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They are 'dead' to Christ, still living to worlds standards, rather live in sin/worldly fashion (so temporary)

The difference is that we have turned away (repented), and in daily repentance, we live in Christ, the Holy Spirit convicting, guiding us through our walk with Christ.

What we must keep doing is share the Good News about Christ, who He is and what He has done for us. And what they must do to restore/renew a relationship with God.

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They do not have Christ and without Christ, they have no spiritual life and have no way of relieving their guilt from sin. We know that we are forgiven through Christ, but if you don't accept Christ, who is there to forgive you? We need to tell them about Christ - who he is, the sacrifice he made for us and the redemption he won and offers to us. We have to accept the forgiveness and redemption offered to us through Christ, but hw can you accept if you don't know Jesus?


They are dead to the spiritual things of God & are under condemnation for their sin. We are alive to the things of God & believe & live knowing Jesus paid the price for our sin. This should awaken in us a longing to reach those who are lost ASAP!


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

They are dead in spirit, they just are going thru the motions of their day to day stuff without any knowledge of eternal life in heaven.

We should do everything possible to bring them to Jesus Christ, so that they may know they have eternal life by the blood of Jesus Christ.


In what sense are our non-believing friends,neighbors,and relatives dead?What's the difference between us and them?If we really believed that they were dead and subject to God's wrath,what would we do?

They are dead in the spirtual sense but not physically because of the fact that they live in the world.The difference between us and them is that we have a deep relationship with God and have accepted the Lord as savior of our lives.If i really believed that they were dead and that they were going to go through the wrath of God then i would try to help them see that God is the only one in their lives that can come and rescue them,to dwell in their lives.Convince them and even pray for their spirts and hearts to be touched by God for salvation.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Our non-believing friends neighbors, and relatives are dead because they have not accepted the gift of salavation that our God so freely gives . They chose to follow the ways of the world through disobedience. The difference is that we chose to accept the gift, wereas we were once dead also. Trough acceptance of God's gift of salvation we are now alive. We were no different until we made the choice to follow Christ. We should live righteously before our non believing friends continue to show love toward them and pray for them. We should not be pious are think that be are better than they are. Trough love , continued prayer we may encourage someone and trough the Holy Spirt win them to Christ, remembering the battle is not ours but the Lord's


- The fact that all people , without exception , commit sin proves that without Christ we have a sinful nature. We are all lost in sin and cannot save ourselves.This does not mean that only Christians do good. Many people do good to others . On relative scale , many are moral , kind , and law abiding . Comparing these people to criminals, we would say that they are very good indeed . But on God's absolute scale , no one is good enough to earn salvation( " dead because of of our disobedience and our many sins") . Only through being united with Christ's perfect Life can we become good in God's sight .


Those who are in violation of God's standard are spiritually dead and cannot comprehend anything about sin and transgression and absolute truth because these concepts are spiritually discerned( ICor. 2:14).

The best thing to do for such is to bombard the throne of God on their behalf for the mercy of God for their spiritual quickening.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Unbelievers have no concept of a spiritual life so thay are "dead" to it. Also without a spiritual life, which is Christ in us, they have no future to which to look forward. Their central focus is man not God. By being justified we have been able to come into God's presence. Through our justification we have a purpose and a future which awaits us. I do believe that unbelieving neighbours and colleagues are both spiritually dead and are subject to God's wrath. They will be judged. Jesus assured us of that. Many unbelievers have hardened their hearts against Christians and Christian morality; some are openly hostile to Christianity. Just listen or watch how the mainstream media deals with Christian matters. In practice I am quite diffident in my witnessing. People know I am Christian and I will witness willingly when the topic is raised or a suitable opening occurs. I also pray that those unbelievers around me will open their hearts to the Gospel and be saved. However, given the promise and reality of hell, we should in fact be more persistent in our witness and in our prayers. If someone was about to fall off a cliff to a certain death, we would not wait for a suitable moment to warn that person. We would not place all our trust that we could convince them by example. We would wave and shout at them to get their attention and to warn them of the danger in which they stand. Surely we are compelled to do the same when people living near us or working with us are facing certain death and damnation?


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"?

They are dead to trespasses and sin. Spiritually dead and physically dead as the spirit leaves the body. To be dead to the drawing of the Holy Spirit to ones soul, is a dreadful place for a person to be. Seperation from the Almighty God leaves one open to the evil spirits that are ruling this world.

What's the difference between us and them?

There was a time we also lived to fulfill the desires of the flesh, being taken in by the worlds philosophy, birthed by the prince of the air, who is Satan. But, we felt the conviction of the soul, as the Holy spirit drew us to life found in the precious Lord Jesus Christ. It is the choice all men must make, "whom will we serve?"

If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

We do know that those who do not believe are subject to God's wrath!

2Th 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

2Th 1:9 Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.

We must pray for revival to come to the world. We must also pray always for the brethren, for we fight against evil spirits. who are out to kill and destroy our new life found in Christ Jesus.

