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How can people unwittingly follow Satan?In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God,in all fairness,blame us?

It is very easy to be sucked into the world by satan,he makes everything seem like you can do whatever you want and still have that salvation.When we are christians who are following after God and we really want to seek GOd,the devil makes everything in the world so tempting that we want to fall.Sometimes, we can cause another to have rebellion against God by our actions or by our gossiping or complaining.I mean there are many factors that can cause our own person or others to go against GOd and Jesus.God could blame us by yelling at us through the Word of God or even in the Holy Spirit.We should pray when we do have problems or when we do something wrong to someone else that we are suppose to be helping

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Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

People can be deceived by the enemy if we do not study and search the scriptures and know what God says in his holy word. God can blame us if we don't take advanage of the opportunity to study and get to know him through his word. For example I am behind in my study in Ephesians who's fault is that? It is not God it is mine because I have let other things take up my time.


- Paul describes satan , the devil , as the "commander of the powers in the unseen world". We believe that satan and the evil spiritual forces inhaited the region between earth and sky. Satan is thus pictured as ruling an evil spiritual kingdom- the demons and those over the devil and his power. Therefore Jesus Christ is the Permanent Ruler of the Whole World ; the devil is only temporary ruler of part of the world that chooses to follow him.


People sin against God in just trying to live for themselves and their own selfish desire. In doing such they follow Satan in rebellion. God can justly blame man in his sin because man, in rejecting Christ, willfully suppresses the truth of God against all evidence.(Romans 1:18)


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

It is very easy. Simply live by the rules of the world and with the delusion that one is basically a good person. From a Christian perspective it is amazing how effectively the devil has ensnared people and they are completely unaware of it. Lookat the sort of ideas they espouse: pro-choice, complete separation of church and state, no fault divorce, the consumer culture, rampant materialism, gay rights, relativism, immoral entertainment, erotic and pornographic images everywhere, foul language, over-indulgence...I could go on and on. Look what they have made out of the birth of Jesus.

While I think it is easy to be the unwitting agent of the devil, I do not think that it is reasonable to be ignorant of God. It may be common and it may be understandable. I was there once. I think everyone makes a conscious decision to accept or reject the existence of God. Ignorance, indifference or the denial of God is a very serious matter, given the awesome nature of God and His creation. We should look at it from God's perspective. It is clearly deeply sinful and we must in all fairness expect God's wrath and vengance if we deny, ignor or diminish His position. It would be unreasonable not to.


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan?

It is sad for me to say this, but I believe many people do follow Satan because they are void of God in their life. I hear the voice of mans thinking, as they speak from their minds, what they think God really is saying. "Would God really send a good man to hell?" When in their heart, the reality of a true hell does not exist, because they are under the rule of Satan; who is the deceiver of this world. They have no knowledge of God's Word, as it tells us, there is not one good man on earth, only the Father is good. Their wisdom is foolishness and leads to hell.

In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God?

Satan knows our weakness, and we must be aware, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We must be sober, be vigilant; because our adversary the devil, is a roaring lion, who walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

Cast down imagination, how, by the choices we make, by walking in the faith we confess. If Satan tries to bring condemnation on the believer, we must be reminded, we are victorious in Christ, the victory is won, but the battle goes on.

How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

Each person will stand before God and account for the good and bad we have done on this earth. I am so gratefil to God for His mercy and grace, I am grateful to the Savior for saving my soul. I am grateful for the drawing of the Holy Spirit, and my responding to the drawing!! I am thankful for the Holy Spirit who helps me walk this walk, I am grateful that when I slip and fall, I can get back up and ask for forgiveness and repent. Thank you God for all you have done for me, it is not for me alone, but for anyone who will believe.


By acting on ungodly thoughts and by being stubborn and not seeking the truth of God's word.

We have been equipped by the Holy Spirit, so it is up to us to intercede and shout it from the rooftops if necessary. We must bind the activities of Satan through prayer. We are not convincing enough for them to choose Christ over Satan. Sin is fun and they don't think Christians have fun, but they are sooo wrong. Being a Christian is so much more fun than living like the devil because you have a peace of mind knowing Who holds the future.


