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Q14. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

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The very first man abused his God-given gift of self-will and chose to rebel against God. In life, when we reject or disregard another person, our ability to relate to them deadens. Our concern for what they value dies. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, their spirits instantly died to Him because of the sin that breached their holiness. All of humanity inherited that deadness which disabled our ability to relate to God spirit-to-spirit. We just naturally do what we want when we want, how and where we want to do it - because we don't care who God is or what He says. We're set against His purpose and design for living, and that rebellious pride is sin. This is the nature of a spiritually dead person. The ultimate outcome for such a person is to face the wrath of God. The only remedy is the re-creation of new spiritual life by the Holy Spirit when people accept the LORD's plan of redemption and believe on Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Non-believing people are dead in the sense that they are unable to relate to God because of this deadened spirit that results from sin. Their spirit has not been reborn with the Holy Spirit, which gives them the ability to connect and communicate with God. The difference between them and us is the presence of the Spirit within. He alone quickens us to life and enlightens the eyes of our hearts to the hope, inheritance, and power found in God.

Whenever we get the true picture of their condition, I think our hearts will be broken and burdened for them. The first thing we should do is get on our faces before the LORD to cry out for their salvation! We should continually pray for their encounter with Christ and the gift of saving faith, their deliverance from God's wrath. We should invite them to church or Bible study, because faith comes by hearing the Word. We should live true to our own call as believers in the Word without hypocrisy or unfaithfulness, for we are living Bibles. We should minister to their needs to the best of our ability and be ready to" show & tell" the love of Christ.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

"Dead" means having no response, unable to respond or react to something. God made man of clay, the same as He did the animals and fish (Gen 1:24, "Let the earth bring forth ....") But he did something with man that He had not done with the animals - He breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and man became a living being. Unlike the animals, man was able to interact with God, to know his Creator in a way no animal could. Only one thing put a stop to that. Probably without realising it, Adam put his faith in the serpent's words, that they would be like God, knowing good and evil, and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For the sake of immediate gratification he took the fruit, cancelling God's cautionary word.

If a doctor transgresses the code of the medical fraternity and, for example, interferes with a child patient, thinking he could get away with it and it would make no difference to the state of things, he has actually cancelled his membership of the medical fraternity, because when it comes to light, as it almost certainly will, he will no longer be able to practice as a doctor. As far as they are concerned he doesn't exist any more. He is unable to be trusted, and dead as a doctor. He can't go back to medical school and become a doctor again. He is dead. Trust has gone and there is no way it can be resurrected.

Likewise, God is holy and Adam transgressed that holy condition. He was to have been the inheritor of earth and have dominion of it all, but he gave it away by putting his faith in a snake. Trust went to the snake.

Our unbelieving brethren don't have that trust relationship with God. It just isn't there. It has to be birthed in them again under the right conditions of repentance. The difference between us and them is that we have repented and God has again breathed into us Life through His Son Jesus, who took our place and punishment, that we might be restored. Wouldn't it be amazing if another doctor took the punishment for the transgressing doctor and gave him his own name to work under? That is what Jesus did for us. He took our death, and gave us his own Name to work under!

If we really believed they were dead we'd stop at nothing to try and convince them to live. We might even die for them, knowing that we are in the resurrection power of the name of Jesus!

Guest Tabatha

:) In the beginning God Created us in His image and then breathed His spirit into us. This is what was done to Adam. Adam was able to communicate with God and had a beautiful relationship because of this.

Then Sin entered in the form of a serpent ( Satan ) Adam and Eve gave into that sin thus spiritual death took place and therefore man inherited that spiritual void. But because of God's mercy and love for His creation He gave us a way to receive spiritual life through His Beloved Son Who went to the cross for our sinful nature. Through repentance in recognizing our sinful nature and accepting Jesus into our hearts, receiving the Holy Spirit we come spiritually alive.

Our non-believing friends , neighbors and relatives are "dead " in their spirit because they have not recognized their need for repentence of their sinful ways so they are spiritually dead in Christ.

If we believe this about them and are subject to God's wrath then our attitudes should be one of accepting them and not their sins by praying for them and for God to make a way for us to witness to them by bringing them to Christ. There are several ways to do this. Invite them into your home, have Christian music playing softly, Let them feel comfortable in your home. encourage them to talk about themself and family. Listen attentively. Show your really care and are interested. When they start asking questions about what you believe, be simple share how you met Jesus, maybe you have a testamony No one is perfect.

