feel powerless because our eyes see the natural that says it is impossible but by the spirit we can say and know that all things are possible through Jesus Christ.

Paul assured them and encourages us that Christ is real, he is alive not just a idol God that sits there unable to deliver and save but Christ paid it all for us and all that Christ has is ours if we abide in Him and He in us.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

Westerners have some problem with releasing their emotion into things. There is some stranglehold on getting involved. My brother grew up as a highland dancer, yet now he will not dance with his wife. It's not lack of ability. It's some sort of cultural prohibition. I believe the same prohibition strangles our prayer life, our passionate giving of ourselves to each other, to warfare, to loving. How often do we see people prostrate themselves in repentance or worship. It "isn't done!". Our pastors (very young church) have had an international miracle ministry, yet in our church the pace is so slow. They have been trying desperately to invoke our passion in services and after three years it's is just beginning to show. "Worship the Lord with ALL YOUR HEART, MIND, SOUL AND STRENGTH says our God. We can barrack at the football like maniacs, but in church we think we have to be restrained and conservative! Forget it. Forget what other people think. Go into services and get excited, responsive, jump up and down, yell agreement with the pastor, clap, kneel, dance, praise furiously, passionately. Talk Jesus all week and hug everybody. Find out how you can serve your brother/sister in Christ. Jealously guard daily praise, worship, prayer and study. Encourage one another in this. Be a leader in applying great passion to the Lord. He did it for us! He says we are not to be ashamed before men, and He will then acknowledge us before His Father in Heaven.

We have a wonderful prayer meeting in which we are free to worship, speak the words,visions that theSpirit is giving us, get confirmation fromeach othere of the way theSpirit is leading, bring in Scripture, sing, dance, clap, shout, prophesy, whatever. Few are there. We are just beginning to break ice! I am so thankful to be there. We are taught to come with great excitement and expectation about what the Spirit will do, to come prepared with our own prayer life in order, bring the annointing in with us from our own prayer closet. We are learning. Our worship leader won't stop worshipping until he feels breakthrough in the Heavenlies. I thank God for pastors that haven't completely given up on us, seeing that they see so much on their overseas missions. How they have struggled with us. What incredible examples they have set!

Oh, brothers and sisters, let us take up the banners, let us forge a new way within our culture. God has invested so much in us that we are not using! Our talents are buried in the ground and we are culpable, answerable. "All our heart, mind, soul and strength" means swing from the chandeliers if that's what it takes!

Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers is important because the same power works in us, His people. We have the use of His Name, the seal of the HolySpirit, and to be ineffective in using it is a blasphemy of His Name. Not to walk in the works that He has prepared for us to walk in is an abuse of the HolySpirit. It is to misrepresent Christ to the world. At all costs we have to break through! Our inertia is deadly! Let us bury it! Let us seek the Spirit diligently as did the disciples praying for the imprisoned Peter. They gathered together and simply didn't stop praying, worshipping, until he knocked on the door. Where is our love today? Buried in a mountainof worldly expectation. Why are we not praying in the early hours of the morning? Jesus always was! Why is our heart not throbbing with first love every moment of the day? Solomon's beloved's was. Why is our ear not tuned to the Spirit as it is to our ipod's and cell phones? What a waste!

Why powerless in the face of the spiritual enemies? Ignorance and lack of due diligence. It's all in the Bible. There is nothing hidden any more. There is so much good teaching available to us today. There is no excuse.

What is Paul assuring the Ephesians of? He is telling them that everything is there. All it requires is our implementation.

Hopefully it encourages us to repent of inertia and change our habits! The table has been abundantly laid but the wedding guests are too busy or don't dress correctly.


A lot of Christians "PASS" on warefare because they have no knowlege of it. Some church bodies skip teaching on warefare (and) some even discourage the teaching. Some people are afraid of warefare.

Paul wanted the Ephesians (chrisitians) to be aware that they have power and authority over Satan, the enemy. They received this benefit, the authority, when they were saved and received the Holy Spirit. They have the authority by using "The name of Jesus" as well as they are covered by the blood of Jesus. Satan flees when "The Blood" is mentioned.

Some Christians feel powerless, if they are not grounded in the Word and do not practice a personal and daily time with the Lord. They allow their faith to get weak.

I believe that Paul was assuring the Ephesians that they, as christians, have the power and authority to get in Satan's face. Paul knew that this would help them build up their Faith.

We should be encouraged in knoweng that we are in Christ and He is in us and that we have the Power and Authority to speak to the enemy "in Jesus name". Satan must get off our shoulders and flee. We are children of God. We have that authority. All we got to do is utilize it....if you will put it into action. Be build up in your most Holy Faith.


Spiritual warfare is a scary proposition that we try to deny or, at least, not recognize in our lives. Belief that Jesus has overcome all things - even death and all denomic beings - and further, that He is with us and will overcome our demons, ie cause to call on and rely on Jesus to lead us in our daily battles of right and wrong, to slay our demons in the name of Jesus.


The main reason I beleive, and as most responses have been, that we 'pass' on spiritual warfare is a lack of teaching in the church, either because people dont want to know about it or too afraid to ask whats involved, or its totally ignored by church hierarchy. There is a lot of teaching out there but to find which is relevant and importantly scripture based it takes looking.