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

It is easy to unwittingly follow Satan. We live in the world and follow the desires of our sinful nature eventually Satan may have a foothold to step into your life. But, praise God, that may be where our awakening begins. God is always waiting with outstretched arms, even before we get to this point, but we may be too blind until we come to the end of ourselves. God bless those who see before they are ravaged by the world. We are responsible to repent and turn away, to confess and bask in God's lavish forgiveness.

In answer to the last question, my area is not judgement, that is solely God's area. My thought is not how can God blame us, but an overflowing love toward God for providing a way.


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

It is so easy, unless we are constantly working on being in line with God, constantly working on being one with His Spirit, in His Spirit, walking as closely as we can with Jesus. I know this is true for me at least; a one day lapse in His Word, and with Him leaves me wide open to all kinds of sinful action I regret; just from being out of the loop. It's a bad place for me to be, out of the loop.

I don't expect God to be anything other than what He is, because He is so perfect just how He is, and I am desperately in need of His Grace and His Mercy.


Point 1 question. By doing what feels good to the flesh.

Point 2 question. By being self pleasing.

Point 3 question. Can blame us because we know we are imperfect and our parents sinned and we were born into sin so by not obeying God's principles we are to blame when you do what is not right in God's eyes.


Q2.1 (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan?

Q2.2 In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

A2.1 Satan is great deceiver, that's why people can unwittingly follow Satan. Usually, its the idea that everbody's doing it after all, so it must just be okay. This is the idea that oftenly misleads people.

A2.2 Having a "free will" makes us responsible for unwitting rebellion against God. This is why God can do blame us.


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How

can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we

responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in

all fairness, blame us?

(Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How

can people unwittingly follow Satan?

Sometimes we allow our selves to fall for things we really have not learned is wrong. We don't know we are following satan. Without the Holy Spirit to lead and teach us we don't know where the thing will end up leading us to or that its satan we are following. <_<

In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God?

We are trapped into our sins. We desire to do the things that pleases us.We will continue the way we are going till the Holy Spirit takes a hold of our hearts and turns us around so that we know that we are living in rebellion to a jealous God. :(

How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

Because we choose our path. We all have free will to do as we desire to do. He created us for himself. It was his desire that we worship and serve him. But because of self will we live in sin. He is a fair God. He has a right to blame us. We did it. :unsure:


People follow Satan by focusing their energy on the human condition, not spending time in God's word and not allowing the Holy Spirit to guid e us. We are responsible for rebelling against God by making sinful choices and not keeping our focus on God.

God gives us the Bible as a guide . He gave us the directions and we must chose to follow them and communicate with him through prayer.


People unwittingly follow Satan by following the value system of the culture around them.

We are responsible for unwitting rebellion against God when we rebel against His judgments.

God, in all fairness, can blame us for rebellion because we are sinners by nature.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

henWhen you live in our present society where there is so much corrupt living a nd every person to liive unto himselfand you run with the crowd it is easy to find oneself gong the path os Satan a md its many members. are there to entice you. People lool to fame. easy money a nd satisfy the flesh a nd are never saisfied and content where they are in life. By never feeding your heart aan d soul in the word of God and communing with Him in prayer and forsaking the asseembling with other Christians they are spiritually dead. God knows are frame and often the question of "why comes up a nd w we were born in sin a nd it is easy for us to listen to the ways of our present culture We must daily live in a statae of forgiveness a nd acknowlrd that our sin is ever before us.


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

henWhen you live in our present society where there is so much corrupt living a nd every person to liive unto himselfand you run with the crowd it is easy to find oneself gong the path os Satan a md its many members. are there to entice you. People lool to fame. easy money a nd satisfy the flesh a nd are never saisfied and content where they are in life. By never feeding your heart aan d soul in the word of God and communing with Him in prayer and forsaking the asseembling with other Christians they are spiritually dead. God knows are frame and often the question of "why comes up a nd w we were born in sin a nd it is easy for us to listen to the ways of our present culture We must daily live in a statae of forgiveness a nd acknowlrd that our sin is ever before us.


