Pastor Ralph Posted July 29, 2006 Report Posted July 29, 2006 Q25. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? Quote
Ken7 Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 First, Gods Spirit will not stay where He is not wanted. We are to Love God and love each other. When either does not occur as it was meant to we hinder or grieve Gods Spirit. This is, at times, a problem in congregations. When someone needing Christ enters Gods church and senses little faith or hypocrisy we could cause a situation where God cannot minister to them. We must strive for unity and harmony in all of our relationships as believers (vertical/horizontal) Quote
Guest Tabatha Posted October 28, 2006 Report Posted October 28, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? Ephesians 2:19-22 Now therefore ye are no more stranger and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God....... In who all building fitly framed together growth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for a habitation of God through the Spirit....... and the name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord is there ( " Ezekiel 48:35 " ) Throughout the ages, down through time , can be heard the echo of the cry of God's heart for a people in whom H e might dwell. Since before the foundations of the earth were laid, it has been the desire of His heart, that man might be the dwelling place of God Every Christian knows that God doesn't dwell in manmade temples or buildings. Instead our Lord has chosen to live in human vessels-- that is in the hearts and bodies of His People. All who are in Christ make up His temple-- His abode, His permant residence. Every believer can boast with confidence, " God lives in me" God has no other physical residence--- no nation, no capital ( not even Jersalem, ) no mountaintop. He doesn't reside in teh cloud or sky. the darkness or daylight, the sun, moon or stars. Of course, teh Lord is everywhere, His presence filling all things. But according to His Word, God makes His home in His people. The bloodcleansed heart is His permanent Dwelling . When God begin to abide in us, He did so when we first gave our heart to Jesus. At that moment, Christ's abiding presence filed our being. Moreover, Jesus brought to us the fullness of the Godhead-- The Father, The Son, and the holy Spirit. He testifies, " I am in my Father.. if any man love me, he will keep my words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him and make our abode with him ( John 14: 20: 23 ) It takes an attitude of surrender and complete worship unto God to qualify for the abode of the Lord, We must possess a worshipping heart; we must be willing to give God what we love most, For a church or congregation to have a dwelling place for God in the Spirit I believe the things I have written if not saught after can hinder that dwelling place If we die to the things that are not of God and are of Man and Give God full reign in the Spirit He will abide in the midst of the congregation. AMEN Rev, Christine Gould Quote
Patricia A. Conti Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Christians celebrating together create a dwelling place for God. "Where two or three come together in my name, There am I with them." Not all mebers of the congregation come to church. Spiritual teaching into why we come together to pray/praise is lacking for some to understand the grace and increased faith that happens when "two or three are gathered in my name." We also need to make a concerted effort to invite these parishioners to attend services and help build the "Dwelling Place" for God. Quote
Jezemeg Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Yes it is true that Scripture assures us that where two or more believers are gathered, there too is God...but a Body needs more than two members to be effective...and this is where it's necessary to be part of a Body of believer's; a congregation if you will; and not a 'Lone Ranger'. It is true that many of the prophets of old were hermitsfor the most part, but they didn't remain separate, if they had and not had any contact witht he people to whom they were to dispense God's message, then their prophecies would never have been heard. In these days it is more important than ever that the Body (congregation) be continually replenished by each individual member nourishing his neighbour on God's Word, ensuring that Scripture is not polluted or interpreted in a way that is not in agreement with God. We are not meant to be setting up individual cults, each with its own leader, our leader is Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour...God. The message that is to be spread throughout the nations is the same in America as it is in Africa, it doesn't alter for those in the Bronx, they are nourished from the same message that the Massai hear from their pastors. This is why it is so important that we are part of a living congregation, one that is immersed in the Word and is growing in Spiritual maturity, it is the main safeguard against a message being corrupted accidentally, the more witnesses, the more there are to testify to the Truth. Quote
Helenmm Posted October 31, 2006 Report Posted October 31, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? As the old temple was the place where people met Jehovah, so the new temple - the congregation of the righteous - is the meeting place. In theold days, abuse of the temple, eg by King Uzziah, had terrible consequences, so now we should also stand in fear of the Lord in His new temple which is us! If we truly are living stones in the temple of the Lord, then watch out world! The power of the Lord rests here. You live in timber houses, but where is my temple, asked the Lord. Where, nowadays is His temple of living stones, where His power resides? Each brick must be carved away from the living temple, individually perfected to be a living stone created for just one purpose. Each perfected brick can then be built into that holy place where God's glory resides, devoted to Him alone through prayer, study and the practice of love. When those especially carved bricks are built into the holy temple of praise (which is the power of Heaven), then see what God will do! I am blessed in my church leaders who are trying to lead us in this fashion. By determined obedience, encouragement and speaking truth in love prayerfully, I can encourage them and the congregation in obedience and anticipation of God's presence. Quote
