steve.c Posted October 13, 2006 Report Posted October 13, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? It means that our justification does not only result in our sins being forgiven but that we become truly children of God, seated with His Son. We are above the devil and his demons and above everything else in creation. For God to place us in this position, given our sinfulness before we were born again, is a remarkable gift of amazing generousity. The power and authority of our position should embolden us in our spiritual warfare and in our witness. It should also give us confidence that our prayers will be answered. Why would He place us in this elevated position unless He wished us to use it for the benefit of His kingdom? Why would He be deaf to our prayers? Quote
godsanointed523 Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms?What does this say about God's grace?What does this say about our spirtual authority?How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? It means that we can be united together in Christ in one heavens.The heavenly realms is where our home is going to be once we reach the coming of Christ or the Rapture.It says alot of about God's grace because we can get to experience that everything God has said.He wants to give us everything and right now all we have is this beautiful salvation,but when we get up there it is like we have won the lottery(spirtually).We only have spirtual authority possible through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.We should want to seek God more and to look at the guidance of the Word of God so like that we can be content when we reach the heavenly realms. Quote
Blessed Me Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? Christ who is seated at the right hand of the Father in the heavenly realms, has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. Christ is our Representative Head. We have been joined together in Christ. Our blessings are spiritual, the battle we fight is a spiritual battle against principalities and powers, but because of the redeeming blood shed for us, we too are overcomers, we have the blessings of God upon us! What does this say about God's grace? It is because of God's grace founded on His love for us, that we have received this blessing through the Son, Jesus Christ. What does this say about our spiritual authority? Our victory over death and sin was provided by the death of Christ. We know, that we know, according to (Rom.16:20) The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet! BUT, that victory depends on our will to offer resistance to Satan and the temptations he sends our way. (Eph. 4:25) How do we get this power? 1. There is power in the blood of Jesus. We must understand this truth, and when we do, we will be living victorious lives, because of the power found in the blood of Jesus. 2. The leading of the Holy Spirit in each of the believers lives, we must be ready to hear His conviction upon our hearts, or we will only hear the condeming words spoken to us by Satan. Satan is in the heavens today speaking condemnation to the Father about us, but we know that because of the blood of Jesus, Satan is under our feet. Follow daily the Holy Spirits lead, the road is narrow, but there is power found on that road. 3. God has given to us weapons for us to put on, they are weapons to fight this spiritual warfare that Satan has issued. He decieved Adam and Eve and took over the rule of the world for himself, and he gained the power of death, but! thanks to the power of Christ, He broke through and took those keys of hell and Death; How? through His crucifixion and resurrection!! Lets put on our weapons daily, so we will be aware of his works for he is out to tempt man, he is out to decieve man, to kill, and destroy. REMEMBER, "GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THEN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD!" How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? Now we can come boldly to the throne!!!! (Heb.7:25) Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them. Christ who is in heaven is always praying for us. How can we not love God with all our hearts? He has done so much for us! What a wonderful gift we received when we received the gift of salvation, we received love, joy, peace, power to overcome, life everlasting with each other and the best part of all, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted October 14, 2006 Report Posted October 14, 2006 Q4a.) (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? Q4a.) We are equipped with the power of the Almighty Creator. That power is available to us to transform our heart and lives. To not be manipulated by the powers of this dark world. We are no longer slave to sin. Q4b.) What does this say about God's grace? Q4b.) "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 Q4c.) What does this say about our spiritual authority? Q4c.) It cannot be trumped. If we do not claim this authority, it is our fault. Q4d.) How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? Q4d.) Knowing this, our faith in answered prayer while being in God's will should be acted with expectation of fulfillment. Quote
June Posted October 16, 2006 Report Posted October 16, 2006 Our spirit met with Christ's Spirit. God made our spirit equal to Christ's. This says that Christ is no respecter of persons. We have the same power as does Christ His Son. We need to tap in and use what God has bestowed upon us so the world can see how gracious Our God is. We should be thankful daily for all that He has given to us and especially for the " gifts" that He chose to give us. We don't all have the same gifts, but we do need to use what we have. They were chosen and given to us by The Holy Spirit of God.. Quote
