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To be in Christ means to me that the Holy Spirit has come to live within my being and has made my spirit alive again. My alive spirit is united with the Holy Spirit. But to live this out, I have to have my soul which is my mind, will and emotions come into full agreement with God. This allows me to enter into the Holy Place where the Holy Spirit united with my spirit will be. In effect Christ is in me and I (my soul) then am in Him. It is a daily choice I must make to continue the process of sanctification. 

I love word pictures like the cake mix one so here is mine. We are like a lamp that is not plugged in nor has no light bulb. When we accept Christ, His Holy Spirit comes to live in us and we have the light bulb. He also connects us back to God so we are now plugged in. But each day we have to choose to turn on the lamp. 


To be in Christ means to be one with Him, for in Him we live and move and have our being. He also comes to dwell in us when we are born again, we are new creatures in Christ, and  as the Word says Christ in me is the hope of glory. So He lives in me and I in Him, which itself is a mystery, a spiritual union.


To be in Christ is to believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and to live according to His instructions. It is  to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

It implies that I should be guided by the Holy Spirit in every aspect of my life. It also means that I must be guided by The Word of God in everything I do. 



To be in Christ means to me that He and I are spiritually joined.  It means that I walk and talk with him and seek his guidance in everything I do.  It means that I seek company with others who believe as I do and avoid close contact with those who eschew Christ, His salvation and his teachings.  It means to be free.


Being IN Christ shouldn't stress what I do or become, but rather what He does in me which draws me toward him. The vector is from Him to me. He incorporates me -- he brings me into his body (en/in + corpus).  He attracts. He joins us spiritually. 

To be IN Christ, therefore, means to be drawn to Christ by Christ.


For me, to be “In Christ” is to affirm the ultimate, intimate relationship.  We are more closely united than husband and wife, or mother and child – we are ONE in a way that my words cannot begin to describe.  In response to this “Oneness” I feel called – inspired and empowered – to be a functioning and vital part of His Body – the Church.  There is nothing I can do or think or feel that does not include Christ, because he is always with me. Knowing this I am very cognizant of my sin, and so very grateful for his grace!


I am happy to be a child from Jesus Christ, I feel save and found somebody to communicate every Situation or I can say He is always stand by me .... no limit. 

Yes, in Christ is my salvation for my life.


Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?


In him we have redemption" 


My answer:. This speaks greatly to me because I have experienced redemption in my physical body from disease. I been healed physically in my body because of Jesus paying the price for that. I redeemed from my old nature. I now live to take on Christ nature. I live to become more like Jesus. What a beautiful thing that God has done by sending his son Jesus.


Marked in him with a seal"


My answer: I am sealed I belong to Jesus forevermore. Only eternity will we get a more complete understanding of all this. No matter what I'm going through I am never alone because I have Jesus.


Which he purposed in Christ


My answer: I'm so glad to know that The Lord has accepted me it didn't happen because of some good work I did. My works would never be good enough. It happened all because of Jesus righteousness. What a blessing!




At the time of my salvation it’s at that point I realize Christ and I have become one. His mercy and Grace were imparted to me that day. He paid my sin debt that I could never have paid. So because he gave everything for this I owe him everything even unto death my very self


To be in Christ means many things to me but the most significant is, Christ's death and resurrections has reconciled me with God and secured my salvation. it in Him I live and have my being. In  him I have my security. In Him I can do all things including power to achieve spiritual and other goals. Without Him I can do nothing. 


for me I think it means we have a live spiritual connection, like a supply of electricity I've plugged into. I have chosen to turn to him for a spiritual relationship that he freely offered me - I can of course say no at any time. But I have chosen to live as he teaches as best as I can, chosen to believe the spiritual realities of Heaven, hell, the Trinity and angels and demons etc.  A personal God who actively works in me. Of course this also in turn, effects my body, mind and emotional life too.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?


To renew my mind with his word. To take his word at face value and obey it. 

I have came to a place that feels barren. I was saved small. studied his word all of my life. I have had great faith. I now at 9 find myself questioning things I have walked for myself. It is like he is wanting me to start over.


The weight of this truth and how many times we see it in Ephesians 1 has never struck me before, even though Ephesians is a book I have "camped out in" several times.

This time, I read the words with a feeling of it being a truth that is not "un-do-able" by me. That is, that even though I don't feel it or that I am not working hard to be in Christ, I am in Christ. It's about what Jesus did through grace. It is a part of the spiritual wisdom and revelation Paul is praying that we will understand.

When I am a part of his body, I can't just float away. He holds me and keeps me and maintains me. I can be in better or worse shape, but I am a part of him. It comforts med when I am in the waiting and not seeing my dreams come true to know that I am still a part of Him. I can still be strengthened. I may be growing. but I am in Him, in His body.

  On 2/8/2022 at 1:31 AM, fancyr62 said:

To renew my mind with his word. To take his word at face value and obey it. 

I have came to a place that feels barren. I was saved small. studied his word all of my life. I have had great faith. I now at 9 find myself questioning things I have walked for myself. It is like he is wanting me to start over.


This sounds like where I am/have been. That is how the words "In Him" hit me this week. I felt I was walking for myself, but the truth of being "in Him" hit me this time as a knowing that I am a part of Him, even when I don't feel it. I can begin to function better as that piece of Him that I am, but I have not been away from Him. I've just been a bit still, maybe atrophied, but maybe just resting.


