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Q22. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

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Guest Tabatha


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

Many Christians sometimes forget what it felt like to be on the outside looking in when they were in that place of being lost or feeling rejected. I can relate to your analogy of the place where you worked.

I came from a country school in Virginia where there were about 1000 students. I had grown up with most of them so we were all buddies. But then i moved to Santa Rosa Ca. to a High school of about 3000 and knew no one. I felt allienated and totally lost. It was like being in a foreign country.

There were two girls who invited me to their church which was pentacostal that was really foreign. I had no friends and no one to turn to who understood my lonleness. So I withdrew away from people. I can imagine that is how many who don't know Christ feel. Deep down they think they have everything yet there is still that void of hopelessness of knowing there has to be more to life.

When I was not walking with the Lord I was always looking for something to fill that void of loneleness, bar, men, drugs, but to no success. I was always full of hopelessness and did try sucide But praise God Jesus came into my life and now I have hope in Christ, I am no longer lost, and definitely never alone or lonely.

I do have friends who are constantly complaining about so many worldly things looking for happiness. Praise God I can give them what I found in Christ. I am able to share how Christ gave me hope and I no longer have that lost feeling. I find nothing greater than giving hope to to lost and unsaved.

Those I witness to were walking in spiritual death until they accepted Christ now they have life in Him, Hope in something far greater than what they had. They are no longer lost. Amen


Before I came to know the God my Grandmother worshipped and loved, I thought I knew the God of my parents; each Sunday we paraded as a family to our Church, just as my parents did as children in their individual families....my parents were regarded highly by others...but I always felt alone, unwanted, my bruises and other injuries explained away as being caused by my clumsiness, after all, how could such 'Godly' people as my parents be guilty of child abuse...we lived in a 'good' neighbourhood, how dare I make the claim...I was a liar and an abomination to God. My reaction, I learnt to distrust everyone, and developed an affinity with animals, not even bothering to talk to humans, particularly not adults.

Then my Grandmother, whilst we stayed at her place after arriving in our new country, witnessed the abuse that horrified her, and as a result she insisted that I live with her. It was then that I began to see that the God of my parents was not that of my Grandmother's, this God did not condone the abuse that I suffered, He was deeply upset that I suffered so, I was not a child of evil, as I'd always been told, I was loved even when I made a mistake. Unfortunately for me, my Grandmother became very ill unexpectedly and never got around to formalising my care arrangements, so when she was called Home, I was forced to return to my 'good' family. It didn't take long for this new image of God that I'd begun to know and love to disappear, to be taken over once more by that of my family's, and once more for me to be labelled, troublemaker, promiscuous, and being accused by my mother of deliberately stealing her husband from her. I began to be a habitual runaway, eventually that gave way to escaping in my mind, I would physically appear to be living at my parents house, but would be anywhere but in my mind.

Even though I did well at school (it was a form of escapism for me, I learnt that people left me alone when I was 'studying') I was viewed as weird by the others. But my brief experience with the God my Grandmother loved changed me in a way that I didn't even recognise let alone acknowledge. Whereas prior to being exposed to this later God, I had no hope, I didn't care that people told me I would end up dying if I continued to hide in the wilderness areas of North America. Didn't I realise that there were wild animals out there who would kill me. Yet I didn't care...to me these 'wild animals' were far less of a threat to me than my 'fellow' humans. Now, whilst I would disappear into my own mind, I knew that there was something else, something better, somewhere that I wasn't weird, crazy and a troublemaker. However, it was to be many more years before I fully understood that the God that so many who called themselves 'Christians' was not the God that had called my Grandmother home, this god that so many used to pass judgement against me was one manufactured by man...and that while these 'Christians' would claim that the Bible upheld their beliefs, Scripture was used not to show God's unfailing love but to justify their own choices to allow abuse.

When I did come to this realisation I suddenly realised that I was not 'an outcast' but an accepted and loved child of God. That while many bad things had happened in my life it was not because God had declared it should happen, that it was people who had delivered the abuse, God did not condone their actions, no matter how much Scripture was quoted to justify it. I have been blessed mightily by God by being given a ministry amongst the street folk, most of whom are survivors of abuse. I'm constantly blessed to witness the mighty changes that occur in the people who turn to God...no their physical conditions such as places of living, unemployment, or lack of health may not change...but suddenly there is a change in their attitudes towards themselves and each other. I've been honoured to be accepted as their friend and mentor, and will forever thank God that He thought me suitable to spread His Word amongst these so-called 'rejects'.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

People tend to congregate with like=minded others because it's so much easier to converse. It's fun to meet with those who think like oneself. The more one does this, the more difficult it becomes to join in with newcomers who don't have the same talking points as you . Of course we have the best talking point possible. His Name is Jesus, and it is essential that all men have the opportunity to become on intimate terms with Him.

If men are not on close terms with Jesus (and on God's terms) then they are for the pits of fire. Tha is why it is so important to tell them. In OT days any man could join the Jews if he wanted. Nowadays you NEED to join the team, but the free gift of God


To be 'lost' means to be without hope (the present and future) and to be without God (now and in future). This is a serious situation we take for granted or do not really appreciate the import hence our failure to witness and bring people to be recncilled to God.

