Commissioned Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? We miss out being under His headship. How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? When we are absent from the body, we allow the completeness of the body to be flawed. God has placed us all in the body for a specific, special, purpose. When we're not in place, we rob the body of a blessing that our gifting brings. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? We would miss the blessing of worshipping and praying with other believers. How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? We are all part of God Quote
sis. dee Posted December 5, 2006 Report Posted December 5, 2006 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? I believe when we are absent from corporate worship we miss out on the opportunity to grow and mature. We are bless to be a blessing to others, so we miss out on blessing others, ministering to others, to the lost, the hurting or even encouraging someone with a kind/wise word or with a smile. The church is the body and we are one, God has bless us all with difference gifts to bless the church. Our absence from church, these gifts will go not being use, it will go to waste. Quote
veryl Posted December 10, 2006 Report Posted December 10, 2006 We miss out of the benefits of the whole body of the church. We are all a part coming together to make a whole in completion. Life is a puzzle with a piece missing if we are not there as part of the whole. The picture of the puzzle is not complete. As a piece off by ourselves we cannot contain the beauty of the whole picture. Connected to the rest we are absorbed into the beauty of the whole. In this whole lies our strength, protection and development. Quote
Jewell Posted January 25, 2007 Report Posted January 25, 2007 We miss out on fellowship. We miss the opportunity to hear different perspectives, to meet people, to make friends, and to share in the word. In our absense, we withhold the same from others. Quote
Jen Posted February 17, 2007 Report Posted February 17, 2007 We miss out on the little piece of heaven God gave us while on this earth and we deprive them of the same. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Many times I have been in countries where there were no churches. I'm glad I worshipped alone. Quote
meandean Posted April 14, 2007 Report Posted April 14, 2007 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? there are many ways for god to flow through each member of the church. and i don't necessarily believe that we have to be active locally. and what i mean by this is jesus said to go into all the world and make disciples,baptizing them in the name of the father,son and holy spirit.teaching them to obey everything that i have commanded are we to confine god to our local church? no,but to live out this life no matter where we are, church, work,walking down the street, mowing the yard,ect. so, to miss out on a blessing...mmm...acts tells us the disciples devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.all believers were one in heart and mind. noone claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had,with great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the lord jesus and much grace was upon them all. now this to me is total, sold out, hold nothing back fellowship.this is a we bless like this at church?hardly.can we be a face without a name? no way.most of us are closet christians, afraid to open up,to get hurt,stepped on, damaged for any one or any are we all guilty of showing up at church, yet at the same time, being absent? you bet.mmm.... lets chew on that for awhile,no matter how bitter it is.... Quote
Beadie Posted September 4, 2007 Report Posted September 4, 2007 If we do not participate in The Church, we are losing the fellowship and support of the other members of His Body. We don't partake of His victory and unable to share in Christ himself who is the body, the Church. We lose the strength of numbers and gifts that the others in our congregation bring to the work we are trying to accomplish in His name. We might even stray from what He wants us to be doing because the group has a stronger ability of discernment. What we do may be needed and good and even Christlike, but it may not be His desire for us at this time. And most importantly we lose the ability to really learn how to be Him, to be fully filled by Him as only the body can be filled by Him. By not giving our all to the church, we fail to provide the spiritual support and love to the others who need our love and support as much or more than we need theirs. The Church needs what gifts and strengths God has given us in order to accomplish its purpose and when that piece of the group is lost, the whole chuch and its work is lessened in its ability to do that work. By not being part of the group and showing and acting out our love we fail to show our Christ like qualities to non-believers. He commanded His disciples to show the world what it meant to be Christians, and first and foremost it was by loving one another. It is part of our calling to love and support one another. Quote
Amsterdamse Posted October 21, 2007 Report Posted October 21, 2007 We miss out on the fullness that we have in Him, we are not complete on our own, but we will expereince the fullness of authority when we stand together for Christ complete work is un unity and not in solidarity. Each part is important in the community, so if we do not take part one powerfull tool is missing since God uses each individual different and together we fill each other in. Unity is powerfull, since we function as a body Quote
Suellen Posted October 22, 2007 Report Posted October 22, 2007 I know about this, personally. The church we had been a member of for many years fell apart it hit us hard and my family had a difficult time, We didn't want to be hurt again so we held ourselves back for 6 months. Not going to church, it caused a severe depression and loneliness within us. We begin to pray about it and seek God's direction. We are now a member of church that is just a couple of miles down the road. The people are sweet and friendly. But we have learned not to put all our trust and faith in the congregation and pastor but to put our faith in God himself and just take it one day at a time. Not going to church kept us from being the blessing that God wanted us to be, the blessing to others around us and we missed out on the blessing of those that attended when we did not. the people of a church are to edify each other and we need to understand that people are people and we will hurt each other but we need to keep moving forward and focus on God. Quote
Michelle G Posted January 28, 2008 Report Posted January 28, 2008 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? We miss out the fullness of Him. Our absence can withol blessing from others that we might have the opportunity to fellowship with and help to encourage, build their faith..... Quote