What it means to me be to incorporated in Christ:  As a believer in Christ I have been raised from sin and also have become a new creation in Christ Jesus. By the grace of God being an act of creation and a new creature in Christ Jesus. A person who have become a creature is visibly in Christ, ready to perform good works.  To me living the life that I speak about as well doing the things that Jesus told us to do. Showing love one to another.


Being in Christ is having the Holy Spirit indwelling you, making you United with Christ. It makes intimate fellowship with Christ possible.  We have N indwelling guide, teacher, mentor and advocate.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?


When I gave my life to Jesus, He came to live in me by His Holy Spirit. I am united with Christ.   All blessings have been given to me in Christ.  He made me a new creation. The old man is dead.  I no longer have a sinful nature.  With His Holy Spirit in me I have the ability to say "no" to sin. 2 Co. 5:17 

Acts 17:28  For in him we live, and move, and have our being; The Holy Spirit will help me to live this Christian life now and I will spend eternity in heaven. Phil. 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:


The Father sent the Son and the Holy Spirit to bring believers into fellowship with Himself, and into fellowship with one another.

·          The Father's blessings, grace and salvation flow only through Christ (cf. Joh_10:7-18; Joh_14:6). He is the Way. The only Way. He is the Door- the only door.

(NB: All of God the Father's blessings flow through Christ and only through Him.) What does it mean for me to be "in Christ" It means:-

-      to be identified with Him. (Solidarity with Him)

-      To be blessed with every spiritual blessing in Him.

-      To be incorporated into Him!.  Or to be part of Him

-      To be adopted as sons through Him. (Brothers and sisters in His family)

-      To be chosen by/in Him before the foundation of the world!

-      To be made holy and blameless before Him. (Growing in His likeness)

             It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me!

Gal 2:20  I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

This such a powerful verse!

Crucified with Christ – when He died .. I died! When he rose from the dead .. I rose with Him. I no longer live!  He lives in me! He loves me! He gave Himself for me!  Lord I want to live in the Spirit. To be guided by you in a sinful world. To shine with Your life and presence in me. Open your Word to me afresh. Let me be an open book that is read by others.


To be in Christ contextually from the passage means "means that everything i enjoy is only possible because I am in him and because I am in him I have access to all things Christ have..I am a joint heir.

Romans 5:2 (KJV)  By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

Ephesians 2:18 (KJV)  For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.

Ephesians 3:12 (KJV)  In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

Romans 8:17 (KJV)  And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?


What it means to be in Christ to me means  that I am now reconciled back to God and through Christ I can go to God with anything and everything in my life. I can talk to God and God will hear me through Prayer and that Jesus is my Adversary, Praying for me. Being in Christ means that I am not defeated through Christ who gives me courage, strength and wisdom to conquer all that comes my way. I can see God moving in my life through my Salvation through Christ Jesus, through my Blessings, the Grace and the Mercy from God working in my favor. My life has changed, I have received healing, deliverance and I am forgiven for my sin through Christ who is my help, no other help I know. Thank You God for Jesus.


What does it mean to be in Christ? 

Christ is the light who takes our darkness. When we are in Christ, we are enlightened by His light which guides us into His love. When we are in Christ, that light can rid our spirits from everything that keeps us from Him, and so, become more “light like” ourselves. Then, we can share that light with those who are still in darkness so they too can know Jesus’s light and love. 

I should probably mention; sharing the light should not be just talking to people about the light, but changing from darkness to light so that our lifestyle matches our words as we share it.

  On 8/25/2006 at 1:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ" -- incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life?



'In Christ' - Fully immersed in Christ.

My self is hidden in Christ.

All the blessing of heavenly Father is poured upon us through  Christ.

Implications are, I have access and fellowship with God through Jesus Christ. Fellowship with Heavenly Father brings joy, peace, strength, blessing.



Q1. (Ephesians 1:3) What does it mean to you to be "in Christ” - incorporated into Christ? What are the implications of this for your life? 
At the time of our salvation, we enter into a spiritual union with Jesus Christ. We are in Christ, Christ is in us, we are like Christ, and we are with Christ. For me to be “in Christ” means that God, the Father no longer looks upon me as being a condemned sinner, but sees me as being holy, chosen, forgiven, and as one of His adopted sons. Being united to Christ by faith I receive all spiritual blessings from my heavenly Father through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and is empowered by the Holy Spirit. All these spiritual blessings are in Christ; He earned them for us through His finished work on the Cross. They are all available through Him. Everything that God has for us as believers are in the Lord Jesus, and to receive these blessings, we must be in Christ. Positionally I’m perfect in God’s eyes but practically there is much work to be done. The implication of this for my life, is that the process of sanctification, growth, and increasing Christlikeness carries on until my death, and which only will be perfected in heaven. 


Based on John 20:17, we are blessed in Christ due His voluntary state of subjection as Son of Man to His God and His Father.  These blessings were pur chased by Christ.  It is due solely to the atoning grace and merit of Christ that the  church exists. There is a distinction between Christ's own essential sonship and our derivative sonship by adoption.   We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6). Christ is our Joshua; He has gone into heaven so we can have access to the Holiest of Holies.   We aren't Outer court believers. Christ is in the  church, not as a servant as Moses was, but as a Son over his own house.   Christ has absolute authority to act in the Father's  name in dispensing of all blessings.

Implications are enormous.   We are beckoned to come boldly before God with our prayer requests; we are called to fill in the gap like the Prophet Ezekiel.  Because  Christ is our High Priest, I can come daily with even big requests and believe in miracles.






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