janet Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? We all know that God is every where, but the significane that my congregation is made to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit is that the Sabbath is a special day santified and holy. This day is so special and the dwelling place, my congregation is a place where God can come and visit with us each and every Sabbath and we can worship him and thank him for his loving kindness for keeping us safe from one sabbath to the next. What hinders that from being fully experienced is when we as believers refuse to come together and meet to worship God and receive the blessing that he wants to give us. To help this become more fully experienced and apprediated I would like to encourage people to come to church and seek the blessing that God has so graciously bestowed upon us his children. Quote
pickledilly Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 The presence of God in the world is physically housed in the temple of every person who accepts Christ as Savior. As each individual believer possesses the presence of the Holy Spirit, we are each meant to be a spiritual building block in the overall dwelling place of God. On a worldwide scale, each congregation (and consequently each individual), is meant to be a specific part of that universal temple. Any missing part means something is incomplete in that structure and unfulfilled in its purpose. One little old brick all by itself can never be as strong or purposeful as a host of them firmly cemented together. When any believer pulls back from fully engaging in the function of the corporate spiritual dwelling place for God (i.e. the local congregation), that person is weakened in spiritual development and power. And so is that church itself. Because the degree of the Spirit housed in that believer is missing, the church will have less effectiveness and impact in God's work of drawing people to Himself in restored and dynamic relationships. The needs of hurting people will go unmet. The joy of abundant living won't be as real, because that's always strengthened when you move beyond yourself. And it will simply be displeasing - and disobedient - to the Father. I think we do need to evaluate our relationships with our church bodies and the importance we place on being a member of the Body. Christ obviously treasures the Church and His primary work at this time is building it up. We are dishonoring Him and what He loves if we do not value it highly. Christ WILL accomplish His will and purpose for the Church, but we need to take care not to become a hindrance to the fullness of His work. We need to pray for the Church and ask the LORD to show us what our personal involvement should be. We should pray for fellow believers who are united with us in Christ and look for ways to do good works for each other. We ought to be seeking to build each other up and be encouragers. And we need consistent time spent together to study the Word, worship, pray, play, and serve jointly with harmony. To sit this out is like pulling a brick out of a wall. The structure will surely be compromised, weakened, and damaged. And potentially dangerous. Quote
JustJeff Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 The congregation is a body of believers and together we are the temple of God. It is intriguing that I, as one, am the temple of God, and we as a group are the temple of God, and Christians worldwide are the temple of God, His body. O the depth and riches of our God! Since He does not dwell in temples made with hands, rather in us, if we fail to function as a unit, that is our congregation is in discord and sin has a foothold, He will not be present. Our temple is incomplete and Jesus will be missing. For me to be experienced and appreciated (by the Lord, as it is He we should please. When we do, everything else falls into place.) I need to be a doer of the word, not a hearer only. Doing the word brings the fire, fire the purging, purging the experience, experience the patience, and patience brings the appreciation which will come from those who admire your commitment and dedication to our Savior and what you can give as a result, the love of God. Quote
ballzy Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 The congregation; A group of believers that form a body. If we do not come together, then how can we form a body. Since each of us is gifted with different gifts and abilities, we need to congregate together in order to achieve a harmonious body. What is a body if it doen not posess the hand or the foot? What good can the hand be if it is seperate from the body? I believe that this is one of the reasons why it is so important to be a part of a congregation of believers. We NEED each other. If God has stated that we are to be a dwelling place for Him when we come together, that is huge. By our refusal to come together, we are hindering the total experience that God has chosen for us. We can not be the complete dwelling if parts are missing. I have chosen to be a part of a congregation of believers, to use my gifts and talents to glorify Christ. To do my best to be obedient to His calling by accepting joyfully whatever it is that He asks me to do. I have seen Matthew 18:20 used here a couple of times to illustrate the point of a gathering of believers and it is my opinion that this verse has been used out of context by many people as a justification for not being part of a church congregation. Matt 18 was written specifically abut church discipline and that "by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed". If the Holy Spirit, hence God dwells in each believer than Christ is in their midst when they are alone. This verse was never intended to show that a church congregation was not what God wanted for us. Without our church family we do not belong, we just believe. How can we be a part of the Body of Christ, if we are not part of a body? Quote
masika Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 A Church builting is sometime called God's house. In reality , God's household is not a building but a group of people . He lives in us and shows Himself to watching world through us . People can see that God is Love and that Christ is Lord as we live in harmony with each other and in accordance with what God says in His word. We are citizens of God's Kingdom and members of His household. Quote
Diane44 Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? That the church is more than a building, it is us together a dwelling place for God, meeting to gether and celebrating him. Things that hinder us from this being fully experienced is the bickering the occurs in the church about little things that really don't mean anything. I can continue to pray and try to get along with others, even if I disagree and work things out smoothly and in love. Quote
