Pastor Ralph Posted July 29, 2006 Report Posted July 29, 2006 Q18. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted October 15, 2006 Report Posted October 15, 2006 We as Humans are so used to wanting an expecting to get everything we want. I believe our reasons for it being so hard to understand grace is because it is free it is undeserved. it is favor from God. It is a gift with no strings attached. Usually we always think what do I do for this or whats in it for me.Now a days it is hard for people to accept love and kindness just because. It demolishes the principle you don't get something for nothing Everything has a price ( an attachment to it ) . To Translate the word grace to a 10 year old so they can understand. Why did Jesus die on the cross? Because He loves every one and that was the only way He could rescue you from the devil. Not because He had to but because He loves you so much and you are a special person to Him. All the bad stuff in the world would hurt you and that would hurt Him also. Jesus doesn't ask you to do anything for this rescue He just does it because He loves you. It would be like you were sinking in a big mud hole and Jesus walked by and heard you crying for help He reached over lifted you out of that hole and put His arms around you and held you tight with so much love that you new you were safe in His arms and that was where you wanted to be. Quote
Stan Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. We are a people who don't believe that sin should be forgiven that all should call for punishment. I believe that it is the principle of nothing is free everything cost you something. We can't understand the Loving God who has given us free His love and mercy with out us in any way being worthy of it. Grace is loving me no matter what. Nothing I can do can stop the love that God has for me from overcoming the evil in my life and bring me to Him. All that I say or do is taken up by His sending His Son,Jesus,to die in my place. Loving me just because He wants to that is amazing not because I deserve it He wants to. If only we could learn to love that way, no more war, no more poor or homeless, all the ill would be care for because we want to. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, so undeserving but just because He wants to. Praise be to the God and Father of my life. Quote
pickledilly Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Perhaps it is so hard for us to understand grace because it is so hard for us to give it. We innately think that people should earn whatever they get and should get whatever they earn. We also don't believe that you can truly get something for nothing. In practical life this is actually mostly true, but in spiritual life this is another "upside-down kingdom" issue. What seems right in the natural world is completely contrary to the spiritual realm For you have been saved by grace…not a result of works. (from Eph.2:8-9) The principle of grace demolishes the concept of being saved by works or being good enough. Our efforts to do right and be right could never, ever be sufficient to overcome the shattered relationship between God and us. He is the only one with the ability to make it right, and He's done just that even though we 're completely undeserving. It's freely offered, and it's ours for the taking. Any 10-year old child should be able to understand the consequences of wrong behavior. We disobey God and deserve to be punished. But because He loves us so much He has given us grace, which is simply doing good to someone when they don't deserve it. It would be like having a friend who talked bad about you and hurt your feelings, but you decide to show love and be kind to that person anyway. Even more, it's a trade where Jesus is willing to take the responsibility for all the dirtiness and wrong stuff in your heart and give you all the cleanness and good stuff in His heart. In making that trade, He took your punishment and gave you heaven instead! Quote
Helenmm Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. Our sin colours our understanding of grace. We think at heart that we are deserving of something, or even that we're doing God a favour by attending church or praying at home. We have no idea what sin has made us into - to what a low state we have arrived. When God begins to reveal to us how filthy we are with sin we can maybe get some idea of the grace and favour of salvation. We actually need this knowledge. Paul had it and considered himself the worst of sinners. Once we begin to understand this we start looking to Jesus becausethe stench of sin is unbearable. We realise how dependent we are on God and how gracious He is in receiving us into His courts, covered by the blood of Jesus and clothed in His righteousness. While we don't understand sin, we will not understand grace. Grace demolishes the idea that wecan ever make it to Heaven in our own right. Heaven is God's territory and we need his grace and favour to get there! Ten year old children are pretty intelligent and sharp these days! "Cool" seems to be the very much in word. A "free ticket" might be something they'd bookmark! The free ticket would be cool! Quote