We are like "sheep led astray". We don't really stop and take time to line everything we see and hear up with God's Word. We accept things so quickly and easily without really giving them a thought. We are to blame - we were created with His perfect "blueprint" in our spirits. The truth is in us!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

How do people unwittingly follow Satan? By making no decision at all! A person may be a wonderful, law abiding, helpful, go-to-Church every week person...but if they have not made the decision to turn their life over to Jesus...to accept Him as their personal Savior...they are following Satan...unwittingly! We have far too many unwitting followers of Satan sitting in our church pews....you may live in your garage, but that doesn't make you a car!

God can blame us, believers, for shirking our responsibility as Christians to share the Gospel with others...even if they have been sitting in the pews much longer that we!


Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

After the fall of Adam and Eve sin enter into the world, therefore man was born into sin, we have a sin nature. God has given man a free will, man can chose right or wrong. In this day-n-age everyone is doing his/her own thing. The things of this world looks fun and beauitful. There is no knowledge of God nor His Laws. Just like Paul said in Romans 3:18, "There is no fear of God before their eyes."

When we do not follow/obey God Laws we are unwitting rebellion against God.

Because we have some knowledge about good and evil, God has given us the chance to turn to Him, to repent. God is a mercyful God. I like what Paul says in Romans 1:18-20, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed [it] unto them.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." This is the same for the rightous man as well who [thinks] that he is without sin. We are without excuse! :(

In Romans 2:6 it states that.."God

  • 1 month later...

People unwittingly follow Satan through lack of knowledge of God's word and lack of direction from Jesus as the great Counselor.

Free will, while giving us the ability to make choices, includes the choice of spending more time with God, learning His word, and making sure we aren't working against him (unwittingly).

Human beings have an amazing ability to rationalize their behavior. But if we are totally honest with ourselves, right is right and wrong is wrong. God can blame us because he knows when we know the difference between good and evil.

  • 2 weeks later...

:lol: People unwittingly follow Satan; because they do not realize that, that is what they are doing. They really do not understand the truth about how he works, he has blinded their minds.

We are responsible for unwitting rebellion against God through our sinful nature. God can in all fairness blame us for our sins; because thorugh His love, grace and mercy, He has made away of escape for us, if we would beleive and receive.


Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan. In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God in all fairness blame us?

Satan is the great deceiver. Without prayer and Bible study we will fall into his traps.

Few people seem to take God seriously and since we are carnal by nature we are going to be prone to rebellion against God who is holy. We are in Satan's domain before we are saved by grace through the atoning blood of Christ and therefore totally vulnerable to his evil devious schemes to take us all to where he is going. He is the father of all lies and we listen.

How can God not blame us since He is written on our hearts?

I think that not only do we not take God seriously but we make a joke of Satan and don't take seriously the whole spiritual realm since we are born spiritually dead.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

  • 3 weeks later...
Q2. (Ephesians 2:1-3) Few people would knowingly follow Satan. How can people unwittingly follow Satan? In what sense are we responsible for unwitting rebellion against God? How can God, in all fairness, blame us?

People can follow satan if they are not familiar with God and His words and techings. They are not aware that satan is not some idea about evil which can be ignored. If we are not careful we can very easily be trapped into his deceptions and little by little we can change right direction of life with satan's way and doing. People think that satan chalenge you to do something so horrible that you can see it on first glance but it is not the truth - he is very clever and he starts with very little things which you do or even better things which are not "must do" and you just miss to do it,, it is not so bad you think, and little by little you do bigger and bigger mistakes (not knowing they are sins against God's will). We are rbellions by nature - we often think we are to good to be blamed for something - because we didn't think to do that, it is just mistake, how can we be guilty??? It is good that God blames us because it is the only way which can correct us in our way of living. We must be aware that our free will is a great gift but also a big responsability.

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