mags Posted May 20, 2008 Report Posted May 20, 2008 When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation we miss out on the fullness of Christ. We also withhold this blessing from others. God has called us to be an active member of a church and to fulfill his calling on our lives. If we don't obey both ourselves and others miss out on the fullness of Christ. I don't believe that we have the right to stop others missing out on Christ's blessings or that others should stop me from missing out on his blessing for me. It is our responsibility to ensure that others receive Christ's blessing, we need to do our part. God intended us to be a part of a body and that we all play an important part within that body. No one part is more important or to be placed above another one. Quote
Sister Pauline Kelly Posted July 21, 2008 Report Posted July 21, 2008 When we neglect to be an active part of the local congregation, we miss out on all graces that God has in store for us for all eternity. Our example that we show filters down to our families, children, co-workers all we come in contact with, they see and know just what we are. They see us and know that we are supposed to be. God wants to show us that He loves us and sent his beloved son. Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? Quote
Elisabeth Posted November 9, 2008 Report Posted November 9, 2008 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? The fulness of Christ is the church, and the church is the body of believers. Christ died for His church and one day shall come for His church (His bride). Meeting together we are blessed through worshipping our Lord, learning more and more about Him and each of us pointing to Jesus for all our needs and comforts. When we dont support or attend and worship in our local church we are witholding all the blessings that our Lord has given for us to share, we share His love and encourage one another reminding each other that we live in the hope of the return of our glorious saviour. we are to be wittnesses to the world, to shine for Jesus, we are to be so filled with Christ that others may see Jesus in us. "May the beauty of Jesus be seen in me". Quote
edler Posted April 6, 2009 Report Posted April 6, 2009 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? Not been in the body we miss out on the blessings of God .because our faith grow by hearing the word of God.How is the world going to see Jesus but in us so we can not be absence from the congregation. Quote
JanMary Posted June 19, 2009 Report Posted June 19, 2009 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? We are a part of the Body of Christ...when we are not involved in a local church congregation, we are functioning as an amputed limb, disconnected from the body. We miss fellowship, and all that it involves, such as encouragement, correction, teaching, training in righteousness, and the blessing of being a blessing. All that Christ did, He did for the church...we miss out on what He has for us there, such as the functioning of our gifts, growth, even learning patience and forgiveness as we interact with some folks who are a challenge. (As we probably are to others.. :-) ) How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? The body functions in an incomplete way since we are meant to function within the local church. We may have some wisdom or insight which will be lacking, we withhold our love and the functioning of our gifts from the local church, they will be overburdened by a lack of servers, by our absence. Others lack our support, as well as our financial support which helps the local church function. The Church is to function as a complete body, all parts present and active. We are meant to be a blessing...of course we can attend and be a hangnail too, on the Body of Christ, if our attitude isn't right. Quote
wifee Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? 5a)we neglect to be an active part of Christ Quote
SweetZippy Posted February 16, 2011 Report Posted February 16, 2011 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? If God appointed Jesus to be the head over everything for the Church, then he has appointed us to be in his body. If we are not part of His body, we are not walking in obedience, therefore we miss out on the blessings of obedience which bring "fullness". Secondly, we are starving the body/others of what blessing we can give them. Disobedience always hurts not only ourselves, but others also. Quote
Jubilee Posted May 2, 2011 Report Posted May 2, 2011 Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation we are missing out and according to Ephesians 1:22-23 we are no longer the fullness of Christ, who fills and fulfills everything. We are to be the full expression of Christ in the world, and by our absence, we are withholding this blessing from others. We are to be so filled with Christ that our contents becomes Him, that our love becomes blended with His love, that our laughter echoes his own joy, that our sacrifice mirrors his. We are to be the fullness of Christ. Indeed, we are "complete in Him" (Colossians 2:10) Quote
JenniferLynn Posted May 26, 2011 Report Posted May 26, 2011 The fullness of Christ who fills everything in every way. His church is the best way to survive in this world that is so against what the Church believes. I would miss out on all the encouragement I would be getting from my fellow survivors. We wouldn't be able to help others in our unique way because of our life experiences that wouldn't be shared. Quote
Old Jerry Posted June 14, 2012 Report Posted June 14, 2012 When we neglect to be an active part of the local congregation the particular blessings that we miss out on is the fullness of fills everything in every way. When I am absent from church the blessing that I withhold from others is that of being able to tell other what God has done for me recently. Quote
gricha1 Posted November 10, 2012 Report Posted November 10, 2012 Today, God's special kingdom of blessing is manifested primarily in the church. It is through the ministry of Word that we learn what is means to bow the knee to Christ as Lord. Furthermore, it is through the church's ministry that we receive the blessings of sanctification and Christian growth, for the Spirit works through other believers to conform us to the Son. Quote
JoanG Posted March 8, 2015 Report Posted March 8, 2015 We miss being a part of Christ's earthly body. We miss the celebration of life that should be taking place every Sunday. We really miss out on the acceptance, forgiveness and love that can only be shared with our brothers and sisters of faith. By our absence, we keep our love and our acceptance from others. We deny them with a possible smile or kind work that they will need. Quote
Karen11 Posted September 23, 2017 Report Posted September 23, 2017 On 7/23/2006 at 9:22 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q5. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? Fellowship...Fullness of Christ Our Joy Quote
haar Posted February 11, 2022 Report Posted February 11, 2022 Q13. (Ephesians 1:22-23) When we neglect to be an active part of a local congregation, what particular blessings do we miss out on according to Paul in this verse? How do we, by our absence, withhold this blessing from others? We miss the opportunity to be part of His body and miss the blessings that come as reward for the services the body does as full body of the church.  Quote
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