Pastor Ralph Posted July 29, 2006 Report Posted July 29, 2006 Q23. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? Quote
Jezemeg Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 Jesus was God's Only Son, The Lamb, perfect, unblemished, without fault, thus fulfilling the requirements of what was required of a sacrifice deemed worthy to be presented to God in order to redeem the Israelite's sin. When Jesus was died on the Cross and was resurrected however, unlike with the requirements of sacrificing animals, redemption from sin was secured for ever, regular animal sacrifices in order to fulfill the requirements of the Mosaic Law were no longer necessary, in fact the continued practice of these sacrifices actually served to 'cheapen' what Jesus sacrificed for us. Jesus's death and subsequent resurrection and ascension removed the 'veil' the curtain that prevented ordinary men from entering into the Holy of Holies. Prior to this a priest could only enter the sanctuary and then only after elaborate purification rites and offering blood of animals in atonement for their's and other's sins. Only in this way could God be approached, should any attempt to approach God on his own merits, the punishment was death. The priests themselves were selected from an exclusive class of people who had to exclude themselves from many common practices and avoid eating certain foods right from birth. Now that we are unified in Christ, both Jew and Gentile, we are all equally able to approach God without the need of an intermediary, Jesus Himself is the means by which we can do this. Because of the permanence of His sacrifice we no longer need someone to perform elaborate purification rituals, there is no longer a need to regularly offer up blood in atonement for our sins. Jesus's blood has forever removed that need, it continues to wash each of us clean. There is no longer a special class of society out of which men are selected to perform the necessary purification rites in order to approach God. Again, as a result of Jesus' permanent sacrifice, we are free to approach God on our own behalf, no longer do we need to fear death by doing so. Quote
Ken7 Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 We have been given the Gospel of Reconciliation. We are to be reconciled to Christ and reconciled to each other within Gods Church. Jesus said the law of Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? By His death, Christ ended the resentment between Jews and Gentiles, caused by the Jewish laws that favored the Jews and excluded the gentiles. Christ died to abolish that whole system of Jewish laws He took the two groups that had been opposed to each other and made them parts of Himself. " One new man" means that Christ made a single entity or person out of the two. He fused all believers together as one in Himself Christ has destroyed the barriers people build between themselves. Because these walls have been removed. We can have real unity with people who are not like us This is true reconcilition. Because of Christ death We are all one in Him. We are no longer foreigners or aliens to God. We are all being built into a Holy Temple with Christ as our chief corner stone One of the best ways to stifle Christ's love is to be friendly with only those people that we like. Praise God Christ has knocked down the barriers and has brought unity to all believers in one family. His cross should be the focus of our unity. The Holy Spirit helps us look beyond the barriers to the unity we are called to enjoy. When jesus died on the cross the veil was rent into and we were given access to the Holy of holies. By the shedding of the blood of the lamb once and for all The cermonial sacrifices were finished. all believers can now approach God through Jesus. We are one in the body. Whether we be Jew, Gentile, Greek, male or Female we are all one in the Spirit. Quote
Blessed Me Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? The law is both temporary and eternal. Jesus followed the law and taught us the meaning of it, Matthew 5:19 whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus sacrifice of Himself on the cross met the requirements of the law. He fulfilled the law so we can walk in them. Scripture tells us to "love" God first, then love your neighbor" therefore, as we do this we will be keeping His Commanments. What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? Simeon the Jewish prophet tells us the purpose for Jesus' life was to be a "light to the Gentiles"Isa 42:6 We Gentiles, Pagans, did not have the promise of God on our lives, the covenant was with the seed of Abraham, an everlasting covenant. However, the blood of Jesus brought us into the covenant, brought us into the blessings of Abraham. By His blood, the law was fulfilled. The church both Jews and Gentiles are both in God's covenant, we are one. The Gentiles have been circumcised by the blood of the Lamb. The church was mostly Jews who brought the word to the Gentiles and for that I am thankful. The consequence of those who did not believe and God's grace offered to the Gentiles; God's grace will bring the whole body of the Jews to the faith of the Gospel! The Jews have not so stumbled as to be finally irrecoverable. Quote
Commissioned Posted October 29, 2006 Report Posted October 29, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? Jesus as Messiah Quote