We should also follow the advice the word gives to us.

2Th 1:12 That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

They are dead in their transgressions, and sins. Isn't it a sin to not believe? Isn't the wages of sin death?

The difference between us and them is that we have responded to the outstretched arm of Christ, accepted all He has done for us, and agree to live for HIm, for HE IS OUR WAY.

We would put off our fear, which is not from God, and forget about what they think, and speak the truth in love to them. Asking the HOly Spirit to enable us to speak, and to do a work in them. Also to represent the Living Christ through our actions, as a testimony to His grace because of what He does in us. All this is easy to type, but practically will I go out today and speak to someone I know is spiritually dead about Jesus?


As Christian we have the greatest gift to share with others whom we come in contact with.

But with this great gift we have a HUGE responsiblity to share with them.

Every day we should not only be in prayer for our family and friends but should always be ready to give this HOPE that lies within.

Our lives must reflect the LOVE that God alone can give.


They are not saved and are still living in sin. They are blinded by Satan to the truth of God. They have not given their lives over to God's control and repented. We have accepted Christ. We have been anointed by the Holy Spirit, our spiritual eyes were opened to the truth of God's Good News. We have been called to share in this ministry. We must proclaim the freedom and salvation of knowing and accepting God's word and not be under bondage to Satan and his coherts. We would show more love and minister to them telling of God's grace and mercy that is available to all who will accept it. We do have a choice Whom we serve!!!!


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends,

neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us

and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject

to God's "wrath," what would we do?

(Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends,

neighbors, and relatives "dead"?

They are blinded to the truth of God's word. They live by what they can see, what feels goof to them.

What's the difference between us and them?

We know the truth about God's word. We know sin, and try not to fall into it.

If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

We would step forward and witness to them about a God that can save them from their sins. We would show them the love of God and help them to want a relationship with him. So that they can have the love of God in them and forgiveness of their sins. :rolleyes:


Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

We know the difference, the difference makes all the difference. Way back there, we ate of the tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Before that we only knew God, I imagine. Now we live with the battle. The battle of good and evil, we have an answer because of our choice to put our faith in God's remedy. I believe God wanted that choice, our choice to love him. So we live in the dead world, renewing our minds daily with God's everything. We are alive by our decision to believe God's promise, to accept the Holy Spirit's work and to be transformed into his likeness; the difference is we know the difference.

So what do I do. I pray. I wait for any opportunity. I try to love to the best of what God has given me. I try to know what God's will and work is for me.


Q1.1 (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"?

Q1.2What's the difference between us and them?

Q1.3If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

A1.1 They are spiritually dead to God and about Him. They oftentimes feel emptiness.

A1.2 Nonbelievers have emptiness which they fill with worldly pleasures that provide only temporary and superficial "highs", while believers are usually filled with the Holy Spirit and act according to God's ways. Believers may feel emptiness at times, but they fill it not with worldly pleasures but with spiritual ones.

A1.3 Maybe, we can try to influence them by getting into their lives and try to attract them and/or court them towards our Godly ways or our beliefs in God, that they may facilitate good change in their own lives at their own will.


They are dead spiritually.

We (believers) walk in righteousness and they (non-believers) walk in unrighteousness.


The difference between the non believer and the believer is that the non believer will die and have no hope of eternal life as the believer does. We are called to the gospel that saves and that is what we have to do with non believers. So many day it is not their gift to tell others about the gospel, but we are commanded to do so...


Non-believers are dead because they are dead to eternal life and are following the world and Satan.

They lack a personal relationship with God. Some people beleive in God and worship through idols and silly rituals.

The difference between us and them is that we have a personal relationship with God and attempt ot serve

God . we have been saved by God's grace.

Beleivers can testify and bear witness to them and show them the difference between being alive in Christ and dead to him.


Non believers are "spiritually dead" because they have sinned and transgressed God's Law.

The difference between a believer and non believer is, that Christians have been saved from spiritual death by the blood of Christ.

If we, as Christians, were really concerned about the fate of our unsaved friends and family, we would do all we could to proclaim the gospel to them.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Ephesians 2:1-3) In what sense are our non-believing friends, neighbors, and relatives "dead"? What's the difference between us and them? If we really believed that they were "dead" and subject to God's "wrath," what would we do?

Our non believing neighbors are ignorant that they are spiritually dead. We often are hesitant to tell them the news how to become alive in Christ. Our neighbors continue to live in sin and do not realize how dead they are.They become the object of God's wrath if they continue to live in sin, if after haaving beeen told the good news of Jesus Christ. But the responsibility is ours to lead them to acccepthe salvation plan to Jesus Christ,

Ultimate death is separation from God - eternal separation from God. As a believer, the only difference between me is that I'm forgiven. We must stay ready to share the testimony of Christ at every opportunity. We must be in tune with the Holy Spirit though, so that our timing and words are correct and inspired by the Father.

  • 2 weeks later...

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