The most important way is to live what you believe by reading the bible and getting instructions how to do that daily. Be imataters of Christ. Amen


First, we all pray that every believer is 'making' a difference. The world condition indicates the body of Christ has much work to do in this area. People still spiritually dead have not accepted or believed that Jesus Christ is God's Son and confessed this fact, and are not born again. They will continue forever ...separated from God's Love and everyone in Heaven. This breaks my heart and I am trying to do something about it the rest of my life.


Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? They are slave to a dying breed because they are slave to satan.

What's the difference between us and them? By the very grace of God, through Jesus Christ, we have been risen from the dead and made alive, we have been stimulated by the power of the Holy Spirit and we are able to burn more intensely in the fire and heat. We have entered into a phase of active growth and development to shine more brightly. We are the refiners fire.

He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." Malachi 3:3

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the

fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one

needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot then she thought again about the verse that says: "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."

She asked the silversmith if it was! true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. He answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in he fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?" He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy -when I see my image in it."

If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do? Pray for the lost and ask God to show them His favor in grace, then go and share the gift of truth by presenting the gospel, serving others in kindness, gentleness and love, to serve Christ and help build up His church.


Non believing people are dead in Christ. They are dead spiritually. They are living in sin, wrong doing, wrong thinking. Most folks DO know of Jesus Christ, but refuse to make a commitment to receive Him in their hearts as their Lord and Savior. Non believers choose to do whatever they feel like doing.

The difference between non believers and believers.....Believers have commited themselves to the Lord and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Believers strive to live Godly lives through obedience and repentence of sin. Believers are alive in Christ. Believers are led by the Holy Spirit to do what is right and pleasing to God. On the other hand, non believers are living a wordly life. They are serving a world that is run by Satan. The non believer has no thoughts of God and doing Godly things. They are lost and doomed for hell.

As Christians, we should minister to the non-believer, share the Word of God with them and explain the Plan of Salvation to them. Above all, we should pray for them and invite the Holy Spiirt to convict them of their sins so that they can make a choice to become ALIVE IN CHRIST. As Christians, it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to see that the non believer comes to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.


Our unbelieving friends and family are dead in that they are spiritually dead and so separated from God. Unfortunately as Dr Ralph pointed out in the study, our society tries to cope with this 'death' by denying absolute truth, claiming that as long as nobody is hurt by our actions then everything is okay. The thing is, this claim can never be proved, how does one know that one's actions have not had a negative impact on someone else, and what has to happen to make the impact 'harmful'. Does it mean that as long as no one was killed, but seriously injured isn't that bad?

We should be trying to show our unbelieving friends and family via our choice of lifestyle, not by our words, what being alive in Christ is, what the benefits are, that yes we do still make mistakes, but that we can also receive forgiveness, just as we can forgive others. Too often people choose to 'Bible bash' and then when their human-ness shows through (no one can keep up a fake holiness) they are castigated, and labelled bigots. This is why it is so important of us to have a living witness, not a pretense, and openly admit our mistakes when we make them, and just as readily forgive those who wrong us, whether or not they ask for it. After all, we don't deserve God's grace and forgiveness, yet He readily dispenses it.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

We were once dead in our since, but have now been made alive in Christ Jesus.

The non beleivers are dead in sins and subject to God's wrath now - until they come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

Knowing tthey will eternally be separated from God if they do not accept the forgiveness extended in Christ by God - I am to make use of every chance to tell others about salvation. - burt the sad fact is that I feel afraid of rejection, most of the times I do not feel the urgency to tell others about Christ. I pray for peoples salvation, but rarely tell others unless someone asks - which makes me feel guity.

I pray for boldness to make use of every opportunity God gives me to tell someone daily.


(Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

We were all dead because of our sins and we walked according to the darkness of the prince of this world. By nature through the fall of Adam the flesh is always weak but with Christ the spirit makes us more than overcomers of the flesh.

When by Grace we accepted Jesus our past sins were covered in the blood and to be remembered no more, we are created new with a future not a past.

If we really believed we are dead because of our sins the spirit would draw us to a change of life through Jesus that we could be obedient children of God and not subject to his wrath. Without truly believing we are wrong there may be some regrets but no real repentence and that is the only thing that will save us, His saving grace through repentence of our sins and living according to His commandments.


God Almighty is a holy God. He is perfect. Sin is dirt, filth, darkness to Him and can have no part of Him. Sin separates us from Adonai. We are dead in our sins, dead to Yahweh when we are non-believers, living in sin.