Helenmm Posted October 29, 2006 Report Posted October 29, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? If you look at the law in three parts: 1. Jesus, by operating completely in the law of love, completed to perfection the moral law of the ten commandments. He showed us many times how the laws meant much more than just "Do not murder" etc but went as far as negative thoughts about fellow men, or *******, blessing them that curse you, entertaining those who could not pay back the favour etc. Thus He fulfilled not only the technical law but the spirit of the law as well. 2. He completed every part of the ceremonial law, eg was circumcised on the eighth day, came annually tothe temple withhis parents etc. He also fulfilled over 100 prophecies that identified Him as the awaited Messiah. 3. Circumvented the civil law by proclaiming that his Kingdom was not of this world. Thus He made it clear He was no threat to Caesar, because He happily paid taxes and required others to do the same, and also announced that the social structures of law were put in place by God, and authority was given byGod. Jewish people who study the scriptures carefully will recognise that He is indeed their Messiah, because He completely fulfilled all the law and all the prophets statements describing the coming messiah It is impossible to deny that He is theChrist if these things are closely studied. He is the unblemished sacrifice which is acceptable toJehovah. Moreover there has been no sacrifice of animals since the destruction of the temple in 70 AD because it is no longer necessary, and the"temple" of God is now the body of Christ made of living bricks - us! For us gentiles He has brought salvation full circle to include every man, woman and child who accepts Jesus. It all began with one man, Abraham who uniquely worshipped the one creator, and begat the Jewish nation who begat Jesus, who begat the bride of Christ (from all nations). We too are grafted into the vine, or the olive tree, (tree of the annointing and spiritual fruit). We too can claim Abraham our forefather in matters of faith, and Jesus our Lord in the matter of Life! How blessed we are! Quote
haar Posted October 29, 2006 Report Posted October 29, 2006 Basically, the Mosaic laws were made to take care of the moral, ceremonial and civil aspects of the relationship between the Jews and God on the one hand and also between the people and one another (their "neighbour") on the other hand. For exaple the moral laws that addressed righteounes became obsolete when Jesus came and died on behalf of the people and thus declared them NOT GUILTY. His righteounes became the people's righteousness. The ceremonial law also became obsolete as Jesus became the once and for all sacrifice for the people thus fulfilling the ceremonial law. The significnce of Jesus fulfilling the law is that the Jews who accept the the Lord Jesus Christ are no longer expected to struggle to keep the laws but can be saved by accepting the Lord Jesus as their saviour by faith. As for the gentiles who did not have hope before, can now have access to to the Saviour by faith as the law that excluded them had been abolished. Quote
masika Posted October 30, 2006 Report Posted October 30, 2006 Before Christ's coming , Gentiles and Jews kept apart from one another . Jews considered Gentiles beyond God's saving power and therefore without hope. Gentiles resented Jewish claims , Christ revealed the total sinfulness of both Jews and Gentiles , and then he offered His salvation to both. Only Christ breaks down the walls of prejudice, reconciles all believers to God, and unifies us in one body. There are many barriers that can divide us from other Christians : age, appearance, intelligence, political persuasion, economic status, race, theological perspective e.t.c. Quote
JustJeff Posted October 30, 2006 Report Posted October 30, 2006 By His coming, His perfect life, His death and resurrection and the Good News that He gave, Jesus fulfilled all the sacrificial requirements for atonement for sin set down in the Mosiac law. By His Holy Sprit, He has provided us the ability to accomplish what the law cannot. We can lead sinless, sanctified lives and be made righteous once and for all. For all is the key. Jesus Christ has broken down the partition between Jew and Gentile. He is the Savior of the world and all who come to the Fountain may drink. One day we will all accept this as we will learn that God is no respecter of persons. We are all the same in His eyes and heart. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? That Jesus as Messiah "fulfilled" the Mosaic Law means through His lives that is not sin while he lived in the earth and through His death on the cross as a holy sacrifice for redemption of man Quote
Patricia A. Conti Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Jesus fulfilled the prophecies about him that were in the Bible. He fulfilled all moral, ceremonial, and civil laws. Those familiar with the Bible (Old Testament Scriotures) could have recognized the fulfilling of these prophecies. But there was a barrier. The Jews were looking for a "Warrior King" who would come in glory to overthrow the Roman Government and set the Jews free. The Gentiles were not acquainted with the Scripture prophecies, so when the apostles went among them, they could listen openly without already formed opinions of what the Messiah would be ot look like. Quote