Diane44 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. It's very hard for us to understand the concept of something for nothing. I think of the saying "nothing's free". I tell my children that. In this culture. There is always a payback. That's way grace is so hard to understand. God's love is unending. We cannot imagine why/how He could love us this much.l I accept His grace, but I cannot fathom it. I am unworthy. I can only put it into my own terms as a parent that I unconditionally love my children and would give them anything. I will be trying to explain grace to my young children at church. I think I will ask if there are any new people at church, then I will chose to give a small gift to someone. Then I will ask the kids what that person did to deserve that gift. They will say (hopefully) nothing, because I didn't know the person. Exactly, that is grace, just giving because you see a need and have the ability and love to give that gift. We'll see if they get it. Quote
RonS Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Grace Grace God's Grace Three years ago we helped start a christian high school The name is Grace Prep. We use a 40 points of grace to operate by. If you use grace to operate by it is messy. Why because not two kids recieve the same punishment. It is all based on the atitude of the person. Forgiveness is give freely if the person has a repentant spirit. Grace is costly it cost Jeus his life. Repentance better be heart felt and life changing. It is hard to under stand because why would some one, I don't know, lay down there life, to give me something I don't desirve. Thank you Jesus Quote
Jezemeg Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 I believe it is so hard for us to understand the concept of Grace, because throughout our lives we've been conditioned to expect reward or punishment as a result of other words if we eat up all our dinner we get to have a special treat, etc. This has caused us to expect to have to perform in order to get good things, if we do something bad, then we can expect to get punished. From childhood we are taught that it is our actions that create rewards or punishment. Therefore when God offers us His Grace through salvation, it is hard for us to put aside our conditioned need to feel pressured to do something good in return. It's almost impossible for us to understand that God is not expecting anything from us, just our love and worship, that nothing we can do can improve our standing in God's eyes. To translate the word 'grace' as God views it into a language a 10 year old would understand I believe it would have to be by action not in words; such as after a day of the worst behaviour a 10 year old can produce and appropriate discipline, the parent or guardian of the child simply enfolds the child in his arms and maybe just sits and plays a video game or some other activity the child enjoys with him, not because the child deserved it but because his parent or guardian just feels like showing the child how much he is treasured, that nothing the child can do will cause that grace to disappear. Quote
haar Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Grace is probably difficult to understand because people find it difficult to reconcile how a Holy God could love a dirty sinner and grand him favour (save or rescue him) from the consequences of sin- death. I think the common life principle reffered to here is that people get what they deserve. If one does what is good, he is rewarded. If on the other hand one does some wrong, he gets judgement. This is different from grace when we are loved, accepted and rescued/ saved by God despite our sin. This is amazing thus the wordings of a song " Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me" I will tell him/ her that grace is shown in a situation when a child breaks a tumbler and Mummy hugs him/ her with love and understanding and tells him/ her, son/ daughter, don't worry, I will not punish you for what you did. I forgive you. Quote
haar Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 haar said: Grace is probably difficult to understand because people find it difficult to reconcile how a Holy God could love a dirty sinner and grand him favour (save or rescue him) from the consequences of sin- death. I think the common life principle reffered to here is that people get what they deserve. If one does what is good, he is rewarded. If on the other hand one does some wrong, he gets judgement. This is different from grace when we are loved, accepted and rescued/ saved by God despite our sin. This is amazing thus the wordings of a song " Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me" I will tell him/ her that grace is shown in a situation when a child breaks a tumbler and Mummy hugs him/ her with love and understanding and tells him/ her, son/ daughter, don't worry, I will not punish you for what you did. I forgive you. Quote
BJB123 Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 It is hard to understand "Grace". We do not deserve it. We have not earned it. God just gives us grace becaue He loves us. You do not get something for nothing. When we give, we expect to get something in return. We need to give just because we love someone (not to get something in return). A child spills milk on the carpet by accident. Mother says that ok. It was an accident. I love you. Don't worry. We will clean it up. Quote