The difference between believers and those who we love and care about who are non-believers is that we recognize the terms and conditions of our relationship with Jesus. We know that as fleshly beings we will sin but we have an Advocate with the Father who will intercede for us when we ask to be forgiven of that sin. Since we acknowledge that sin is death, we do not live in sin any longer and yes, there is a vast difference between making a mistake and sinning and living in sin, that is, sinning and not repenting, thinking we are all right just as we are. Those who think that God loves us in our sin are right. He does love us. That why He sent His Son as our sacrifice, to save us from our sin, not in our sin.

I like what Jude says: "And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh (vs22-23). What should we do? Sow seed, after seed, after seed, and pray that God grants the increase.


Our non- believing friends and neighbours are "dead" in the sence that they are not sensitive to the fact that sin is repulsive to God. Sin is commited at will without any remorse. They commit sin and even boast of it. They are thus dead in sin and in God and face eternal death.

The difference between us and our non- believing friends and neighbours is that while they are dead in sin, we are alive and are conscious of sin. The holy spirit convicts us of sin causing us to have no peace until we confess and repent and our peace returns.

We should make all efforts to bring our "dead" friends to the saving grace of our Lord jesus Christ so that they can also experience life in the Lord and escape from eternal death.


Our non-believing friends,neighbors,and relatives are"dead" because they are dead in their trangressions and sin.Only through being united with Christ(through salvation)will they enter into a life of freedom from their sins.The truth is we all sin.We all have a sinful nature.The diffrence is they are lost in sin and can not free themselves.They are without Christ.Only through Christ we are saved;we can not save ourselves.

We know that if they reject Christ ,our friends ,neighbors and family,loved ones will be subject to Gods wrath.We must pray for them.If we do not pray for them ,how will they be saved?Let them see Christ in us.A lot of people don't like to hear you preach to them,but there are other loving ways we can reach them for Jesus.Time is short.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

This passage answers why non-believers are "dead". 1) They "...walk according to thw way of this world...". 2) Their influence is "...according to the ruler of the power of air...". 3) They are "indulging the desires of the flesh and mind...".

The difference between them and us is that through Christ we are under no condemnation for our sin..in fact we are dead to the penalty of sin and are alive in Christ. We have hope in eternal inheritance that we are promised, where those who arfe dead will end up in the everlasting lake of fire. We are "walking in the Spirit" and have a mindset on Christ, though we have moments of the flesh, we are not ruled by it.

It is our responsibility to "lift up the cross" to reveal the "agape" love of God. Not just by showing them the Word, but by living by the "Word". To reveal that we are led by the "Spirit", that we are not to be lead by the **** of the flesh, the **** of the eyes and the pride of life.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives are spiritually


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

They are dead in the fact that they do not know the Christ as we do. They have nobody nor nothing to turn to in their bad times and in their grief. This does not mean though that we should turn our backs on them, we should live our lives as examples so that they would want to have what we have in Christ. We must try by total example to win them to Jesus Christ. If we get preachy with them, though there are times when we might lay a hint or two, we can lose them forever.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

The difference between non-believing and believing is that we have chosen to believe. We have excepted the way of God and we have willing made that choice. The non-believing chose not to believe in God they chose to believe in worldliness. If they were really "Dead" then there would be nothing for us to do, but they still have time to make a change so we must keep telling them about God and leading their ways toward him in all that we do we must become examples of Christ, not forcing, but reminding them of how great it is in God's world where there will be eternal life and that they have nothing to gain from this world but eternal damnation. We must continue to be examples of Christ and follow his teachings, he didn't force anything on the non-believers, even his own people condemned him, but he continued to serve God and teach those who wanted to know everything they needed to know, so must we.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

They are dead in their faith they have none or are in denial of it. I had a guy at work the other day tell me that He didn't believe in God. I still find that inconcievable. How can you look at the night sky and not believe or for that matter a blade of grass. How easy it is to say I don't believe but how hard to come face to face with you maker and then have to face His wrath. To be without faith in God is a place no one should want to be but with the sin of this world all around it is hard for those with little faith to deal with and resist. I struggle everyday and feel heart broken every time I stumble, those who don't believe lose that feeling of heart brokenness and have only hardness of heart so they don't deal with the though of hearting the one Who loves them enough to die for them. We need to continue to try to live a life that will some how show them there is another way and that the Lord of their lives does not have to be the lord of the air but the God of heaven and earth, out own Lord and Saviour.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Non believers are "dead" because they have not accepted Jesus into their lives where as Christians we have accepted Christ as our saviour.

If we believe this we should spread the good news.