cbcrna1 Posted October 18, 2006 Report Posted October 18, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? "in the heavenly realms" the place of administration, the place of God's plan. God's plan will be accomplished. I am reminded that "all things work together for good." What an awesome responsibility! Little insignificant me, part of God's ultimate plan. Jesus was appointed "head over all things in heaven and on earth, and all things were placed under his feet", and we are grafted into that truth. We have the same authority, God's plan will be accomplished. My mind then remembers Job, and then God's soveriegnity. I cannot fully grasp this whole concept. I trust that the Holy Spirit will counsel me. I trust God. I trust God's tender mercy and pray he knows I am not that strong. Yet even so I pray to be that living sacrifice. Boldness I have none before God, and yet no confidence in this world which causes me to only want God's approval, not man's. Most of the time, well hopefully most of the time. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? To be Quote
mercy4me Posted October 20, 2006 Report Posted October 20, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? We are no longer Dead In sin, we are adopted into the kingdom of God , it is our inheritance We are no more strangers, or aliens , Not knowing God, but thru his Grace , God broke down the walls, and made us one with Jesus, And thru him we have access 'by one spirit unto the father. Being one body, we can go boldly to the throne of God in faith. There is One God and father of all, who is in us all.. Thank you Jesus !!! Quote
winevine03 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? Thank YOU JESUS! and Thank you Pastor Ralph, for these last two paragraphs, that I will keep close, because it fits into what God has been trying to teach me. That I have authority of Satan, I gained that authority when I accepted Jesus as LORD Of my life. I have been living below my potential, and still in slavery due to my lack of revelation. God's Grace is more than sufficient for me, let that truth enter into my mind, and spirit. This knowledge should definitely transform our prayer life, and our level of faith. But practiced it must be. Quote
cct1106 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ so we gain joint seating arrangements with Him. Quote
oblay Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Q4.1 (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? Q4.2 What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? Q4.3 How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? A4.1 Since Jesus is exalted to the right hand of the Father "in the heavenly realms," far above all demonic and human authorities and powers, with everything "under his feet" so, we are seated "with him in the heavenly realms" and are elevated above the demonic and human authorities in this spiritual sense. A4.2 God gives us the grace not to be victmized by the enemy and know how to exercise spiritual authority. A4.3 When we learn our place of authority and learn how to use it, we have power over the enemy and make him the victim of Christ's victory very often. Quote
Candygoo58 Posted October 26, 2006 Report Posted October 26, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? Once we are saved we inherit everything that belongs to Jesus. We are raised up to the heavenly places where satan can't touch us. We have the same authority over the demons that he does. What does this say about God's grace? Gods grace is wonderful. It covers so much. It is always sufficient for anything we go through. We are blessed. And we need to live like it at all times. Quote
ella Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 We are seated with Christ by God's grace and through heartfelt salvation. God's grace is always with us. His grace helps us fight Satan and our enemys. This gives us the suthority to lead our own destiny by following and seeking God's word. By knowing this, we should be motivated to bear witness to others. Quote
Bobi Posted November 16, 2006 Report Posted November 16, 2006 Because of His mercy, God has raised us above everything and seated us with Christ. This places us in a position of authority! Again, we must be reminded this position is "in Christ". But this give us power to overcome the work of the enemy. We just have to learn how to operate in this position and authority! Quote
AngelOnLine Posted November 25, 2006 Report Posted November 25, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? Because of His Grace, we are now like Jesus, elevated above human and demonic authorities . What does this say about God's grace? It says that He Loves us, in spite of our sins. What does this say about our spiritual authority? Our spiritual authority is through Jesus Christ. All we need to do is to receive it. How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? We should be inspired to be more bold in our prayer life and our witnessing. Quote
Jewell Posted February 2, 2007 Report Posted February 2, 2007 What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? above all demonic and human authority and power What does this say about God's grace? it is more than forgivements of the past, it is the enablement of power today What does this say about our spiritual authority? when we learn our place of authority and how to use it, we enable Christ's victory How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? when we become aware of our power, we accept it in faith and that acceptance and faith becomes an expectation of the fulfillment of God's promises of power. Quote