Eudora Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messia "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? The Mosaic law was given by God to Moses. The Word of God is eternal and will never die. His word can not be cancelled and this is why Jesus said what He said about not one bit of the law was changed or abolished by any means. Nor was the law deleted by His coming, or by His teaching or even by His death. The fullness of the law of Moses became alive through Jesus Christ. The law became alive in the hearts of man and obedience became the norm because of love. The law was set so that man kind would live in obedience to The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The God of Israel. The law was given to all man kind and the fullness of it was brought through Jesus Christ who came and broke down the walls that had separated the Jews from the Gentiles. The law was good for all to become in obedience to. Not just to the Jews. With the arrival of Jesus came the realization of all the prophecy and hope of the prophets. Jesus emphasized that His Kingdom fulfilled the law. It did not cancel the law. His was not a new system, but the culmination of the old. The same God who worked through Moses, was working through Jesus. The sky will disintegrate and the earth dissolve before a single letter of God's Law wears out. Heaven and earth are still in rotation. Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever. Quote
PCHRIS Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Just as in the Old Testament livestock was used as a sacrifice, Jesus Himself is that final sacrifice, the perfect sacrifice without sin. Remember John's description of Jesus, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Jesus bore all our sins and took them to the cross. He paved the way for us to call out to God directly. The Jews no longer have to follow the laws for sacrifice and we the Gentiles are grafted into the lineage of Christ. As Paul states: "there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus..." Quote
warrior Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? He gave grace in place of the law which man could not keep and had to have the priest make atonement for them each year. He replaced the animal sacrifice for those who broke the law and sacrificed himself that all who sin might live and not die. He broke down the veil for us to come bolding to the throne of God to make our needs known and to ask forgiveness without having to have a priest or anyone else do it for us. For the Jews it was the fulfillment of what the prophets told them and they looked forward to the cross in the days before Jesus knowing the law was not complete and that Jesus was coming to fulfill the law. The old covenant kept the Jews and Gentiles seperated Jesus brought them together and reconciled them both to God. The Gentiles were included under the convenant of Grace brought by the blood of Jesus, reconciled through him to God. It broke down the wall that seperated the Jews and Gentiles that peace might be brought through Christ all men could be brought under one union. He was not just a peacemaker to bring all men together but He is OUR peace. In the world there is always worry, problems, trials and persecutions but Jesus is our peace. Our minds in the flesh may be in turmoi but our spirit man inside knows the peacemaker will bring us out on top everytime. Quote
Stan Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? He became the sacrifical lamb, He became their sacrifice for their forgiveness of sins and they nolonger had to offer lambs to deal with their sin but were eternally forgive if they only believed and accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Jesus became our Saviour also in that He brought us close to God the Father and made us a part of His Faimly of Chose ones. He grafted us as a new branch onto the tree of life makeing us forever joined to that great promise given to Gods people through Abraham,Issac, and Jacob. Quote
pickledilly Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 The essential purpose of the Mosaic Law was to contrast God's holy righteousness with man's depravity and inability to be holy. This contrast was intended to reveal to mankind our need for atonement in order to be made right with Yahweh and to lead us to faith. Jesus fulfilled the purpose of the Law as He perfectly lived out all its principles and requirements to show us what God's righteousness looks like in a human life and to complete everything required by the Law. Then He became the blameless sacrifice demanded by that Law to secure atonement (the only blameless sacrifice that ever existed since humanity is corrupted by sin), and ultimately gave us the ability to be righteous through His Spirit. Because the Mosaic Law has been completed, with all its demands satisfied in Christ, it no longer has the same purpose. Now it is still an important guide that continues to reveal the principles and character of God, but trying to keep it is empty. In Christ, we are now made holy. Period. It's not about us or our efforts. It's about Christ, in whom the covenant promises of God are already released. The example that came to my mind is that trying to gain favor with God by living under the law now is like continuing to carry your load of books, faithfully attend classes, and studiously take exams after the graduation ceremony has been held and your diploma has been awarded. It is a pointless exercise to no further gain. The requirements have already been met and the reward issued. When Jesus fulfilled that Mosaic Law, He opened up the covenant promises of God to whosever will come. Not just one particular nation of people has favor with the LORD anymore, but all of humanity can be redeemed and made holy. Galatians 3:24-29 describes the Law as a guardian of God's promises until faith in Jesus Christ came to make us all children of God, children who are heirs of the same covenant promises made to Abraham. There was no longer any need for protective care to guard over those promises once Faith came. Eph.2 makes it clear that all of us who were far from the LORD have now been drawn near and reconciled to Him by Christ's perfect sacrifice that abolished the Law. Jesus brought peace with God to Jews and Gentiles alike and established the unity of oneness for all who are in Him. Quote