The spiritual condition of a colleague/ friend that has not been conncted to God through Christ can be described as DEAD, LONELY AND LOST


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness?

Being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impedes our willingness to witness because in such a state we allow our hearts to become callous and unconcerned for the lost. We no longer see their plight, their need for a Savior and we stand in disobedience to the command of our Lord.

As servants of God, we have been commissioned by Christ to be a witness to the nations. Before Jesus left this earth to take His seat on the right hand of the Father, He instructed his disciples:

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen." (Matt. 28:19-20)

We have been given the authority to be His witnesses here on earth, but if we are out of touch and don't see that there are lost ones out there in need of a Savior, we will do nothing; and they will die without knowing Jesus as Savior.

In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

Those who do not know Christ are living in a "false security." Sure, they live and are enjoying this life, by the grace of God, but they are spiritually dead. They can have everything that money can buy and still live in misery, because they have no hope.

We must not allow our eyes to be blinded to the plight of the lost around us. We must have compassion and lead them to our loving Savior.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness?

The Spirit filled Christian should never be out of touch with what it means to be "lost." We knew very well that feeling of no hope, we also knew how it felt when we were "found." The Holy Spirit filled my soul and I will never forget that day when I was welcomed into the family, they were all so happy to have me home, even the angels were shouting for joy. If a door is opened, I will walk in and be that witness, the Lord has opened doors for me and I was able to plant some seeds. I also have opened some doors myself, and found things did not go so well; I learned to let the Holy Spirit lead the way.

In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

He is not only "lost" he is "dead." I have found it to be very frustrating at times being around people of the world, for most of them seem to be content with being "lost" They are not interested in what you have to say. I also find frustration in talking to some so called Christians, they go to church, they work in the church, but Christ does not seem to be real in their life. They appear as dead men walking, there is no real joy in conversing about the wonders of the Almighty God. When I remininsce about how lucky we were the day Christ found us, how lucky for us He did not give up on us, and they in turn are talking about the next dinner.

My heart is very burdened for the "lost" I wish they were as burdened to be found. :unsure:


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

When we fail to consider just where we were before we came to Christ lost to eternal death and torment. We also fail to consider how important it is to share Christ with those around us who are in the same position. we fail to see that time is running out the day come when no one can work. Jesus will return like a thief in the night and then it will be to late for those who are waiting for that better time or more convientant place to tell some one they know about what Christ has done for them.

The spiritual condition of anyone who doesn't know Jesus is they are dead to sin. Their spirit is harden and refuses to allow them to submit to Jesus. They are awaiting the touch of the Holy Spirit that must call them to a knowledge of Christ and His love for them and the forgiveness of their sins, when then they will be made alive to Christ. We need to do our part in getting them to recieve that touch of the Spirit that they need in their lives.


If the blind lead the blind they both fall into a ditch. When we ourselves cannot see the truth then it is not possible to be a faithful witness. Those who have not come to understand that we have been adopted into a covenant relationship with God and, His chosen children, the Jews, are lost. If we cannot grasp the depth of this relationship we do not understand the great salvation that we have been given and we ourselves are lost.

To me, those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the manifest presence of God among men and do not except Him as the way, the truth and the life, are lost.


Jews and Gentiles alike could be guilty os spiritual pride- Jews for thinking their faith and traditions elevated them above everyone else , Gentiles in their achievements, power, or position. Spititual pride blinds us to our faults and magnifies the faults of others . Be careful not to become proud of your salvation . Instead , humbly thank God for what He has done , and encourage others who might be struggling in their faith.

Our friends who does not know Christ me their spiritual condition has no hope and we have to help them know God before it is too late.


Q1a.) (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness?

Q1a.) Because we lose the capability to relate to how those without Jesus look at us when we are witnessing to them. We begin to acquire the church talk which is foreign to the unchurched.

Q1b.) In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

Q1b.) Drowning in the ocean of their sin. Trying to fill the God hole in their heart with Satan's stuff. The sinful mind is hostile to God. It can not submit to God's will.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness?

First of all, I think being alive is so real for the first time in our lives and what it means to be alive in Christ that until we really focus on the death that we came out of, do we even think about it. That's the way it is for me. I am just so glad to be alive and have a reason to be alive that I have forgotten to even examine what my life was with out Jesus Christ. I know I have been resurrected from the dead but until this question came up, I really never thought about how out of touch with death I have become.

I don


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

Being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impedes our willingness to witness, because we do not know their spiritual condition, that is utter aloneness, that can generate our willingness to witness.

The spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who does not know Christ is that he/she is like a sheep going astray being alone in a valley in which there are many wild animals


If we don't understand what it truly means to be "lost", then we can't understand the need to be "saved", or rescued. A person must comprehend the desperate state of need before becoming desperate for the rescue.

Believers must avoid the apathy that comes with self-satisfaction. We get real comfortable in our assurance of being saved and forget the heart of God to redeem and restore His relationship with the lost. We won't have a burden for people who are lost from God and we won't be so concerned with telling them the good news of salvation if we don't maintain Christ's focus to seek and save that which was lost from Him. That focus has to keep moving us out of our comfort zones and out of the sometimes insulating walls of our churches.