Blessed Me Posted October 21, 2006 Report Posted October 21, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? Much of mankind thinks more highly of themselves than they really are. How? they do good works, go to church, give to the poor, they are good people and so they think they are going to heaven. Therefore it is more difficult for them to understand the works they do, even if they appear to be good works, God see's them clothed in rags, filthy rags at that. There is nothing man can do to be in God's family; But, because of God's great mercy and grace, he sent His Son to die for all of mankind. His favor was shone upon mankind, even though they do not understand such grace, He sent His Son, for in Him we would be able to come to the true understanding of what grace really is. What commonly held life principle does it demolish? It demolishes the pride of mankind, and in its place we find true "love" "mercy" and "grace," found in Christ Jesus. Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. You have been so bad and should be punished, like, grounded for life! But, because of God's great love for you, God decided to do you a favor, instead of grounding you for life, He asked Jesus if He would come to earth as a man. (Jesus is God's beloved Son, whom He loves dearly) He asked Jesus if He would do this favor for you, instead of you being grounded for life, (something you deserved) you would have life everlasting. Jesus knew by doing this favor for you, He would have to die on the cross, but by His resurrection, Jesus knew it would be worth it all to see you have life eternal. BUT, for you to receive this favor from God, you must have "faith" What is this faith? It is understanding how much God loves you and it is only by this love, this great favor God did for you, that you can receive this gift of life, instead of the punishment you so deserved! Don't ever take this favor this friend of yours did for you, for granted!!! Quote
janet Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. When we truly understand the character of God it is not hard to understand grace. We much understand the great controversy in this world that we as God's children are involved in. The spirtual warfare that we are in.In my opinion the common held life principle that is demolished that you can do anything and God will forgive you not truly being aware that one day probation will close for us and that we will have to be judged by a holy God for the deeds that we have done, trusting that God's jugement will be fair to everyone. At some point we should be overcomers. I had a friend say to me one day oh you can always ask God to forgive you, I know this is true but the way she said it and the context she said it in, during the conversation was, just keep on sinning and sinning don't worry about getting the victory over your sins. I think this is being persumptous. An example of grace for a 10 year old child to understand would be this: One day in the neighborhood someone threw a ball on purpose and hit a neighbors window, the person was angry and did this to get back at the neighbor (they had some days earlier had a disagreement.) AFter it was discovered through several witness who the child was. The child became so afraid and was deeply sorrowful for what they had done. When the child went to the neighbor and confessedn their sin to her. The neighbor forgave the child but stated that the child would have to help her work in her garden with her for 3 weeks , 3 hours each day, 3 days a week for a total of 9 hours each week. Maybe this is not a good example but it is the best that I can think of at this time. We as Christians much realize that yes God is love but God also requires judgment some day. He will forgive us our truly confessed sins but we will also have to suffer the consequence of our sins. Look at David in the bible, yes God forgave him but he also suffered for the consequences of his sins. I think God is merciful toward us. What if we had no forgivenes and no mercy. Yes God is a God of love but we much remember that he is also a God that judges too. Quote
JustJeff Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 As we are taught from childhood that to get any good thing out of life we must work for it, we cannot comprehend a God that forgives and gives without anything in exchange. The concept of His love, manifested by His grace is alien to us. To teach this in a language that a child would understand one would have to do it. Love, with no strings attached, forgiveness without bitterness, correction without judgement, suffering without reward then, in the simplest of ways, an explanation for your actions, Jesus Christ in you. Quote
johnd Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. It is difficult for us to understand grace because we want to pay for it. Grace is truly a free gift. Maybe I would try to explain to a ten year old that grace is a bit like the unconditional love the child receives from his/her parents. Best regards, John. Quote
masika Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 It very difficult to understand Grace because many because people think that their good work made them to be saved which is very wrong. God showered His kindness on us . This is his voluntary and Loving favor given to those He saves .We can not earn savlation , nor do we deserve it.No religious, intellectual , or moral effort can gain it , because it comes only from God's mercy and Love. Without God's grace no person can be saved . To receive it , we must acknowledge that we cannot save ourselves , that only God can save us , and that our only way to receive this Loving favor is through faith in Christ. Grace is -Favor, Privilege , an act or instance of kindness given to someone . It is an unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or satification. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Q1a.) Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? Q1a.) Because we are brought up in a culture which tells us: "In life, nothing is free." Q1b.) What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Q1b.) That if you do good and you have more good deeds than bad deeds, you will get into heaven. Q1c.) Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. Q1c.) A special gift. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? We've heard it so many times, 'nothing in this life is free.' And we believe it. What commonly held life principle does it demolish? The life principle that in order for you to receive anything worthwhile, you have to earn it. Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. "Honey, again you disobeyed me, but I saw this doll and I know you'd love adding it to your collection, so I bought it for you. I love you." Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. So many of us don't understand "GRACE" because of the way it was taught to us. Some believe that once you're saved you can go about doing whatever you want and nothing will take that salvation away from you. They don't realize that they are spirtually dead inside they are just performing the few requirements they believe are needed to get into heaven. They believe as long as they show up to church, pay their tithes, give to charity and treat their families decent they have a space. They continue to sin and ask for forgiveness and all is well. This is the lesson that satan teaches us that God doesn't care because we have a free pass. What they are lacking is the belief that what is inside of you must be alive to Christ you can't be spirtually dead to him. You must be aware of what God wants and what he expects of his children. It is not a free pass into a world of sin. You must give up the sinful nature to the best of your abilities as Jesus says repent and sin no more. I would explain grace to a 10 year old by telling them that their parents love them so much no matter what they do that they give them a free house to live in, free electricity, free water, free food, free clothing,free love, etc. but in return one must be a participant in that family because everyone in the household has to make it run smoothly and nourish that household with love. We all have a responsibility in the household even though there are free provisions for the children they must be active participants in that household for example good behavior, because those free be's will not be taken from you for bad behavior but their will be consequences to face for that type of behavior. For example the household won't run with peace when that type of behavior is demonstrated. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 22, 2006 Report Posted October 22, 2006 It is hard to understand grace because we have been taught that we needed to "earn" love and grace is counter to that. The life principle it shatters is trying to earn favor by good actions/works & condemning those who don't make the grade. A ten year old can be told that grace is loving someone regardless of how unlovely or mean they are. It is a choice you can make. The bully at school, unfaithful friends, can all be forgiven, prayed for & loved. Yes, it is HARD, but Jesus will help you look at that person differently if you faithfully pray for them. I have to tell myself this each day as I encounter the "unlovely" people in my life--including myself..... Quote
Pegi Posted October 23, 2006 Report Posted October 23, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. As humans we want so much and cannot believe that grace can be so simple and all we have to do is to accept it. When one has grace, we are full of love and kindness. We are full of Jesus and He pardons us from all sin, so that we can be happy. With grace, we can adore Jesus. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted October 23, 2006 Report Posted October 23, 2006 Pastor Ralph said: Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. It is so hard for us to understand grace, because its principle inside is out of our commonly held life principle. Grace demolishes the principle of reward and punishment. In it, there is an obligation to give it to someone to compensate for a work, a service, a performance he/she has done. He or she deserve of it for all he/she has done, reward for a good work, service, a performance, but otherwise for bad. Grace in language of 10-year-old child is this. Your daddy and mummy will give you a present that you like very much in this year-end, although you have been a naughty child during this year. You get it because daddy and mummy love you very much, not because you deserve it. Quote
kiqstart Posted October 23, 2006 Report Posted October 23, 2006 Q1. Why is it so hard for us to understand grace? What commonly held life principle does it demolish? Translate the word "grace" into language a 10-year-old child would understand. Because we are not used to getting something for nothing, and also we sometimes think that we don't deserve it. It demolishes the something for nothing principle Its like I tell my daughters, no matter what the do or anything they have done in the past I will always love them and forgive them, and no matter what that love will never change. Quote
PCHRIS Posted October 24, 2006 Report Posted October 24, 2006 It is hard for us to fully understand 'grace' but as the acroymn for this word; "God's Riches At Christ's Expense" in a simple way explains God's immense love for us, the sending of His Son to die for us, this is totally God's doing, a gift, something that cannot be earned or worked for. It is done! No one gives you anything for nothing! There's always a catch! that's what I was brought up with. Pride and selfishness comes into it but we need to be turning to God with a sense of need and weakness and emptiness and a willingness to receive what He offers, to receive the Lord Himself! To explain to a 10 year old, I think some can explain this better than some adults. It's an ongoing showing of love regardless of what one has done because the price has been paid by Christ. Quote
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