Blessed Me Posted November 1, 2006 Report Posted November 1, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? The significance is the same today as it was for the first church. In the early Hebrew history, Gentiles were treated cordially by the Israelites. The period after the captivity in Babylon, the separation between Jews and Gentiles became more strict. During the New Testament period, great hostility was felt among the people. The Jews were killed and persecuted by the Greeks and Romans, and the wall between the two grew strong. The Jews wanted nothing to do with the Gentiles, the dogs. -- Jesus came to bring the two together. He set the perfect example and His teachings were to love one another. This was a struggle for the early church. Today, here we are still struggling to get along with each other in the church; And among many of the denominations, we still see that wall of anti-Semitism. Jesus who fulfilled the law, He never set the law aside, He never rejected the righteous standards God wants us to live by. We were given the Holy Spirit to give us power to be overcomers, to be a holy people. The church was built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone with the Gentile believers being fitted in, together we would be a holy temple, a place God in the Spirit can dwell. This is what Jesus wants the church to be, a temple He can be proud of, a place where the Spirit can shine and do its work. What hinders that from being fully experienced? The wall of separation that Christ tore down, man under the name of (religion) built that wall back up. Church history shows great enmity from the Gentile believers, the church, to God's chosen people, the jews. Hatred filled the church, when Love is what the church was to be built on. In our local churches we still see walls of seperation, walls relating to race, social levels, jealousy, etc. How can the Spirit dwell in such a temple? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? We can do it only by truly being saved! Grace is given freely because God is love, grace was not given so we can continue to live in our sin. Christ came so we can walk in righteousness, walk in love one for another. When one is truly saved, they will attend church, they will have set aside time for prayer and worship. Christ working in us takes time, it is a process, but during that process there should be seen a change, Christ working on the temple, a beautiful temple being built, the church. A temple where God in the Spirit can dwell, where His light will be seen in the world. A place where His Word will be preached. Quote
charisbarak Posted November 2, 2006 Report Posted November 2, 2006 Our bodies as well as our congregations were meant to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit. As we have spiritual battles to overcome in our daily lives, our churches have spiritual battles to overcome TOGETHER! Neither is very easy, but is necessary for our growth, the growth of the church in numbers as well as in maturity for all. What hinders that in our churches today is an unwillingness to really love & care for each other. We can be so self-centered (as our society proclaims) and pre-occupied with things for & about ME rather than for US, especially if time spent with our congregations is very limited, if at all. It all begins with me & the time I spend in relationship to God, to dwell in Him. Then I need to reach out to others in the congregation with the gifts provided for me through the Holy Spirit to minister to others, enabling us to become witnesses to the lost world! Quote
Stan Posted November 2, 2006 Report Posted November 2, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? The signifiance is that it was Gods plan coming togeather. He plan for my church to be where it is and for me to be a part of it. He chose me and my church to offer up praise to Him before the world began that to me says it all. Like David said who am I that God would chose me. What has my church done that He would place His love there. He send His Spirit to us that we can learn of Him and offer up true worship that is filled with Spirit and Truth. The only hinderance I see is when some one lets their pride come before true worship. When we try and say that we are the cause instead of being led by God. When we get to having struggles with pride it leads to confrontations that have no place in Gods House. We must continue to put God first and never let our on intrests take over. I can be willing to allow God to use me where I am now. Allow the leaders of the congregation to use me in the place where they need me instead of where I feel I want to be. Giving God the chance to do what He has planned for my life instead of struggling to do it all my self will allow it to grow and to service the community as God has planned. Leading others to Him as He chose them and the time that they are to be called. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted November 2, 2006 Report Posted November 2, 2006 We are the Church body.Where the congregation meets is just a building.God lives in us and we are being built together to become a dwelling place in which God lives by his Spirit.As we come together we become a dwelling place for which God lives.His Spirit lives in us.What hinders that from being fully experienced is when Gods people don't show up.Some think they don't have to come to church to be a Christian.The people who do not come to church,really miss out on Gods blessings.As a group of people gathered together(Gathering)we live in harmony together,with each other accordance with what God says in His word. For myself I would love to know what to do to help my church.There are times I am disapointed when I go to church and there is only 15 to 20 people there.Sunday mornings,sometimes my church has a low attendance.We must build Gods Church not tear it down.When I was a little girl my grand-daddy taught me something with my hands.He had me put my fingers folding them inside my hand and pretending my hands put together were a building.Grand-daddy said,"Put your hands together Linda", "Here is the Church", then raising my two index fingers up,he said,"here is the temple",then I opened my hands,and he said, "and here are the people". Now I ask myself,where are the people?.Why some churches grow and some do not,I don't know the answer.Wha I do know is time is short,and I must help others come to Jesus.Amen Quote