Anyone who doesn't know the rescue of Christ is separated from Him, living in two completely different kingdoms speaking two different languages and living two different kinds of life with two different futures. Christ understands by experience the inferior condition of humanity (kind of like being bilingual), but a lost person is a foreigner who speaks a different language and requires help to ever comprehend what Christ has done. That person can't understand the Spirit-translated language of God; his vision is impaired because he sees life through the clouded film of sin that distorts reality. So he stumbles through an existence without God's covenants of promise and hope in the darkness of a broken relationship that leads to spiritual death for eternity. This means nothing is certain, life is futile, and then you die. Ultimately, it's hopeless despair.


I myself was once lost,living in sin and headed for sure death with know hope.I thank my heavenly Father that I had a praying mother who never gave up on me.I thought it was fun living in sin.I caused a lot of hurt and suffering for my family,especially my mother.So I know what it is like living in the darkness.I use my life to witness to unsaved people.They will listen to my stories of my unsaved life which I am not proud of.I want to tell them my life's stories in hope that I can reach them,and let them know the condition in which they are living now is lost ,is without hope in this sinful world.They need to know who Jesus is and what He did for the whole world.Each friend or co-worker,or even someone you don't know whom you just came in contact with are all diffrent people.Salvation is for them as well as it was for me when I was lost and without hope.It is our duty to share the Good News with them.Where would I be if it had not been for another christian sharing their life with me? :blink:


If we are out of touch with what it means to be lost then we are interfering with the process of how to be saved. We do not want to be a hinderance. Being lost can lead to eternal destruction and God wants all of us to be saved. He has prepared the way for this to happen. If we are out of touch then let us get intouch and tell others that the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. This gift is offered to all regardless.

The spiritual condition of a person that do not know Christ is dead. God wants us to know Him thru His son Jesus Christ . We can be alive in Christ. Christ is the way to Jehovah God. We need to tell the lost about the Good News of the Kingdom. We also need to pray that they will receive the Good News and not let Satan steal it. Regardless of who we are we all can come boldly to the throne of grace. As long as there is hope there is a chance.


We have God in our lives and never are utterly or completely alone. It would not speing to my mind how alone a non-believer could be in my day to day life.

If you don't know Christ, you have no spiritual life and there is no one to help you rise up from the depths of despair.


As Christians we sometimes get caught up with life between the 'four walls' of church and only associate with others we can converse Godly things. We forget that outside of those 'four walls' is a world lost and dying and it is up to us (we are commanded to) to be the light of the world, showing God's grace and love. Pointing those who do not know Christ to Him.

The spiritual condition of those who don't know Christ, one word comes to mind; ASLEEP!


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

Being out of touch with what it means to be 'lost' will make it difficult to witness to someone as we will not understand that person's position.

Someone who doesn't know Christ does not have a healthy spiritual condition.



Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

If you can relate to what it means to be "lost" then you can more readily sympathize with others and their particular loneliness, emptiness. We have to remember what it's like to be hungry and how we felt when we were first fed. I still have times that I experience "being left out". I have friends who participate in things I don't (i.e, Casino, bar, etc...). They are still my friends, but I by choice have to be left out. I don't participate in those things because of my beliefs.

I work with a couple of people that don't really know Christ. Their spiritual condition is worldly. When they have a lot they are happy, when they have nothing they are sad. Their joy is based on what the world tells them should make them happy. I by no means claim any judgement on them. I would need to take the plank out of my own eye first. However, I do try to pray for them and continue to invite them to church.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

I remember the feeling of being lost and how difficult it was for me to have a complete understanding of Christ. I remember the feeling of hopelessness, doubt, unhappiness, emptiness, a void, consummed with anger and a feeling of despair. Belong to nothing, being no where. Just an empty space of nothingness. The hurt, the suffering, the hunger and the thirst, not understanding why my life was so unfulfilling. So when I see a co worker or a family member or a friend in this pit of despair I remember how hard it was for me to lift myself out of it and become a believer, a true believer.I had to change my heart, I started studying the Word and I was filled with the light.


Q1. (Ephesians 2:11-12) Why does being out of touch with what it means to be "lost" impede our willingness to witness? In your own words, what is the spiritual condition of a friend or co-worker who doesn't know Christ?

If we are out of touch with what it means, we can't witness to someone if we don't know what it means to be lost.

By not knowing Christ they are living in the world, believing they have time later to except Christ, which is a false sense of security.


Forgetting where we came from sometimes makes us forget that people are still lost in that place.

Some who are spiritually lost are deceived into thinking they have everything they need. Some are lost and know they are lost, without hope and in a dark and very hopeless situation. those who know are the closest to the light.


If we can't relate to being in a "lost" condition then it would be questionable whether we were truly saved or not. Witnessing in that condition would not be effective. Those lost ones around me really don't have much of a spiritual condition--their eyes have not been opened to spiritual truths. They may be "happy" in their daily lives, but there is an underriding lack of joy in their total life.

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