Quote by Stan: "I had a guy at work the other day tell me that He didn't believe in God. I still find that inconceivable."

I hear you! My answer to this, is a question I often ask myself. How can anyone look at a flower and compare it to another one and not see the diversity of each flower in a garden and not know that God is a creative God? The One who designs each petal to be different from another flower and each to have a different leaf structure and different fragrance all together?

How can anyone look at the night sky and not know there is a God and that He is alive? How can anyone not see that each star is placed in a specific order and that each collection of them tells a picture story of old paleo, the stories of the Bible and of Jesus Christ?

In Genesis 1:14-17 it reads: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.

The stars, He set them in the firmament. God Himself set them right where they are still set to this day. They are in the order where He placed them and they have not left their order.

How can someone not know that each human is completely different and that no one on this entire earth is the same? The proof is in our thumb print. We are all individually different yet in the eyes of God, we are each ,


Q1a.) (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"?

Q1a.) Their hearts amy be hard to any pricking of their conscience in wrong doing. It de-sensitizes, we cheat a little on our taxes, we don't return the overage of change we receive from a clerk in error, and we justify it because the store is ripping us off anyways. Let our imagination run wild with our own justification

Q1b.) What's the difference between us and them?

Q1b.) Nothing except saving faith in Christ and a desire to live a life honoring to Him and His Father. The indwelling Holy Spirit provides that conviction.

Q1c.) If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Q1c.) Do everything and anything to get back into life with God. Unfortunately, our view of God and sin in the American church for the most part is low. And a low view of God and sin leads to a low view of Scripture and from there we have what we have, overlooking all types of sexual sin, a divorce rate that equals secular society, drug and alcohol abuse which are symptoms of a lack of a saving faith in Christ for so many.


Our non-believing friends are dead in the sense of their many sins and disobedience to God. We were once in this state, not realizing the state we were in. One might even say, "How can I be dead and still living?" Knowing that they are spiritual dead we should tell them how to live. Tell them how much God loves them that He gave His only begotten son that we could live. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.

The difference betweenn us and them is that we have accepted the gift of salvation and we are not bound by sin. We are obedient to His Word and we are made alive by Jesus Christ.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

In the sense that Our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives are "dead" is because they are still following the ways of the world, gratifying the cravings of their sinful nature, by following its desires and thoughts.

The difference between us and them, we are no longer dead in trangressions and sin, we were sinner who was saved by grace, and because of his great love for us God, who is rich in mercy, forgive us of our sins and made us alive with Christ.

If we really believed that they were "dead" and sublect to God's "wrath" we would share our love of Christ with them, but letting them know, according to the Scriptures that Christ died on the cross for our sins and that he rose again the third day to give believers the assurance of forgiveness-and that they too can trust Christ as they Savior, confess their sin, and that Jesus is faithful and Just and that he will forgive them.

In the sense that Our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives are "dead" is because they are still following the ways of the world, gratifying the cravings of their sinful nature, by following its desires and thoughts.

The difference between us and them, we are no longer dead in trangressions and sin, we were sinner who was saved by grace, and because of his great love for us God, who is rich in mercy, forgive us of our sins and made us alive with Christ.

If we really believed that they were "dead" and sublect to God's "wrath" we would share our love of Christ with them, but letting them know, according to the Scriptures that Christ died on the cross for our sins and that he rose again the third day to give believers the assurance of forgiveness-and that they too can trust Christ as they Savior, confess their sin, and that Jesus is faithful and Just and that he will forgive them.


Our non-believing friends, neighbors, relatives are dead to Christ not just because they sin. We all sin but for the refusal to not take the gift of salvation. I have several friends that come to church and say they believe in God, but do not hold close to any of God's commandments. They continue to openly follow a worldly view. I'm also subject to the attraction of the devil. My Pastor's wife once told me "No one said sin wouldn't be fun!" She made a lot of sense, but we have to remember that that particular kind of "fun" comes with a price and that we can (if we chose) fill our time with fun of God's leading. My life is different from these friends due to my prayer life and strong conviction in the Lord. I know without a doubt I will be held accountable to Christ for my sins. Sometimes when confronted with something I shouldn't do (gamble, go to the bar) I tell people I've already created enough things to answer for I don't need to keep adding to the long list. If we really believed that they are going to experience the "wrath" of God. We would try to lead them to Jesus with a much stronger conviction. I know for myself I don't want to "offend" anyone. We want to stay friends. Unfortunately many who say they are Christian, are not and if I start to speak of the Bible they get a little nervous. So I continue to pray for them and just answer questions when asked.

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