haar Posted November 2, 2006 Report Posted November 2, 2006 The significance that my congregationis is made to be a dwelling place og God in the spirit: This means that the Lord God's presence through His Spirit is among us whenever we are gathered together. Little wonder that the Lord said where two or three are gathered in His Name, there He is among them. Our tendency to isolate our selves to do our own things is contrary to the command that we should not fail to meet together. This is one of the factors that hinders us becoming the dwelling place of God. I will try and ensure that I attend Church programmes and also encourage others to do so inorder to help our congregation to become the dweling place of God. Quote
Lisa Rupert Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Mt.16:18) Congregations where two or more are gathered in his name is his rock. Sin is what hinders that from being fully experienced into what Jesus intends for Christians to form his congregation. Misunderstanding, not teaching properly, trying to fit the Word into man's world for an understanding that fits the way this world is and benefits men and not God. These hinderances can be found in our churches today. In order to become more fully experienced and appreciate the teachings of Jesus we must study, explore learn, teach and develop a relationship as one with Christ individually but yet with each other member of the congregation with a full understanding of his teachings. Quote
June Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 We are God's Temple and God's Spirit lives in us. We are the congregation!! We must be holy because God is Holy. The infallible word of Christ must be preached and biblical truths must be proclaimed. Not following the leading of the Holy Spirit and lack of worship is a hindrance. By being prayed up and receptive of what the Holy Spirit lays on your heart. By praise and worship and honoring God with your full attention and not letting your mind think on other things. Accepting and applying the biblical truths to your life so others will see your holy living. Letting God and the Holy Spirit rule you. Do not tolerate any immoralities or impurities!!! Be UNITED as One in Christ and don't be wishy- washy by straddling the fence. Quote
heavenlymann Posted November 3, 2006 Report Posted November 3, 2006 God is always with the individual believer but when we congregate together it looks like He is amonst us in a special(peculiar?) way. As when we join together to participate in the Lords Supper He is there in a special presence amonst us. I don't fully understand it but I know it's true. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted November 4, 2006 Report Posted November 4, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? The significance that my congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit" is my congregation was to be a spiritual place in which God reside. Each individual of the congregation is united with and related to other individuals. Each individual depends on and needs other individuals. In Christ, the congregation builds together spiritually itself to be a Quote
godsanointed523 Posted November 5, 2006 Report Posted November 5, 2006 what is the significance that your congreation was made to be a dwelling place for God in the Spirit?What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully expeprienced and appreciated? God talks to everyone when they are in the temple and the spirit of the Lord makes that possible for everyone who calls out to Him. What hinders the Spirit from fully coming to be is that we sin and when we do not repent then it does not allow other to dwell in the Lord. To be able to come to experience fully and to be thanked is that we need to pray and to be able to worship so that the Spirit of the Lord can dwell with the believers in the temple. Quote
Commissioned Posted November 6, 2006 Report Posted November 6, 2006 Q4. (Ephesians 2:22) What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? When we come together, as a congregation, to worship or to fellowship we provide a habitation, a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. It is there in that atmosphere that we can experience the manifested presence of God. As saints come together all the gifts that are present can manifest to bring glory to God and the body of Christ profits. What hinders that from being fully experienced? When members of the congregation stays away from "assembling together" they rob the body of the gift that the Holy Spirit has given them; it is not fully experience and benefitted by that body. What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? Participate in as many called meetings as possible. Allow the Holy Spirit to manifest the gift He has given to me among the Body of Christ Quote
PCHRIS Posted November 6, 2006 Report Posted November 6, 2006 the church is no longer a building/temple Jesus tore down what is man made. We as individuals are the church and corporately we come together as a body to fellowship,n to encourage and edify, and to praise our Great Creator. The hindrance is that people are not unified as one they either have ulterior motives or they are just self centred instead of being Christ centred. To rectify this there needs to be biblical teaching about servanthood, remember Christ came to serve not be served. To do this will be a great challenge especially in the church we are involved with so i thankyou now for your prayers in this matter. For hearts to be softened and eyes opened. let us break down the walls and boldly proclaim the Gospel in to this lost and dying world. Quote
warrior Posted November 6, 2006 Report Posted November 6, 2006 What is the significance that your congregation was made to be "a dwelling place for God in the Spirit"? What hinders that from being fully experienced? What can you do to help that become more fully experienced and appreciated? Gods dwells in His house (His church as a whole) made up of true believers in every denomination, every nation. A house require many different parts to be a whole just like a body does and it takes everyone in their own place to make the dwelling place complete. It is hindered when we fail to be a part of the building, when we think of ourselves above others and forget except by grace we would all be lost. We must daily sacrifice ourselves (our wills) that His will is the center of our lives. We must as indiviuals keep in close fellowsip with other beleivers encouraging them, lifting each other up in prayer that we can come together in one mind and that is to worship the one who saved us and keeps us daily. Quote
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