Diane44 Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? Sounds like we should forgive, like we have been forgiven. We are reconciled to God by the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. We (Jews & Gentiles) through the cross have access to the Father. He came as peace, but still we fight. Maybe someday, we'll get it. Quote
kiqstart Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? Jesus dies for our sins and through his sacrifice we are forgiven we no longer have to use animals for a sacrifce. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q2. (Ephesians 2:14-15) In what sense did Jesus as Messiah "fulfill" the Mosaic Law? What is the significance of that for Jewish people? For us Gentiles? JESUS fulfilled the Mosaic law through Sacrifice. He is The Way, The Truth, and The Light. Without him one has no means to the Father but through Christ. The significance of this for the Jewish people is that they have to go through Christ and know that Christ has fulfilled the law as promised. That the Law has not been abolished but that it has been fulfilled. They must know that the Gentiles are also heirs to the Kingdom. That both are true heirs one is not above the other because Christ is the Ultimate Sacrifice. He is the only way without him one is lost. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Before Jesus came in the Mosaic Law the Jews seperated themselves from the Gentiles, as the Jews considered the Gentiles beyond Gods saving power.Gentiles did not like what the Jewish thought of them and how they treated them. Then,Christ revealed all sin,both Jewish and Gentile,and then Christ offered his salvation to both.Through Jesus death on the cross there is salvation for "All".Only Christ Jesus breaks down the walls of prejudice,and brings us all together as believers to God and unifies us in one body.Its like the beauty of the Fall leaves falling.Each leaf has its own personal connection on the tree,seperated from each other hanging on the tree branch.What happens in the Fall?They fall to the ground all mingled together and become one(leaves).They are set free from the tree they were hanging on.Christ has set us free.Free from bondage of sin.We all are one body through Jesus Christ.Amen. Quote
heavenlymann Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Jesus Messiah fulfilled the Mosaic Law by being the perfect sinless man, the atoning sacrificial Savior once and for all time, and the king above all kings. For the Jew it means their religion, race, and long heritage is summed up and completed in Jesus Messiah. For the Gentile it means an end of futility and beginning of new life. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 2, 2006 Report Posted November 2, 2006 Jesus, once He was sacrificed for us, fulfilled the Mosiac law. No longer was there a need for further sacrifices. His was the perfect sacrifice. For the Jews, they needed to believe & accept this final perfect sacrifice on their behalf to be truly saved. For us, Gentiles, we also need to believe & accept this final perfect sacrifice which opened the way for us to be saved where there was no way for us before Jesus came. The Jews are God's chosen, special people. We too, are now chosen & special to God. Quote
June Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 The Mosaic Law spelled out terms for fellowship with God. It was not given for salvation. It was given that man might realize that he is hopeless and helpless by himself and that his only hope is to come into unity with Christ to receive the righteousness of God by faith in Jesus. Christ became One with God by obedience through faith giving us the example to follow, both Jews and Gentiles. The only way to the Father is through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Savior. Jesus always communicated with the Father and did as instructed. Jesus dictated the commandments to Moses, and God told Jesus how we were to live, and Jesus lived that way. JESUS SHED HIS BLOOD FOR ALL---- JEWS AND GENTILES... Quote
godsanointed523 Posted November 4, 2006 Report Posted November 4, 2006 In what sense did Jesus as Messiah fullfill the mosaic Law? What is the signifcance of that for Jewish people? for us gentiles? He fullfilled it by dying on the Cross for us and shedding His blood so that we can have salvation and fullfill what was the word of God. the significance for the Jewish people was that they are already going to be part of that glorious family of Christ and what was promised to the patriachs from God himself. For the gentiles it means that we are able to come to Christ because of the sacrifice that He made for us on Calvary. We are able to be redeemed through Him when we do something wrong where before Jesus had died for us,it was not possible. Quote
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