revmrf Posted February 6, 2007 Report Posted February 6, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? This is an amazing statement by St Paul. To be 'seated with' indicates an authoritative position of privilege, command and responsibility. We are 'with Christ' - the 2nd Person of the Trinity - in this locus and His resources are ours. Wow! What does this say about God's grace? God's intentional love for us is demonstrated / given in terms of Grace - not earned, but lovingly provided. What does this say about our spiritual authority? It's ours to utilize/claim - boldly, thoughtfully, responsibly, lovingly How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? We should never hesitate in going to the throne of Grace, this should always be in the forefront of our minds and hearts Quote
Lucy T Posted February 16, 2007 Report Posted February 16, 2007 To be seated with Christ in the heavenly realms talks about our position of authority. We are seated far above all demonic powers and authorities. God, the Father has truly showered us with His grace and love. Knowing, understanding and walking in our authority should cause us to be bold and have no doubt that our prayers are always answered. Quote
jacek Posted March 5, 2007 Report Posted March 5, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? It means that we are above earthy and demonic realms - we people who doesn't deserve such a gift. It can be only God's nature becuase to our human mind it is impossible to know and accept, only with God's mercy we can understand such thiings. But very often we are not aware what this gift menas for our daily life - we don't know the autority which we get and often we don't use it (you can not use something which you don't know to have). In our prayers we must pray for wisdom and open eyes of our heart to understand what we have and what can we do. Quote
meandean Posted April 12, 2007 Report Posted April 12, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness?christ is at the right hand of god,right?so, by jewish custom the one who is at the right hand is the one who inheirits all by this we are sitting in a pretty powerful place.and christ jesus holds nothing back from us. john 15:4 comes to mind, remain in me and i will remain in christ. i believe that is what it's all about, in christ.we can't save ourselves, nothing can repair what is spiritually broken,not even gods love...only grace. for it is by grace that you have been saved...being in christ allows us to rise above sin, or to live above reproach.we have a new master and he's not sin.we can go to him with everything, anytime,anywhere. Quote
Don W Posted May 21, 2007 Report Posted May 21, 2007 In the past, we were seated (or a part) in the world and dominated by sin, Satan, and other evil things, but now (since our salvation entirely by His grace) we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms so now we can be victorious in Christ over all of these things in the world because Christ Jesus was victorious over them all in His death and resurrection, and He has now given us His power through the Holy Spirit to be victorious in Him. This says about God Quote
Beadie Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 1) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in the "heavenly realms"? For us and other believers it means that Satan has no power over us. We are seated next to Christ so He is always right by our side in any difficulties. My spirit is encompassed with the righteousness of Christ. We have been transformed to lead Godly lives and have and impact on others. This also means we can approach God in His throne room as an equal with Jesus. We now share a part of his reign over His heavenly kingdom and we will therefore be coregents with Him when He returns to reign over earth. 2) What does that say about God Quote
Suellen Posted October 24, 2007 Report Posted October 24, 2007 We are seated with Christ "in the heavenly realms"? That encourages to accept what God has given us, complete freedom and peace and strength through His Son. He has adopted us as His own. God's grace abounds , there is no limit to what He will do for us if we just accept Him. Again through Christ is where we gather our strength, this strength gives us the authority over those spiritual realms that can tear us down if we allow it. The knowledge of this strength should cast out any fear of the world we live in and it should cause us to praise God in our prayers constantly instead of pleading over our everyday concerns and fears. Quote
Amsterdamse Posted October 26, 2007 Report Posted October 26, 2007 Q4. (Ephesians 2:6) What does it mean that we are seated with Christ in "the heavenly realms"? What does this say about God's grace? What does this say about our spiritual authority? How should this knowledge affect our prayers and our boldness? We have been given authority We did not deserve that place since we have fallen, but God has seated us with Christ even though we misbehaved We are not slaves anymore but we can exercise authority now in the spiritual realm We can pray in faith, because what we ask we know we have. Our word is powerfull through the authority that Christ has given us Quote
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