Pauls response is critical to the church at Ephesus, and to us, as a reminder WHO Christ is! That He rules over EVERYTHING. He is the one we focus on, draw strength from, praise and adore, He alone. With that in mind with Christ on our side nothing can stand up to that. Be it spiritual, physical, whatever, we are tapped into the greatest power in the universe. That is what Paul is reminding us about.

Perhaps we feel 'powerless' because we are trying to fight on our own strength, we cannot sustain that at all!

As Christians we have the Holy Spirit within us, empowering us against spiritual attacks. Prayer and the Word are definetly Very Powerful weapons we have at our disposal. So we need to soak in the Word and praying on our knees daily!!

Paul is assuring us of victory in Christ, with Christ who is above all, we will stand together against the evil one.

Pray, pray and soak in His Word!!!


We are often ignorant of the tremendous power available in and with us, thus we do not confront the enemy with our superior power. The Bible tells us that 'my people perish for lack of knowlege'. Now that I have been reminded that He that is me is greater than he that is in the world, and that I am more than conquerors in Christ, I will henseforth fight to win and never to loose. I will be bold and not timid.

Paul needed to let Christians know that Christ is the Head of the Church and has been exalted above all powers. This information is to let us know that since our Captain is the head and is more powerful than any other power, it follows that we (in Him and He in us) are also exalted and should not therefore go timidly about in fear. Praise God for the power we have in Christ Jesus.

We tend to feel powerless in the face of warfare because we do not remember to fall back on the source of our power but rather, we face battle in the power of our own strenth. We see only our weakness or the size of the enemy. The Children of Israel saw the size of Goliath and knew the history of his victories and were thus very afraid of him because they failed to remeber that their God was more powerful than any being. However David knew that victory was not by their might/ power but by the Spirit of God. This made him courageous to face Goliath victoriously.

Pual was assuring the Ephesians that they had power to be victorius Christians because they had the source power that was more powerful than any other. This assuarance is for us too and should encourage us to face our battles with courage and faith in the power of God.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

We so often take a


We do not have the faith to believe that we can render Satan powerless in our lives. For us to gain this power we must have God's power moving toward us.True believers are shielded by God's power against all forces of evil that would destroy us . Only through faith are we protected by God's power, just as through faith we are saved. Salvation comes through faith thus we obtain an inheritance in heaven. One that can never perish, spoil, or fade. ( 1 Pet.1:4-5; Ro.1:16)

Because we have been given all power just as Christ had. We just don't show enough Holy Boldness.

We don't let the Holy Spirit work in us. We tend to let the flesh tell us what to do.

We need to work out our salvation through the 3 stages recommended in Romans. ( NIV Study Bible)

Salvation, Redemption, and Justification.

Question #5

The fullness of God.

It prevents others from seeing how God & the Holy Spirit are working in your life. From knowing God's love and to grasp how wide, long, high, & deep God's love is for us, everyone of us..

That they may see God's presence reflected through us, the character and stature of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We need this strengthening through fellowship. Iron sharpens iron.


Q4a.) (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare?

Q4a.) It is a day to day battle and when something is day to day, we become fatigued of the same old grind. It is the path of least resistence (I had a fux pas and began to type existence, but thinking about it, to cave in is to take the path of least existence too.).

Q4b.) Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers?

Q4b.) To encourage, remind us during those times of fatigue, discouragement and doubt.

Q4c.) Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies?

Q4c.) We are trying to fight these powers through our flesh and not through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Q4d.) What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of?

Q4d.) The war has been won, we just have to be faithful in the battles and skirmishes.

Q4e.) What does this encourage us to do?

Q4e.) Maintain our vigilence, to keep ourselves fully outfitted in the Armor of God, to walk and live in the Spirit.


Spiritual warfare seems to be "out there someplace" for so many christians. probably because we are material beings in a, seemingly, material world. But that's not the case. It's seems fairly clear throughout scripture that the spiritual realm is so far more real than this material that this physical is merely a shadow in comparison. The victory comes first in the spiritual realm and follows in the physical realm. Prayer is our life-line of communication.


Q4. (Ephesians 1:20-22) Why do we so often take a "pass" when it comes to spiritual warfare? Why is Christ's exaltation, demonstration of complete victory, and superior rank over all spiritual powers important enough for Paul to mention it to his readers? Why do we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies? What was Paul assuring the Ephesians of? What does this encourage us to do?

Simply put, God is in control. He makes kings, and takes down kings. Even the wicked kings are under His control.

We forget that God has aasured us the victory already. We are powerless against our "spiritual enemies" if we are not truly converted and trust God. "For the battle is not ours, but God's". Temporal victories and lossess are not always heavenly victories or defeats. We must trust God!


When it comes to spiritual warfare we really should not do it alone.In spiritual warfare we strugle not against flesh and blood ,(read Ephesians 6:12. When we read Ephesians we should understand that Paul is speaking to the whole church.As christians we can be confident that God has won the final victory and is in control of everything.Christ is the head of the church and is victorious over Satan and all his powers.I believe we tend to feel powerless in the face of spiritual enemies in my own experience was fear.I didn't really understand what I was dealing with.We all have that power to deal with such things.My Pastor has said"Know your enemy!!.We call out to Jesus."The battle belongs to the Lord.For myself it is very encouraging to know Jesus is with me all the way. You are never alone.Amen.

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